dspic33ep烧录方式时常见的Nand Flash坏块处理方式有哪些?

(最多只允许输入30个字)nand flash中存放坏块的区是哪个_百度知道
nand flash中存放坏块的区是哪个
  NAND FLASH存储器的坏块管理  (HAL)硬件适配层管理坏块,通常工厂在出厂时建立一个坏块表标记坏块。  坏块是那些包含一位或者多位无效位,可靠性不能保证的块。坏块可能在出厂时已经存在,也可能在使用过程中产生。  有坏块的设备和无坏块的设备有相同的质量等级和相同的AC,DC特性,一个坏块不会影响有效块的性能,因为它通过选择晶体管来分离线性位和通用代码行。  在NAND FLASH坏块管理中,块替换和ECC是必要的,ST在HAL中提供了这些模块。    
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主题 : nand flash 出现了坏块,请问怎样解决啊
级别: 侠客
金钱: 690 两
威望: 626 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 146 分
&nand flash 出现了坏块,请问怎样解决啊
级别: 侠客
金钱: 690 两
威望: 626 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 146 分
这是内核启动信息NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xec, Chip ID: 0x76 (Samsung NAND 64MiB 3,3V 8-bit)Scanning device for bad blocksBad eraseblock 157 at 0xBad eraseblock 158 at 0xBad eraseblock 159 at 0xBad eraseblock 160 at 0xBad eraseblock 161 at 0xBad eraseblock 162 at 0xBad eraseblock 163 at 0xBad eraseblock 164 at 0xBad eraseblock 165 at 0xBad eraseblock 166 at 0xBad eraseblock 167 at 0xBad eraseblock 168 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 169 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 170 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 171 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 172 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 173 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 174 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 175 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 176 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 177 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 179 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 180 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 181 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 182 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 183 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 184 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 185 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 186 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 187 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 188 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 189 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 190 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 191 at 0x0Bad eraseblock 192 at 0xBad eraseblock 193 at 0xBad eraseblock 194 at 0xBad eraseblock 195 at 0xBad eraseblock 196 at 0xBad eraseblock 197 at 0xBad eraseblock 198 at 0xBad eraseblock 199 at 0xBad eraseblock 200 at 0xBad eraseblock 201 at 0xBad eraseblock 202 at 0xCreating 4 MTD partitions on &NAND 64MiB 3,3V 8-bit&:0x-0x : &bootloader&0x-0x : &params&0x-0x : &kernel&0x-0x : &root&ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driveraffs: block 10 is marked badblock 11 is badyaffs: block 11 is marked badblock 12 is badyaffs: block 12 is marked badblock 13 is badyaffs: block 13 is marked badblock 14 is badyaffs: block 14 is marked badblock 15 is badyaffs: block 15 is marked badblock 16 is badyaffs: block 16 is marked badblock 17 is badyaffs: block 17 is marked badblock 18 is badyaffs: block 18 is marked badblock 19 is badyaffs: block 19 is marked badblock 20 is badyaffs: block 20 is marked badblock 21 is badyaffs: block 21 is marked badblock 22 is badyaffs: block 22 is marked badblock 23 is badyaffs: block 23 is marked badblock 24 is badyaffs: block 24 is marked badblock 25 is badyaffs: block 25 is marked badblock 26 is badyaffs: block 27 isMounted root (yaffs filesystem) on device 31:3.Freeing init memory: 124KWarning: unable to open an initial console.Failed to execute /linuxrc.&&Attempting defaults...Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found.&&Try passing init= option to kernel. CTRL-A Z for help |N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.2&&&&| VT102 |&&&&&&Offline&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 我已经烧写了文件系统啊,里面有/linuxrc啊,是因为nana flash 里有坏块,而没有烧写到nand flash吗?
级别: 精灵王
金钱: 6995 两
威望: 5398 点
贡献值: 21 点
综合积分: 1600 分
从头开始更新一次再试试,这样的坏块报告肯定是不对的。x - v - k - y
级别: 侠客
金钱: 690 两
威望: 626 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 146 分
谢谢你的回答,文件系统可以挂载上了,原因是我一时疏忽,没有向文件系统里拷贝动态库,现在可以挂载了,但是开机还会用那么多的坏块提示,这个怎么办呢,能修复坏块吗?关于坏块,我想问问,如果有坏块的话,会不会影响nand flash的使用呢,还是有坏块也一样可以使用,没有什么影响呢?我现在烧写的文件系统只用4M多,如果我要烧写50M的文件系统会不会因为有坏块而失败呢?谢谢了
级别: 总版主
发帖: 1740
金钱: 13820 两
威望: 5361 点
贡献值: 17 点
综合积分: 3820 分
级别: 新手上路
金钱: 120 两
威望: 69 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 30 分
&Re:nand flash 出現了壞塊,請問怎樣解決啊
get a uboot for mini2440, write it into nand, boot uboot from nand, and nand scrubin uboot console to clear the fake bad sector.
级别: 侠客
金钱: 690 两
威望: 626 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 146 分
&回 5楼(mihs) 的帖子
尝试用U-Boot命令nand scrubNAND scrub: device 0 whole chipWarning: scrub option will erase all factory set bad blocks!&&&&&&&& There is no reliable way to recover them.&&&&&&&& Use this command only for testing purposes if you&&&&&&&& are sure of what you are doing!Really scrub this NAND flash? &y/N&scrub aborted不论选y还是N都是放弃.怎么才能恢复呢?
级别: 侠客
金钱: 690 两
威望: 626 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 146 分
级别: 新手上路
金钱: 120 两
威望: 69 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 30 分
&Re:nand flash 出現了壞塊,請問怎樣解決啊
take this one. I had forgot the version of this uboot. I got it from and it works fine for my mini2440.
(67 K) 下载次数:53
级别: 侠客
金钱: 690 两
威望: 626 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 146 分
但是uboot从nand flash里启动时,这个命令nand scrub和nand earser都不好使啊,nand scrubNAND scrub: device 0 whole chipWarning: scrub option will erase all factory set bad blocks!&&&&&&&& There is no reliable way to recover them.&&&&&&&& Use this command only for testing purposes if you&&&&&&&& are sure of what you are doing!Really scrub this NAND flash? &y/N&scrub aborted不论选y还是N都是放弃.你确定get a uboot for mini2440, write it into nand, boot uboot from nand, and nand scrubin uboot console to clear the fake bad sector.这样的方法行得通吗?你使用过吗?谢谢
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Nand Flash烧录时坏块是如何处理的?
Nand Flash的烧录需要定制方案,坏块通常有两种处理方式跳过或替换,SmartPRO 6000F-PLUS烧录速度快,还可有效管理坏块。


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