fluent的热fluent边界条件设置置时shell conduction有什么作用

& (为了试验大巴的图片功能,来写一篇附图的博。)
&& 其实看完I'm not there,脑子里记忆最深刻的角色,就是电影Bob Dylan的妻子。刚看到她出场,我心里就微微一动。用&惊艳&这个词并不准确。因为她并不是那样的犀利张扬,色泽浓郁,香气袭人。她的身上散发出一种特别的美。让我不自觉地产生好感。而且有一种似曾相识的错觉。
&&& 她叫Charlotte Gainsbourg。查了之后才知道,去年她凭借在Antichrist里的演出获得了戛纳电影节最佳女主角奖。之前我在杂志上看到过Antichrist那张所谓&惊世骇俗&的海报,印象深刻。这电影有个标签是&惊悚&,而我自小学之后决心再也不看惊悚电影。我找来她获奖后的法语采访看,听不太懂也一直饶有兴致地看下去,只是喜欢她说话的语气。
&& 我忽然觉得她像Keren Ann。总觉得两人有种说不出来的相似的神韵。于是我走在路上听到Keren的声音,眼前会出现她的面孔。又或者是本来就对她们的长相记忆模糊。其实Charlotte也是个歌手。
&& 我甚至觉得这一张的Charlotte,侧面酷似Keira Knightley.
&& 这个是Keren Ann。她仰头的样子都很动人。
最后是Vanessa Carlton。不知怎么想起她来。其实她的风格完全不一样。但我就觉得她们三个应该摆在一起。这是我第一次看到Vanessa的样子,她第二张专辑的封面,也是我最喜欢的样子。当时一个朋友拿这张CD给我。我一见钟情。这也是我最喜欢的专辑。之前和后来的在我的心里都不能与之相比。仿佛是另一个人的作品了。
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扫描下载APP--&|&------------------------------------------------daily reddit gold goal71%reddit gold gives you extra features and helps keep our servers running. We believe the more reddit can be user-supported, the freer we will be to make reddit the best it can be.Buy gold for yourself to gain access to  and . A month of gold pays for  231.26 minutes of reddit server time!Give gold to thank exemplary people and encourage them to post more.Yesterday's reddit gold goal96%sorted by: newVery true, I was just using Anacs lately to certify raw MS morgans, or low value toned coins because of their relatively low selling price anyway. I thought that if I could pay $10 to certify a Morgan that I paid $20 for, it would net me more than selling raw, but not enough that would make sense to pay NGC/PCGS prices.
But I agree, for this I'll probably wait untill the next group sub and will test my luck. Anything you think they might mark this details for? In hand under a loupe I see no real signs of a cleaning at all but just am curious. AU on this is like $350+ so definitely worth the higher tier verification costs.
That's really more of what I was considering it would grade it, I have been practicing with the book making the grade and XF-45/AU50 has this amount of wear. There is tremendous luster though, idk if that would add points to the net grade? Probably just going to send it to ANACS for cheaper authenticity and to see how my guess compares.
Besides from watching the luster cartwheel in hand, what could I improve on this picture? Just trying to learn? Too harsh of lighting?
That would be the ceiling of this coins potential in my opinion. Hopefully though! Totally a slider, this was in a bag of junk silver clinking around with other barber halfs, I cringed.
I will be selling a good part of most of my coins in the near future. Offers on anything are welcome through PM. But that is the price I paid off ebay :)
202122[Show and Tell] ()loading...Hey guys, thanks for the grading assistance ahead of time for this coin! This has loads of luster still present throughout the obverse and reverse. Honestly in my opinion more luster than some MS Morgans that I have. There is definitely wear though throughout the obverse and reverse. If I had to ballpark a grade, I'd say the luster was easily AU-58 quality in hand but with the overall wear I'd say probably closer to AU-53 range.
I would greatly appreciate any insight you guys could provide?
363738[Grade Request] ()loading...That is an absolutely gorgeous cent! You certifying it? I've been dabbling with certifying raw toned cents lately and this would be an awesome candidate IMO.
I think I sold those two airtight toned Morgans on the left? Except i sold three? Did you buy them from pmsforsale?
181920 ()loading...Trade verified!
Trade verified!
456 ()loading...Thanks for the shout out buddy! These were not the easiest to photograph, you definitely gave me a challenge :)
Very cool coins, that 45-S really is a stunner in hand!
NSFWVery true :) Good luck bud, should go quick!
Damn that V nickel is nice! Wish I didn't just spend all of my money :(
Maybe the logic was that those stocks traditionally increase in value easier than non substance addictive based stocks? Idk never asked why?
Except dividends make up just less than 10% of the overall return. Even if you back those out I still outperformed the S&P
Ah gotcha. How much are you looking to spend on buying these coins? You'd like to talk to
then. He collects beautifully designed foreign coins. Most American stuff is kind of bland in my opinion. I am only rehearsed on American coins myself and you could find something pretty easily yourself.
But you should seriously consider photographed toned coins, or coins with colorful patina on them. It will definitely challenge your skills!
Large coins like Morgan Dollars, Peace Dollars and Eisenhower dollars are much easier to photograph then cents, dimes, nickels and halves. Like NF_ said toned coins are much more attractive to photograph but require a tremendous amount of time and skill.
I personally found that proof American silver Eagles look gorgeous when the beautiful black cameo on a perfectly struck eagle.
Check my previous posts for some toned coin ideas
It was practice in an entry level college class...give me a break
On 11/11/2011 the S&P was at $1,263. Today it's at $2,367 or an increase of 87.4%
I beat the S&P and regarding that article yesterday, I am the 5% :)
We were instructed to pick just 1 and honestly have no idea why I choose this one.
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