clover cloverconfigurator 4的nvram的current theme是读取的哪里

黑苹果引导工具 Clover 配置详解及Clover Configurator使用
& 14:01:40 by&SemiconductorKING
可引导mac os 10.4-10.12,win efi,linux efi 可引导传统操作系统 (WindowsXP,Linux,DOS)的启动扇区 (mbr) EFI bootloader 提供 RuntimeServices 与 OS 运行,不可用于传统的引导器 默认侦测并设置硬件的大部份的属性,并且用户可以在 config 中自己设置 可在在启动面板中重启进入其他操作系统 通过oem名称自动侦测配置 config 写入 config 的 uuid 和 os 的一样 自动补丁功能 smbios 更新为 standard 2.6 更新 ACPI 至 standard 4.0 版本. 支持从开机分区或 EFI 文件夹加载定制的 DSDT MADT表更新,解决在某些硬件 NMI 的问题加载APCI表单 (SSDT-xx, APIC, BOOT, SLIC, SLIT, SRAT, UEFI)
正确设置电源属性为笔记本,台式,服务器 可选重启修复功能?支持睡眠唤醒功能 可用 PCIRootUID 设备属性注入功能,为那些无法编辑 dsdt 的人准备的 显卡属性注入,为大多数 A 卡和 N 卡 可选 EDID 注入 usb3.0修复 (LegacyOff,Ownership, Builtin, clock-id) HDA 注入, HDMI 修复 网卡内建 cpu 睿频 自动生成 P-State 及 C-State 的功能 cpu变频档位和电压控制 自动给内核打补丁为那些不支持的 CPU 像 Atom and Ivy Bridge (amd那是不可能的) 自动为不支持的硬件给 kext 打补丁 第三方 kext 加载 支持火线下的安全模式 支持默认分区引导 界面可自选,主题,图标,字体 按&F1&获得详情,未来可能提供更多语言和字体支持. 按&F2&储存GUI 的开机纪录 preboot.log 自动保存在 EFI/clover/misc 文件夹 按&F4&获取原始的ACPI表单,自动保存在 EFI/clover/ACPI/origin 文件夹 按&F5&测试dsdt path功能 按&F6&可获取显卡rom,自动保存在 EFI/clover/misc 文件夹 按&F10&截取开机引导界面图,自动保存在 EFI/clover/misc 文件夹 按&F12&推出 CD/DVD 并更新引导菜单当放入CD后
Clover 的编译 Clover 的安装 fixes dsdt 的功能 显卡注入功能 EDID 注入与定制 ATI 显卡接口参数修正 任意 kext 打补丁 (kexts to patch) 隐藏引导界面不需要的菜单和卷标 加载额外的驱动忽略缓存你 P- and C-states 功能介绍 config.plist 简介 ······ 等更
所用工具:Clovergrower,当然命令行工具 Common tool line 是必须的,可在终端直接输入&otool&Mac 会自动下载安装,或者自行搜索。
什么是 CloverGrower ?
他是编译和下载最新 Clover 的工具,并可打包成 pkg、iso 格式的工具。首次先运行 mand 设置完后可直接输入&Clover&来完成同步和编译。
第一次运行如提示缺少 gcc 等工具,请按提示下载安装即可。因为被墙的原因可能很慢。
其中 Clover.iso 就如同 wowpc.iso 可直接用 easybcd 挂载。
这里说一下 iso 格式。
就像 Win 版变色龙你可以在 Win 下用 easybcd 挂在启动 (如果没有 EFI 分区则可能会卡在 EFI 模拟界面,你得自己选择 EFI 分区的选中 cloverX64.efi 或 cloverXA32.efi,下面会说明如何操作)
Fixes dsdt 的功能
修改 DSDT 添加方法所必须依赖的函数。必不可缺
关机修复,主要是添加 _PTS 函数,判断寄存器 arg0 值是否为 5 ,华硕主板建议勾选.
