upupoo弹出asychronousxshell socket 10053error 10053.

upupoo弹出asychronous socket error 10053._百度知道
upupoo弹出asychronous socket error 10053.
出现10053的原因是因为在你执行这次send的时候对端已经执行过closesocket了,而发送的数据还是被成功的推入了发送缓冲区中,因此返回了0,此时你可能还没得到FIN消息,而紧接着recv这边就得到了对端关闭socket的FIN消息,因此此时需要放弃发送缓冲中的数据,异常终止连接,所以得到了 10053错误:您的主机中的软件中止了一个已建立的连接。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。What Are the Common Causes of Socket Error 10053?
What Are the Common Causes of Socket Error 10053?
Antivirus programs and firewalls are often to blame for getting socket error 10053.
It might be necessary to call a computer software company's help line if socket error 10053 occurs often.
In older computers that have not been upgraded, the frequent use of an email program could cause socket error 10053.
Article Details
Written By:
Alex Newth
Edited By: Angela B.
Last Modified Date: 08 May 2018
Copyright Protected:
Conjecture Corporation
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A socket is a port on the computer that opens up and allows the computer to connect with a server. It is during this connection that a variety of socket errors can manifest. The
10053 message is quite rare because, unlike other errors that result from a poor server connection or a problem with the server, the 10053 error comes from the computer attempting to make the connection. This is commonly caused by either antivirus programs or an application error. This type of error can also occur if the server software has not been upgraded since the 1990s.
Antivirus programs and firewalls can become a constant annoyance for some users. For those who upgrade their computers often or install new software, the antivirus software or firewall blocks access because it believes the upgrade or program is malicious. While these programs shield the computer from hackers, they can also cause problems such as the socket error 10053. The first thing a user should do after encountering the 10053 message is temporarily disable the firewall and antivirus protection, and then attempt to make the connection again.
Another common cause of the socket error 10053 is an application error. This can be something as small as accidentally turning off the program before the server connected to the computer, or simply timing out. Sometimes it is more devastating. An application error can refer to faulty coding or even deeper problems within the computer. If the
keeps coming up, it may be best to contact the software provider’s customer support.
The third common reason for the socket error 10053 is a lack of upgrades. Some early
server programs used coding that made heavy use of the recycling bin to remove unneeded data. If the email program is infrequently used, this problem will usually not appear. If the email program is used often or is stuffed with emails, then the computer may be unable to handle the high volume of recycling bin requests.
This occurs only in computers that have not been upgraded since the 1990s, because this coding has been fixed and resolved. If the lack of upgrade is the problem, just upgrade the software to the newest version. Some software can be upgraded by clicking an “Upgrade” button or by downloading an upgrade from the manufacturer’s website. Other programs may force the buyer to purchase a new version before the 10053 error will disappear.
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I have never experienced the socket error 10053 message appearing on my screen, but winsock errors as a whole are frustrating, especially when you have something important to look up on the Internet and you are rushed for time.
There was a period when I would try to connect to various servers and I would get the Error 10053 message. The frustrating aspect of the message was that it only popped up sometimes. The computer would be fine for a while and then the message would pop up again.I went online and attempted to determine the cause, so I could repair the problem. After a couple hours reading various possible solutions and trying them out, I finally found a blog that suggested the problem might be connected to my computer's security system. Sure enough, I had recently updated and changed my security system and settings.Once I made the suggested changes, I didn't see the message again. I'm hoping that continues.
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Conjecture CorporationWhat Are the Common Causes of Socket Error 10013?
What Are the Common Causes of Socket Error 10013?
On This Page
Article Details
Written By:
Alex Newth
Edited By: Angela B.
Last Modified Date: 16 May 2018
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Conjecture Corporation
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Socket errors occur for a variety of reasons, from encountering a bad server to having no Internet connection. A
10013 happens because permission to access the server was denied. This happens almost exclusively because the firewall or anti-virus program in the user’s computer is set to a high security level, but it also can happen because there are several functions tied to the same driver and it confuses the socket. In the case of the former, the error is easy to fix, but the latter is more difficult. Until the socket error is resolved, the computer will not be able to access the server.
Firewalls and anti-virus programs are sometimes the cause of a socket error but, in the case of a socket error 10013, they are almost exclusively the cause. Firewalls are made to protect a computer from harmful connections, so they will often restrict server connections. This means permission access will be adamantly denied.
