
我的apm 2.6与miniosd之前一直正常,因为想把遥控距离加大,于是换了切糕433,一来增加距离,其次还可以显示rssi数据,也就是信号强度。使用A1接口连接433的接收机端的rssi。那么问题来了,没接上rssi之前,各项显示正常(图1)。接上rssi之后,电压,电量等数据消失了,请问,这是什么情况?what can I do?
用433作死吗———————————高考来了,大学还远吗?   --来自教室电脑平台客户端
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MWC是MultiWii Copter的缩写,是通用的开源固件。此固件的原创作者是法国Alex,他在2010年为了打造自己的Y3飞行器而开发了MWC固件,MWC固件是用Arduino IDE来编写。几年来经过众多高手的参与及共同努力,现在MWC已经相当成熟,可以支持广泛的外围设备及飞行模式。
& 倾情巨献,配置参数
/* 此配置文件包含几个部分,每部分您只能设置一个参数.
* 1 - 基本设置 - you must select an option in every block.
this assumes you have 4 channels connected to your board with standard ESCs and servos.
* 2 - 飞机设置 - you likely want to check for options for your copter type
* 3 - 信号接收设置 - 注: 如果您使用的是标准接收机,请不要设置此部分
* 4 - 设置扩展CPU与板
* 5 - 扩展设置 - select alternate RX (SBUS, PPM, etc.), alternate ESC-range, etc. here
* 6 - 可选设置 - enable nice to have features here (FlightModes, LCD, telemetry, battery monitor etc.)
* 7 - 开发者高级设定 - 警告:请谨慎的更改此部分的设置,否则飞行器将引发不可预知的灾难!!!
* 1. 参数标记 (*) 的可通过LCD液晶屏显示设置,点击写入E2PROM中,可保存所设置的参数。
改变 config.h 后,请重新编译写入飞控中,并点击'Reset' 重启飞控使配置生效。
1 - 基本设置
//#define GIMBAL //独立云台增稳
//#define BI //2轴阿凡达飞行器
//#define TRI //Y型3轴
//#define QUADP //四轴十模式
#define QUADX //----------四轴X模式
//#define Y4 //Y型4轴
//#define Y6 //Y型6轴
//#define HEX6 //6轴十模式
//#define HEX6X //6轴X模式
//#define HEX6H
// 新模式:6轴H模式
//#define OCTOX8 //8轴×4模式
//#define OCTOFLATP //8轴水平十模式
//#define OCTOFLATX //8轴水平X模式
//#define FLYING_WING //飞翼
//#define VTAIL4 //V型尾翼4轴(飞行方式同×模式,特点是转向更灵活,主要当作固定翼来飞行)
//#define AIRPLANE //固定翼
//#define DUALCOPTER
//#define HELI_120_CCPM
//#define HELI_90_DEG
/* 设置油门通道发送给电调怠速的最低值(电子调速器,简称:电调)*/
//#define MINTHROTTLE 1300 // for Turnigy Plush ESCs 10A
//#define MINTHROTTLE 1120 // for Super Simple ESCs 10A
//#define MINTHROTTLE 1064 // special ESC (simonk)
//#define MINTHROTTLE 1050 // for brushed ESCs like ladybird
#define MINTHROTTLE 1150 // (*)默认怠速
/* 遥控器控制杆行程的最大值(上限为2000) */
#define MAXTHROTTLE 1850 //默认油门最大行程
/* 遥控器控制杆行程的最小值。
如果您的遥控器控制杆拨动到最低处,不能低于此数值,请把此数值修改为900 */
I2C 传输速度
#define I2C_SPEED 100000L
//100kHz 标准模式, this value must be used for a genuine WMP
//#define I2C_SPEED 400000L
//400kHz 高速模式, it works only with some WMP clones
Internal i2c Pullups
/* 内部I2C上拉使能 (一般情况下最好使用外部上拉电阻) */
#define INTERNAL_I2C_PULLUPS //----------
飞控板、传感器 硬件定义
支持的飞控 IMU
/* 如果您的飞控板或传感器非MWC官方的产品:
备注: 此列表仅对官方的不同硬件版本或与官方版本相兼容的硬件进行修正,其他硬件请慎重 */
//#define FFIMUv1
// first 9DOF+baro board from Jussi, with HMC5843
&- confirmed by Alex
//#define FFIMUv2
// second version of 9DOF+baro board from Jussi, with HMC5883
&- confirmed by Alex
//#define FREEIMUv1
// v0.1 & v0.2 & v0.3 version of 9DOF board from Fabio
//#define FREEIMUv03
// FreeIMU v0.3 and v0.3.1
//#define FREEIMUv035
// FreeIMU v0.3.5 no baro
//#define FREEIMUv035_MS
// FreeIMU v0.3.5_MS
&- confirmed by Alex
#define FREEIMUv035_BMP
//----------FreeIMU v0.3.5_BMP
//#define FREEIMUv04
// FreeIMU v0.4 with MPU6050, HMC5883L, MS561101BA
&- confirmed by Alex
//#define FREEIMUv043
// same as FREEIMUv04 with final MPU6050 (with the right ACC scale)
//#define NANOWII
// the smallest multiwii FC based on MPU6050 + pro micro based proc &- confirmed by Alex
