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  The Internet is as important as other service such as building roads, therefore,the government should make Internet access to all the citizens at no cost. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. 互联网和公路建造相同主要,因而政府应当让一切的公民免费地享受到互联网,是不是赞同?
  1. 从技能视点而言:互联网免费不能使得一切的公民获益。换言之,在许多国家的贫穷区域,电脑得不到遍及,所以,即使是互联网免费,那里的贫困人口也无法享受到互联网带来的利好,这笔经济核算还不如加强本地的基础设施建造,例如在贫困区域树立期望小学或许医院。
  2. 从经济视点而言:互联网免费或许会增强国家的经济负担;政府的财政核算和增加的民生需求是对立的,因而,政府应当优先思考处理更加主要的民生问题。例如,教学、住宅、医疗。
  3. 从工业视点而言:收费的互联网效劳能够推进有关工业的昌盛,例如移动公司。假如免费,电信工业经济利润必然降低,也或许致使有关人员的赋闲,因而,因小失大。
  1. 互联网免费或许给更多的互联网用户供给便当,尤其是经济条件有限,但又需要运用互联网的年轻人,学生能够运用网络来学习。
  2. 公民是纳税人,政府的核算应当取之于民,用之于民,免费的互联网效劳也是政府的责任,因为这是造福民生的表现。大家能够运用网络做许多的工作,例如创业开网店,休闲娱乐和接受网络教学等。
  1. The 21st century has witnessed the prosperity of the high-tech products 21世纪见证了高科技产品的昌盛。
  2. The contrivance of the Internet has greatly revolutionized people’s people in more ways than one. 互联网的发明在许多方面极大地改变了大家的日子。
  解析:in more ways than one = in many aspects 在许多方面
  解析:contrivance = invention n 发明
  3. Whether or not it is wise to enable all the citizens to have access to free Internet service has ignited a heated debate. 是不是让大家免费运用互联网变成争议的焦点。
  解析:ignite v点燃;触发……
  4. To voice my opinion, it is a rather hasty decision to popularize free use of the Internet, even though this practice might enjoy some merits 我以为虽然有其利好,遍及免费的互联网效劳是匆忙的决议。
  解析:it is a rather hasty decision to …… 做……是很匆忙的决议
  5. For a start,it is not an easy task to make people in the remote rural areas become the beneficiaries of free Internet service,by that I mean, …… 榜首,使偏远区域的人变成免费的互联网的获益人不是简略的工作,我的意思是……
  6. Also, under no circumstances can we ignore the potential drawbacks
triggered by the popularization of free Internet service. 任何情况下咱们都不能忽略由免费的互联网效劳导致的潜在的坏处。
  拓宽:under no circumstances = on no account adv 绝不
  7. Indeed, I have to concede that …… 我不得不供认……
  8. bring huge convenience to the computer users v 给计算机用户带来无穷的便当
  9. facilitate communication and association v有助于沟通和联系
  10. For example,fruits growers can post their sales information on the Internet 例如,果农能够在网络上发布产品销售的信息.
  解析:sales information n 销售信息
  11. It might increase the sales of their produces and thus they can achieve profitability 这或许会进步农产品的销量,因而,他们能够挣钱。
  解析:can achieve profitability v能够获利
  解析:produce = agricultural products n农产品
  点评:make money 的晋级表达
  12. In comparison with ……, the priority should be given to the perfection of the infrastructure. Building more primary schools or hospitals might be a better choice. 比照……,咱们应当优先思考完善基础设施。建造更多的小学和医院或许是更好的挑选。
  13. sb can benefit a great deal from …… 或人可从…… 中获利
  拓宽:…… can bring a number of benefits to sb ……能够给或人带来无穷的利好
  14. I The practice of popularizing free Internet service will take the bread out of the Internet service providers’ mouths. 供给免费的互联网效劳的做法是抢网络效劳供给商的饭碗。
  解析:take the bread out of one’s mouth v 抢了或人的饭碗。
  15. It is not completely true to simply believe that all people can become the beneficiaries of the popularization of free Internet service. 简略地以为一切人都能够变成免费互联网效劳的获益人不是完全正确的。
托福写作题目为:The government should offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost。
With the advent of internet, people in growing numbers are getting addicted to logging onto the internet out of various purposes, which has aroused deeply social concern. Therefore, the issue of whether the bills of using the Internet should be paid by the government or the users themselves has been open to debate. In my opinion, it is more reasonable to require the individuals to cover the fee of internet usage, with the reasons as follows.
