
defualt:throw new IndexOutRangeException():sex=private string title:name=case 1,如下所示:class Person{case 2:title=default:throw new IndexOutOfException();}}}}定义了索引符之后:case 2;public string this[int i]{get{switch(i){case 0:case 1;}set{switch(i){case 0Index是类的一个索引符,C#对类引进了索引符的操作,是为了有时候可以将类当作数组来用
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Getting Help
Questions and comments about TopHat can be posted on the
Please use
private communications only. Please do not email technical questions to TopHat contributors directly.
version 2.1.1 2/23/2016
Related Tools
: Isoform assembly and quantitation for RNA-Seq
: Ultrafast short read alignment
: An algorithm for Discovery of Novel Fusion Transcripts
Visualization of RNA-Seq differential analysis
Trapnell C, Pachter L, Salzberg SL. .
Langmead B, Trapnell C, Pop M, Salzberg SL. .
Kim D and Salzberg SL. .
Kim D, Pertea G, Trapnell C, Pimentel H, Kelley R, Salzberg SL.
Geo Pertea
Ryan Kelley
What is TopHat?
TopHat is a program that aligns RNA-Seq reads to a genome in order
to identify exon-exon splice junctions.
It is built on the ultrafast
short read mapping program .
TopHat runs on Linux and OS X.
What types of reads can I use TopHat with?
TopHat was designed to work with reads produced by the Illumina Genome
Analyzer, although users have been successful in using TopHat with reads
from other technologies.
In TopHat 1.1.0, we began supporting Applied Biosystems' Colorspace format.
The software is optimized for reads 75bp or longer.
How does TopHat find junctions?
TopHat can find splice junctions without a reference annotation.
first mapping RNA-Seq reads to the genome, TopHat identifies potential
exons, since many RNA-Seq reads will contiguously align to the genome.
Using this initial mapping information, TopHat builds a database of
possible splice
junctions and then maps the reads against these junctions to confirm
Short read sequencing machines can currently produce reads 100bp or
longer but many exons are shorter than this so they would be missed in
the initial mapping.
TopHat solves this problem mainly by splitting all input
reads into smaller segments which are then mapped independently.
segment alignments are put back together in a final step of the
program to produce the end-to-end read alignments.
TopHat generates its database of possible splice junctions from two
sources of evidence. The first and strongest source of evidence for a
junction is when two segments from the same read (for reads of at
least 45bp) are mapped at a certain distance on the same genomic
sequence or
when an internal segment fails to map - again suggesting that such
reads are spanning multiple exons. With this approach, "GT-AG",
"GC-AG" and "AT-AC" introns will be found ab initio. The second
source is pairings of "coverage islands",
which are distinct regions of piled up reads in the initial mapping.
Neighboring islands are often spliced together in the transcriptome,
TopHat looks for ways to join these with an intron. We only suggest
users use this second option (--coverage-search)& for short reads
(& 45bp) and with a small number of reads (&= 10 million).&
This latter option will only report alignments across "GT-AG" introns
To use TopHat, you will need the following programs in your PATH:
bowtie2 and bowtie2-align (or bowtie)
bowtie2-inspect (or bowtie-inspect)
bowtie2-build (or bowtie-build)
Because TopHat outputs and handles alignments in BAM format, you will need to download and install the .
You may want to take a look at the
guide for more detailed installation instructions,
including installation of SAM tools and Boost.
You will also need Python version 2.6 or higher.
Obtaining and installing TopHat
You can download the latest source release and precompiled binaries for Linux and Mac OSX . See the
guide for detailed instructions about installing TopHat from the binary
package or building TopHat and its dependencies from source.
To install TopHat from source package, unpack the tarball and change directory to the package
directory as follows:
tar zxvf tophat-2.0.0.tar.gz
cd tophat-2.0.0/
Configure the package, specifying the install path and the library dependencies as needed (see the&
guide for details):
./configure --prefix=&install_prefix&
Finally, build and install TopHat:
make install
As detailed in the
guide, if you want to install TopHat 2 without overwriting a previous
version of TopHat already installed on your system you should specify a
new, separate &install_prefix& for the ./configure command above,
the 'make install' step just copy the tophat2 script from
&install_prefix&/bin to a directory that is in your shell's PATH,
so you can invoke this new version of TopHat with the command 'tophat2'.
Below you will find a detailed list of command-line options you can
use to control TopHat.
Beginning users should take a look at the
guide for a tutorial on
installing and running TopHat and its prerequisites.
