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Home of the Drive Calculator
Version 3.4
Drive Calculator is a tool for DC motor analysis and the computation of the complete powersystem for electrically powered model aircraft. The Drive Calculator database contains tablesfor batteries, ESCs, gear boxes, motors, propellers, and stators.
Drive Calculator 3.4 in English
Learn more about Drive Calculator:
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Drive Calculator 3.4 in Deutsch
Weitere Informationen &ber Drive Calculator:
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The Excel based Drive Calculator 2.21 is still available
from Gerd Giese's website
PropCalc computes the performance data of propellers with a given geometry, notably
in-flight thrust and power drain across the utilizable airspeed range.
Drive Calculator and Propeller Calculator are Freeware and may not be used for commercial purposes
or copied and passed on for profit.
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icloud drive是什么?怎么用
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