To begin with, the users of the internets are supposed to pay the bills in order to relieve the financial burden of government. With the popularization of the internet, the number of people going online every day has increased to a lot, which means that the money spent on the internet is tremendous. Such a large sum of money can do nothing but occupy a great propotion of the governmental expenditure, thus cutting down on the investment of government on other more pressing fields like improving the public transportation and eradicating the poverty. By contrast, if the fee of internet usage comes from the wallet of the individual, the situation will become totally different. To illustrate, the abundant financial resources of government saved by this practice can better facilitate the economic development and render the life of the mass more convenient and comfortable.
In addition, requiring the individuals to pay for the bill of internet access will help to establish better social relationship between people. As is common sense, with the wide application of electronic devices boosted by easy access to the internet, people especially younsters are indulged in the cyber or virtual world created by the social network and various Apps on the cell phone. Consequently, it is not uncommon to observe that when a group of white collars sit at a table in a restaurant waiting for their meals, they watch the screen of their smart phones instead of interacting with the guys near them, which greatly alienates the bond between them. In this case, the free use of internet will aggravate this situation to a large extent. However, if the fee of the internet usage is covered by the individuals instead of the government, many people will be reduce their time spent in surfing the internet in order to save money. As a result, the face-to-face communication will become more frequent and thus the closer and more intimate relationship between people will be set up.
Factoring the above listed reasons, it is safe to conclude that the government should not offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost, in order to relieve financial burden of the government and to build a better rapport between people.
来自: (2012 我們戀愛吧!)
  The technology revolution is upon us. In the past, there have been many triumphs in the world of technology. To this date, people are able to communicate over thousands of miles with the greatest of ease. The Internet connects nearly 400 million users worldwide and is an essential part of how we work, play, communicate, and conduct commerce. We use the Internet in ways that seemed unimaginable in the past.
  local information barriers
  literacy barriers
  language barriers
  cultural diversity barriers
  The Internet provides convenience for people to learn at home. Internet based training gas become a common business tool used to gain advancements in current jobs. Tutoring over the Internet is also available. Business on the Internet is a growing technology. Business on the Internet has no g it has access to more consumers. Approximately 150 businesses join the Internet every day. There is less labor force needed and it is open 24 hours a day. The Internet is also a bigger and cheaper way to advertise. In the past 20 years, the Internet has changed a number of areas in society, especially the business world. In the last 40 years, the Internet has gone from a method of defense communication for the government, to a business venture for an entrepreneur or a fortune 500-company. The Internet is a way for gaining consumers, products and capital for a business.
  In a world of light-speed data transmission, any individual with little training and expertise can make a fortune from the Internet. Many companies,
or eBay, thrive from business done through Internet transactions.
  data leakage
  virus infringe one’s privacy
  national security
  The Internet has many great uses, but, as anything else, negative things can be done there as well. The beauty of the Internet is that it is so large that it’s nearly impossible to keep track of what bad things everyone is doing. A few examples are someone can steal a cell phone and then by using the Internet, they can reprogram the telephone to work off someone’s account and not be traced. Other examples are the pirates of software. Someone can get a program that Microsoft sells for about one thousand dollars for free and it can’t be traced. There is another fact that nearly anything can be traded online, like drugs, weapons such as high power guns, bombs, and the list for these items goes on and on. One of the worst things that the police really want to get their hands on is Child Pornography. It is not so hard to keep track of when people had to go out and hand deliver this stuff, but through the Internet the scum who partake in this don’t have to leave their homes. A big problem is the fact that underage kids can see what they are not meant to. This does not just end up there are images of extreme violence on humans and animals.