If the user turns off the firewall, the permission access will go through — if the firewall is the reason for the denied access — but it can become annoying for a user to keep turning the firewall on and off whenever he or she wants to access a server. A better way to fix this is to check the “Permissions” section of the program and see if the server is there. If not, one should contact the Internet
(ISP) and ask for help in adding the new server to the list.
Outdated drivers also may be the culprits behind a socket error 10013. The server may no longer use the drivers, which is why permission cannot be granted. If this is the reason for the error, performing a general computer upgrade will typically fix the problem. If not, check the software manufacturer’s website for new drivers and
them to the computer. Corrupted drivers also may cause this problem, but upgrading or downloading new drivers should fix the problem in the same way.
The hardest-to-fix reason for the socket error 10013 is if more than one driver or program is bound to the same driver. This requires the user to access the driver code and differentiate the two or more programs. It is often easier to contact the software creator for help on this issue, because the creator should be able to guide the user through the steps needed to differentiate the programs.
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I got that error, because in my app, I used two Idtcpservers (Indy) with two different ports.
I use one of those boxes from the phone company that you put in the window for my internet connection.
It runs off a battery, but I also have it hooked up to a power supply so that it can recharge.
After a few hours of running on battery power, it will go out.
Then, I get this type of error.
I always go turn on the power supply and restart the box.
This has worked every time so far.
@StarJo – I prefer to give the browser permission to let me view the site.
If possible, I set it up so that this won't happen with the same site again.
I didn't know that this is what it was called, but I get an “access denied” message about once a day.
I have to use the internet all day in my line of work, and I visit many different sites for research.
Sometimes, all I have to do is use a different browser.
I have three browsers installed, and some of them are more protective than others.
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Often related to Microsoft's email clients Live Mail or outlook with a faulty setting in SMTP(outgoing server) settings.Follow these steps for a solution for most email client problems:1. Contact your email provider. Example: 123 @ gmail . com = Google, while 123 @ hotmail . com = Microsoft. Get the server details(specially the SSL settings) and cross check your account settings in your email software.2. Try logging into a web-mail trough your browser if your provider have one to verify your username and password.3. Reinstall your email client or repair the database for your profile.( Outlook have a built in software to fix the datafiles named scanpst.exe in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12 , you can also do this manually)4. If none of the above worked: Reset your router, look for virus related software on your PC, check your Firewall and Anti-virus software for anything blocking it before contacting your Internet Service Provider.If theres still no solution, you really want to fix it and you won't deliver your computer to a technician you should try another email client, diskcheck or reinstall Windows.
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How do you repair a fuel flow data error on a 1996 Lincoln Continental?
Pcm For all my fellow continental owners i feel your pain, but you love your car right?? its the fuel pump regulator switch. you may also want to replace your fuel filter. the part is about 100$ plus labor. good luck! That answer is not correct I also replaced the FPDM (fuel pump driver module) and other components. I had this exact problem and spent LOTS of money to discovery that the connector that is on top the transmission near the battery tray had gotten too hot and melted causing a main power feed to most sensors and the PCM (computer) to lose power! any one that needs a diagram and instructions on how to repair can e-mail me:
If you keep getting this error message Error loading DLL file how can you repair this problem?
Typically, reinstalling the program you are trying to run will fix this issue. Always be wary of uninstalling programs that share DLL files. Windows will prompt that the DLL may be used by other programs and removing them may adversely affect other programs that share it. If you are unsure of whether or not a DLL is shared by another program, it is best to leave it.
Some Windows repair tool can help you fix dll errors if you do not know how to resolve them manually.
What is a socket?
It is a term used to refer to places that you plug things into your mother board i.e.; CPU, memory, add on cards etc..
Additionally in a different context it also represents a single connection between two network applications.
[edit: synonym=port]
Related Link:
Internet socket
(or commonly, a
network socket
socket ) is the endpoint of bidirectional communication flow across an Internet Protocol-based computer network, such as the Internet.
A socket is one end-point of a two-way communication link between two programs running on the network..
How do you repair the error code 122 in a 1997 Chevy Cavalier 2.2L?