修复 HPET ,添加 IRQ(0,8,11) 加载原生电源管理,10.9 不需要
仿冒 LPC ,一般 Clover 会自动注入合适的芯片参数到 dsdt 中,来达到加载 AppleLPC.kext 的目的。对以 Intel and NForce 芯片,建议勾选。特别是芯片组比较老的如:ICH7,ICH9
从 decice IPIC 移除中断语句 (IRQ(2)),有助于电源按钮的工作,对于笔记本而言,更希望增加这个中断功能。。。
增加 SMBusControlle 到设备树种,可修复因缺失 SBUS 控制而在系统 log 中出现的警告,建议勾选
增加 GFX0,和 HDMI 音频设置 HADU. 如果设置了 FAKEID 也会增加到这边,建议勾选
修正 AZAL to HDEF or HDAU, 增加 layout -id 和 pinconfig,MaximumBootBeepVolume 属性
注入 USB 属性,帮助内建 USB
这个功能是在 dsdt 中添加一装置具体是 DveiceID=0X0044,匹配 Intel Clarkdale 平台。有些芯片需要这个装置来解决 PCI 的电源管理问题,一般不启用
内建磁盘,用 ICH6 的 ID 匹配,解决橙色磁盘问题,一般启用
修复在 10.6 事五国出现的 AppleIntelPIIXATA 错误。 一般不启用
在火线控制装置中增加 fwhub 属性。一般不启用
FIX Airport
为支持 Airport 的无线网卡注入属性,以开启 Airport 功能,无此设备的不启用
2.1 Arguments
解决独立显卡PCIconfiguration begin卡主不动
解决独立显卡PCIconfiguration begin卡主不动
(for setting the &Deepsleep& mode in Lion/ML) 开启针对特定机型的深度睡眠的问题
修复因开启 VT-d 导致系统启动时SMC五国错误,系统安装不能正常进行时采用,安装成功后关闭
修复使用 GenericUSBXHCI.kext 导致的睡眠问题,Intel 7 系列适用
终止 Intel 芯片上的一些空闲模式(idle-mode)功能,Intel 7 系列适用
强迫睡眠适用 Shudown/Reset 方法
此参数可以让系统安装 Nvidia 官方 WebDricer 显卡驱动,作用等同于变色龙下 &nvda_drv=1& 参数,需将 SMBIOS 设置为 MacPro 机型
禁止 Nvidia 独显驱动加载
2.2 Legacy,Timeout,DefaultVolume,DefaultLoader
对于要以传统方式 (bios引导) 加载的 Windows 和 Linux 系统,在很大程度上取决于硬件和 BOIOS 。可以通过下面几种参数来实现:
&PBR& 即 (Partition Boot Record) 硬盘分区引导记录.&传统 BIOS 开机方式,从硬盘分区加载引导记录启动。多分区系统引导时使用此设置
UEFIBIOS 控制传统 BIOS 引导方式,当机器设为 UEFI 引导方式时选此项。对于 UEFI 开机方式,你可以指定启动硬盘,选择此项后 LegacyBiosDefaultEntry 子项激活,&0/1/2/3...& 硬盘编号,0 表示第一块硬盘
5&- 暂停时间;0&- 不使用 GUI图形界面,直接加载操作系统;-1&- 使用 GUI 图形界面,不自动加载操作系统
Clover 引导器在加载一个操作系统前将暂停 5 秒,如果在这一段时间内按任意一键。则倒计时停止。
2.3 Log,Fast,XMPDetection,NeverHibernaten
如果你开机无法正常进入 Clover 你可以使用这个设置生成一个调试结果输出到 /EFI/CLOVER/misc/debug.log 文件,这个日志文件有助你分析出哪里出了问题
此参数类似于设置 Time=0,
nvarm.plist 文件只在设置后的第一次启动时被检测存储,后续开机则跳过检测,以加快开机速度。
不侦测最佳显示模式 不加在图形界面主题 不扫描内存 SPD 不能选择进入 GUI 图形界面
此参数只适用于 DDR3&XMP&内存
PS:eXtreme Memory Profile即英特尔XMP认证的内存,SPD中有两个或更多频率设定档案,只要在主板中启用这些预设的XMP档案,即可将内存条自动超频到1600或更高值(根据档案设定而定)。
当检测到 XMP 内存时读取最佳预设参数,或禁止检测 XMP 内存
Clover版本r2516+ 建议采用(Legacy booti)传统BIOS引导方式,UEFI方式引导也有成功的案例,此参数功能目前尚处于测试阶段,慎用!
PS: 这里的&Hibernate&休眠,指黑苹果休眠状态。
sudo pmset -a Hibernate modes 0
supend to RAM 休眠到内存,默认为桌面电脑
sudo pmset -a Hibernate modes 1
supend to disk 休眠到硬盘
sudo pmset -a Hibernate modes 3
supend to disk+RAM 混合休眠,默认为笔记本电脑
黑苹果设置&Hibernate modes&(休眠模式)
sudo pmset -a Hibernate modes 29
黑苹果&Hibernate modes(休眠模式)的使用
系统菜单里点“睡眠”。一分钟后,系统将关闭所有. 按电源键开机,这是看起来像普通的启动一样,进入 Clover 引导界面 找卷名后面带&Hibernated&字样的图标,默认是倒计时进入启动的,或可以直接按回车启动。 如要取消休眠唤醒,不想唤醒,按空格键并选择&Canel hibernate wake.
