
【图片】能硬刚970?GTX950 SLI测试【显卡吧】_百度贴吧
能硬刚970?GTX950 SLI测试收藏
下图的四款显卡都属于麦克斯韦核心,可以看出,GTX950这一刀砍的也不算轻,不过据之前的媒体测试,GTX950拥有GTX960 80%的性能,也算是不错了。另外可以看出,GTX950居然还保留了1个SLI接口,这在&5&系的显卡中是很少见的。当然,今天我这篇文章的重点也是SLI,毕竟GTX950单卡的评测,之前已经有很多了,再去测也玩不出什么新花样。
两张MSI GTX950 GAMING 2G圣龙版已经就位,MSI这一代的GAMING显卡,上至980Ti,下至950,基本都是同样的包装风格
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NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950
1×DVI-I接口,1×HDMI接口,3×Display Port接口
其他登录方式:【图片】千元内GTX950到底有多强?索泰 GTX950 GAME单双卡SLI详测【显卡吧】_百度贴吧
千元内GTX950到底有多强?索泰 GTX950 GAME单双卡SLI详测收藏
经过一年多的洗礼,MAXWELL 系列GTX750/750TI已经深入民心,超高的能耗比,低功耗,高性能。获得了绝大部分的网吧和用户的选择,而在最近9月底刚发布的GTX950也来了,作为GTX750TI的接替者,到底GTX950给我们带来了什么?视频来自:通过视频不难发现,相对于前代GTX660-GTX750而言,GTX950系列,会有针对性的驱动优化,新的渲染方式,让MOBA游戏获得更低的延迟,更加迅捷的补刀!除了在MOBA新渲染方式这样的超低延迟帮助下,GTX950 到底会给我们带来怎么样的升级惊喜?不妨我们一起看看-索泰 GTX950 GAME。显卡来自于NVIDIA官方的团购活动,从某东查看了一下,会员价,限时特价仅需¥999包装方面,索泰 GTX950-2GD5 GAME HA 和960的风格如出一辙,而索泰来自亲妈香港柏能这样的代工旗舰,所以提供了三年质保内部包装方面么,珍珠棉全方位包裹,再也不怕快递蜀黍的内功把显卡弄坏了!附件方面只能算是标准,当然,这个不是旗舰卡,要求不了那么多打开的瞬间我觉得有点凌乱了!索泰 GTX950-2GD5 GAME HA难道我眼花了?着完完全全就是测试的GTX960 GAME,难道给我寄错了?!看惯细路的文章应该见到过不少950.但是做三风扇的950,还是仅此一款!顶部ZOTAC 索泰的LOGO背面方面完全也是和960一模一样,看来,索泰直接把GTX960只换了一个核心就把显卡放出来了,假如是这样,这款就是怪物级别的950了,因为,用料非常的夸张!!!在此,批斗一下索泰的设计师,安装显卡的正常方向都是这边,ZOTAC的英文能不能反过来印刷呢?供电部分,采用了双6Pin的供电接口,而GTX950 只有90W的TDP,按照设计理论而言,唔需要外接,索泰这样做,是要吧显卡性能秒杀960的节奏么?SLI接口方面,采用了单个SLI接口显卡末端采用了背板折弯开孔的设计,这样热风能从这个位置导到机箱顶部接口方面,采用了DPX3, HDMI X1, DVI X1,实际同时可用为4个,通过外观,我们能够看出索泰的良心,这款从外观上来看,完全就是之前测试过的GTX960 GAME的高规格,直接更换核心就放出来,这样做,别的友商就头疼了。当然,是不是这样,只有拆解和实测才知道,下面不妨跟着细路一起看到底用料和性能如何?