//#define PIPO
// 9DOF board from erazz
//#define QUADRINO
// full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy
with BMP085 baro
&- confirmed by Alex
// full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy
second edition
//#define QUADRINO_ZOOM_MS// full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy
second edition
&- confirmed by Alex
//#define ALLINONE
// full FC board or standalone 9DOF+baro board from CSG_EU
//#define ATAVRSBIN1
// Atmel 9DOF (Contribution by EOSBandi). requires 3.3V power.
//#define SIRIUS
// Sirius Navigator IMU
&- confirmed by Alex
//#define SIRIUSGPS
// Sirius Navigator IMU
using external MAG on GPS board
&- confirmed by Alex
//#define SIRIUS600
// Sirius Navigator IMU
using the WMP for the gyro
//#define SIRIUS_AIR
// Sirius Navigator IMU
from MultiWiiCopter.com
//#define SIRIUS_AIR_GPS
// Sirius Navigator IMU
from MultiWiiCopter.com with GPS/MAG remote located
//#define MINIWII
// Jussi's MiniWii Flight Controller
&- confirmed by Alex
//#define MICROWII
// MicroWii 10DOF with ATmega32u4, MPU6050, HMC5883L, MS561101BA from
//#define CITRUSv2_1
// CITRUS from qcrc.ca
//#define CHERRY6DOFv1_0
//#define DROTEK_10DOF
// Drotek 10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085, w or w/o LLC
//#define DROTEK_10DOF_MS // Drotek 10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, MS5611, LLC
//#define DROTEK_6DOFv2
// Drotek 6DOF v2
//#define DROTEK_6DOF_MPU // Drotek 6DOF with MPU6050
//#define DROTEK_10DOF_MPU//
//#define MONGOOSE1_0
// mongoose 1.0
//#define CRIUS_LITE
// Crius MultiWii Lite
//#define CRIUS_SE
// Crius MultiWii SE
//#define OPENLRSv2MULTI
// OpenLRS v2 Multi Rc Receiver board including ITG3205 and ADXL345
//#define BOARD_PROTO_1
// with MPU6050 + HMC5883L + MS baro
//#define BOARD_PROTO_2
// with MPU6050 + slave
MAG3110 + MS baro
//#define GY_80
// Chinese 10 DOF with
L3G4200D ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085, LLC
//#define GY_85
// Chinese 9 DOF with
ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L LLC
//#define GY_86
// Chinese 10 DOF with
MPU6050 HMC5883L MS5611, LLC
//#define GY_521
// Chinese 6
MPU6050, LLC
//#define INNOVWORKS_10DOF // with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085 available here
//#define INNOVWORKS_6DOF // with ITG3200, BMA180 available here
//#define MultiWiiMega
// MEGA + MPU6050+HMC5883L+MS5611 available here
//#define PROTO_DIY
// 10DOF mega board
//#define Bobs_6DOF_V1
// BobsQuads 6DOF V1 with ITG3200 & BMA180
//#define Bobs_9DOF_V1
// BobsQuads 9DOF V1 with ITG3200, BMA180 & HMC5883L
//#define Bobs_10DOF_BMP_V1 // BobsQuads 10DOF V1 with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883L & BMP180 - BMP180 is software compatible with BMP085
//#define FLYDUINO_MPU
//#define CRIUS_AIO_PRO_V1
// DEsquared V2 with ITG3200 only
// DEsquared V4 with MPU6050
//#define LADYBIRD
//#define MEGAWAP_V2_STD
// available here:
&- confirmed by Alex
//#define MEGAWAP_V2_ADV
//#define HK_MultiWii_SE_V2
// Hobbyking board with MPU6050 + HMC5883L + BMP085
//#define HK_MultiWii_328P
// Also labeled "Hobbybro" on the back.
