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/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.三星停止生产、销售Note7 中国大陆已发生20起事故_网易财经
三星停止生产、销售Note7 中国大陆已发生20起事故
(原标题:三星停止生产、销售Note7 中国大陆已发生20起事故)
中国经济网北京10月11日讯(记者 佟明彪)中国经济网记者从国家质检总局了解到,截至目前,Note 7在中国大陆地区已经20起过热、燃烧事故。日前,在国家质检总局执法督查司进行约谈和启动缺陷调查情况下,三星(中国)投资有限公司向国家质检总局备案了召回计划,决定自 日起,召回在中国大陆地区的全部SM-N9300 Galaxy Note 7,共计190984台。
据中国经济网记者了解,三星Galaxy Note 7的“爆炸门”事件一直在发酵,北京时间8月2日晚间,三星Galaxy Note 7正式发布,8月24日,就有爆料称韩版三星Note 7在充电时发生爆炸,而从8月24日开始到8月31日,各地又曝出5-6起Note 7电池爆炸事件。对此,9月2日,三星宣布全球召回Note 7并在10个市场暂停销售三星Note 7手机,称Note 7电池设计有缺陷,并计划在两周内为用户更换全新的“安全版”Note 7。值得注意的是,三星这次的召回范围并不包括中国,并表示在中国销售的Note 7手机并没有采用问题供应商提供的电池。另据报道,截至9月5日,Note 7在全球范围内发生的爆炸事件已经超过30起,截至9月14日,仅在美国市场Note 7爆炸事件就发生了70多起。
然而让三星打脸的事情发生了,在9月18日,一位中国网友爆料称自己的三星Note7爆了。三星给出的回应是,根据样品上的燃烧痕迹,其推测发热源并非电池本体,很大可能是由其它因素引起的发热问题,电池发生爆炸事件与其产品并无直接关系。随后国行Note 7又发生多起爆炸事件,三星于9月29日再次发出声明,坚称国行Note 7电池经过权威机构监测,不存在安全隐患。
10月初,三星再次被打脸,据中国经济网记者了解,截至9月底全球已经有100万部Note 7更换为了安全版本,但“安全版”Note 7并不安全,据报道,美国一名消费者在乘坐飞机时,其“安全版”Note 7在关机的情况下冒烟起火。此外,美国明尼苏达州一名13岁女孩也经历了一起新更换的Note7手机起火事件。
中国经济网记者在召回信息中看到,“在国家质检总局执法督查司进行约谈和启动缺陷调查情况下,三星(中国)投资有限公司向国家质检总局备案了召回计划,决定自 日起,召回在中国大陆地区销售的全部SM-N9300 Galaxy Note 7数字移动电话机,共计190984台(包含日公告首次召回的1858台产品)。本次召回范围内的产品,由于存在异常发热、燃烧等问题,有可能发生起火等严重后果。三星(中国)投资有限公司自日起已经停止生产、销售SM-N9300 Galaxy Note 7数字移动电话机产品,并将采取以下两种措施实施召回:(1)免费为消费者更换为其他型号全新三星手机,并退还两个产品之间的差价,赠送购物券300元;(2)按照原购买价格全额退款,同时回收产品。消费者可以自主选择以上两种方式之一。消费者因配合本次召回所产生的产品邮递费用由三星(中国)投资有限公司承担。”
分享至好友和朋友圈三星Note 7会不会爆炸:先看产地是否是中国
三星Note 7会不会爆炸:先看产地是否是中国
翻译:royfangyu 转载请注明出处论坛地址:In case you haven’t heard, Samsung issued a global recall of the Galaxy Note 7. As many as 2.5 million units will be replaced in the coming weeks after Samsung identified at least 35 cases where faulty batteries could have caused explosions. The company is replacing all existing Galaxy Note 7 units free of charge, which means you should really return yours now, even if even if you do have to wait a few more weeks for a replacement.如果你还没听说过三星全球召回Galaxy Note 7的话,你可能要注意点了!据悉,在三星集团发现至少35起劣质电池导致的手机爆炸后,250万部Galaxy Note 7将在下周被召回并替换。目前所有Galaxy Note 7都可以享受免费更换服务,所以你最好赶快退掉你的Galaxy Note 7。If you'd rather live on the edge though, a new report reveals one way you could check whether your Galaxy Note 7 contains potentially faulty battery packs. Of course, we’d still advise you to just return the handset rather than pursuing your own investigation.如果你真想试试自己的运气的话,一份新的报告可以帮助你确认你的Galaxy Note 7是否使用了危险电池。当然,我们还是强烈建议你把手机还还掉算了。Samsung halted Galaxy Note 7 sales and new launches in most markets except for China. The Galaxy Note 7 was just released in the region, and sales will continue because the units sold in China have batteries that come from a Chinese supplier, ATL.三星已经停止了Galaxy Note 7在除中国以外所有国家的销售。Galaxy Note 7刚刚在中国大陆发行,销售不会受到此次召回的影响,因为中国大陆销售的Galaxy Note 7采用的是中国厂商ATL的电池。Samsung subsidiary Samsung SDI supplied 70% of batteries for the phone and Samsung identified those batteries as posing risks, The Korea Herald explained. ATL batteries are supposedly safe, and will probably be found in all Galaxy Note 7 units going forward, including the ones that will replace older phones.一位韩国官员表示,三星子公司三星SDI供应了70%的Galaxy Note 7电池,目前已经确认正是这些电池具有潜在危险。而中国产商ATL的电池相较之下十分安全,未来可能应用于所有Galaxy Note 7上,包括被召回更换的那些。