Using TopHat
Usage: tophat [options]* &genome_index_base& &reads1_1[,...,readsN_1]& [reads1_2,...readsN_2]
When running TopHat with paired reads it is critical that the *_1 files an the *_2
files appear in separate comma-delimited lists, and that the order of the files in the two lists is the same.
TopHat allows the use of additional unpaired reads to be provided after the paired reads.
These unpaired reads can be either given at the end of the paired read files on one side (as reads that can no longer be paired with reads from the other side),
or they can be given in separate file(s) which are appended (comma delimited) to the list of paired input files on either side e.g.:
tophat [options]* &genome_index_base& PE_reads_1.fq.gz,SE_reads.fa PE_reads_2.fq.gz
tophat [options]* &genome_index_base& PE_reads_1.fq.gz PE_reads_2.fq.gz,SE_reads.fa
Starting with version 2.0.10 TopHat accepts mixed input file formats (FASTA/FASTQ).
NOTE: TopHat can align reads that are up to 1024 bp long,
and it handles paired-end reads and unpaired reads at once, but we do not recommend mixing different types of reads in the same TopHat run.
For example,
mixing 100bp single end reads and 2x27bp paired reads in the same TopHat run may give sub-optimal results. If you'd like to combine
results from data sets with different types of RNA-Seq reads, you can follow a protocol like this:
run TopHat on the first set of reads, with the appropriate parameters for this data set
use bed_to_juncs to convert the junctions.bed file obtained in this first run to a junction file usable by Tophat's -j option
run Tophat on the 2nd set of reads using the -j option to supply the junctions file produced by bed_to_juncs in the previous step
The following is a detailed description of the options used to control
the TopHat script.
The basename of the genome index to be searched. The basename is the name of any of the index files up to but not including the first period.
Bowtie first looks in the current directory for the index files, then looks in the indexes
subdirectory under the directory where the
currently-running bowtie executable is located,
then looks in the directory specified in the
(or BOWTIE2_INDEXES) environment variable.
Please note that it is highly recommended that a FASTA file with the sequence(s) the genome being indexed be present in the same
directory with the Bowtie index files and having the name &genome_index_base&.fa. If not present, TopHat will automatically
rebuild this FASTA file from the Bowtie index files.
A comma-separated list of files containing reads in FASTQ or FASTA format.
When running TopHat with paired-end reads, this should be the *_1 ("left")
set of files.
A comma-separated list of files containing reads in FASTQ or FASTA format.
Only used when running TopHat with paired end reads, and contains the
*_2 ("right") set of files.
The *_2 files MUST appear
in the same order as the *_1 files.
Prints the help message and exits
Prints the TopHat version number and exits
Final read alignments having more than these many mismatches are discarded.
The default is 2.
Final read alignments having more than these many total length of gaps are discarded.
The default is 2.
Final read alignments having more than these many edit distance are discarded.
The default is 2.
Some of the reads spanning multiple exons may be mapped incorrectly as a
contiguous alignment to the genome even though the correct alignment
should be a spliced one - this can happen in the presence of processed
pseudogenes that are rarely (if at all)
transcribed or expressed. This option can direct TopHat to re-align
reads for which the edit distance of an alignment obtained in a previous
mapping step is above or equal to
this option value. If you set this option to 0, TopHat will map
every read in all the mapping steps (transcriptome if you provided gene
genome, and finally splice variants detected by TopHat), reporting the
best possible alignment found in any of these mapping steps.
This may greatly increase the mapping accuracy at the expense of an increase in running time.
The default value for this option is set such that TopHat will not try to realign reads already mapped in earlier steps.
Uses Bowtie1 instead of Bowtie2.
If you use colorspace reads, you need to use this option
as Bowtie2 does not support colorspace reads.
-o/--output-dir &string&
Sets the name of the directory in which TopHat will write all of its
The default is "./tophat_out".
-r/--mate-inner-dist &int&
This is the expected (mean) inner distance between mate pairs.
example, for paired end runs with fragments selected at 300bp, where each
end is 50bp, you should set -r to be 200.
The default is 50bp.
--mate-std-dev &int&
The standard deviation for the distribution on inner distances between
mate pairs.
The default is 20bp.
-a/--min-anchor-length &int&
The "anchor length".
TopHat will report junctions spanned by reads
with at least this many bases on each side of the junction. Note that
individual spliced alignments may span a junction with fewer than this
many bases on one side.
However, every junction involved in spliced
alignments is supported by at least one read with this many bases on each
This must be at least 3 and the default is 8.
-m/--splice-mismatches &int&
The maximum number of mismatches that may appear in the "anchor" region
of a spliced alignment.
The default is 0.
-i/--min-intron-length &int&
The minimum intron length.
