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PyCharm是一种Python IDE,带有一整套可以帮助用户在使用Python语言开发时提高其效率的工具,比如调试、语法高亮、Project管理、代码跳转、智能提示、自动完成、单元测试、版本控制。此外,该IDE提供了一些高级功能,以用于支持Django框架下的专业Web开发。
PyCharm是由JetBrains打造的一款Python IDE,VS2010的重构插件Resharper就是出自JetBrains之手。
同时支持Google App Engine,PyCharm支持IronPython。这些功能在先进代码分析程序的支持下,使 PyCharm 成为 Python 专业开发人员和刚起步人员使用的有力工具。
首先,PyCharm用于一般IDE具备的功能,比如, 调试、语法高亮、Project管理、代码跳转、智能提示、自动完成、单元测试、版本控制
另外,PyCharm还提供了一些很好的功能用于Django开发,同时支持Google App Engine,更酷的是,PyCharm支持IronPython。
有了它自带的HTML,CSS和 JavaScript编辑器 ,用户可以更快速的通过Djang框架进行Web开发。此外,其还能支持CoffeeScript, Mako 和 Jinja2。
支持Google App引擎
用户可选择使用Python 2.5或者2.7运行环境,为Google APp引擎进行应用程序的开发,并执行例行程序部署工作。
登入,录出,视图拆分与合并--所有这些功能都能在其统一的VCS用户界面(可用于Mercurial, Subversion, Git, Perforce 和其他的 SCM)中得到。
可绑定了 Textmate, NetBeans, Eclipse & Emacs 键盘主盘,以及 Vi/Vim仿真插件。
将DMG中的 PyCharm.app 拖动至 “应用程序”文件夹;
解压DMG中的 Crack.zip ,将其中的 JetbrainsCrack.jar 文件复制到 /Applications/PyCharm.app/Contents/bin/ 目录中;
用编辑器打开 /Applications/PyCharm.app/Contents/bin/pycharm.vmoptions 文件,添加 -javaagent:JetbrainsCrack.jar 到最后一行;
运行软件,使用 Crack.zip 中解压出来的 SN.txt 中的激活码激活即可
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Python 3.6 debugging is now up to 40x faster! We have been able to use some new features in Python 3.6 to radically improve the performance of the PyCharm debugger. Is your project not on 3.6 yet? Python 3.5 (and older) debugging got up to two times faster as well. If you’d like to know more:
New and Improved Test Runners
PyCharm has now adopted the TeamCity API for test runners. This means that test configurations will be consistent between the IDE and CI builds. This allows us to use the native test runners, and will make integration of new test runners in the future easier.
Support for the six Library
If you’d like to upgrade to Python 3, but still need to support Python 2 for a while, you can use the six library. The six library enables you to write a single codebase that can run on both Python 2 and Python 3 interpreters. PyCharm now has accurate code completion and code insight for six.
Web Development
Django, Flask & Pyramid
PyCharm has been updated to support all current versions: Django 1.10, Flask 0.12, and Pyramid 1.8.2.
Vue.js pro only
Vue.js is a rapidly growing new JavaScript framework. Get the Vue.js plugin from the JetBrains repository (Settings | Plugin | Install JetBrains Plugin) to try it out in PyCharm 2017.1! The new version of PyCharm adds Vue autocomplete and code assistance, which also works in multiple languages within .vue files.
JavaScript Unit Test Status Gutter Icons pro only
Unit tests are a great tool to check against regressions, but sometimes you want to change something which breaks your tests. Now you can see right in the editor which tests need an update, and if you’re using Mocha or Jest you can debug them right from there.
Support for Jest pro only
If you’re using React, you should try Jest – Facebook’s JavaScript unit testing framework. In PyCharm 2017.1 we support running and debugging Jest tests. And of course if you spot a failing test, you can just double-click it to go to the test’s source.
Database Tools
Editor Colors pro only
Bad things happen when you think you’re working on staging, but you accidentally opened an SQL prompt on your production server instead. To prevent this, now you can set your editors to different backgrounds.
Version Control
Improved Log Viewer
Our log viewer has a couple of small useful improvements: you can now search commits using regex, and toggle case sensitivity.
File History
We’ve improved our file history panel. For example, you can now easily toggle between seeing only the commits on the branch you’re currently on, or the commits on all branches.
Remote Development
SSH Multi-Factor Authentication pro only
If you’re security-conscious, you may have hardened your server’s SSH access with 2-factor authentication. PyCharm now supports connecting to SSH servers that are protected with Google Authenticator.
Native Docker for Mac pro only
PyCharm 2017.1 supports Docker for Mac using native unix sockets. No more need to use SOCAT to connect your IDE to Docker.
Data Science
Data View for Pandas DataFrames and Numpy Arrays
When doing data science, seeing the data you’re working on makes the work a lot easier. That’s why we’ve taken our DataFrame and Numpy Array viewer, and evolved them into a dedicated Data View pane. Complete with tabs to easily watch multiple datasets.