【索泰 GTX950-2GD5 GAME HA 拆解】又到了坦诚相见的时刻,拆解篇,通过拆解,能够了解一款显卡的用料。经过几颗螺丝的拆解,这款索泰 GTX950-2GD5 GAME HA被轻松拆解,全家福~到这里,百分百肯定,这款显卡绝对的良心无疑,八相供电的GTX950pcb正面,原件焊接都比较整齐,供电等都设计的比较合理的分布看完正反,显存部分由于是2G,所以仅需要4颗512M/32Bit显存组成2G/128Bit显存方面来自三星 K4G41325FC-HC2B供电方面高达八相供电,GTX980TI也就是这个级别的供电。。。12V防掉压散热方面 索泰 GTX950 GAME 2G 采用了三风扇设计散热器部分采用大面积铜底,能够均匀吸热导向热管,显存部分也采用3M导热垫导出热量卡身方面,感觉这根本就说不是一张95w功耗的显卡,重量方面,达到了776.9g
PCB长度方面,长达25.321CM,从刚才拆解就看得出,这么高规格的用料,原件排布有必要用到较长的pcb而整体方面,估计对机箱非常有要求,测量长度方面,索泰 GTX950 GAME 2G 长达29.918CM。选购机箱限制长度,建议在30-30.5以上才能安装下这款高规格的950.小结:通过外观,拆解,不难发现,这款GTX950 GAME 2G 从规格,用料,设计上都是按照GTX960的最高规格来设计的,三风扇,能够让风扇保持在较低的转速就能满足散热,从而延长风扇的寿命,降低后期更换的费用。用料规格上,高达八相供电,对于GTX950来说,完全可以说是最顶级的设定了,毕竟这样的用料完全可以上GTX980TI也是没问题的。而性能上也非常期待,各位不妨一起看下去吧
【索泰 GTX950-2GD5 GAME HA -测试平台】测试平台方面,最近X99的价格也是较为的便宜,6700K高居不下,所以,直接入手了一套新平台 I7 5820K。整体全家福主板方面,入手了一款性价比较高的X99虽然不及ROG 系列,但是ROG系列该有的功能,BIOS独立恢复,诊断卡,M2,usb3.1等基本都齐全了HOF系列代表了影驰的最高端系列,设计理念和亮点都算不错,点亮以后是缓慢的呼吸灯,比起看腻了的宇帷快闪,我觉得假如有四条缓慢的呼吸灯看起来更加舒服银欣在今年下半年退出的 LITE系列120冷排 ,TD03-LITE电源部分,为了测试更加稳定,精准,采用了顶级的银欣 SST-ST1500-GS,1500W 金牌全模组电源
【索泰 GTX950-2GD5 GAME HA -理论测试】
经过拆解和外观赏析,不难发现这样这是一片良心显卡,而性能到底能去到如何的境地,这还是我们非常关注的,下面我们通过理论成绩软件对这片索泰 GTX950 GAME进行测试,而测试也希望大家了解这张显卡到底能站什么位置,所以在对比里面,我们加入了两款6系列,分别是来自火爆一时的GTX660 3G版和GTX960,而GTX950的定位,作为仅次于GTX960到底差距有多大?不妨拭目以待!GPUZ 验明正身!【New 3DMark理论测试】新 3D MARK作为2013年Furmark 发布的最新一代DX11图形权威软件提供不同负载的场景,FireStrike(专为基于DirectX11显卡的高端产品设计)、CloudGate(支持基于DirectX10的主流硬件)以及IceStorm(为入门级DirectX9设备打造)。支援windows 8作业系统全新的界面,3DMark除了给出测试分数,还会同时给出每个场景测试期间的实时曲线图,全程记录帧率、CPU温度、GPU温度、CPU功耗。【3DMark11理论测试】3DMark 11显卡测试工具包含四个图形测试项目,一项物理测试和一组综合性测试,并提供了Demo演示模式。该测试程序使用了Bullet物理引擎,使用原生DirectX 11引擎,在测试场景中应用了包括Tessellation曲面细分、Compute Shader以及多线程在内的大量DX11新特性。从理论成绩总结,我们不难发现,作为红极一时的明星产品,老将GTX660 ,廉颇老矣,从理论成绩能看出,3G的大显存已经无法成为其性能的优势,老旧的架构,面对MAXWELL系列,已经无法得心应手,而大量的GTX660依旧充斥着千元附近市场,而GTX950 正好在999的价位卡住了其咽喉,而普遍价格在1299的GTX960可选性并不大,毕竟300元差价,进换来百分之10不足的性能,这三百还不如我多买一个SSD来的划算,百分之30的预算,换取百分之10的性能,只要会算的人都明白怎么回事,而索泰 GTX950获得这千元附近超高的性能比,来源于其丰富的用料和超高的核心频率带来的性能。当然,这里只是理论成绩,温度,游戏还是重头戏!从前面的外观设计到用料,获得现在的成绩,完全不感到意外
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MSI GeForce GTX 950 DirectX 12 GTX 950 GAMING 2G 2GB 128-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support ATX GAMING Video Card
Sold and Shipped by Newegg
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2GB 128-Bit GDDR5
Core Clock 1127 MHz
Boost Clock 1317 MHz
1 x DL-DVI-I 1 x HDMI 3 x DisplayPort 1.2
768 CUDA Cores
PCI Express 3.0 x16
The Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 is a performance-class graphics card that delivers competitive gaming performance and advanced graphics features at an attractive price. Powered by the latest powerful yet power-efficient Nvidia Maxwell architecture, the GTX 950 packs 768 CUDA Cores and 2GB GDDR5 memory in 128-bit width, empowering you to enjoy fast and responsive MOBA gaming and the latest games in 1080p.
