
1&&&&&&&&&&POWERPIVOT是微软出的针对个人桌面分析的BI套件,具体解释,建议自己百度。POWERPIVOT目前支持EXCEL2010 和EXCEL2013两个版本,07我不知道有么有,似乎是没有的。10是要自己在微软官方下载组件,大家可以自己百度下,关键词“EXCEL FOR POWERPIVOT”,13自带此组件,下面我主要简单说明13的使用方法。
在新窗体中,选择数据源链接。这里大家都懂,好的,我们先-从数据库-输入IP ,身份验证账户以及数据库名称,现在我们要开始了。这时候会让你选择要导入的数据表或者视图的名称,选一个表数据,导进来。不要太多,我这里选择了一个40W数据的表进行测试。按照微软官方的宣传,导入2KW数据也是毫无压力的。
点击图标,会有一个 + 号的,如下图,有很多详细的参数可以设置。好的,本期结束,总体来说做简单报表,只需要拖拖拽拽就可以,
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Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010:Give Your Data Meaning
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Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010:Give Your Data
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PowerPivot for Microsoft Excel 2010
MP4 | Video: AVC
| Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 2.5 Hours | 570 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Learn how to use Microsoft PowerPivot to do self service Business Intelligence
Learn how to use Microsoft PowerPivot to do self service Business Intelligence. This course will guide you through importing data, working with it, then creating pivot tables and charts all in Excel 2010.
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与本文相关的文章Excel2013中PowerPivot加载项消失的解决方法 - Office办公助手
发布时间:02-21 来源:Excel技巧天地
PowerPivot是Excel2013中一个功能强大的加载项,可以进行复杂的数据分析。但很多用户有可能会发现Excel2013的PowerPivot和PowerView加载项莫名其妙地&消失&了,而且&加载宏&对话框中也没有&Microsoft Office Power Pivot in Microsoft Excel 2013&和&Power View&选项。
重新启动Excel,Excel会重新在注册表中新建上述所删除的键值。单击&文件&选项&加载项&,在&管理&右侧选择&COM加载项&,单击&转到&;或直接在功能区中单击&开发工具&COM加载项&,打开&加载宏&对话框。这时在&加载宏&对话框中可看到&Microsoft Office Power Pivot in Microsoft Excel 2013&和&Power View&两个选项,勾选后单击&确定&,所选的加载项即可在Excel中加载了。
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热门资源下载Top 10 Excel and Chart Templates
Sales reports and dashboards are very common in any company. There are several ways in which you can visualize sales data to understand the trends and sales performance. So in…
Here is a 2010 new year gift to all our readers – a free 2010 calendar excel file (a little secret: just change the year in “outline” sheet from ;
Over the last few years, there has been much debate about the merits and perils of Microsoft Ribbon UI in Excel 2007. Personally I think ribbon is a good way…
Tracking issues and risks is where most of the project management time goes. Once the project planning and organizing activities are in good shape, most of the project management activities…
Excel pivot tables are very useful and powerful feature of MS Excel. They can be used to summarize, analyze, explore and present your data. In plain English, it means, you…
Learn how to create a timeline chart in excel to display the progress of your project. Timelines are a good way to communicate about the project status to new team…
In today’s installment of project management using excel, we will learn about project tracking tool – to-do lists. Projects are nothing but a group of people getting together and achieving…
This is a 6 part tutorial on project management using microsoft excel. These posts represent few of the things related to project management using excel that I have learned over…
Creating KPI Dashboards in Microsoft Excel is a series of 6 posts by Robert.
This 6 Part Tutorial on Management Dashboards Teaches YOU:
Part 1: Creating a Scrollable List View in The…
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How many times you created a chart in Microsoft excel and formatted it for minutes (and sometimes hours) to reduce the eye-sore?
Well, I…
Project Management Dashboards (recommended product)
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Free Excel Templates & Downloads
Jennie, a sweet and ambitious lady set out to do 101 things in the next 1001 days. She took the inspiration from Day Zero Project. Not stopping there, she prepared…
This is second part of 2 part series on conditionally formatting dates in excel.