Remote Jupyter Notebooks pro only
Jupyter Notebooks are a great way to do research. If you do research in a team, you’ll want to share your notebooks with your team members. That’s why PyCharm 2017.1 supports connecting to Jupyter Notebooks on a shared server.
Platform Improvements
Zero-Latency Typing
Lower latency typing means for a better typing experience. Pavel Fatin, one of our developers, worked hard to get the latency down as low as it can go.
Semantic Highlighting
When enabled, semantic highlighting will make it easy to see where a variable is used at a glance.
Ctrl+Click on Links in Terminal
A small improvement to make your life easier: hold Ctrl and click any link in the terminal to open it in your browser.
Find in Path Dialog
We’ve reworked our Find in Path dialog: it’s cleaner, easier to use, and sleeker-looking! Try it yourself: right-click a folder in your project and select ‘Find in Path.’
If you’re interested in PyCharm Professional,
you should also check out what’s new in
The Professional Edition of PyCharm comes
with the ,
Full-fledged Professional or Free Community
Learn about PyCharm 2016.3
Python Tools
Create Django projects with remote interpreters
PyCharm now supports creating Django projects with a remote interpreter straight from the new
project screen. If you develop in VMs, Docker containers, or on remote machines, your
workflow just got easier.
Django forms in class-based views
PyCharm now understands the forms context in class-based views. It shows forms-specific
autocompletion and suggestions in the same way it does for function-based views.
Python console copy-paste made easier, and more
Have you ever written some code in the Python console to test it, before including it in your
project? In PyCharm 2016.3 you can now quickly copy-paste code from the built-in console to
your project files. Your code will automatically be formatted. Further: If you're launching
the console as a part of your run configuration, you can now use the variable viewer to
inspect all your variables. We've also fixed some issues with multi-line commands, added tab
completion for IPython, and many more things.
Variable explorer
When debugging, your own variables are usually most relevant. That's why we've hidden the
special variables until you need them. And if you do want to explore them, simply expand
Open the Numpy Array and DataFrame viewer straight from the debugger
You can also explore pandas dataframes, and numpy arrays, straight from the debugger in
PyCharm 2016.3.
Python 3.6
The new version of Python will be released soon, and PyCharm 2016.3 is well prepared. It
already supports type annotations, f-strings, underscores in numeric literals, asynchronous
generators, and asynchronous comprehensions.
Terminal with Virtualenv pre-activated
Is activating your virtualenv the first thing you do when opening a terminal session? We just
took care of that for you. When you open the terminal in Pycharm 2016.3, it will
automatically activate the virtual environment associated with the project you're working
on. Auto virtualenv is supported for bash, zsh, fish, and Windows cmd. You can customize
your shell preference in Settings (Preferences) | Tools | Terminal.
Per-branch coverage
If you enable the option, PyCharm can now show you whether you've covered all code branches,
right next to the point where the code branches. Enable the option in PyCharm 2016.3 by
going to Settings (Preferences) | Build, Execution, Deployment | Coverage | Python coverage.
Per-line vmprof profiling
If you use vmprof, PyCharm will now show performance information right next to your code. You
can see at a single glance which lines need closer attention. To start using vmprof, simply
install the vmprof package from PyPI into your project. You can use the PyCharm built-in
package manager (Settings | Project | Project Interpreter) to install the package. After
running your code with profiling enabled, the performance information will be displayed in
your editor.
Docker-compose support improved: multiple compose files & environment variables
More and more developers use environment variables to configure their applications, PyCharm
now makes it easier to set environment variables for Docker compose run configurations. If
you want to further tailor your environment with a compose file extension, this has also
been made easy.
Angular 2 CLI support and more web development improvements
PyCharm 2016.3 comes with many of the new features from WebStorm 2016.3. For example, if you
have Angular CLI installed, you can use it to generate new components, directives, services,
and other blueprints straight from the ‘New…' popup. Other new features include Flow type
checking support and Stylelint CSS linting. Check the
Version Control System Improvements
Faster log search
The version control integration in PyCharm 2016.3 is faster than ever. The improved log
screen (View | Tool Windows | Version Control, Log tab) shows the previous commits, and
allows you to quickly search for commits. You can also filter your log search by branch,
commit author, and filesystem path.
Resolve merges
Resolving merge conflicts is everybody's favorite part of the job. Unfortunately we can't
make it more fun, but we can make it easier for you. The new merge resolve interface has
code highlighting and other code navigation features built-in. In some cases it will even
let you automatically resolve conflicts with a single click.
Undo commit
Have you ever checked in some code, only to quickly realize you forgot something? You can now
undo your last commit (if it hasn't been pushed yet) straight from the log. For example, for
git repositories this executes git reset --soft HEAD~1. Hint: you can always see what
PyCharm did by checking the console tab of the version control window.