TopHat will ignore donor/acceptor pairs
closer than this many bases apart.
The default is 70.
-I/--max-intron-length &int&
The maximum intron length.
When searching for junctions ab initio,
TopHat will ignore donor/acceptor pairs farther than this many bases
apart, except when such a pair is supported by a split segment alignment
of a long read.
The default is 500000.
--max-insertion-length &int&
The maximum insertion length.
The default is 3.
--max-deletion-length &int&
The maximum deletion length.
The default is 3.
Use the Solexa scale for quality values in FASTQ files.
As of the Illumina GA pipeline version 1.3, quality scores are encoded
in Phred-scaled base-64.
Use this option for FASTQ files from pipeline 1.3 or later.
Separate quality value files - colorspace read files (CSFASTA) come with separate qual files.
Quality values are space-delimited integer values, this becomes default when you specify -C/--color.
Colorspace reads, note that it uses a colorspace bowtie index and requires Bowtie 0.12.6 or higher.
Common usage: tophat --color --quals [other options]*
&colorspace_index_base& &reads1_1[,...,readsN_1]&
[reads1_2,...readsN_2] &quals1_1[,...,qualsN_1]&
-p/--num-threads &int&
Use this many threads to align reads. The default is 1.
-g/--max-multihits &int&
Instructs TopHat to allow up to this many alignments to the reference
for a given read, and choose the alignments based on their alignment
scores if there are more than this number.
The default is 20 for read mapping.
Unless you use
--report-secondary-alignments, TopHat will report the alignments with
the best alignment score.
If there are more alignments with the same score than this number,
TopHat will randomly report only this many alignments.
In case of using --report-secondary-alignments, TopHat will try to
report alignments up to this option value, and TopHat may randomly
output some of the alignments with the same score to meet this number.
By default TopHat reports best or primary alignments based on alignment scores (AS). Use this option
if you want to output additional or secondary alignments& (up to
20 alignments will be reported this way, this limit can be changed by
using the -g/--max-multihits option above).
For paired reads, report only concordant mappings.
For paired reads, only report read alignments
if both reads in a pair can be mapped (by default, if TopHat cannot find
a concordant or discordant alignment for both reads in a pair, it will find and report
alignments for
this option disables that
Disables the coverage based search for junctions.
Enables the coverage based search for junctions.
Use when coverage search
is disabled by default (such as for reads 75bp or longer), for maximum sensitivity.
With this option, the pipeline will attempt to find alignments incident
to micro-exons.
Works only for reads 50bp or longer.
The default is unstranded (fr-unstranded). If either fr-firststrand or fr-secondstrand is specified, every read alignment will have an XS attribute tag as explained below.
Consider supplying library type options below to select the correct RNA-seq protocol.
Library TypeExamplesDescription
fr-unstrandedStandard IlluminaReads
from the left-most end of the fragment (in transcript coordinates) map
to the transcript strand, and the right-most end maps to the opposite
fr-firststranddUTP, NSR, NNSRSame
as above except we enforce the rule that the right-most end of the
fragment (in transcript coordinates) is the first sequenced (or only
sequenced for single-end reads).
Equivalently, it is assumed that only
the strand generated during first strand synthesis is sequenced.
fr-secondstrandLigation, Standard SOLiDSame
as above except we enforce the rule that the left-most end of the
fragment (in transcript coordinates) is the first sequenced (or only
sequenced for single-end reads).
Equivalently, it is assumed that only
the strand generated during second strand synthesis is sequenced.
Advanced Options:
TopHat uses "-v" in Bowtie for initial read mapping (the default), but with this option, "-n" is used instead.
Read segments are always mapped using "-v" option.
Read segments are mapped independently, allowing up to this many mismatches
in each segment alignment.
The default is 2.
Each read is cut up into segments, each at least this long.
These segments
are mapped independently. The default is 25.
The minimum intron length that may be found during split-segment search.
The default is 50.
The maximum intron length that may be found during split-segment search.
The default is 500000.
The minimum intron length that may be found during coverage search.
The default is 50.
The maximum intron length that may be found during coverage search.
The default is 20000.
Causes TopHat to preserve its intermediate files produced during the
run (mostly useful for debugging). The default is to delete these
temporary files.
In order to sort alignments in the same order in the genome fasta file,
the option can be used.
But this option will make the output SAM/BAM file incompatible with
those from the previous versions of TopHat (1.4.1 or lower).
Output BAM is not coordinate-sorted.
Do not convert to bam format. Output is &output_dir&/accepted_hit.sam.
Implies --no-sort-bam.
