
你可能喜欢如何将word,excel,powerpoint等转换成html或pdf - ITeye问答
最项目要实现在线预览word,excel等功能,类似163邮箱的附件预览功能,找了很长时间也就是 POI 解析,但是都是解析为txt 纯文本的信息,虽然也可以解析图片出来,但样式已经破坏了。单单再window上部署的话可以有jcom,jacob这个几种方法来实现,但都依赖于 dll文件,在linux部署不了。想用Flexpaper来实践,但有几点疑问:
如果使用 Flexpaper 是不是要先将 word, excel等转换成 PDF,然后在使用 swftools 将PDF转换成 swf
1. 将 word, excel, ppt 等转换成 PDF 应该使用什么开源的java类库?
2. java 如何调用 swftools 在 Linux 上将PDF转换成 swf文件?
问题补充:sam.ds.chen 写道不妨试试FlashPaper,它可以把任意可打印的文档转换成PDF或SWF。而SWF能满足你的“在线浏览”需求。
在windows xp下的示例(不知道FlashPaper有没有Linux版的):
E:\Portable\flashpaper2.2&FlashPrinter.exe z:/temp/i.xlsx -o z:/temp/o.swf
如果使用 Flexpaper 是不是要先将 word, excel等转换成 PDF,然后在使用 swftools 将PDF转换成 swf
1. 将 word, excel, ppt 等转换成 PDF 应该使用什么开源的java类库?
2. java 如何调用 swftools 在 Linux 上将PDF转换成 swf文件?
问题补充:lxbccsu 写道POI在Excel转换操作方面还可以,但在Word、powerpoint转换操作上还不完善,特别是格式输出,非常的不方便;至于jcom、jacob、swftools等tools,我没有使用过,就不好发表意见了。
采用的技术是 xml + servlet + dom4j;
word和excel都可以转换为xml,如果懂WordML, SpreadsheetML,可以直接编写xml,为什么能转换成xml参考/china/msdn/library/office/office/Word2007XMLFormat.mspx?mfr=true
上面方法对于样式是不用考虑的,所以生成的文档样式风格高度一致;只需要把数据放到相应的元素标签中(如果是多个相同的item,就是clone出相应的xml元素标签,填充数据,再放入相应的父元素中,注意dom4j clone出的元素不能读取操作,所以一般不要对clone的元素操作),一切共有的元素直接定义修改xml模版就可以了.
采用技术:jodconverter + OpenOffice
xml + servlet + dom4j转换的有没有什么例子可以参考下?
import java.io.IOE
import javax.servlet.ServletE
import javax.servlet.http.HttpS
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletR
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletR
import org.dom4j.D
import org.dom4j.io.OutputF
import org.dom4j.io.XMLW
public class DownloadServlet extends HttpServlet {
// static BaseCVFactory&XWPFDocument& wordFactory =
static BaseCVFactory&Document& wordMLFactory =
public DownloadServlet() {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
doPost(request, response);
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
OutputFormat xmlFormat = new OutputFormat();
XMLWriter xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(response.getOutputStream(),xmlFormat);
public void init() throws ServletException {
wordFactory = new WordCVFactory(DownloadServlet.getPerson());
wordMLFactory = new WordMLCVFactory();
public void destroy() {
&%@ page language="java" contentType="text/ charset=UTF-8"
&!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&
&meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/ charset=UTF-8"&
&title&Insert title here&/title&
&a href="&%=request.getContextPath() %&/download"&download&/a&
public abstract class BaseCVFactory&T& {
protected T cvFile =
public abstract T generate();
import java.io.F
import java.io.FileInputS
import java.io.FileNotFoundE
import java.util.ArrayL
import java.util.L
import org.dom4j.D
import org.dom4j.DocumentE
import org.dom4j.E
import org.dom4j.io.SAXR
public class WordMLCVFactory extends BaseCVFactory&Document& {
public Document generate() {
cvFile = readWordML();
return cvF
* Generate word CV head
private void generateHead() {
Element element = getHeadNameElement();
* Generate word CV HighLight
private void generateHighLight() {
List&String& highLights = new ArrayList&String&();
Element element = getHighLightContentElement();
Element textElement = (Element)((Element)(element.elements().get(1))).elements().get(1);
Element parent = element.getParent();
for (String hl : highLights) {
* Generate word CV Work History
private void genertateWorkHistory() {
* Generate word CV Educations
private void generateEducation() {
* Generate word CV Languages
private void generateLanguage() {
List&LanguageAndDesc& languages = new ArrayList&LanguageAndDesc&();
LanguageAndDesc la = new LanguageAndDesc("Language1(good)");
la = new LanguageAndDesc("Language2(reading)");
Element languageElement = getLanguageElement();
Element languageContentElement = (Element)languageElement.elements().get(1);
Element languageText = (Element)((Element)((Element)languageContentElement.elements().get(1))).elements().get(0);
for (LanguageAndDesc language : languages) {
* Generate word CV Skills
private void generateSkill() {
private Document readWordML(){
Document wordML =
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
wordML = reader.read(new FileInputStream(new File("D:/Workspaces/eclipseforjee/javaApp/src/cn/javaeye/test/CVWordML.xml")));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (DocumentException e) {
return wordML;
private Element getHeadNameElement(){
Element element = (Element)this.element.elements().get(0);
element = (Element)((Element)(element.elements().get(0))).elements().get(2);
element = (Element)((Element)element.elements().get(1));
private Element getHighLightContentElement(){
Element element = (Element)((Element)(this.element.elements().get(1))).elements().get(1);
private void getBodyElement() {
element = (Element)cvFile.getRootElement().elements().get(10);
private Element getLanguageElement(){
Element element = (Element)(this.element.elements().get(5));
public class LanguageAndDesc {
private String languageTypeAndD
public LanguageAndDesc(String languageTypeAndDesc){
this.languageTypeAndDesc = languageTypeAndD
public String getLanguageTypeAndDesc() {
return languageTypeAndD
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&w:t&5 years in applying OOP (object-oriented programming) techniques to build small, medium and large scale enterprise applications using MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, C# and Java.&/w:t&
&wx:bottom wx:val="solid" wx:bdrwidth="10" wx:space="1"
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&w:t&WORK HISTORY&/w:t&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
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&w:tab w:val="right" w:pos="9026" /&
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&w:t&XXX Co.,Ltd.&/w:t&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
&w:u w:val="single" /&
&w:rFonts w:hint="fareast" /&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
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&w:t&Oct 2007 &/w:t&
&w:rFonts w:hint="fareast" /&
&wx:font wx:val="宋体" /&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
&w:u w:val="single" /&
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&w:t& Present&/w:t&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
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&w:spacing w:before="40" /&
&w:outlineLvl w:val="0" /&
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&w:b-cs /&
&w:i-cs /&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="22" /&
&w:t&Senior D&/w:t&
&w:b-cs /&