Highlighting Repeat Customers using Conditional FormattingIn yesterday’s post we have learned how to conditionally format dates using…
Sales reports and dashboards are very common in any company. There are several ways in which you can visualize sales data to understand the trends and sales performance. So in…
Excel is very good for keeping track of your investments. Due to its grid nature, you can easily create a table of all the mutual fund holdings and monitor the…
Lets celebrate these holidays in PHD Style. By learning few excel formulas that you can use to find out dates for some of the popular public holidays like – labor…
Comparing values is one of the reasons why we make charts. So today I am going to teach you a handy little trick to make a thermometer like chart to…
Here is a 2010 new year gift to all our readers – a free 2010 calendar excel file (a little secret: just change the year in “outline” sheet from ;
Steven, one of our readers from England sent me a Christmas gift tracker worksheet. I found it pretty cool, so made some minor changes to it and sharing it with…
At PHD household, we believe in using money wisely. Both Mrs. PHD and I come from very modest backgrounds. Our upbringing has taught us value of money in the most…
Two charting principles we hear all the time are,
Sort your data in a meaningful order before plotting it.
Show only relevant information, not everything – because un-necessary information clutters the chart.
Egil, one of our alert readers from Norway sent this to me in e-mail, which I swear, I am not making up – A Fancy Gauge Chart. See the e-mail…
Yesterday I read about interaction plots on junk charts where he points out the merits of an interaction plot. Interaction plots show interaction effects between 2 factors. For eg. you…
Check out an implementation of project dashboard along with tweetboard by our reader Fernando. He says, it “turned out to be a great success”. I am so happy for him….
We all know that data validation is a very useful feature in Excel. You can use data validation to create a drop-down list in a cell and limit the values…
Sanjay, my colleague is an avid programmer and excel enthusiast. In his spare time he wrote a small VBA macro to solve Sudoku. Sudoku is a very famous number based…
We all know that to make a chart we must specify a range of values as input.
But what if our range is dynamic and keeps on growing or shrinking. You…
While feeding the babies last night, I had this idea. Why not make an excel sheet where you can keep track of the baby’s feeding and sleeping activities on day…
Project management dashboards, project status reports help stakeholders, project sponsors and team-members can understand project status very quickly. In the last installment of project management using excel, learn how to…
We all know that bar charts can be used to display values spread across various categories or times and pie charts / donut charts can be used to display percentage…
Over the last few years, there has been much debate about the merits and perils of Microsoft Ribbon UI in Excel 2007. Personally I think ribbon is a good way…
In how to get tickmarks in excel, Jon commented,
“[…] Better yet, use real checkboxes, so the user can change them with the mouse.”
That got me thinking,
In excel, you can add…
Tracking issues and risks is where most of the project management time goes. Once the project planning and organizing activities are in good shape, most of the project management activities…
A Pareto chart or pareto graph displays the importance of various factors in decreasing order in columns along with cumulative importance in a line. Pareto charts are often used in…
Yesterday we have posted how to use excel combo charts to group related time events. Today we will learn how to change the event grouping dynamically using form controls.
This effect…
In his latest book, Now You See It, on pages 165 and 166 of the book, Stephen Few discusses how grouping related time intervals can facilitate analysis of data. As…
We all know that incell charts are a very cool way to explore and visualize data. Personally I like them so much that I have written several tutorials on it…
Excel pivot tables are very useful and powerful feature of MS Excel. They can be used to summarize, analyze, explore and present your data. In plain English, it means, you…
Learn how to create waterfall charts in Excel in this tutorial. Our guest author, Aaron, explains how to create cool looking waterfall charts with connectors. Waterfall charts are great, especially…
Timesheets are like TPS reports of any project. Team members think of them as an annoying activity. For managers, timesheets are a vital component to understand how team is working…
In this installment of spreadcheats, we will learn how to use goal seek feature of excel. We will build a retirement savings calculator using excel. We will learn to use…
In this installment of Chartbusters, we take a look at a poorly constructed choropleth of medicare reimbursements in US and suggest cure for it. The post is from our Guest…
A burn down chart is a good way to understand the progress of a project. It is like a run chart that describes work left to do versus time. In…
Learn how to generate invoice numbers, tax codes etc. using Microsoft Excel. In this example we will take a real life example shared by Michelle and findout how we can…
It is the customer on the phone again, she wants to know what products we have.
