
> How to install Yosemite right now without ruining your Mac Comments Feed" href="/282347/install-yosemite-beta-without-ruining-main-machine/feed/">
OS X 10.10 Yosemite is gorgeous. It’s the biggest visual overhaul to come to OS X since Aqua, which has caused a rush of&Apple fanboys – including our own Leander Kahney –&&to jump the gun and install the buttery smooth interface on every Mac in sight.
Playing around with Apple’s newest software is a true tech delight, but it can also&come with some horrific&consequences if you install it as your main OS, as&most apps still aren’t optimized for the update. However, unlike iOS 8 there’s a safe way to install it without ruining your Mac until the final version is ready.
Here’s how to install the Yosemite beta in the most responsible way possible:
What you’ll need…
OS X 10.10 Developer Preview – Developers can grab the preview through the Dev Center. Not a dev? You could sign up for the new
and wait for Apple to finally send out invites, or you can
Storage Space – If you’re tight on hard drive space you’ll need to free up at least 20GB or more before beginning the partitioning and installation process.
&Creating&a&safe place…
Rather than slapping OS X Yosemite right over your current version of Mavericks, you can make the testing process much less painful by creating a separate partition to keep the bugs from affecting your&finely tuned workflow on Mavericks.
Open Disk Utility by going to Applications && Utilities && Disk Utility
Select your Mac’s main hard drive (the top one above Macintosh HD)
Click the Partition tab
Click the + underneath the Partition Layout section
Name the partition and set the amount of GB you want to allocate to it
Click “Apply”
After a few seconds of churning you will now have a second partition on your Mac. Now just load up your OS X 10.10 installer and after a few screens you’ll&&see the option to select which disk to put Yosemite on.
Switching back to Mavericks..
At some point you’ll undoubtedly get tired of the bugs and broken features in the Yosemite beta, but if you created a partition you can slip back into the sweet delights of OS X Mavericks by changing your Startup Disk.
Open System Preferences
Click “Startup Disk”
Select your original OS X 10.9 partition
Click Restart&and BOOM, you’re back enjoying the cleaner shores of Mavericks
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mp4视频器(HD Video Repair Utility)是一款可以帮助你修复无法正常播放的MOV或者MP4格式的视频文件的视频修复工具!有时候你会遇到这种情况,因文件误操作被删除或者存储卡被不小心格式化了,虽然经过千辛万苦通过数据修复软件找到了保存在存储卡中丢失的自拍视频,却突然发现救回的视频无法播放!这时候HD Video Repair Utility可以帮你的忙!他可以帮助你将无法正常播放的视频修复完整!使用步骤:程序操作非常简单,只需要四步即可轻松修复受损视频第一步,选择要修复的视频!第二步,选择一个参考视频,也就是同一部设备拍摄的可以正常播放的视频,比如你手机拍摄的其他正常的视频文件!第三步,都选择好了之后按下扫描,程序就会开始重建修复损坏的视频!第四步,影片名称出现在&已修复电影剪辑&就表示修复完成了!破解方法:1、这个是绿色中文版,直接解压后运行gs.exe即可启动程序!2、运行包中的Kg.exe!3、输入你的信息(Request Numbeer)到Keygen.exe,点击Generate按钮生成你的解锁代码!
mp4视频文件修复器(HD Video Repair Utility) V1.9.0.1 绿色特别版
下载帮助西西破解版软件均来自互联网, 如有侵犯您的版权, 请与我们联系。HD Video Repair Utility (视频文件修复工具) v1.9.0.1 绿色特别版
小编在看视频的时候经常就会发现很多视频损坏了无法播放,这时这款HD Video Repair Utility就派上大用场了,它是一款视频文件修复工具能够有效的修复无法正常播放的MOV或者MP4格式的视频文件问题,有了这款HD Video Repair Utility就再也不用担心视频损坏了,欢迎大家来下载体验!
HD Video Repair Utility使用说明:
HD Video Repair Utility破解教程:
  3:输入你的信息(Request Numbeer)到Keygen.exe,点击Generate按钮生成你的解锁代码!
HD Video Repair Utility下载
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