怎样看redis的redis 历史记录操作记录

keithNO dot SPAMthornhill at gmail dot com
for others attempting the same thing, here is what a function would look like if you wanted to send a base64 encoded file from a client and then save it onto the server. the other code necessary to call this function via an RPC is available in other comments so i won't repeat it.
1 - name of file
2 - base64 encoded data of file
note the use of $file_data-&scalar
function sendFile($method_name, $params, $user_data) {
$file = "/somedir/" . $params[0];
$file_data = $params[1];
$fh = @fopen($file, "wb");
if ($fh) {
&& & & & &
if (@fwrite($fh, $file_data-&scalar)) {
&& & & & & & &
$msg = "success msg";
&& & & & &
&& & & & & & &
$msg = "couldn't write to file";
&& & & & &
&& & & & &
&& & & & &
return $msg;
&& & & & &
return "couldn't open file";
This XML-RPC Service makes the use XML-RPC very esay.
* function myfun() returns&
*@return array
function myfunc(){
return $some_array;
$ws = new XML_RPC_Server();
It creates also a simple docu.
john # curioussymbols com
I couldn't make the 'xmlrpc_errors' php.ini setting do anything
noticeable (PHP 4.3.11), so I used the following code to report errors
from my XMLRPC server. Hope it's helpful for someone.
function return_xmlrpc_error($errno,$errstr,$errfile=NULL,$errline=NULL
&& & & ,$errcontext=NULL){
global $xmlrpc_server;
if(!$xmlrpc_server)die("Error: $errstr in '$errfile', line '$errline'");
header("Content-type: text/ charset=UTF-8");
,'faultString'=&"Remote XMLRPC Error from
".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].": $errstr in at $errfile:$errline"
In my server function, I just trigger_error("message",E_USER_ERROR)]
&if something can't be completed.
Then on the client side,
$data =& xmlrpc_decode($response['body']);
&& & & & &
martin dot rode at programmfabrik dot de
To connect to a python xmlrpc server I use:
function do_call($host, $port, $request) {
$url = "";
$header[] = "Content-type: text/xml";
$header[] = "Content-length: ".strlen($request);
$ch = curl_init();&
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request);
$data = curl_exec($ch);& & &
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
print curl_error($ch);
$request = xmlrpc_encode_request('add', array(3, 4));
$response = do_call($host, $port, $request);
astrolox at lawyersonline dot co dot uk
The PHP XML-RPC project at SourceForge makes life a hell of a lot easier. However, the project uses some function names which are identical to thoses provided by the XML-RPC extention.
If you are on a server with XML-RPC extension compiled in but wish to use the PHP based version then you will have to rename some of the functions.
I notice that sourceforce says there is activity on the project in 2005 but the last release was January 12, 2003.
I recommend that you use this not so friendly PHP extention if available. However this sourceforce project is still a good idea if you don't control which extenions are be available on the server.
rdude at fuzzelfish dot com
An easier alternative to the built-in XML-RPC function is available at:
PHP XML-RPC is written purely in PHP, so there is no need to recompile to use the experiment XML-RPC extension. PHP XML-RPC is also definitely easier to use, especially if you are creating a server. Documentation is available at the above link.
Jerome Delamarche
The documentation lacks an example that shows how to send a fault in a response. Here is how to do it:
$args = array("faultCode" =& $errcode, "faultString" =& $errmsg);
$resp = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL,$args);
php at hendrik-krauss dot de
On "datetime" values:
If you implement an XML-RPC server with these functions and a client calls a method on your server, sending a datetime as parameter (in ISO 8601 format, as specified at ), the PHP XML-RPC will pass your registered server method an object as parameter. That object, for example, looks like:
If you do xmlrpc_get_type(obj), it will return "datetime", so presumably that function just returns the value of 'type'. 'scalar' seems to be the on-the-wire representation of the datetime (ISO 8601, exactly as received). 'timestamp' appears to be the ISO value in 'scalar' converted into a normal PHP timestamp (i.e. Unix time_t).
Note on 'scalar': Using a MySQL DB, we did something like& "select blah where start_time &= $obj-&". That actually worked and returned expected results, so MySQL appears to handle that ISO 8601 format correctly.
swunderlin at REMOVE-telemedia dot ch
pear hs an XML_RPC package, if you can't recompile your php:
steph at zend dot com
It took me a while to get a client together without external libraries.& This very basic client/server pair works on my home set-up - hopefully it will save the next xml-rpc virgin some grief.