How cool would it be if we can send her a spreadsheet with all the…
Learn how to create a timeline chart in excel to display the progress of your project. Timelines are a good way to communicate about the project status to new team…
In today’s installment of project management using excel, we will learn about project tracking tool – to-do lists. Projects are nothing but a group of people getting together and achieving…
This is a 6 part tutorial on project management using microsoft excel. These posts represent few of the things related to project management using excel that I have learned over…
Dot plots are a very popular and effective charts. According to wikipedia “Dot plots are one of the simplest plots available, and are suitable for small to moderate sized data…
We all know that networkdays() an extremely powerful and simple excel formula can help you calculate no. of working days between 2 given dates.
But there is one problem with it….
This post is a testament that readers of this blog are way cooler and enterprising than I am. Justin, who I must say, has some really amazing excel skills, contacted…
Check out two fabulous implementations of tweetboards in excel. Download the workbooks and play with them yourself. Thanks Fernando and Lee for sharing these workbooks with us….
Excel has very powerful formulas and add-ins for performing almost any kind of statistical analysis. Today we will learn how you can make a statistical distribution of test scores using…
In today’s installment of “your week @ PHD” we will learn how to use array formulas to refine text search, a bunch of very useful keyboard shortcuts, and a very…
Here is a fun, simple and different alternative to traditional dashboards. Introducing…. …
Here is your chance to win a copy of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte, all you need to do is visualize budget vs. actual performance of…
Do you know What is excel conditional formatting? Learn the basics, few examples and see how you can use it in day to day work in this installment of…
Today we will learn a little trick to compare 1 value with a set of values, For eg. our sales vs. competitor sales. We will learn how to create a…
RSS Icon using Donut Charts – Because it is…
Japanese Candlestick Chart or Candlestick Chart as they are popularly known are one of the most commonly used stock charts.Today we will learn how to make a candlestick chart in…
Trust Peltier to come up with solutions for even the most impossible looking charts. Today he shares a marimekko chart tutorial. I couldn’t sit still after seeing his post. So…
Learn how you can write your own twitter client using Excel. All it takes is excel, internet connection and 5 minutes of spare…
Microsoft excel bubble chart based Visualization to understand how various travel sites compete search…
Sales funnel is a very common business chart. Here is a simple bar chart based trick you can use to generate a good funnel chart to be included in that…
A combination chart is when you combine two different charts to make one. A popular example for combination chart is a line & bar graph…
Amit at Digital Inspiration features a lengthy way of creating beautiful excel cell art from an image. I guess we all can use a method that is little simpler and…
Stru?ák, one of the commenters on the 2009 Excel Calendar Template post asked me if I can rearrange the cells in the calendar so that the week could start on…
Grid lines provide great help in understanding values in a chart. Here is a handy trick you can use in the next bar chart to spice it up.
Here is how…
Free excel calendar template for year 2009 (well, it works for any year all the way up to 9999)
Go ahead and download it, change the year number in the first…
Data validation is a great way to keep your users informed about possible values in a cell and guide them to select something appropriate. As part of the spreadcheats series,…
Often I wish Microsoft had spent the effort and time on a data genie (and a set of powerful formulas) that can automate common data cleanup tasks like extracting duplicates,…
Yesterday I have learned this cool excel charting trick and I cant wait to share it with you all.
The problem: I have too many charts & want to show one…
This is a Guest Post by Robert on Visualization Techniques for Excel Dashboards.
This 6 Part Tutorial on Management Dashboards Teaches YOU:
Part 1: Creating a Scrollable List View in The Dashboard
Sorting text is such a day to day activity that it always surprises me why Excel hasn’t provided a simple spreadsheet formula for doing it. Of course you can use…
One of my favorite cricket player, the GOD – Sachin Tendulkar has become highest test run scorer.
What do I get if Sachin becomes highest scorer, you may ask.
In order…
Yesterday is Blog Action day and tons of bloggers posted about single topic – poverty. It is a topic very close to my heart for various reasons. It is a…
One of the most popular posts on this blog is how to become excel conditional formatting rock star. Quite a few commenters there asked me if there is a way…
This is a Guest Post by Robert on Visualization Techniques for Management Dashboards using Excel.
This 6 Part Tutorial on Management Dashboards Teaches YOU:
Part 1: Creating a Scrollable List View in…
Ever since we moved to Seattle we have been watching TV game show – Deal or No Deal (for lack of better things to do in the hotel) The game…
After seeing Andrew’s simple excel based check-list I got this idea of preparing a simple To-Do list application using excel.
Since most of us use Excel on day to day…
There are few charts in excel that are as revolting as a radar chart. The purpose of a radar chart is to compare m options across n parameters so that…
This is 4th part of Creating Management Dashboards in Microsoft Excel 6 post series by Robert.
