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《Introduction to Google Classroom》 Annie Brock【摘要 书评 试读】图书
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出版社: Createspace Independent Pub (日)
平装: 52页
语种: 英语
20.3 x 0.4 x 25.4 cm
Annie Brock is a freelance writer based in Holton, Kansas. She has worked as a high school language arts instructor and a middle and high school library media specialist. Annie is a Google Certified Educator, and does consulting on educational technology.
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Ann5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Keeping it fresh in the classroom. -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买This is a fantastic book for anyone who is using the google classroom program. Technology has come along way in my lifetime. I wish that this had been created when I was in school. (Computers were not even around when I was in grade school). This is an easy step by step guide. To use this google classroom, your school must be enrolled in the Google Apps for Education (GAFE) program. I think every school should have some kind of program like this. It is great for teachers, students and parents. All assignments and class information can be looked at 24/7.
Say your child is in grade school and has been out ill. A parent can log in and get classroom assignments and communicate with the teacher.
Each teacher can customize the site to what is pertinent to their classroom. This program can also allow students to communicate and post information.
Everyone learns in different ways. This is a great resource for our future techinical generation.
We, as parents, grandparents and educators must keep up with new technology or we will be left behind!
7 个人发现此评论有用.
AwesomeBEA4.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Easy to learn guide! -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买Reading Introduction to Google Classrooms, I was able to grasp how it makes information easily accessible to students and how easy it would be to set up for teachers.
I already use Google hangout so I had an idea of how Google Classrooms may work, but it is way more accessible than I originally thought.I was hoping I could use Google Classroom to do tutorials, but unfortunately one can't use the app without an educational email. I do plan on sharing this book with some teacher friends who I think would find it very useful. With Google Classrooms one can link posts, assign homework,
have students ask questions, upload a syllabus and submit evaluations. It's the paperless wave of the future, and writer Anne Brock explains it all in such a simple way, even someone that is not technically savvy would still be able to comprehend. The book is sectioned off into parts and each part is detailed with step-by-step instructions. Part 2 explains how to create a class. Once the basics are learned, the classroom can be customized to meet individual needs.What cool with Google Classroomsis that is not just for teachers.
Clubs and students groups can use it as well and can be used for fun interacts with the group. Pictures cans video can even be uploaded from meetings and events.
4 个人发现此评论有用.
Lee5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Time saver for classroom -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买My school district just started using google drive and google email. I got this book to share with the teachers to incorporate it with their classroom management.
Tracking, posting assignments, grades, parent and student communication are just a few of the things you can do. I really think that the screen shots are very useful and great visual to help you understand how to do everything.
Every topic is very concise. You could stream line a lot of your paperwork for the year with using google classroom.
This is a great time saver.
3 个人发现此评论有用.
Wendy Valderman5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Less Paperwork More Teaching -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买There has truly never been a more difficult time to be a teacher. Teachers need to be able to focus on teaching, rather than spending the majority of their time filling up paperwork and sending out various reports. Even with all this technology we now have
right at their fingertips, many schools still fail to efficiently and appropriately incorporate this into their classrooms. Google classrooms is a great way to interact with and manage your class, it keeps the lines of communication open between students, teachers and parents, basically this book is an excellent guide for learning how to
best use this great tool so that you can get great results. It covers literally everything you would need to know, from posting class assignments to managing your students and their grades. Hopefully this guide will make a difficult job a little easier.
7 个人发现此评论有用.
Introduction to Google Classroom [平装]
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谷歌课堂:Google Classroom 截图
Android 4.1.x 以上
Google Inc.
分享到 Classroom(谷歌网页分享插件) V1. 官方版分享到 Classroom(谷歌网页分享插件) V1. 官方版相关软件软件介绍下载地址猜你喜欢想要分享网页非常简单,只需要使用分享到 Classroom。分享到 Classroom插件是一款功能强大的运用在谷歌浏览器中的插件,可以分享自己的电脑网页给其他人,使用方便!分享到 Classroom&插件介绍分享到 Classroom是一款可以分享自己的网页给其他人的谷歌浏览器插件,这款come非常适合在教学环境中使用,老师在上课的时候,可以在每个学生使用分享到 Classroom插件以后,把自己网页上的内容实时地分享给自己的学生,并通过操作分享到 Classroom插件上的内容,帮助学生们讲解课题。分享到 Classroom&使用方法1.第一步大家应该都知道要在本站下载谷歌插件(同时需要一款最新谷歌浏览器),解压,得到crx格式的文件。2.接着大家需要打开谷歌浏览器,找到右上角的按钮,在下拉框中选择&设置&选项,然后点击设置来启动Chrome浏览器的设置页面。如下图:3.进入设置界面,找到并点击&扩展程序&。如下图:4.在打开的谷歌浏览器的扩展管理器中用户可以看到一些已经安装程序的Chrome插件,或者一个Chrome插件也没有。如下图:5.我们回到软件包中,将分享到 Classroom拖到谷歌浏览器中的&扩展程序&界面中,这时候用户会发现在扩展管理器的中央部分中会多出一个&拖动以安装&的插件按钮。我们就将分享到 Classroom拖动到这个位置,分享到 Classroom插件的安装。如下图:6.松开鼠标就可以把当前正在拖动的插件安装到谷歌浏览器中去,但是谷歌考虑用户的安全隐私,在用户松开鼠标后还会给予用户一个确认安装的提示。只需要点击&添加&按钮就可以把该Chrome插件安装到谷歌浏览器中去。如下图:7.安装好分享到 Classroom以后,右上角会有分享到 Classroom图标。如下图:8.当然安装了Chrome 插件,也有不需要这款插件的时候,那么不需要Chrome插件的时候,大家就可以删除它,卸载Chrome插件的方法非常简单,具体操作如下图所示:分享到 Classroom&插件背景想必各位网友都很了解学生上课的情形,老师在黑板上写字,把黑板上的文字分享给自己的学习,大家由于看到的是同一个学习内容,这样有利于老师的讲解,然而在网络世界里,没有黑板老师该如何与学生进行分享并讲课呢?分享到 Classroom插件能够帮助老师分享自己的网页给学生列表。分享到 Classroom&功能介绍1.学生们需要加入到老师创建的教室后才可以查看分享。2.使用分享到 Classroom插件需要每个学生和老师都需要注册一个分享到 Classroom的帐号才可以使用。3.老师可以使用分享到 Classroom插件新建一个教学的教室,这时候学生们就可以通过分享到 Classroom插件进行加入到该教室。4.在学生们加入教室完成以后,老师就可以通过分享到 Classroom插件分享自己的网页内容,与学生进行共享桌面并实时讲解课题。小编点评分享到 Classroom是一款可以分享自己的电脑网页给其他人的谷歌浏览器插件,这款插件可以帮助用户快速分享,大大提高工作效率!下载地址 / Download下载不了?猜你喜欢 / Guess You Like如何用google classroom_百度知道
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