
Getting started with Perl on the Raspberry Pi
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[ 所属分类
| 时间 2017 |
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Getting started with Perl on the Raspberry Pi
Posted 13 Mar 2017
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When I spoke recently at SVPerl (Silicon Valley Perl) about Perl on the Raspberry Pi, someone asked, "I heard the Raspberry Pi is supposed to use . Is that right?" I was glad he asked because it's a common misconception. The Raspberry Pican run any language. Perl, Python, and others are part of the initial installation of Raspbian , the official software for the board.
The origin of the myth is simple. The Raspberry Pi's creator, UK Computer Science professor Eben Upton, has told the story that the "Pi" part of the name was intended to sound like Python because he likes the language. He chose it as his emphasis for kids to learn coding. But he and his team made a general-purpose computer. The open source software on the Raspberry Pi places no restrictions on us. We're all free to pick what we want to runand make each Raspberry Pi our own.
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The second point to my presentation at SVPerl and this article is to introduce my "PiFlash" script. It was written in Perl, but it doesn't require any knowledge of Perl to automate your task of flashing SD cards for a Raspberry Pi from a Linux system. It provides safety for beginners, so they won't accidentally erase a hard drive while trying to flash an SD card. It offers automation and convenience for power users, which includes me and is why I wrote it. Similar tools already existed for
and Macs, but the instructions on the Raspberry Pi website oddly have no automated tools for Linux users. Now oneexists.
Open source software has a long tradition of new projects starting because an author wanted to "scratch their own itch," or to solve their own problems. That's the way Eric S. Raymond described it in his 1997 paper and 1999 book" The Cathedral and the Bazaar ," which defined the open source software development methodology. I wrote PiFlash to fill a need for Linux users like myself.
Downloadable system images
When setting up a Raspberry Pi, you first need to download an operating system for it. We call it a "system image" file. Once you download it to your desktop, laptop, or even another Raspberry Pi, you have to write or "flash" it to an SD card. The details are covered online already. It can be a bit tricky to do manually because getting the system image on the whole SD card andnot on a partition matters. The system image will actually contain at least one partition of its own because the Raspberry Pi's boot procedure needs a FAT32 filesystem partition from which to start. Other partitions after the boot partition can be any filesystem type supported by the OS kernel.
In most cases on the Raspberry Pi, we're running some distribution with a Linux kernel. Here's a list of common system images that you can download for the Raspberry Pi (but there's nothing to stop you from building your own from scratch).
The "NOOBS" system from the Raspberry Pi Foundation is their recommended system for new users. It stands for "New Out of the Box System." It's obviously intended to sound like the term "noob," short for "newbie." NOOBS starts a Raspbian-based Linux system, which presents a menu that you can use to automatically download and install several other system images on your Raspberry Pi.
Raspbian Linux is Debian Linux specialized for the Raspberry Pi. It's the official Linux distribution for the Raspberry Pi and is maintained by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Nearly all Raspberry Pi software and drivers start with Raspbian before going to other Linux distributions. It runs on all models of the Raspberry Pi. The default installation includes Perl.
Ubuntu Linux (and the community edition Ubuntu MATE) includes the Raspberry Pi as one of its supported platforms for the ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) processor. [RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture] Ubuntu is a commercially supported open source variant of Debian Linux, so its software comes as DEB packages. Perl is included. It only works on the Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 models with their 32-bit ARM7 and 64-bit ARM8 processors. The ARM6 processor of the Raspberry Pi 1 and Zero was never supported by Ubuntu's build process.
Fedora Linux supports the Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 as of Fedora 25. Fedora is the open source project affiliated with Red Hat. Fedora serves as the base that the commercial RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) adds commercial packages and support to, so its software comes as RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) packages like all Red Hat-compatible Linux distributions. Like the others, it includes Perl.
RISC OS is a single-user operating system made specifically for the ARM processor. If you want to experiment with a small desktop that is more compact than Linux (due to fewer features), it's an option. Perl runs on RISC OS.
RaspBSD is the Raspberry Pi distribution of FreeBSD. It's a Unix-based system, but isn't Linux. As an open source Unix, form follows function and it has many similarities to Linux, including that the operating system environment is made from a similar set of open source packages, including Perl.
OSMC , the Open Source Media Center, and LibreElec are TV entertainment center systems. They are both based on the Kodi entertainment center, which runs on a Linux kernel. It's a really compact and specialized Linux system, so don't expect to find Perl on it.
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