Performance is just part of the story. The Maxwell architecture is engineered with the new VXGI (Voxel Global Illumination) technology to solve some of the most complex lighting and graphics challenges in visual computing. Scenes are significantly more lifelike as light interacts more realistically in the game environment. Super Resolution technology lets you enjoy the detail and brilliance of 4K gaming even on 1080p displays. The G-Sync technology ensures smooth, tear-free images by synchronizing display frame rate to GPU (require displays that support G-Sync). An array of NVIDIA GTX technologies are also built in, like GPU Boost, NVIDIA 3D Vision, NVIDIA Surround, NVIDIA PhysX, and GeForce Experience. These technologies together provide the most immersive and competitive gaming experience possible.
Twin Frozr V – Cooler, Quieter, Better Gaming
With every new generation of GPUs comes more performance. With every new generation of MSI Twin Frozr, we give you less noise and heat! We've listened to all your requests and the new Twin Frozr V is smaller, features stronger fans, generates less noise, keeps your graphics card and its components cooler and matches perfectly with your MSI GAMING motherboard including some funky LED lighting. 18 months on the development of the Twin Frozr V, including field testing in gaming cafés ensure the cards have the quality and stability to give you the FPS you need!
Traditional Fan Blade - Maximizes downwards airflow and air dispersion to the massive heat sink below them.
Dispersion Fan Blade - Intake more airflow to maximizes air dissipation to heat sink.
Airflow Diagram
Advanced Dispersion Blade design generates 19% more airflow without increasing drag for supreme silent performance.
Airflow Control
MSI has fitted Twin Frozr coolers with the all new Airflow Control technology which guides more airflow directly onto the heat pipes by using special deflectors on the heat sink. In addition, this exclusive heat sink design increases heat sink surface area, greatly enhancing the dissipation efficiency.
SU Architecture is the best cooling solution for graphics cards. The GPU is cooled by a massive nickel-plated copper base plate connected to heat pipes on the MSI GAMING series graphics card. Additionally, the new heat pipe layout increases efficiency by reducing the length of unused heat pipe and a special SU-form design.
Zero Frozr
MSI’s Twin Frozr V Thermal Designs are equipped with ZeroFrozr technology which was first introduced by MSI back in 2008. ZeroFrozr technology eliminates fan noise in low-load situations by stopping the fans when they are not needed. Compared to other graphics cards, there is no continuous hum of airflow to tell you there’s a powerful graphics card in your gaming rig. This means you can focus on gaming without the distraction of other sounds coming from your PC.
Catching the Vibe with Cool LED Effects
Featuring a premium LED illuminated MSI GAMING Dragon to lighten the mood. This brand new function allows you to choose from 5 unique modes to set the right ambience for your gaming moments with just one click.