ITG3205 + BMA180 + BMP085 + NMC5583L + DSM2 Connector (Spektrum Satellite)
//#define RCNet_FC
// RCNet FC with MPU6050 and MS561101BA
//#define RCNet_FC_GPS
// RCNet FC with MPU6050 + MS561101BA + HMC5883L + UBLOX GPS
//#define FLYDU_ULTRA
// MEGA+10DOF+MT3339 FC
/* 根据您飞控板的硬件,配置匹配、兼容的传感器 */
/* I2C 陀螺仪gyroscope */
//#define WMP
#define ITG3200 //----------
//#define L3G4200D
//#define MPU6050
//combo + ACC
/* I2C 加速度传感器(自稳)accelerometer */
//#define NUNCHUCK
// if you want to use the nunckuk connected to a WMP
//#define MMA7455
//#define ADXL345
//#define BMA020
#define BMA180 //----------
//#define NUNCHACK
// if you want to use the nunckuk as a standalone I2C ACC without WMP
//#define LIS3LV02
//#define LSM303DLx_ACC
//#define MMA8451Q
/* I2C 气压计(锁定高度)barometer */
#define BMP085 //----------
//#define MS561101BA
/* I2C 磁力计(电子罗盘,锁定航向)magnetometer */
//#define HMC5843
#define HMC5883
//#define AK8975
//#define MAG3110
/* 声纳系统Sonar */ // 用于低空(4~5米内)的高精度定高飞行 - no control code behind
//#define SRF02 // use the Devantech SRF i2c sensors
//#define SRF08
//#define SRF10
//#define SRF23
/* ADC 加速度计 */ // 至少需要5通道, 并设置3档自由度 PIN A1/A2/A3
//#define ADCACC
/* 设定默认自稳传感器 - 实现稳定控制 */
= -X; accADC[YAW]
= Z;} //----------
//#define FORCE_GYRO_ORIENTATION(X, Y, Z) {gyroADC[ROLL] = -Y; gyroADC[PITCH] =
X; gyroADC[YAW] = Z;}
Y; magADC[YAW]
/* 飞行器正前方软件修正 */
/* 利用程序旋转45度,把飞行器正前方 向左或向右改变45度(只能选一个!)。
这个功能实现了软旋转45度,免去无法打定位孔的痛苦。 */
// rotate the FRONT 45 degres clockwise
// rotate the FRONT 45 degres counterclockwise
2 - 飞机设置
//#define YAW_DIRECTION -1 // 此设置修正方向舵正反
/* 您可以修改以下3条,来改变方向舵行程 */
#define TRI_YAW_MIDDLE 1500 // (*) 方向舵中心点. - 默认; 可通过LCD查看更改的参数
/* 此设置修正升降舵正反 */
/* optionally disable stick combinations to arm/disarm the motors.