  Philosophical debates have arisen over the present and future use of technology in society, with disagreements over whether technology improves the human condition or worsens it. Neo-Luddism, anarcho-primitivism, and similar movements criticize the pervasiveness of technology in the modern world, claiming that it harms the environment
proponents of ideologies such as trans-humanism and techno-progressivism view continued technological progress as beneficial to society and the human condition. Indeed, until recently, it was believed that the development of technology was restricted only to human beings, but recent scientific studies indicate that other primates and certain dolphin communities have developed simple tools ad learned to pass their knowledge to other generations.
  Technology allows families living in different locations to stay in touch with each other. Filipinos are now able to sent text messages to their relatives in the United States and Europe. Singaporeans who are working overseas are able to keep in touch with their families back home via the Internet. Children of expatriate Laos are able to learn more about their parents’ home country via the Internet.
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发表时间: 15:22:42 来源:互联网
日托福写作回忆:The Internet is as important as other service such as building roads,
therefore,the government should make Internet access to all the citizens at no
cost. Do you agree or disagree with this statement.
从产业角度而言:收费的互联网服务可以促进相关产业的繁荣,例如移动公司。如果免费,电信产业经济利润必然下降,也可能导致相关人员的失业,因此,得不偿失。支持互联网免费:1. 互联网免费可能给更多的互联网用户提供便利,尤其是经济条件有限,但又需要使用互联网的年轻人,学生可以利用网络来学习。2.
公民是纳税人,政府的预算应该取之于民,用之于民,免费的互联网服务也是政府的责任,因为这是造福民生的体现。人们可以利用网络做很多的事情,例如创业开网店,休闲娱乐和接受网络教育等。【写作语料库】1. The 21st century has witnessed the prosperity of the high-tech products
21世纪见证了高科技产品的繁荣。2. The contrivance of the Internet has greatly revolutionized people’s people
in more ways than one. 互联网的发明在很多方面极大地改变了人们的生活。解析:in more ways than one = in many aspects 在很多方面解析:contrivance = invention n 发明3. Whether or not it is wise to enable all the citizens to have access to
free Internet service has ignited a heated debate. 是否让人们免费使用互联网成为争议的焦点。解析:ignite v点燃;触发……4. To voice my opinion, it is a rather hasty decision to popularize free use
of the Internet, even though this practice might enjoy some merits
我认为尽管有其利好,普及免费的互联网服务是匆忙的决定。解析:it is a rather hasty decision to …… 做……是很匆忙的决定5. For a start,it is not an easy task to make people in the remote rural
areas become the beneficiaries of free Internet service,by that I mean, ……
第一,使偏远地区的人成为免费的互联网的受益人不是简单的事情,我的意思是……6. Also, under no circumstances can we ignore the potential drawbacks
triggered by the popularization of free Internet service.
任何情况下我们都不能忽视由免费的互联网服务引起的潜在的弊端。解析:例证展开,互联网免费,网络运营商就会失业,带来连锁的不良反应。拓展:under no circumstances = on no account adv 绝不7. Indeed, I have to concede that …… 我不得不承认……8. bring huge convenience to the computer users v 给计算机用户带来巨大的便利9. facilitate communication and association v有助于交流和联系10. For example,fruits growers can post their sales information on the
Internet 例如,果农可以在网络上发布产品销售的信息.解析:sales information n 销售信息11. It might increase the sales of their produces and thus they can achieve
profitability 这也许会提高农产品的销量,因此,他们可以赚钱。解析:can achieve profitability v可以获利解析:produce = agricultural products n农产品点评:make money 的升级表达12. In comparison with ……, the priority should be given to the perfection of
the infrastructure. Building more primary schools or hospitals might be a better
choice. 对比……,我们应该优先考虑完善基础设施。建设更多的小学和医院也许是更好的选择。13. sb can benefit a great deal from …… 某人可从…… 中获利拓展:…… can bring a number of benefits to sb ……可以给某人带来巨大的利好14. I The practice of popularizing free Internet service will take the bread
out of the Internet service providers’ mouths. 提供免费的互联网服务的做法是抢网络服务提供商的饭碗。解析:take the bread out of one’s mouth v 抢了某人的饭碗。15. It is not completely true to simply believe that all people can become
the beneficiaries of the popularization of free Internet service.


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