/* clienttest.php */
function do_call($host, $port, $request) {
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
$query = "POST /home/servertest.php HTTP/1.0\nUser_Agent: My Egg Client\nHost: ".$host."\nContent-Type: text/xml\nContent-Length: ".strlen($request)."\n\n".$request."\n";
if (!fputs($fp, $query, strlen($query))) {
$errstr = "Write error";
$contents = '';
while (!feof($fp)) {
$contents .= fgets($fp);
return $contents;
$host = 'localhost';
$port = 80;
$request = xmlrpc_encode_request('cycle', 'egg');
$response = do_call($host, $port, $request);
/* do something with $response, e.g. print it */
/* servertest.php */
function lifecycle($method, $params) {
/* $method = 'cycle', $params = (array of) request parameter(s); $data is also passed from xmlrpc_server_call_method, if we had any data to pass */
switch($params[0]) {
case 'egg':
&& & & & &
$reply = 'All eggs will be birds one day.';
&& & & & &
$reply = 'That must have been an otheregg';
return $reply;
$server = xmlrpc_server_create();
/* register the 'external' name and then the 'internal' name */
xmlrpc_server_register_method($server, "cycle", "lifecycle");
$request = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; // no you don't need 'always on', and no $_POST doesn't work.
/* the parameters here are 'server, xml-string and user data'.& There's supposed to be an optional 'output options' array too, but I can't get it working :( hence header() call */
$response = xmlrpc_server_call_method($server, $request, null);
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
print $response;
devshed article is at
mboeren at php dot net
Just a quick addition to my previous xmlrpc_client class: since you cannot use remote methods containing capital letters or methods from subhandlers (like 'system.listMethods()'), I added a 'call(...)' method to the class.
// this method should be copy/pasted in the
// xmlrpc_client class
function call($function)
$return = NULL;
$argv = func_get_args();
array_shift($argv); // remove function argument
$this-&__call($function, $argv, &$return);
return $return;
// now, you can also do
$result = $client-&call('system.listMethods');
$sum = client-&call('add', '1', '2');
mboeren at php dot net
I use the following code (requires the overload extension) to make developing clients easier:
include("utils/utils.php"); // from xmlrpc-epi utils
$client = new xmlrpc_client("");
print $client-&echo('x')."\n";
print $client-&add(1, 3)."\n";
class xmlrpc_client
var $urlparts;
function xmlrpc_client($url)
$this-&url = $url;
$this-&urlparts = parse_url($this-&url);
foreach(array('scheme', 'host', 'user', 'pass', 'path',
&& & & & & & & & & &
'query', 'fragment')
&& & & & & & &
as $part) {
&& & & & &
if (!isset($this-&urlparts[$part])) {
&& & & & & & &
$this-&urlparts[$part] = NULL;
&& & & & & & &
&& & & & &
function __call($function, $arguments, &$return)
$requestprms['host'] = $this-&urlparts['host'];
$requestprms['port'] = $this-&urlparts['port'];
$requestprms['uri'] = $this-&urlparts['path'];
$requestprms['method'] = $function;
$requestprms['args'] = $arguments;
$requestprms['debug'] = 0;
$requestprms['timeout'] = 0;
$requestprms['user'] = NULL;
$requestprms['pass'] = NULL;
$requestprms['secure'] = 0;
$result = xu_rpc_http_concise($requestprms);
if (is_array($result) && isset($result['faultCode'])) {
&& & & & &
print('Error in xmlrpc call \''.$function.'\''."\n");
&& & & & &
print('& code&
: '.$result['faultCode']."\n");
&& & & & &
print('& message: '.$result['faultString']."\n");
&& & & & &
return false;
&& & & & &
$return = $result;
return true;
here's how to install it on windows (so it actually works):
- php.ini & enable "php_xmlrpc.dll" in extensions.
- php.ini & make sure "extension_dir" is set correctly to find the dll in your php installation dir /extensions.
- copy iconv.dll from your php install dir /dlls to a directory in your path (ex: c:/windows).
if you got some errors while launching apache prior to trying this I suggest you reboot your machine first... sounds weird I know, but remember... you're running Windowz.
sjtirtha at gmx dot de
To install xml-rpc feature on Windows, you need to have "php_xmlrpc.dll" on your "/extensions" Folder.
And you need to enable it on "php.ini".
You need also library from
to make your code simply.
Look the examples at
mistcat attyatatat phreaker dootttt net
Hope this saves somone some frustration:
As of php 4.3.1 and xmlrpc-epi-php-0.51 php would return a content type text/html instead of text/xml in its responses.& this is a bad thing.& Perl's XMLRPC::Lite for instance will not like you if you do this.& Happily the solution is simple:
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
Happy Hunting.