&w:i-cs /&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="22" /&
&w:t&eveloper / DBA&/w:t&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
&w:widowControl /&
&w:ilvl w:val="0" /&
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&w:u w:val="single" /&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="22" /&
&w:u w:val="single" /&
&w:t&TEVA (Direct Energy, a gas/electric utility)&/w:t&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"
&w:pStyle w:val="3" /&
&w:widowControl /&
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&w:sz w:val="22" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="22" /&
&w:t&Project Description: TEVA is DE’s system for [energy] futures contract valuation and reporting. 80% of the system logic was implemented as Oracle 10g stored procedures, which had low performance d&/w:t&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="22" /&
&w:t&ue to a legacy of inefficient coding, making it difficult to maintain. The purpose of this project is to implement additional business logic and re-factor the stored procedures to streamline its operation and maintainability&/w:t&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
&w:widowControl /&
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&w:t&Maintain and optimize the database performance.&/w:t&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
&w:widowControl /&
&w:spacing w:before="160" /&
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&w:sz-cs w:val="22" /&
&w:rFonts w:hint="fareast" /&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
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&w:t&Technologies: Oracle 10g.&/w:t&
&wx:bottom wx:val="solid" wx:bdrwidth="10" wx:space="1"
wx:color="auto" /&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
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&w:bottom w:val="single" w:sz="4" wx:bdrwidth="10" w:space="1"
w:color="auto" /&
&w:spacing w:before="480" /&
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&w:b-cs /&
&w:sz w:val="28" /&
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&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
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&w:sz w:val="22" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="22" /&
&w:t&Sep 1999 – Jun 2003&/w:t&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="22" /&
&st1:place w:st="on"&
&st1:City w:st="on"&
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&w:t&XXX University of Technology&/w:t&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
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&w:u w:val="single" /&
&w:sz w:val="22" /&
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&w:t&BS, Computer Science and Technology&/w:t&
&wx:bottom wx:val="solid" wx:bdrwidth="10" wx:space="1"
wx:color="auto" /&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
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&w:bottom w:val="single" w:sz="4" wx:bdrwidth="10" w:space="1"
w:color="auto" /&
&w:spacing w:before="480" /&
&w:outlineLvl w:val="0" /&
&w:b-cs /&
&w:sz w:val="28" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="28" /&
&w:b-cs /&
&w:sz w:val="28" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="28" /&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
&w:pStyle w:val="C" /&
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&w:ilvl w:val="0" /&
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&wx:t wx:val="·" /&
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&w:tab w:val="list" w:pos="315" /&
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&w:t&English (CET-4, reading/writing)&/w:t&
&wx:bottom wx:val="solid" wx:bdrwidth="10" wx:space="1"
wx:color="auto" /&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
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&w:sz w:val="28" /&
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&w:b-cs /&
&w:sz w:val="28" /&
&w:sz-cs w:val="28" /&
&w:p wsp:rsidR="004F16BB" wsp:rsidRDefault="00EE1D62"&
&w:pStyle w:val="3" /&
&w:widowControl /&
&w:ilvl w:val="0" /&
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&w:tab w:val="left" w:pos="420" /&
&w:spacing w:before="200" /&
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&w:t&Java, JSP, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, WebService, Junit, Log4j, Ant, Ajax, C#, Web UI, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JBoss, Tomcat, Oracle, MS SQL Server, SQL, PL/SQL, Trans-SQL&/w:t&
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&w:t& of &/w:t&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 2" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Medium List 2 Accent 3" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 3" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 3" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Colorful List Accent 3" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Light List Accent 4" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 4" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Medium List 2 Accent 4" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 4" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 4" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Colorful List Accent 4" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Colorful Grid Accent 4" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Light Shading Accent 5" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Light List Accent 5" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Light Grid Accent 5" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 5" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 5" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Medium List 1 Accent 5" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Medium List 2 Accent 5" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 5" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 5" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Colorful List Accent 5" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Colorful Grid Accent 5" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Light Shading Accent 6" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Light List Accent 6" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Medium List 1 Accent 6" /&
&w:lsdException w:name="Medium List 2 Accent 6" /&
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&w:lsdException w:name="Colorful List Accent 6" /&
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