This 6 Part Tutorial on Management Dashboards Teaches YOU:
Part 1: Creating a Scrollable List View…
Gauges are a familiar metaphor, everyone can understand them, you can see them everywhere – near your stove, ac, car, gaming console, pc – you name it.
So, when…
Creating KPI Dashboards in Microsoft Excel is a series of 6 posts by Robert from Munich, Germany.
This 6 Part Tutorial on Management Dashboards Teaches YOU:
Part 1: Creating a Scrollable List…
Creating KPI Dashboards in Microsoft Excel is a series of 6 posts by Robert from Munich, Germany.
This 6 Part Tutorial on Management Dashboards Teaches YOU:
Part 1: Creating a Scrollable List…
Creating KPI Dashboards in Microsoft Excel is a series of 6 posts by Robert.
This 6 Part Tutorial on Management Dashboards Teaches YOU:
Part 1: Creating a Scrollable List View in The…
My polar clock using donut charts in excel started a conversation and readers have been awesome enough to download the excel and create their own clocks to show time. Even…
Smashing Magazine is one of daily hangouts for new design ideas, inspiration and ogle fun. When they featured Pixel Breaker’s Polar clock last Friday on Top 10 creative ways to…
If your reports include hourly distribution of data like,
Customer footfalls in your store
Page views of your site
Customer service calls to your toll free numbers
here is an interesting charting idea…
My Olympic medals by country year visualization in excel is received well by readers. I got few interesting emails on it.
Robert from Germany shares an interesting approach at doing this,…
When I saw the Olympic medals won by each country by year infographic on nytimes my jaw almost dropped, go ahead see it and come back, I am sure you…
Bullet graphs provide an effective way to dashboard target vs. actual performance data, the bread and butter of corporate analytics.
Howmuchever effective they are, the sad truth is there is…
I am fascinated by board games. They provide immense fun, anyone can enjoy them, they are unpredictable and best of all they are great value for money. That is why…
I can never get tired of in-cell charts, whenever I get sometime, I try to experiment something on them. Here is an idea to design true incell column charts without…
Next time you had to create a pie chart, consider building a partition chart as these charts can reveal trend information along with how much each pie is contributing. What…
Let us learn a simple charting hack to create a thermo-meter chart in excel. This type of charts can be effective in communicating one data point, they can make excellent…
Excel has various functions, including functions to calculate inverse cosine of a given value, to multiply 2 matrices, to estimate the internal rate of return. But, most of us(well, just…
Excel concatenate() is seriously crippled, it can add 2 or more strings together, as long as they are supplied as separate parameters. This means, when you have a range of…
One of the most frequent tasks for any manager is “planning”, be it putting together a hiring schedule or designing a jumbo jet, it all starts with a simple project…
Ever since writing the create in-cell pie charts in excel, I have been itching to find a simple enough method to do incell bar graphs. An in-cell bar would probably…
Here is a ridiculously easy trick to do nice incell pie charts in excel, what more, they will make you look like a charting wizard.
Download free pie chart font…
I was toying with the idea of creating a tag cloud in excel – as a form of new visualization, this could be useful when you have medium amounts of…
Would you like to spend next 5 minutes learning how to create an excel sheet to track your mutual fund portfolio?
click here to download mutual fund portfolio tracker excel…
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How many times you created a chart in Microsoft excel and formatted it for minutes (and sometimes hours) to reduce the eye-sore?
Well, I…
Excel conditional formatting is a hidden and powerful gem that when used well, can change the outlook of your project report / sales budget / project plan or analytical outputs…
Yesterday we were calculating our Washington trip expenses and it occurred to me that if there is an excel template where I could enter the trip expenses and who paid…
Yesterday while going through my feeds, I have landed on this post about the demographics and use-figures of various social networking (2.0) tools, et al (by businessweek) on think:lab blog….
Financial freedom, or not having to work for someone is the ultimate dream for anyone wearing an access card and refreshing his/her mailbox every five minutes. Just incase you are…
Most of my classmates and friends have started purchasing houses. This coupled with the fact that I am in coveted DINK (double income no kids) group now have prompted me…
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At Chandoo.org, I have one goal, "to make you awesome in excel and charting". This blog is started in 2007 and today has 350+ articles and tutorials on using excel, making better charts. .
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