* In most cases one of the two options to arm/disarm via TX stick is sufficient */
Cam Stabilisation云台增稳
/* The following lines apply only for a pitch/roll tilt stabilization system. Uncomment the first or second line to activate it */
//#define SERVO_MIX_TILT //启用云台
//#define SERVO_TILT //启用云台
//云台升降舵最小值, 不能低于1020
//云台升降舵最大值, 不能高于2000
#define TILT_PITCH_MIDDLE 1500
//升降舵补偿角度; 如果反向可在数值前加 - 号
//AUX channel to overwrite CAM pitch (AUX1-AUX4), comment to disable manual input and free the AUX channel
1020 //云台副翼舵机
//AUX channel to overwrite CAM Roll (AUX1-AUX4), comment to disable manual input and free the AUX channel
/* camera trigger function : activated via Rc Options in the GUI, servo output=A2 on promini */
//#define CAMTRIG
#define CAM_SERVO_HIGH 2000
// 云台快门舵最高行程
#define CAM_SERVO_LOW 1020
// 云台快门舵最低行程
#define CAM_TIME_HIGH 1000
// 云台快门按下的时间 (单位ms)
#define CAM_TIME_LOW 1000
// 云台快门按下的时间 (单位ms)
Flying Wing
/* 设置各舵正反向 和 各舵的 最小/最大 行程;
在此处设置各舵的正反向,不需要交换遥控接收机的舵机连接线 */
#define PITCH_DIRECTION_L 1 // 左舵 - 升降正反向
// 右舵 - 升降正反向 (opposite sign to PITCH_DIRECTION_L, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation)
#define ROLL_DIRECTION_L 1 // 左舵 - 副翼(翻滚)正反向
// 右舵 - 副翼(翻滚)正反向
(same sign as ROLL_DIRECTION_L, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation)
1500 // (*) 左舵中心点. - 默认; 可通过LCD查看更改的参数
#define WING_RIGHT_MID 1500 // (*) 右舵中心点. - 默认; 可通过LCD查看更改的参数
1020 // 限制舵机的行程必须在 []
2000 // 限制舵机的行程必须在 []
#define WING_RIGHT_MIN 1020 // 限制舵机的行程必须在 []
#define WING_RIGHT_MAX 2000 // 限制舵机的行程必须在 []
固定翼(译者注:没搞清楚的功能,估计是混控设置,欢迎讨论补充 QQ:)
//#define USE_THROTTLESERVO // For use of standard 50Hz servo on throttle.
{100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100} // Rates in 0-100%
1 } // Invert servos by setting -1
//#define FLAPPERONS
// Mix Flaps with Aileroins.
} // Endpooints for flaps on a 2 way switch else set {} and program in radio.
//#define FLAPPERON_EP
} // Or Flapperons up for CrowMix
#define FLAPPERON_INVERT { 1, -1 }
// Change direction om flapperons { Wing1, Wing2 }
//#define FLAPS
// Traditional Flaps on A2 invert with SERVO_DIRECTION servo[2).
#define FLAP_EP
// Endpooints for flaps on a 2 way switch else set {} and program in radio.
//#define FLAPSPEED
// Make flaps move slowm Higher value is Higher Speed.
常见直升机 与 固定翼
//#define D12_POWER
// Use D12 on PROMINI to power sensors. Will disable servo[4] on D12
0 } // (*) Adjust Servo MID Offset & Swash angles
// Selectable channels:=
/* Governor: attempts to maintain rpm through pitch and voltage changes
* predictive approach: observe input signals and voltage and guess appropriate corrections.
* (the throttle curve must leave room for the governor, so 0-50-75-80-80 is ok, 0-50-95-100-100 is _not_ ok.
* Can be toggled via aux switch.
//#define GOVERNOR_P 7
// (*) proportional factor. Higher value -> higher throttle increase. Must be >=1; 0 = turn off
//#define GOVERNOR_D 4
// (*) decay timing. Higher value -> takes longer to return throttle to normal. Must be >=1;
//#define GOVERNOR_R 10
// (*) voltage impact correction scale in 0.1 units. Higher value -> more compensation for voltage drops. normal is value 10 &=> 1.0; 0 is off
/* Channel to control CollectivePitch */
/* Set Maximum available movement for the servos. Depending on model */
#define SERVO_ENDPOINT_HIGH {00,00,};
/* Limit the range of Collective Pitch. 100% is Full Range each way and position for Zero Pitch */
#define COLLECTIVE_RANGE { 80, 0, 80 }// {Min%, ZeroPitch offset from 1500, Max%}.
#define YAW_CENTER
// Use servo[5] SERVO_ENDPOINT_HIGH/LOW for the endpoits.
#define YAWMOTOR
// If a motor is used as YAW Set to 1 else set to 0.