If you need a tutorial on the XML-RPC-Extension go to devshed:
bmichael at goldparrot dot com
If anyone is interested in making XMLRPC requests directly from the client, I have been able to get xmlrpc to
work with vcXMLRPC javascript backend.
After about 1 week of scanning the market, I found this solution to be the best on Javascript back end.& It uses the Microsoft.HTTP activeX control for IE, or HTTPRequest Object for Mozilla.
You include vc(Virtual Cowboys) vcXMLRPC.js file into your pages and make the rpc calls from with javascript to create the requests.
It works both ways.
Two Notes:
I have tested it on IE 6.02 and you need to change lines in ProcessRequest :
function to read:
& dom = this.getObject("XMLDOM",http.responseText);
and change the getObject function to use the latest ActiveX Control:
&MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0& (or 4.0)
&MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0& (or 4.0)
The controls are found on MSDN in the Web Services -& XML area.
As another note, you DO NOT NEED the rpcproxy.cgi script to use this.& That is a proxy script to get around JS Security.& You can use PHP to build the proxy.& But, I was able to get the CGI working with GCC compiler on Solaris (change the -KPCI, depend and -x03 optimizer settings in the Makefile )
roland at php dot net
You can find a good howto about the xml-rpc extension at
It's an easy client / server example - works quite good :-)
nospam at phppatterns dot com
Note that you do need the iconv module installed to use the XML-RPC extension (see: )
hfuecks at pinkgoblin dot com
You can pass PHP errors with the XML-RPC extension as described here:
steve at orangeNOSPAMimagineering dot com
There's a handy library by Keith Devens (version 2.2.1) at
Here is a sample client. It remotely calls sample.sumAndDifference
with two parameters (3 and 5).
It returns:
difference =& -2
include ("kd_xmlrpc.php");
// define("XMLRPC_DEBUG", 0);& & // Set to 1 for handy debugging
$method = "sample.sumAndDifference";
$params = XMLRPC_prepare(array(3,5));
$site = "xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net";
$location = "/api/sample.php";
list($success, $result) = XMLRPC_request( $site, $location, $method, $params );
// XMLRPC_debug_print();& & // uncomment for debugging
foreach ( $result as $key =& $value ) {
echo(" $key =& $value \n");
hfuecks at pinkgoblin dot com
This extension does not handle the process of making making XML-RPC client requests via HTTP; it only prepares the XML-RPC request payload.
This differs from many other XML-RPC implementations but offers greater flexibility, allowing SSL connections, authentication headers and XML-RPC via other transports like SMTP.
hfuecks at pinkgoblin dot com
Anyone interested in PHP-GTK talking to an XML-RPC server:
webkreator dot com
For a really easy way to use this XML-RPC extension take a look at
XML-RPC Class Server ()
It automatically creates servers out of PHP classes. Creating clients is almost as easy, especially with the recent addition of the overload extension to PHP (see ).
nic at uklinux dot NOSPAM dot net
An alternative XML-RPC implementation is available at
- it's written in PHP so you can use it on servers for which you don't have the luxury of rebuilding PHP on.
cmv at php dot net
"Latest releases" is a bit redundant, since this extension is bundled into PHP (as of 4.1.0).& You don't need to download anything from sourceforge to make this work.& Just compile PHP with the --with-xmlrpc flag.
is useful, however, for documentation.