2.4 Secure Boot
主要是增加一些设备的额外功能。此功能不是很完善。如模板中是增加亮度控制面板。在来是 FakeID 项目。仿冒 id。在注入该某些设备的属性的同时,我们希望注入不是该设备本身固有的 id,已达到我们所希望的功能
声卡注入, string,字符型。其值一般可谓detect(以为自动侦测),也可手动输入你要的值。如声卡为887,假设在0x0C(12)是工作,则直接填写12或0x0c。有关仿冒声卡的layout -id,自己搜索相关型号的仿冒声卡或教程。不是说启用这个功能声卡就可以工作.
使唤醒 Mac 后 USB 依旧正常工作
使 USB 键盘、鼠标能唤醒 Mac
修复 USB 在 UEFI 模式引导时的所有权
属性注入,注入 EFI-string
禁止 EFI 驱动,消除进入 Mac 后 EFI 驱动的影响
Hide Volume
使用提取的显卡 rom
使得 Clover 在引导界面找到合适的分辨率
Kernel and Kext Patches
Kernel and Kext Patches
防止 cmos 重置和启动是出现的有关 AppleRTC 的错误
AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext patch 为华硕主板,其他主板未知
Clover 启动调试,一般不启用
为特别的 CPU patch,如 Atom,Ivy,Pentium4
HP Notebook 修复功能,无需在启动时输入 cpu=1
参数值为十二位十六进制。这个参数一般会从 smbios 中获取。一般不管。此项设置有关网卡的 mac 地址。既反映此值可随机
和主板 serial number 相关,17位数。其设置无别规则。最好的设置是 sm+五个随机数,12位系列号加5个数随你选择。在以前可解决 imessage 登入后重启退出无法再次登入的的问题。现在加这个不知道有什么特别的意思
每次启动 os 时写如 bootlog,默认开启
记录 log 的最大行数,默认 3000
挂载 EFI 分区,默认不挂载
更改参数后, 删除&nvram.plist&(隐藏文件,默认 Mac 引导分区根目录),否则参数不生效。
加载 EFI/CLOVER/KEXTS/10.10,10.9,10.8,Other 下的 kext
笔记本亮度调节 0XFFFF 最亮,默认 0X0501, 台式机忽略
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
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id: '4740887',
container: s,
size: '250,250',
display: 'inlay-fix'503: Service Unavailable
503: Service Unavailable
访问太频繁了,服务器要炸。How to Install OS X Yosemite using Clover
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How to Install OS X Yosemite using Clover
Clover is a new and exciting open source EFI bootloader. Developed over the past 2 years by a group of developers at Project OS X led by Slice, Clover aims to solve problems inherent in existing OS X installation methods and legacy bootloaders:
Boots troublesome desktop and laptop BIOS/UEFI
Uses native OS X installation media
Ability to patch DSDT/kernel/kexts at boot time
Creates OS X Recovery partition
No boot0 error with 4K Advanced Format drives
Solves multi-boot issues with Linux and Windows 7/8
Solves traditional bootloader NVRAM issues related to iMessage/FaceTime
Clover has a completely different system of configuration with a decidedly steep learning curve. It can be confusing for those who have only ever used the more traditional Chameleon or Chimera.
Clover is also in beta stage, and is not guaranteed to work well for all systems. Development has been fast and furious, with many major changes appearing in the code all the time. Clover can be a moving target, difficult to pin down- almost, it seems, by design. Recent changes, however, have stabilized things enough to be a reliable alternative for those adventurous enough to learn something new.
Overview 1. Download the OS X Yosemite Application from the Mac App Store
2. Prepare a Installer USB flash drive 3. Install OS X Yosemite 4. Install the bootloader and drivers to system drive
STEP 1: Download OS X Yosemite The full operating system is a free download for anyone who has purchased Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Lion, or Mountain Lion. Download the Application from the Mac App Store using your Apple ID on any Mac or functional computer running Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later.
1. Open Mac App Store 2. Log in with your Apple ID 3. Download OS X Yosemite
The Application Install OS X Yosemite will appear in /Applications.
STEP 2: Prepare Bootable USB Drive This step extracts the OS X Installer contents, then installs Clover bootloader to the USB stick.
1. Insert the USB drive 2. Open /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility 3. Highlight the USB drive in left column
Click on the Partition tab 5. Click Currentand choose 1 Partition 6. Click Options... 7. Choose GUID Partition Table 8. Under Name:type USB (You can rename it later) 9. Under Format: choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) 10. Click Apply then Partition 11. Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal 12. Type the following, enter password and hit enter. This command completely erases the USB, then creates native OS X installer media from the Install OS X Yosemite Application.
sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --volume /Volumes/USB --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --no interaction
Upon completion, the USB will be renamed Install OS X Yosemite.