/* Servo mixing for heli 120 Use 1/10 fractions (ex.5 = 5/10 = 1/2)
{Coll,Nick,Roll} */
#define SERVO_NICK
{ +10, -10, -0 }
#define SERVO_LEFT
{ +10, +5, +10 }
{ +10, +5, -10 }
/* Servo mixing for heli 90
{Coll,Nick,Roll} */
#define SERVO_DIRECTIONS { +1, -1, -1 } // -1 will invert servo
/* Limit Maximum controll for Roll & Nick
in 0-100% */
{ 100, 100 }
/* use servo code to drive the throttle output. You want this for analog servo driving the throttle on IC engines.
if inactive, throttle output will be treated as a motor output, so it can drive an ESC */
Single and DualCopter Settings
/* Change to -1 to reverse servomovement per axis
Servosettings for SingleCopter */
{1, 1, 1, 1} // Left, Right,Front,Rear
#define SINGLECOPTRER_SERVO {1,-1, 1,-1} // Pitch,Pitch,Roll, Roll
/* Servosettings for DualCopter */
#define DUALCOPTER_SERVO {1,1} //Pitch,Roll
SERVO_OFFSET and SERVO_RATES in Heli and Airplane section for centering and endpoints */
your individual mixing
/* if you want to override an existing entry in the mixing table, you may want to avoid esditing the
* mixTable() function for every version again and again.
//#define MY_PRIVATE_MIXING "filename.h"
//#define LEAVE_HEADROOM_FOR_MOTORS 4 // leave room for gyro corrrections only for first 4 motors
3 - 信号接收设置
/* 注: 如果您使用的是标准接收机,请不要设置此部分 */
PPM Sum 接收机
/* The following lines apply only for specific receiver with only one PPM sum signal, on digital PIN 2
Select the right line depending on your radio brand. Feel free to modify the order in your PPM order is different */
//#define SERIAL_SUM_PPM
PITCH,YAW,THROTTLE,ROLL,AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10,11 //For Graupner/Spektrum
//#define SERIAL_SUM_PPM
ROLL,PITCH,THROTTLE,YAW,AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10,11 //For Robe/Hitec/Futaba
//#define SERIAL_SUM_PPM
ROLL,PITCH,YAW,THROTTLE,AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10,11 //For Multiplex
//#define SERIAL_SUM_PPM
PITCH,ROLL,THROTTLE,YAW,AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10,11 //For some Hitec/Sanwa/Others
// Uncommenting following line allow to connect PPM_SUM receiver to standard THROTTLE PIN on MEGA boards (eg. A8 in CRIUS AIO)
/* The following lines apply only for Spektrum Satellite Receiver
Spektrum Satellites are 3V devices.
DO NOT connect to 5V!
For MEGA boards, attach sat grey wire to RX1, pin 19. Sat black wire to ground. Sat orange wire to Mega board's 3.3V (or any other 3V to 3.3V source).
For PROMINI, attach sat grey to RX0.
Attach sat black to ground. */
//#define SPEKTRUM 1024
//#define SPEKTRUM 2048
//#define SPEK_SERIAL_PORT 1
// Forced to 0 on Pro Mini and
Set to your choice of 0, 1, or 2 on any Mega based board (defaults to 1 on Mega).
// Defines that allow a "Bind" of a Spektrum or Compatible Remote Receiver (aka Satellite) via Configuration GUI.
Bind mode will be same as declared above, if your TX is capable.
Ground, Power, and Signal must come from three adjacent pins.
By default, these are Ground=4, Power=5, Signal=6.
These pins are in a row on most MultiWii shield boards. Pins can be overriden below.
Normally use 3.3V regulator is needed on the power pin!!
If your satellite hangs during bind (blinks, but won't complete bind with a solid light), go direct 5V on all pins.
For Pro Mini, the connector for the Satellite that resides on the FTDI can be unplugged and moved to these three adjacent pins.
//#define SPEK_BIND
//Un-Comment for Spektrum Satellie Bind Support.
Code is ~420 bytes smaller without it.
//#define SPEK_BIND_GROUND 4
//#define SPEK_BIND_DATA
/* The following line apply only for Futaba S-Bus Receiver on MEGA boards at RX1 only (Serial 1).