If it is not the oxigen senser , or the TPS , OR THE COMPUTER , IT IS DEFENETLY THE WIRE BETWEEN THE TPS AND THE COMPUTER ( THE MODULE ).THE OXYGEN SENSER MAKES the car verry anstabul on the rev to the point that it will shut off. the tps will make the ingen unstabul from time to time the car wont shut off it may do it on the hiway too with somme paak sound . the module will not make the car start properly or it wont start and it will make a big plaak sound . onese you repare any of these you shold see big difference in the proformance and gaz saving. There are 3 step to repair 122 error
If you got 122 error then there is a 94% chance that your computer has registry problems. To repair 122 error you need to follow the steps below:
* Step 1 - Download a Perfect Optimizer,install this error repair tool.
* Step 2 - Click the Repair All Button.It will scan you PC for Free.
* Step 3 - Then click the Repair All Button again and your done! It is very easy to repair 122 error.
Here are the URL of Perfect Optimizer: http://www.fixerror365.com/tidpp-122_error-zz0005
What to do if outlook express says the connection to the server has failed socket error 10061 error number 0x800ccc0e?
When you try to send or receive messages using Outlook Express or Outlook, you may receive an error message. When you try to send a message to your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server, you may receive the following error message: The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'your_account', Server:'your_SMTP_server', Protocol:SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): NO, Socket error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800ccc0e Similarly, when you start the e-mail client or try to receive a message from your Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) server, you may receive the following error: The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'your_account', Server:'your_POP3_server', Protocol:POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): NO, Socket error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800ccc0e Back to the top
CAUSE The client connects to a port that is blocked or unavailable on the mail server. If the client is trying to send a message, the blocked port is 25, and if the client is trying to retrieve a message, the blocked port is 110. Refer to the error message for the protocol and port numbers.
To work around this behavior, make ports 110 and 25 available. By default, ports 110 and 25 are available when the Exchange Server services start. The ports 110 for POP3, 119 for Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), and 143 for Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) are automatically opened and made available on the Exchange Server computer when the Information Store service starts. Port 25 is automatically made available when the Internet Mail Service starts. If these services do not start, the ports are not available.
If the services are running, you can verify that these ports are listening (open) on the server by using the Netstat utility that is included with Windows NT Server: 1. Open a command prompt on the Exchange Server computer. You have to modify the command prompt properties, because the data scrolls off the screen. Open the command prompt, right-click the upper-left corner of the window, and then click Properties. Click the Layout tab, and then change the screen buffer size to 1,000. Apply the change. You are prompted to modify either the current window or the shortcut that you used to start the command prompt. You can modify the shortcut for future convenience. 2. At the command prompt, type netstat -an. Scroll back to the beginning of the data output, and look for the following entries. Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP LISTENING TCP LISTENING
If these entries are present, Exchange Server is listening on ports 110 and 25 on all interfaces. This is typical. If these ports are not available, you may have to troubleshoot the following services or systems more. The following general causes may "hold" these ports, or make them unavailable:
The website displayed below has been scanned by mcafe siteadvisior and has been reported as unsafe. Scanned by bogustelevision.com and siteadvisor.com.
There are 3 step to repair outlook express 0x800ccc0e error
If you got outlook express 0x800ccc0e error then there is a 94% chance that your computer has registry problems. To repair outlook express 0x800ccc0e error you need to follow the steps below:
* Step 1 - Download a outlook express 0x800ccc0e error repair tool,install this error repair tool.
* Step 2 - Click the Repair All Button.It will scan you PC for Free.
* Step 3 - Then click the Repair All Button again and your done! It is very easy to repair outlook express 0x800ccc0e error.
Here are the URL of outlook express 0x800ccc0e error repair tool:
What is a Socket Error 10061?
Socket Error 10061
The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected.\n.
\nThis means that the computer which VPOP3 was trying to connect to (probably at your ISP) refused the connection from the computer running VPOP3.\n.
\nThis can either mean that the ISP server you specified was not running a mail service on the appropriate 'Port', that your ISP is having problems with their servers, or that your ISP's mail servers are too busy to accept new connections.\n.
\nIt can also happen if a firewall (software or hardware) is blocking the connection attempt.
How do you repair the LG cell phone socket where the charger plugs in?
I'd like to know the answer to this questions too!!! if you ever find out please let me know! my phone isn't working cause of it
You can send e mail on vista windows mail but can't receive get socket 10060 error 0x800ccc0e?
I can receive but not send and get the same error message. So how do you fix it?
How to Repair IE7 in WINDOWS VISTA i am getting error message saying that internet explorer stopped working and shuts off and restarts on its own. what is the reason for this how can i repair it?