[copy]How can you tell what type of battery you have in your Galaxy Note 7? One way to do it is to crack open the device and look at the information printed on the battery. But it really isn’t easy to open up the rear shell of the phone — we’re not looking at a good old plastic Samsung handset here.那么问题来了,怎么判断你的电池是安全的呢?一种方法是拧开手机看一下电池上打印的产品信息。然而想打开Galaxy Note 7的后盖实在不容易。But don't worry because Phone Arena says that it’s enough to look on the back of the handset, or head to the Phone info section of the Settings app and find the desired information.不过也不用担心,Phone Arena表示,其实只要看一下设备后面的信息或者到设置-手机信息里看一下相关信息就可以了。“If it says ‘manufactured in China,’ there is a nice chance it will have ATL-packaged battery cells inside, though T-Mobile, whose model is made in China, is also taking part in the voluntary recall that the other US carriers issued as well,” Phone Arena says – emphasis ours. “If it says ‘manufactured in Korea’ or ‘in Vietnam,’ well, we'd return the unit to the vendor.”“如果上面写的是‘中国制造’,那基本上就是用了安全的ATL电池;尽管在中国生产的T-Mobile的定制机也在美国享受无偿召回的服务。如果上面说的是’韩国制造‘或者’越南制造‘,那赶快退给销售商。”[/copy]“Nice chance” really isn’t good enough when it comes to one’s safety, so we still recommend swapping your Note 7 out for a new one, or for a Galaxy S7 or S7 edge.然而,“基本上没问题”也并不表示“一定没问题”,出于安全考虑,我们还是强烈建议你们退掉你的Note 7,或者换个Galaxy S7或者S7 edge。&评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网
翻译:royfangyu 转载请注明出处论坛地址:Michael Wan50 minutes agoNow everybody is looking to have something made in China.那现在所有人都想找中国生产的东西了。Captian5 hours agoA user replaceable battery would have made this much easier and cheaper for Samsung.早就用可更换电池不就好了,又方便又便宜。GHASSAN3 hours agoNOTE 7 IS FINE WITH ME & NO ISSUES. MADE IN CHINA .BEST PHONET MOBILE WILL EXCHANGE IT REGARDLESSTHANK YOU SAMSUNG.NOTE 7就好的很,从没出什么问题。中国制造。最好的手机。但T MOBILE还是允许退回。谢了三星。[copy]Larry7 hours agoWill your phone blow up, I'm filling really lucky, go ahead punk may my day.哈哈哈你家手机炸了,我觉得我运气真是不错,一天都开心。Matt4 hours agoLOL or flip the device over and on the bottom half it also indicates where your device was assembled. #noobs233 也可以把你手机翻过来,底下写了你的手机在那组装的。#菜bdefcon88811 hours agoYOu can download the app 'Phone Info - Samsung' and it will&tell you everything about your phone. Mine says it was built on 8-2-16 and was made in China (amongst other things)....I am with T-Mo你们可以下载‘Phone Info - Samsung’程序,这个app会告诉你关于你手机的一切信息。我的说生产日期是,中国制造。我用T-mobile的。-GHASSAN3 hours ago- WE ARE SAFE MADE IN CHINA ! I'M USING IT TILL I GET AN EXCHANGED NOTE 7.-我们用中国制造的安全的很。直到换到新Note 7之前我就用现在这个了。Jeff H6 hours ago#$%$!!! Both my Note 7 and my wife's Note 7 say made in Korea.擦 我跟我老婆的Note 7都是韩国制造的。[/copy]spelster5 hours agoBGR is laughing all the way to Apple's headquarters getting their cheque for aggressively advertising Apple.BGR现在肯定疯狂冲向苹果总部,问他们要强力推荐苹果的报酬了。Jon6 hours agoloving my axon 7我的axon 7就挺好了Jim12 hours agoAnd if you are like many of today's populace that rely on their cellphones as only means of communication what do they suggest you do in the interim?要是你跟现在那些人一样把手机作为唯一的沟通渠道,换手机的这些时间里要怎么活?KissedOffCanuck29 days agoUsed to be new toys coming out that were only available in America. Now it is only available in China. How time goes by and how the world changes.以前都是新玩具先在美国出现,现在都只是中国才有。时间都去哪了,世界变化太快我跟不上。


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