ravan_n at hotmail dot com
Refer to the below link for documentation / latest releases of the package.Linux下PHP安全设置
DocumentRoot: /var/www/
Default Web server: Apache
Default PHP configuration file: /etc/php.ini
Default PHP extensions config directory: /etc/php.d/
Our sample php security config file: /etc/php.d/security.ini (you need to create this file using a text editor)
Operating systems: Ubuntu (the instructions should work with any other Linux distributions such as RHEL / CentOS / Fedora or other Unix like operating systems such as OpenBSD/FreeBSD/HP-UX).&
1. 减少PHP内置模块
[PHP Modules]
[Zend Modules]
# rm /etc/php.d/sqlite3.ini &&
# mv /etc/php.d/sqlite3.ini /etc/php.d/sqlite3.disableRestrict&
2. 使PHP信息泄露最小化
在默认PHP时在HTTP抬头处会生成一条线介于每个响应中,(比如X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.10)。而这个在系统信息中为攻击者创建了一个非常有价值的信息。
HTTP/1.1 200 OK &
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.10 &
Content-type: text/ charset=UTF-8 &
Vary: Accept-Encoding, Cookie &
X-Vary-Options: Accept-Elist-contains=gzip,Cstring-contains=wikiT &
Last-Modified: Thu, 03 Nov :55 GMT &
3. 使PHP加载模块最小化
# cd /etc/php.d/ &
&# mv gd.{ini,disable} &
&# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart&
为了扩展PGP GD模块,然后键入以下命令:
# mv gd.{disable,ini} &
&# /sbin/service httpd restart&
4. 记录PHP错误信息
为了提高系统和Web应用程序的安全,PHP错误信息不能被暴露出。要做到这一点,需要编辑/etc/php.d/security.ini 文件,并设置以下指令:
上一篇:【】【】PHP采用XML-RPC构造Web Service实例教程
字体:[ ] 类型:转载 时间:
这篇文章主要介绍了PHP采用XML-RPC构造Web Service,需要的朋友可以参考下
目前进行Web Service通信有两种协议标准,一种是XML-RPC,另外一种是SOAP。XML-RPC比较简单,出现时间比较早,SOAP比较复杂,主要是一些需要稳定、健壮、安全并且复杂交互的时候使用。
PHP自身就集成了XML-RPC和SOAP两种协议的访问,都是集中在xmlrpc扩展当中。另外,在PHP的PEAR中,不管是PHP 4还是PHP 5,都已经默认集成了XML-RPC扩展,而且该扩展跟xmlrpc扩展无关,能够独立实现XML-RPC的协议交互,如果没有xmlrpc扩展,建议使用PEAR::XML-RPC扩展。
我们这里主要是以XML-RPC来简单描述Web Service的交互过程,部分内容来自PHP手册,更详细的内容,读者可以参考手册。
在Unix/Linux平台下,如果没有安装xmlrpc扩展,请在重新编译PHP,在configure的时候请加入 --with-xmlrpc 选项,然后查看phpinfo()看是否正常安装xmlrpc。
XML-RPC大致就是整个过程就是使用XML来进行通信。首先构造一个RPC 服务器端用来出来从RPC客户端传递过来的使用XML封装的请求,并且把处理结果通过XML的形式返回给RPC客户端,客户端就去分析XML获取自己需要的数据。
* 函数:提供给RPC客户端调用的函数
* $method 客户端需要调用的函数
* $params 客户端需要调用的函数的参数数组
* 返回:返回指定调用结果
function rpc_server_func($method, $params) {
$parameter = $params[0];
if ($parameter == "get")
$return = ''This data by get method'';
$return = ''Not specify method or params'';
$xmlrpc_server = xmlrpc_server_create();
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_server, "rpc_server", "rpc_server_func");
$request = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
$xmlrpc_response = xmlrpc_server_call_method($xmlrpc_server, $request, null);
header(''Content-Type: text/xml'');
echo $xmlrpc_
* 函数:提供给客户端进行连接XML-RPC服务器端的函数
* $host 需要连接的主机
* $port 连接主机的端口
* $rpc_server XML-RPC服务器端文件
* $request 封装的XML请求信息
* 返回:连接成功成功返回由服务器端返回的XML信息,失败返回false
function rpc_client_call($host, $port, $rpc_server, $request) {
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port);
$query = "POST $rpc_server HTTP/1.0\nUser_Agent: XML-RPC Client\nHost: ".$host."\nContent-Type: text/xml\nContent-Length: ".strlen($request)."\n\n".$request."\n";
if (!fputs($fp, $query, strlen($query)))
$errstr = "Write error";
$contents = '''';
while (!feof($fp))
$contents .= fgets($fp);
$host = ''localhost'';
$port = 80;
$rpc_server = ''/~heiyeluren/rpc_server.php'';
$request = xmlrpc_encode_request(''rpc_server'', ''get'');
$response = rpc_client_call($host, $port, $rpc_server, $request);
$split = '''';
$xml = explode($split, $response);
$xml = $split . array_pop($xml);
$response = xmlrpc_decode($xml);
&?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?&
&string&This data by get method&/string&
那么我们再通过xmlrpc_decode函数把这个XML编码为PHP的字符串,就能够随意处理了,至此整个Web Service交互完成。
不管是XML-RPC也好,SOAP也罢,只要能够让我们稳定、安全的进行远程过程的调用,完成我们的项目,那么就算整个Web Service就是成功的。另外,如果可以的话,也可以尝试使用PEAR中的XML-RPC来实现上面类似的操作,说不定会更简单,更适合你使用。有兴趣的读者可以尝试去完成。


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