
倒腾安卓x86系统,谁知道把电脑硬件给弄出问题了……是这样的,我使用的是联想的yoga2 13,前两天试着用u盘启动了凤凰OS系统,wifi打不开我以为是新系统的驱动问题就没在意。谁知道重启到win之后wifi也打不开了,电脑显示硬件已关闭可是yoga根本没有外置开关,快捷键也没有2333333看到有大神也遇到这个问题,不过我看不懂他给的解决方案,求本吧大神帮帮忙看看,感觉和linux系统有关,原文如下:经过两天艰难的折腾研究,和艰难的google,最终从老外哪里获得了解决方案。原因我大概分析如下:在某种特定的情况下,导致此无线网卡硬件被主板ACPI子系统认为处于关闭状态。这种状态是保存在主板BIOS ROM中的(姑且这么认为,反正大概是类似的概念),不管你怎么折腾操作系统和软件,都不会改变这个状态,除非电脑有个开关,或者其他的方式来改变这种状态。可气的是,大多数笔记本都有的硬件无线开关或者无线网络Fn快捷键开关,偏偏yoga 2 13一个都没有。目前的解决方案,在Windows中没有。老外是通过在Linux系统下修改Intel无线网卡驱动来解决这个问题。简单引用如下:The solutionIn essence, the solution for the problem is to take the ideapad_laptop’s hands off the Wifi hardware, except for turning the hardware block off when it’s loaded. It consists of making the following changes in drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c:First, remove the driver’s rfkill registration. Somewhere at the beginning of the file, change#define IDEAPAD_RFKILL_DEV_NUM(3)to#define IDEAPAD_RFKILL_DEV_NUM(2)and in the definition of ideapad_rfk_data[], remove the line saying{ &ideapad_wlan&, CFG_WIFI_BIT, VPCCMD_W_WIFI, RFKILL_TYPE_WLAN }This prevents the driver from presenting an rfkill interface, so it keeps its hands off.There is however a chance that the relevant bit in the ACPI layer already has the hardware block on. So let’s turn it off every time the driver loads. In ideapad_acpi_add(), after the call to ideapad_sync_rfk_state(), more or less, add the following two lines:pr_warn(&Hack: Forcing WLAN hardware block off\n&);write_ec_cmd(priv-&adev-&handle, VPCCMD_W_WIFI, 1);And finally, solve a rather bizarre phenomenon, that when reading for the RF state with a VPCCMD_R_RF command, the Wifi interface is hardware blocked for some reason. Note that radio is always in off mode, so it’s a meaningless register on Yoga 2. This is handled in two places. First, empty ideapad_sync_rfk_state() completely, by turning it intostatic void ideapad_sync_rfk_state(struct ideapad_private *priv){}This function reads VPCCMD_R_RF and calls rfkill_set_hw_state() accordingly, but on Yoga 2 it will always block everything, so what’s the point?Next, in debugfs_status_show() which prints out /sys/kernel/debug/ideapad/status, remove the following three lines:if (!read_ec_data(priv-&adev-&handle, VPCCMD_R_RF, &value)) seq_printf(s, &Radio status:\t%s(%lu)\n&, value ? &On& : &Off&, value);Having these changes made, the Wifi works properly, regardless of it was previously reported hardware blocked.This can’t be submitted as a patch to the kernel, because presumably some laptops need the rfkill interface for Wifi through ideapad_laptop (or else, why was it put there in the first place?).Also, maybe I should have done this for Bluetooth too? Don’t know. I don’t use Bluetooth right now, and the desktop applet seems to say all is fine with it anyhow.
1.bios中关闭security boot 即 boot 中的boot mode 选 legacy support boot priority 选 legacy first2.下载一个新点的linux例如:一定要在linux下,用dd命令写入u盘 (试过用ultra iso无法启动)。3.用上步做的u盘开机后,按fn+f7,即飞行模式的图标。按完后输入rfkill list all 看是否全部都显示no,如果有hardward blocked: yes的项,则再按一次fn+f7,然后看rfkill list all的输出.4.重启入bios,将security boot 改回原状。即boot mode 选 UEFIp.s. 14年的时候我也被这个坑了一天 ,从此没敢在那笔记本上用linux
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