Gaming APP
The MSI Gaming App allows for one-click performance profiles that unlock extra performance for gaming or keep your card silent during light use. It also features the EyeRest tab, giving you easy access to image quality improving technology. The LED control tab gives you full control over your MSI GAMING LED lights to set the mood.
OC Mode - Maximum Performance through higher clock speeds and increased fan performance.
Gaming Mode (Default) - The best balance between in-game performance and thermal.
Silent Mode - The best environment for minimal fan noise.
On-Screen Speed & Temperatures
Real-time monitor GPU Core, DRAM Frequency, GPU & CPU Temperatures and much more, in game or in other fullscreen applications, customizable to your preference.
SLI Gaming
The only thing better than gaming with one MSI GTX 900 series GAMING graphics card is to have two or more running in SLI. The 2Way SLI Bridge L is the perfect link for your ultimate MSI GAMING SLI setup. Equipped with a premium LED illuminated GAMING logo, that can be synchronized to show the same effects as your MSI GAMING GTX 900 graphics cards. Optimized for 4K+ resolutions and 144Hz+ refresh rates, the MSI GAMING SLI bridge is ready for next generation gaming!
Military Class Components
One of the deciding factors in performance is the quality of the components used. That is why MSI only uses MIL-STD-810G certified components for its Gaming cards because only these components have proven to be able to withstand the torturous circumstances of extreme gaming and overclocking.
HI-C CAP - MSI’s Hi-c CAPs are tiny, and super-efficient capacitors. Their small footprint allows the installation of heat sinks and their high efficiency
SUPER FERRITE CHOKES - Super Ferrite Chokes use a Ferrite core that is Super-Permeable. This allows the Super Ferrite Chokes to run at a 35 degree Celsius lower temperature, have a 30% higher current capacity, a 20% improvement in power efficiency and better overclocking power stability.
SOLID CAP - With their aluminum core design, Solid CAP's have been a staple in high-end design mainboard designs and provides lower Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) as well as its over-10-year lifespan.
MSI Afterburner is world’s favorite cross-vendor GPU overclocking tool. The easy interface gives access to the most detailed information about your graphics card and allows for tinkering with pretty much anything available on your graphics card.
Compatible with 64-bit Apps, available in many languages, including, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and Korean and completely customizable with many user-generated skins, everyone feels at home.
You can also run Afterburner on your iOS or Android smartphone and the built-in benchmarking utility Kombustor gives you insight in your Graphics Cards’ true performance.
A built-in screen and video capturing tool named Predator which captures your screen as still images or videos with the push of a button and allows you to capture and record your coolest, goofiest and most awesome gaming moments on your PC!
XSplit | Gamecaster
XSplit Gamecaster & Broadcaster V2 lets you easily record your gaming moments and broadcast your live gameplay sessions to Twitch, YouTube, UStream and more.
It's simple, easy to use and ideal for sharing your gameplay with friends, family or the world - Or for capturing those perfect gaming moments, just for the heck of it.
So what are you waiting for? Join the revolution and start streaming and recording with XSplit Gamecaster today.
Learn more about the MSI GTX 950 GAMING 2G
ModelBrandMSIModelGTX 950 GAMING 2GInterfacePCI Express 3.0 x16ChipsetChipset ManufacturerNVIDIAGPU SeriesNVIDIA GeForce GTX 900 SeriesGeForce GTX 9501127 MHz1317 MHz768Memory6650 MHzMemory Size2GB128-BitMemory TypeGDDR53D APIDirectX 12OpenGL 4.5Ports1 x HDMIMulti-Monitor Support43 x DisplayPort 1.21 x DL-DVI-IDetails400MHzMax Resolution4096 x 21602-Way SLICoolerDouble FansSystem RequirementsPower consumption: 90WRecommended Power Supply: 350WPower Connector6-PinDual-Link DVI SupportedYesYesForm Factor & DimensionsATXCard Dimensions (L x H)10.63" x 5.39"Slot WidthDual SlotPackagingPackage ContentsAccessories:Driver CDInstallation Guide1 x DVI to VGA Dongle
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