
明白了,终于明白了,谢谢各位了CSS: em, px, pt, cm, in…
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em, px, pt, cm, in…
CSS offers a number of different units for expressing length.
Some have their history in typography, such as point (pt) and pica (pc), others are known from
everyday use, such as centimeter (cm) and inch
(in). And there is also a “magic” unit that was
invented specifically for CSS: the px. Does that
mean different properties need different units?
No, the units have nothing to do with the properties, but
everything with the output media: screen or paper.
There is no restriction on which units can be used where. If a
property accepts a value in px (margin:
5px) it also accepts a value in inches or centimeters
(margin: 1.2 margin: 0.5cm) and vice-versa.
But in general you would use a different set of units for
display on screen than for printing on paper. The following table
gives the recommended use:
Oc-ca-sional use
Not rec-om-mended
pt, cm, mm, in, pc
em, cm, mm, in, pt, pc, %
The relation between the absolute units is as follows: 1in =
2.54cm = 25.4mm = 72pt = 6pc
If you have a ruler handy you can check how precise your device
is: here is a box of 1in (2.54cm) high: ↑
The so-called absolute units (cm,
mm, in, pt and pc) mean the same in CSS as everywhere else, but only
if your output device has a high enough resolution. On a
laser printer, 1cm should be exactly 1 centimeter. But on
low-resolution devices, such as computer screens, CSS doesn't
require that. And indeed, the result tends to be different from one
device to another and from one CSS implementation to another. It's
better to reserve these units for high-resolution devices and in
particular for printed output. On computer screens and handheld
devices, you'll probably not get what you expect.
In the past, CSS required that implementations display absolute
units correctly even on computer screens. But as the number of
incorrect implementations outnumbered correct ones and the
situation didn't seem to improve, CSS abandoned that requirement
in 2011. Currently, absolute units must work correctly only on
printed output and on high-resolution devices.
CSS doesn't define what “high resolution” means. But as low-end
printers nowadays start at 300 dpi and high-end screens are at
200 dpi, the cut-off is probably somewhere in between.
There is another reason to avoid absolute units for other uses
than print: You look at different screens from different distances.
1cm on a desktop screen looks small. But the same on a mobile phone
directly in front of your eyes looks big. It's better to use
relative units, such as em, instead.
The em and ex units depend on the
font and may be different for each element in the document. The
em is simply the font size. In an element with a 2in
font, 1em thus means 2in. Expressing sizes, such as margins and
paddings, in em means they are related to the font
size, and if the user has a big font (e.g., on a big screen) or a
small font (e.g., on a handheld device), the sizes will be in
proportion. Declarations such as text-indent: 1.5em
and margin: 1em are extremely common in CSS.
The ex unit is rarely used. Its purpose is to
express sizes that must be related to the x-height of a font. The
x-height is, roughly, the height of lowercase letters such as a, c, m, or o. Fonts that have the same size (and
thus the same em) may vary wildly in the size of
their lowercase letters, and when it is important that some image,
e.g., matches the x-height, the ex unit is
The px unit is the magic unit of CSS. It is not
related to the current font and usually not related to physical
centimeters or inches either. The px unit is defined
to be small but visible, and such that a horizontal 1px wide line
can be displayed with sharp edges (no anti-aliasing). What is
sharp, small and visible depends on the device and the way it is
used: do you hold it close to your eyes, like a mobile phone, at
arms length, like a computer monitor, or somewhere in between, like
an e-book reader? The px is thus not defined as a
constant length, but as something that depends on the type of
device and its typical use.
To get an idea of the appearance of a px, imagine
a CRT computer monitor from the 1990s: the smallest dot it can
display measures about 1/100th of an inch (0.25mm) or a little
more. The px unit got its name from those screen
Nowadays there are devices that could in principle display
smaller sharp dots (although you might need a magnifier to see
them). But documents from the last century that used px in CSS still look the same, no matter what the device.
Printers, especially, can display sharp lines with much smaller
details than 1px, but even on printers, a 1px line looks very much
the same as it would look on a computer monitor. Devices change,
but the px always has the same visual appearance.
In fact, CSS requires that 1px must be exactly
1/96th of an inch in all printed output. CSS considers that
printers, unlike screens, do not need to have different sizes for
px in order to print sharp lines. In print media, a
px thus not only has the same visual appearance from one device to
another, but indeed it is measurably the same.
CSS also defines that raster images (such as photos) are, by
default, displayed with one image pixel mapping to 1px. A photo
with a 600 by 400 resolution will be 600px wide and 400px high. The
pixels in the photo thus do not map to pixels of the display device
(which may be very small), but map to px units. That
makes it possible to exactly align images to other elements of a
document, as long as you use px units in your style
sheet, and not pt, cm, etc.
Use em or px for font sizes
CSS inherited the units pt (point) and pc (pica) from typography. Printers have traditionally
used those and similar units in preference to cm or
in. In CSS there is no reason to use pt, use whichever unit you prefer. But there is a good
reason to use neither pt nor any other absolute
unit and only use em and px.
Here are a few lines of different thickness. Some or all of
them may look sharp, but at least the 1px and 2px lines should be
sharp and visible:
1.5px, 2px
If the first four lines all look the same (or if the 0.5pt line
is missing), you are probably looking at a computer monitor that
cannot display dots smaller than 1px. If the lines appear to
increase in thickness, you are probably looking at this page on a
high-quality computer screen or on paper. And if 1pt looks thicker
than 1.5px, you probably have a handheld screen.
The magic unit of CSS, the px, is a often a good
unit to use, especially if the style requires alignment of text to
images, or simply because anything that is 1px wide or a multiple
of 1px is guaranteed to look sharp.
But for font sizes it is even better to use em.
The idea is (1) to not set the font size of the BODY element (in
HTML), but use the default size of the device, because that is a
size that the reader
and (2) express font
sizes of other elements in em: H1 {font-size:
2.5em} to make the H1 2 1/2
times as big as the normal, body
The only place where you could use pt (or cm or in) for setting a font size is in
style sheets for print, if you need to be sure the printed font is
exactly a certain size. But even there using the default font size
is usually better.
The px unit thus shields you from having to know
the resolution of the device. Whether the output is 96 dpi,
100 dpi, 220 dpi or 1800 dpi, a length expressed as a whole number
of px always looks good and very similar across all
devices. But what if you do want to know the resolution
of the device, e.g., to know if it is safe to use a 0.5px line? The answer is to check the resolution via Media Queries.
Explaining Media Queries is out of scope for this article, but
here is a small example:
div.mybox { border: 2px solid }
@media (min-resolution: 2dppx) {
/* Media with 2 or more dots per px */
div.mybox { border: 1.5px solid }
More units in CSS
To make it even easier to write style rules that depend only on
the default font size, CSS has since 2013 a new unit: the rem. The rem (for “root em”) is the font
size of the root element of the document. Unlike the em, which may be different for each element, the rem is constant throughout the document. E.g., to give P
and H1 elements the same left margin, compare this pre-2013 style
p { margin-left: 1em }
h1 { font-size: 3 margin-left: 0.333em }
with the new version:
p { margin-left: 1rem }
h1 { font-size: 3 margin-left: 1rem }
Other new units make it possible to specify sizes relative to
the reader's window. These are the vw and vh. The vw is 1/100th of the window's width
and the vh is 1/100th of the window's height. There
is also vmin, which stands for whichever is the
smallest of vw and vh. And vmax. (You can guess what it does.)
Because they are so new, they don't work everywhere yet. But, as
of early 2015, several browsers support them.
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