After endless searches and frustrations, I landed up on the solution. It had nothing to do with Vista or IE. The problem was with the Yahoo! tool bar for IE that is installed by HP. Y.
Here is your Fix
1. Close all IE Windows - Ctrl-Alt-Del, task manger, end processes.
1. Go to Control Panel - Switch to Classic View - Click on Internet options
2. Go to the Advanced tab and click the 'Reset' button at the bottom of the Advanced tab.
3. Say 'Yes' or 'OK' wherever you are asked for confirmation.
What do sockets do?
isone endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programsrunning on the network. A
is bound to a port numberso that the TCP layer can identify the application that data isdestined to be sent to. An endpoint is a combination of an IPaddress and a port number..
What is Socket A?
Socket A is the CPU socket used for AMD processors that range from Athlon Thunderbird to the Athlon XP/MP 3200+. It also includes AMD's budget processors such as the Sempron and the Duron. It also suports AMD Geode NX embedded processors too. It is important to note that Socket A only supports 32-bit CPUs.
Socket A is also known as Socket 462.
It is a zero insertion force pin grid array type with 453 pins. Nine of the pins are blocked in the socket in order to prevent any accidental insertion of socket 370 CPUs.
Socket A was replaced by Socket 754 in 2003 and Socket 939 in 2004. However, it is still used in conjunction with Geode NX processors.
Can I repair my PC it won't reboot and says read disk error?
You may have problems with the boot.ini file. If you can get to the BIOS then it may be possible to repair Windows. You can continually hit F8 on startup and load the computer in Safe Mode. If this doesn't work you may want to use a backup disc to repair or reinstall the operating system.
How do you repair canon camera lens error restart?
Would not recommend opening the camera as the chances are much greater for you causing greater damage. BUT would instead recommend that you try the seven sequential repair step outlined for a lens error in the below listed Related Link "Fixing a Lens Error on a Digital Camera". None of the steps outlined in this link involve opening the camera. and reportedly you should have close to a 50% chance of success with these techniques.
If you cannot repair the lens yourself with the first related link, then consider trying the two 'Digital camera repair" links below for two online digital camera repair businesses.
How can you repair a primary hard drive not found error?
You open the tower to where you can see all the wires. Make sure that the wires are connected in the right place. If it still doesn't work then you can purchase a new hardrive. After purchasing a new hard drive and it doesn't work then there is a problem with the power supply box. You will need to replace the box.
Protocol smtp port 25 no socket error 10060 error number 0x800ccc0e?
I recently did some password changes to my email account and started getting error 10060 while trying to send email immediately after (incoming SSL messages were fine). I use SSL to send my email and the default port number should be 465. If yours is set to port 25 when using SSL it will not work.
I still encountered problems sending even though I re-checked my send mail settings a million times. Finally I unplugged my modem and router for a couple of minutes, rebooted the computer, and all my send mail settings worked, even though they were CORRECT to begin with.
There are 3 step to repair socket ccc0e error
If you got socket ccc0e error then there is a 94% chance that your computer has registry problems. To repair socket ccc0e error you need to follow the steps below:
* Step 1 - Download a socket ccc0e error repair tool,install this error repair tool.
* Step 2 - Click the Repair All Button.It will scan you PC for Free.
* Step 3 - Then click the Repair All Button again and your done! It is very easy to repair socket ccc0e error.
Here are the URL of socket ccc0e error repair tool:http://www.fixerrorquick.com/ttfix-socket_ccc0e_error-zz0005
How can you repair wow errors?
Alright, go to a WoW Icon on you're Desktop, right click it, then go to open source, go to you're WoW Directory, then double click Repair, that is all I know of it.
How do you repair outlook express error 0x800C013A?
outlook express error 0x800C013A
To fix such error, you can use an Outlook Express recovery program (avalable in the resouce below)
How do you repair error code F60 on Panasonic dvr recoder dmr-es40v?
I had this problem and it turns off the output from the recorder when the F60 code is displayed. I unplugged the unit, waited a minute, then plugged it back in. When the ooooo display started I held down the power button for at least 10 seconds. This put the unit in standby mode, and from standby mode I was able to start it normally using the power button.
How can you repair svchost.exe error using safe mode with networking?