Download the latest version of Clover from
14. Open Clover package installer 15. Hit Continue, Continue, Change Install Location... 16. Choose the USB, now called Install OS X Yosemite 17. Hit Customize and install Clover to the same USB with the following Custom Install settings:
NOTE: There are a few different ways to setup Clover on the USB. Using Legacy Mode is the simplest and most reliable for 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Series Gigabyte motherboards with standard default BIOS or UEFI settings. For all other UEFI-based systems such as ASUS 7, 8, and 9 Series motherboards, use UEFI Boot Mode to install to the EFI partition of the USB for UEFI booting only.
A few more changes need to be made to the default Clover installation:
Navigate to /EFI/CLOVER/and replace default config.plist with attached config.plist* 21. Navigate to /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/and create a folder called 10.10 22. Navigate to /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.10/ and add
23. Navigate to /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.10/ and add
24. Navigate to /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.10/ and add
25. Navigate to /EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI/ remove VBoxHfs-64.efi and add
26. (Optional) Navigate to /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/ and add DSDT.aml and SSDT.aml
*See attached config.plist for a working minimal configuration.
STEP 3: Install OS X Yosemite Unlike UniBeast, this is a 3 part installation process. The system will reboot twice in order to finish the installation and the recovery partition.
1. Turn on the computer 2. Press the hotkey to choose boot device
3. Choose USB
If using a USB 3.0 port, the boot manager screen may appear, at which point proceed with steps a-b.
Choose Boot Manager b. Choose EFI USB Device
When Clover boot screen is visible, choose Boot OS X Install from OS X Install OS X Yosemite 5. The system will then boot into OS X Installer 6. For a new installation of OS X, you MUST erase and format the destination drive according to the following steps before continuing. If you are upgrading from Snow Leopard, Lion, or Mountain Lion and you want to keep your files and apps, skip steps a-j.
Choose Disk Utility
Highlight your target hard drive for the Yosemite installation in left column.
c. Click Partitiontab d. Click Currentand choose 1 Partition e. Click Options... f. Choose GUID Partition Table g. Under Name: type Yosemite (You can rename it later) h. Under Format: choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) i. Click Apply then Partition j. Close Disk Utility
When the installer asks you where to install, choose Yosemite, or your existing install. 8. Upon completion, system will restart a 1st time
9. Press the hotkey to choose boot device
10. Choose USB 11. When Clover boot screen is visible, choose Boot OS X Install from OS X Install OS X Yosemite
The system will boot into the new drive, create the recovery partition, and complete the installation. Upon completion, system will restart a 2nd time.
12. Press the hotkey to choose boot device
13. When Clover boot screen is visible, choose Yosemite 14. The system will launch OS X Setup
STEP 4: Post-Installation At this point, the easiest way to proceed is to install the bootloader, grab backups from the root of your USB drive, and copy the files that worked directly to the system drive's EFI partition. However, getting post-installation 100% right for your system is something that needs to be done on a case by case basis. No single Clover setup will work perfectly for every system. For best compatibility, it is recommended that the EFI partition also be reformatted to FAT32 instead of default HFS.
1. Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal 2. Type: diskutil listand locate your system drive's EFI partition. It will be under IDENTIFIER. Be sure to use the correct one. (For this example: disk0s1)
3. Type the following, enter password and hit enter:
sudo newfs_msdos -v EFI -F 32 /dev/rdisk0s1
Download the latest version of Clover from
5. Install Clover to Yosemitewith the following Custom settings:
(Custom Install: UEFI-Capable Systems)
(Custom Install: BIOS-Only Systems)
These settings will install the bootloader to the system drive's EFI partition automatically as part of the scripting. After completion, the system drive's EFI partition will automatically mount.
A few more changes need to be made to the default Clover installation:
6. Navigate to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/ and edit config.plist 7. Navigate to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/ and create a folder called 10.10 7. Navigate to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.10/ and add
8. Navigate to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.10/ and add
9. (Optional) Navigate to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/ and add DSDT.aml andSSDT.aml
See attached config.plist for a working minimal configuration. For more details and documentation navigate to /EFI/CLOVER/doc. To help navigate the config.plist and add a system definition, check out. For a GUI to mount/unmount EFI partition, see .
You've reached the end of the universal setup guide. If you have issues, please create a support thread in the
forums. Special thanks to toleda and Going Bald for their testing and comments during the making of this guide. Good luck!
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