-R/--resume &string&
In case a TopHat run was terminated prematurely (process failure due to
external factors, e.g. running out of memory because of other processes
running on the same machine, or the disk getting full), users can
attempt to resume the interrupted TopHat run by just providing this
option with the output directory for that run. TopHat sets several
checkpoints after every lengthy operations in the pipeline and when this
option is provided, it will attempt to resume
the pipeline from the last successful checkpoint.
This special usage of TopHat only requires this option, e.g. the command
line could simply be:
&&& tophat -R tophat_out (or your TopHat output directory if you used the -o/--output-dir option)Note
that none of the original options used for the original TopHat run
should be provided, TopHat will find all the original options (and the
checkpoint info) in the logs/run.log file found in the specified
Manually specify the program used for compressio
default is gzip; use -z0 to disable compression altogether.
Any program that is option-compatible with gzip can be used (e.g. bzip2, pigz,
Bowtie 2 specific options:
Bowtie 2 provides many options so that users can have more
flexibility as to how reads are mapped. TopHat 2 allows users to pass many
of these options to Bowtie 2 by preceding the Bowtie 2
option name with the --b2-
Please refer to the
website for detailed information.
Preset options in --end-to-end mode& (local alignment is not used in TopHat2):
Tophat 2 option:
Corresponding Bowtie 2 option:
Alignment options:
The default is 0.
The default is 20.
The default is S,1,1.25.
The default is L,0,0.15.
The default is 4.
Scoring options:
The default is 6,2.
The default is 1.
The default is 5,3.
The default is 5,3.
The default is L,-0.6,-0.6.
Effort options:
The default is 15.
The default is 2.
Fusion mapping options:
Reads can be aligned to potential fusion transcripts if the --fusion-search option is specified.
The fusion alignments are reported in SAM format using custom fields XF and XP (see the output format)
and some additional information about fusions will be reported (see fusions.out).
Once mapping is done, you can run tophat-fusion-post to filter out fusion transcripts
(see the TopHat-Fusion website for more details).
Turn on fusion mapping
A "supporting" read must map to both sides of a fusion by at least these many bases. The default is 20.
For intra-chromosomal fusions, TopHat-Fusion tries to find fusions separated by at least this distance.
The default is .
Reads support fusions if they map across fusion with at most these many mismatches. The default is 2.
Reads that map to more than these many places will be ignored.
It may be possible that a fusion is supported by reads (or pairs) that map to multiple places.
The default is 2.
Pairs that map to more than these many places will be ignored. The default is 2.
Ignore some chromosomes such as chrM when detecting fusion break points.
Please check the correct names for chromosomes,
that is, mitochondrial DNA is represented as chrM or M depending on the annotation you use.
Supplying your own transcript annotation data:
The options below allow you validate your own list of known transcripts or junctions with your
RNA-Seq data. Note that the chromosome names in the files provided
with the options below must match the names in the
Bowtie index.
These names are case-senstitive.
-j/--raw-juncs &.juncs file&
Supply TopHat with a list of raw junctions.
Junctions are specified
one per line, in a tab-delimited format.
Records look like:
left and right are zero-based coordinates, and
specify the last character of the left sequenced to be spliced to
the first character of the right sequence, inclusive.
That is, the last and the first positions of the flanking exons.
Users can convert junctions.bed (one of the TopHat outputs) to this format
using bed_to_juncs & junctions.bed & new_list.juncs
where bed_to_juncs can be found under the same folder as tophat
Only look for reads across junctions indicated in the supplied GFF or junctions file. (ignored without -G/-j)
-G/--GTF &GTF/GFF3 file&
Supply TopHat with a set of gene model annotations and/or known transcripts, as a GTF 2.2 or GFF3 formatted file.
If this option is provided, TopHat will first extract the transcript sequences and use Bowtie to align reads
to this virtual transcriptome first. Only the reads that do not fully map to the transcriptome will then be mapped
on the genome. The reads that did map on the transcriptome will be converted to genomic mappings (spliced as needed)
and merged with the novel mappings and junctions in the final tophat output.
Please note that the values in the first column of the provided GTF/GFF file (column which
indicates the chromosome or contig on which the feature is located),
must match the
name of the reference sequence in the Bowtie index you are using with TopHat.
You can get a list of the sequence names
in a Bowtie index by typing:
bowtie-inspect --names your_index
So before using a known annotation file with this option please make sure that the 1st column in the annotation file
uses the exact same chromosome/contig names (case sensitive) as shown by the bowtie-inspect command above.