You have to invert the S-Bus-Serial Signal e.g. with a Hex-Inverter like IC SN74 LS 04 */
//#define SBUS
/******************* 接收机使用串行通信端口,并且符合Multiwii串行通信协议 *********/
//#define RCSERIAL
4 - 设置扩展CPU与板
标准接收机或者PPM SUM接收机,同时可用云台增稳:电调需要连接D3/D9/D10/D11,增稳舵机连接A0/A1,快门舵机连接A2。
标准接收机,无需云台增稳:A0/A1输出替代D5/D6,也就是电调需要连接D3/D9/D10/D11/A0/A1;PPM SUM接收机,需要云台增稳:电调需要连接D3/D9/D10/D11/D5/D6,增稳舵机连接A0/A1,快门舵机连接A2;
标准接收机或者PPM SUM接收机,电调需要连接D3/D9/D10/D11/A0/A1/A1/D12,无云台增稳与快门舵机支持。
Promini Specifig Settings
Hexa Motor 5 & 6 Pins
/* PIN A0 and A1 instead of PIN D5 & D6 for 6 motors config and promini config
This mod allow the use of a standard receiver on a pro mini
(no need to use a PPM sum receiver) */
//#define A0_A1_PIN_HEX //四轴不启用,六轴用
设置 Aux 2 输入端口
/* 设置D8或D12作为AUX2信号输入端口,可通过三位(或者两位)开关的信号控制某些功能的开和关;请注意只能启用其中之一!!
由于飞控的D8接口就在信号的那一排,所以为了方便,我们选D8作为AUX2的端口 */
#define RCAUXPIN8 //----------
//#define RCAUXPIN12
Teensy 2.0 Support
/* uncomment this if you use a teensy 2.0 with teensyduino
it needs to run at 16MHz */
//#define TEENSY20
Settings for ProMicro, Leonardo and other Atmega32u4 Boards
pin Layout
/* activate this for a better pinlayout if all pins can be used => not possible on ProMicro */
//#define A32U4ALLPINS
/* activate all 6 hardware PWM outputs Motor 5 = D11 and 6 = D13.
note: not possible on the sparkfun promicro (pin 11 & 13 are not broken out there)
if activated:
Motor 1-6 = 10-bit hardware PWM
Motor 7-8 = 8-bit Software PWM
= 8-bit Software PWM
if deactivated:
Motor 1-4 = 10-bit hardware PWM
Motor 5-8 = 10-bit Software PWM
= 10-bit Software PWM */
//#define HWPWM6
/* AUX2 pin on pin RXO */
//#define RCAUX2PINRXO
/* aux2 pin on pin D17 (RXLED) */
//#define RCAUX2PIND17
蜂鸣器 Pin
/* this moves the Buzzer pin from TXO to D8 for use with ppm sum or spectrum sat. RX (not needed if A32U4ALLPINS is active) */
//#define D8BUZZER
Promicro version related
/* Inverted status LED for Promicro ver 10 */
//#define PROMICRO10
override default pin assignments
/* only enable any of this if you must change the default pin assignment, e.g. your board does not have a specific pin */
/* you may need to change PINx and PORTx plus #shift according to the desired pin! */
A0 // instead of A3
// Analog PIN 3
pinMode (A1, OUTPUT); // use A1 instead of d13
PINC |= 1&&1; // PINB |= 1&&5;
//switch LEDPIN state (digital PIN 13)
PORTC &= ~(1&&1); // PORTB &= ~(1&&5);
PORTC |= 1&&1;
// was PORTB |= (1&&5);
pinMode (A2, OUTPUT); // use A2 instead of d8
PORTC |= 1&&2 //PORTB |= 1;
PORTC &= ~(1&&2); //PORTB &= ~1;
5 - 扩展设置
/* 设置串行端口的通信速率 */
#define SERIAL0_COM_SPEED 115200
#define SERIAL1_COM_SPEED 115200
#define SERIAL2_COM_SPEED 115200
#define SERIAL3_COM_SPEED 115200
/* interleaving delay in micro seconds between 2 readings WMP/NK in a WMP+NK config
if the ACC calibration time is very long (20 or 30s), try to increase this delay up to 4000
it is relevent only for a conf with NK */
/* when there is an error on I2C bus, we neutralize the values during a short time. expressed in microseconds
it is relevent only for a conf with at least a WMP */
#define NEUTRALIZE_DELAY 100000
/* ITG3200 & ITG3205 低通滤波器设置. 如果您陀螺不能有效消除震动,可以试试降低LPF频率,
可以尝试每个参数. As soon as twitching gone, stick with that setting.
