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本类热门网站Tesco乐购40亿英镑出售韩国Homeplus业务 以缓解债务危机_资讯_中国时尚品牌网
您当前的位置:>>Tesco乐购40亿英镑出售韩国Homeplus业务 以缓解债务危机
Tesco乐购40亿英镑出售韩国Homeplus业务 以缓解债务危机
英国零售公司Tesco日前表示,已将其在韩国的Homeplus业务出售给以M Partners为首的国际财团,交易金额达到40亿英镑,以此偿还Tesco的债务并重建国内业务。据了解,该交易创下今年亚洲最大的交易记录,也是韩国历史上最大的私募股权交易。&记者从日媒“ZUU online”9月8日的报道中了解到,英国零售公司Tesco在全球数十个国家开设了多家超市、便利店,并且在加油站、通信、金融、保险、电力等多个领域扩张其事务,销售额曾经排名世界第三,颇有所向无敌的气势。然而在2015年2月的结算中得出史上最多的年度亏损(57亿6600万英镑),公司也不得不以业绩不振为由缩小业务范围。  Tesco在2011年从日本市场撤离。进入2015年,已在英国关闭了40家以上的店铺,并在今年6月决定将其在韩国的Homeplus业务出售。凯雷投资集团、KKR、CVC Capital Partners等投资公司都进行了投标,但最终被MBK Partners牵头的国际财团以1000家店铺40亿英镑的价格收购,共同参与收购的还有加拿大退休金计划投资委员会和新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡。Tesco以此偿还负债并进行英国国内的业务重建。  Tesco在1999年进入韩国市场时,与三星共同设立Homeplus,之后则进行单独运营。Homeplus年度销售额可达41亿英镑,是韩国排名第二的折扣连锁店,也是Tesco海外事业中规模最大最成功的业务。对于此次出售在韩业务,原Tesco CEO Terry Leahy认为这距离公司成功国际化的愿望又远了一步。而现任CEO Dave Lewis在接受当地媒体采访时表示:“强化经济基础是最优先的事项,因此作出了这个决定,我相信在各种意义上这都是一个正确的决断。将Homeplus业务出售给MBK Partners,对于各位股东自然不用说,MBK自身也有许多受益。”  从前年的马肉风波,到去年和今年陷入会计丑闻和商品缺陷等事件,Tesco的品牌形象已经收到损害,国内外业务也在不断缩小。国内超市经营在降价竞争中惨败,被对手压制,陷入顾客急速流失的苦战中,Tesco该如何从国际市场卷土重来,这是今后值得关注的点。&
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韩私募基金MBK斥资60亿美元收购HOME PLUS
& 据《朝鲜日报》9月8日报道,韩国最大的私募基金MBK昨日与英国TESCO&PLC签订收购协议,以约60亿美元的价格收购HOME&PLUS100%的股份。HOME&PLUS是韩国流通业高速成长的象征,目前是韩国的第二大超市,拥有140个大型卖场、375个超市和327个便利店。本次并购创造了韩国企业并购的最大金额。韩业界分析,MBK收购HOME&PLUS后,将可能通过大幅下调商品价格的方式扩大营销,或将引发其他大型超市的降价大战。
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Homeplus (: ????) is a
with 113 branches throughout . Homeplus is the second largest retailer in South Korea, behind 's
chain. It was owned by British supermarket conglomerate
until 2015.
Homeplus operates both hypermarkets and its express format as well as a home delivery shopping service. Stores typically open at 10 AM and close at 12 PM.
Homeplus hypermarket stores typically offer general home products, clothing, electronics, and sporting goods. They also usually feature a , large , and small, special-purpose stores such as
restaurants, travel agencies, appliance-rental firms, pharmacies, and bookstores. There are also "culture centres" in some of the stores.
In 2011, the retailer opened the world’s first virtual supermarket at
on , where smartphone users can photograph the bar code of the life-size pictures, on the walls and platform screen doors, of 500 items of food, toiletries, electronics etc., for delivery within the same day.
In August 2014 the company cut their profit by $0.4 billion. On September 23, 2014 Homeplus was investigated for alleged . From September 5–10 of the same year, one of the company's outlets was on a strike during
holiday protesting not substantial wage increase.
In September 2015 the company was sold to MBK Partners, a South Korean buyout firm, which partnered with the
and Singapore's
in a transaction worth ?4.2 billion.
January 2005.
. Homeplus 2008.
. . September 7, .
Murthy, Rishika (September 22, 2011). .
from the original on August 10, .
Strother, Jason (October 21, 2011). . .
from the original on August 29, .
Lianna Brinded (September 23, 2014). .
. BBC News. September 23, 2014.
from the original on September 24, .
. . September 4, 2014.
from the original on September 26, .
. BBC News. 12 April .
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