--transcriptome-index &dir/prefix&
When providing TopHat with a known transcript file (-G/--GTF
option above), a transcriptome sequence file is built
and a Bowtie index has to be created for it in order to align the
reads to the known transcripts. Creating this Bowtie index
can be time consuming and in many cases the same transcriptome data
is being used for aligning multiple samples with TopHat.
A transcriptome index and the associated data files (the original GFF
file) can be thus reused for multiple TopHat runs with this option,
so these files are only created for the first run with a given set of
transcripts. If multiple TopHat runs are planned with the same
transcriptome data, TopHat should be first run with the -G/--GTF option together with the
--transcriptome-index option pointing to a directory and a name prefix
which will indicate where the transcriptome data files will be stored. Then subsequent
TopHat runs using the same --transcriptome-index option value will
directly use the transcriptome data created in the first run (no -G option needed
after the first run).
Please note that starting with version 2.0.10 TopHat can be invoked with just the -G/--GTF and --transcriptome-index options
but without providing any input reads (the &genome_index_base& argument is still required).
This is a special usage directing TopHat to only build the transcriptome index data files for the given annotation and then exit.
Note: Only after the transcriptome files are built with one of the methods above, by a single TopHat process, it is safe to run
multiple TopHat processes simultaneously making use of the same pre-built transcriptome index data.
For example, in order to just prepare the transcriptome index files for a specific annotation, an initial, single TopHat run could be invoked like this:
tophat -G known_genes.gtf \
& & --transcriptome-index=transcriptome_data/known \
In this example TopHat will create the transcriptome_data directory in the current directory (if it doesn't exist already)
containing files known.gff, known.fa, known.fa.tlst, known.fa.ver and the known.* Bowtie index files.
Then for subsequent TopHat runs with the same genome and known transcripts but different reads, TopHat will no longer spend time building
the transcriptome index because it can use the previously built transcriptome index files, so the -G option is no longer needed
(however using it again will not force TopHat to rebuild the transcriptome index files if they are already present and with the matching version)
tophat -o out_sample1 -p4 \
& & --transcriptome-index=transcriptome_data/known \
& & hg19 sample1_1.fq.z sample1_2.fq.z &
tophat -o out_sample2 -p4 \
& & --transcriptome-index=transcriptome_data/known \
& & hg19 sample2_1.fq.z sample2_2.fq.z &
The following options in this section are only used when the transcriptome search
was activated with -G/--GTF and/or --transcriptome-index.
Only align the reads to the transcriptome and report only those mappings as genomic mappings.
Maximum number of mappings allowed for a read, when aligned to the
transcriptome (any reads found with more then this number of mappings
will be discarded).
When mapping reads on the transcriptome, some repetitive or low
complexity reads that would be discarded in the context
of the genome may appear to align to the transcript sequences and
thus may end up reported as mapped to those genes only. This option
directs TopHat to
first align the reads to the whole genome in order to determine
and exclude such multi-mapped reads (according to the value of the
-g/--max-multihits option).
Supplying your own insertions/deletions:
The options below allow you validate your own indels with your
RNA-Seq data.
Note that the chromosome names in the files provided
with the options below must match the names in the
Bowtie index.
These names are case-senstitive.
--insertions/--deletions &.juncs file&
Supply TopHat with a list of insertions or deletions with respect to the reference.
Indels are specified
one per line, in a tab-delimited format, identical to that of junctions.
Records are formatted as follows:
For deletion:
left and right are zero-based coordinates, and
specify the last character of the left sequenced to be spliced to
the first character of the right sequence, inclusive. For example: chr1
..means that two base pairs located at 20565 and 20566 are deleted in the sequenced genome.
For insertion:
&inserted sequence&
left is zero-based coordinate and dummy can be set to the same value as left.
For instance: chr1
CA..means that the two base pairs "CA" are inserted between 17490 and 17491 of the reference genome.
Only look for reads across indels in the supplied indel file, or disable indel detection when no file has been provided.
TopHat Output
The tophat script produces a number of files in the directory
in which it was invoked.
Most of these files are internal, intermediate
files that are generated for use within the pipeline.
The output
files you will likely want to look at are:
accepted_hits.bam. A list of read alignments in
compact short read alignment format that is increasingly being
The formal specification is .
track of junctions reported by TopHat.
Each junction consists
of two connected BED blocks, where each block is as long as the
maximal overhang of any read spanning the junction.
The score is the
number of alignments spanning the junction.
insertions.bed and deletions.bed.
tracks of insertions and deletions reported by TopHat.
Insertions.bed - chromLeft refers to the last genomic base before the insertion.
Deletions.bed - chromLeft refers to the first genomic base of the deletion.


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