Git remote management
We've added a graphical interface for managing git remotes. You can manage your remotes by
navigating to VCS | Git | Remotes, or by adding them straight from the ‘Push commit' screen.
IDE Improvements
Database Improvement: Edit many cells at once
Sometimes you want to change a lot of cells simultaneously, you can now select them all and
change them in one go! Of course for this to work, the fields need to have the same type,
and they shouldn't be set to have unique values in your database. To see more new database
improvements, check out , our new database IDE. PyCharm
2016.3 bundles many DataGrip features.
Editor improvements: Fira Code bundled, and style changes
Did you want to check out the new support for ligatures, but haven't had a chance to get a
font with them yet? We now include Fira Code with PyCharm. If you want to see what it looks
like, select Fira Code in Editor | Colors & Fonts | Font. Be sure to turn on the font
ligatures feature on the same settings page. We've also introduced new flat file icons.
Learn about PyCharm 2016.2
Python Tools
vmprof Profiler
Support pro only
For those who care about performance, PyCharm provides profiling support.
Additionally to the previously supported cProfile and Yappi profilers,
PyCharm 2016.2 brings support for vmprof, the sampling (statistical) Python profiler
written in C and developed by members of the PyPy team. It works for Python versions 2.7
through 3.5, CPython as well as PyPy, and supports Linux, macOS and Windows.
Pandas Dataframes
PyCharm has had a special array viewer for NumPy arrays for a couple of years.
PyCharm 2016.2 brings Pandas Dataframes support – a must-have feature for scientific
developers and data scientists. Thanks to our user Yuli Fiterman for contributing this feature!
Thread Suspend Option
Previously, when the PyCharm debugger reached a breakpoint during execution, only the
corresponding thread was suspended while others kept running. Now there is a Suspend option
with two values: All and Thread. ‘All' makes all threads stop at once
whenever a breakpoint is hit. With the ‘Thread' option, only the corresponding thread stops.
Function Return Values
in the Debugger
The new option has appeared in Debug tool window: Show Return Values. Function return
values are now shown in the PyCharm's debugger after stepping out from a function.
Package Installation from
PyCharm 2016.2 understands the syntax of extra options in requirements.txt files,
automatically installing all the specified extras. For example, now you can use the
following code in your requirements.txt files:
ipython [notebook]
Configuration for
Optimize Imports
Optimize Imports has been a neat feature for many years. In PyCharm 2016.2 the new
dedicated setting for Optimize Imports action appeared. It allows you to configure how
imports in the current file are sorted and arranged in groups.
Postfix Code
Postfix code completion helps reduce backward caret jumps as you write code. It lets you
transform an already typed expression to another one based on the postfix you've added and
the context of the expression. It has been improved with the “main” and “print” postfix
templates extracting your [expression].main and [expression].print code snippets respecting
Python 2 and Python 3 versions.
Lettuce Scenario
In PyCharm 2016.2 BDD support got an important improvement. PyCharm now recognizes Scenario
Outlines sections in Lettuce feature files. Scenario Outlines are supported for Lettuce
version 0.2.22 and higher.
IDE Improvements
Support for
The editor in PyCharm now supports fonts with programming ligatures, like
. Enable this in Preferences | Editor |
Colors and Fonts | Font.
The Inspection Tool
The Inspection tool window has been redesigned for better ergonomics: now code location for
each of the problems is displayed along with controls to either apply a quick-fix or
suppress an inspection.
Editor Background Image
Customize your IDE's look by choose a background image for the editor and the IDE frame.
Search for ‘Set Background Image' with the Search Everywhere action double Shift.
Regex Support
Coding assistance for Regex has been extended with better error reporting, and code
completion is now available for named group references.
Files Handling
The Commit dialog now shows unversioned files (so you don't forget to commit something
Improvements in
Working with Patches
Working with VCS patches has never been easier. With PyCharm 2016.2 a patch can be applied
from the clipboard (when the IDE obtains focus), or by dragging a file into the IDE.
In case a file has been changed since a patch was created for it, but PyCharm cannot find
its original revision, you'll be prompted to apply the patch using a Merge-like dialog.
Also, the Apply Patch dialog provides the Show Diff action to compare the patch to your
local version.
The VCS Log Viewer
The Log viewer for Git and Mercurial continues to get better:
It loads in the background on every change (a commit, fetch, rebase, etc.), so it's always ready when you open it.
We've reworked the way the Log shows the loading progress. Now, when refreshing, a thin stripe appears under the toolbar.
When you select several commits, you see all commit details.
Ctrl+L can be used for navigating to the Filter field.
Database Tools
Code completion for database names in Data Sources and Drivers.
Import of CSV, TSV (DSV) files to a database.
Language injections to SQL code.
Table Editor provides completion for column values.
PostgreSQL support has been extended to Schema Search Path, Rangetypes and types with TimeZone.Visual Studio Community 2017 RC 下载不动_visualstudio吧_百度贴吧
Visual Studio Community 2017 RC 下载不动收藏


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