If you mean repairing svchost.exe because of a virus or worm then do the following. First: open up your i386 directory. Inside locate the svchost.exe (this file shouldn't be damaged) and copy it. Second: Now open up your windows directory and then open the system32 folder. Kill the svchost.exe process in the windows taskmanger a window will popup, ignore it. Third: paste the undamaged svchost.exe file into the system32 folder and confirm you want to overwrite it. After that your problem should be solved just reboot your computer.
1. Run a security scan for your PC.
2. Run a registry scan for your PC.
Because svchost.exe error could be caused by viruses and corrupted Windows registry entries.
When you open roblox you get a message saying an error has occured while starting roblox details a socket operation encountered a dead network?
Um... It is rather annoying ...you can...
1. Restart your computer.
2. Try again.
3. Download it again and trash the old roblox.
4. Check if your security system or FireWall is blocking it.
How do you repair a 6 disc CD changer that shows CD error in a 2003 ford focus?
Try unhooking your positive (red) battery treminal and leave off for about an hour, rehook it and see if that won't reset the computer and fix the problem. Let me know if it works, or not.
If you send in your xbox 360 with the E74 error into Microsoft without a warranty will they repair it for an additional fee?
no they will not. .
I reccoment to you to use an online Xbox 360 fix gude. these Xbox 360 fix guides, there are easy to understand with step-by-step videos. (see link below)
How much does it cost to repair a License Plate socket?
i think we may need more info here what do you mean by the socket ? are you just saying the light to the plate is not working ?
How do you repair kernel32dll error?
The usage of Windows has burgeoned around the world to the extent that there are millions of people whose work life revolves around the usage of the Windows Operating system. This is not surprising given the fact that Windows is so very user friendly and has a wonderful interface that make using word processors, spreadsheets and the other packages that the OS offers. When it comes to using Windows, there are some error messages that could crop up especially when errors occur forcing the computer to shut down, reboot or go into a loop also. Some of these may be kernel32 dll errors, where it becomes imperative to know how to fix kernel32 dll error with registry cleaner. A kernel dll error is essentially linked to the concept of memory management with respect to the Windows OS. This error can occur not only at the time of booting up of the PC, but also at the time of programs that are running, which leads to hindrance and interruption of computer processes. This is one reason why it is important to learn about how to fix kernel32 dll error with registry cleaner. The basic function of the Kernel32 DLL is that it helps in ensuring that disk space is utilized by Windows OS in the particular protected memory space so that this may not be overrun or invaded by other programs. Invasion by other programs would lead to a conflict in the memory space that could hamper smooth operations in terms of computer and memory usage. In some cases, it may happen that the kernel32 dll error occurs at the specific time that a particular program is run. In such instances, it implies that the program is hampering the smooth running of the OS. People who know how to fix kernel32 dll error with registry cleaner would be able to recognize the fault and try to reboot the PC to see if the error is a fluke occurrence and could be corrected by starting off once again. In other cases, hardware acceleration programs could also be responsible for this error cropping up and creating havoc with computer operations. If you are a smart user and you know how to fix kernel32 dll error with registry cleaner, you would not lose any sleep over the error. This is on account of the fact that there are special registry cleaners that are equipped with the power to act on the registry and remove redundancies as well as damaged or extra items and aspects that come in the way of smooth computer operation. It is possible to avail of a registry cleaner quite easily and perform certain simple to follow steps that can complete the registry cleaning process..
Is PC Power speed a legitimate company for error repair?
Its a fake software . It spreads to fake pop-ups , e mails or web ads
What do you do when mIRC is giving you the error unable to create socket?
The best thing you can do when mIRC is giving you an error that it is unable to create a socket is to check your firewall settings. Another solution is to change the server as the current one may be offline.
How do you repair error code p0036?
Heated Oxygen Sensor Control Circuit Bank1 Sensor2 .
symptoms Other than the MIL light illuminating you may not notice any performance issues.
cause A short in the O2 sensor heater circuit or the sensoritself A faulty O2 sensor heater Wiring or connectors are broken or frayed to the sensor or relay Bad PCM or ECM
The fix Correct wiring short or loose connector found in inspection. and/or Replace the bank 1 sensor 2, O2 sensor
I am Error?
This phrase was made popular by Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.
In the town of Ruto, Link meets Error, who greets him with the now infamous message: "I am Error."
What are the release dates for Days of Our Lives - 60?
Days of Our Lives - 60 was released on:
USA: May 2005
Belgium: 6 November 2009
How do you repair socket error 10060?
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