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Learn about Geely Auto Technologies and its Safety Mission.
Five leading technologies make up the iNTEC brand: safety, connectivity, powertrain, interior environment and autonomous drive.
Build the safest, most eco-friendly and energy-efficient cars.
Geely Auto development strategy
Learn more about Geely Auto.
Geely at a Glance
Message from the CEO
Geely 1.0 to 3.0 Eras
Let the world feel love
Learn more about Geely design vision and stories.
Geely Auto should look to global trends but our cars should also have a hint of where the company originates from.
Great cars start with great design. It is our job at Geely Design to make great cars a reality by working hand in hand with our engineers.
New Emgrand GT
Chinese Roots, Global Focus.
Emgrand X7 Sport
Bold but graceful for individuals who strive for technology, connectivity, and superior aesthetics.
Explore Geely Auto
Humanized intelligent driving technology
Design Philosophy
Geely Auto should look to global trends but our cars should also have a hint of where the company originates from.
Geely’s era 1.0 to 3.0帝豪EC7是吉利集团倾力打造的一款全球品质轿车,也是帝豪品牌的首款车型,从2006年开始步入研发研发轨道,历时近三年研发与制造。日,帝豪...
日吉利新帝豪上市,吉利新帝豪全新配备1.3T GeTec DVVT涡轮增压发动机,最大功率98kw,1800转涡轮介入,2000转输出峰值扭矩185NM,升功率和升扭矩比...
广西人,GO!GO!购! 2017年广西汽车消费月活动拉开序幕啦! 广西人的专属福利 8月份广西人购买五菱宝骏汽车最高可享20...
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