It will not help on feedback wobbles, so change only when copter is randomly twiching and all dampening and
balancing options ran out. 参数仅能选择一个!
重要! 改变低通滤波器设置会影响PID,所以改变低通滤波器(LPF)后请重新设置PID.*/
//#define ITG3200_LPF_256HZ
// 仅供参考:这个参数是默认设置,不需要取消注释
//#define ITG3200_LPF_188HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_98HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_42HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_20HZ
//#define ITG3200_LPF_10HZ
// Use this only in extreme cases, rather change motors and/or props
/* MPU6050 低通滤波器设置. 如果您陀螺不能有效消除震动,可以试试降低LPF频率,
可以尝试每个参数. As soon as twitching gone, stick with that setting.
It will not help on feedback wobbles, so change only when copter is randomly twiching and all dampening and
balancing options ran out. 参数仅能选择一个!
重要! 改变低通滤波器设置会影响PID,所以改变低通滤波器(LPF)后请重新设置PID.*/
//#define MPU6050_LPF_256HZ
// 仅供参考:这个参数是默认设置,不需要取消注释
//#define MPU6050_LPF_188HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_98HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_42HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_20HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_10HZ
//#define MPU6050_LPF_5HZ
// Use this only in extreme cases, rather change motors and/or props
/* GYRO_SMOOTHING. 如果您尝试了低通滤波器的所有设置之后,仍然不能消除震动, 您可以试试陀螺仪平滑.
Good results for helicopter, airplanes and flying wings (foamies) with lots of vibrations.*/
//#define GYRO_SMOOTHING {20, 20, 3}
// (*) separate averaging ranges for roll, pitch, yaw
//#define MMGYRO 10
// Length of Moving Average Vector (maximum value for tunable MMGYRO
/* Moving Average ServoGimbal Signal Output */
// Active Output Moving Average Function for Servos Gimbal
// Lenght of Moving Average Vector
6 - 可选设置
continuous gyro calibration
/* Gyrocalibration will be repeated if copter is moving during calibration. */
AP FlightMode
/* Temporarily Disables GPS_HOLD_MODE to be able to make it possible to adjust the Hold-position when moving the sticks.*/
#define AP_MODE 40
// Create a deadspan for GPS.
Assisted AcroTrainer
/* Train Acro with auto recovery. Value set the point where ANGLE_MODE takes over.
Remember to activate ANGLE_MODE first!...
A Value on 200 will give a very distinct transfer */
//#define ACROTRAINER_MODE 200
/* 在CH1-CH4四个主要的控制通道进行脉冲故障检测. 任何主控制通道的脉冲丢失或大于985us,将启动安全程序。
从FAILSAFE_DELAY时间后, 自稳模式上 (如果加速度传感器ACC状态为开),副翼、升降、方向、油门都将设置为FAILSAFE_THR0TTLE值.
最好的结果是设置此值可让飞行器下降速度为1m/s. 实现灵敏度以及其他指标的最优值取决于您飞行器的具体配置.
然后, 飞行器将在FAILSAFE_OFF_DELAY时间后电机完全关闭.
如果控制脉冲在小于FAILSAFE_OFF_DELAY的时间内恢复正常,控制脉冲将接管飞行器的控制权. */
//#define FAILSAFE
// 取消此注释,将激活安全保护函数
// 控制脉冲丢失时间阀值. 1 步 = 0.1 秒 - 1 秒
// Time for Landing before motors stop in 0.1sec. 1 step = 0.1sec - 20sec in example
// (*) Throttle level used for landing - may be relative to MINTHROTTLE - as in this case
/* I2C DFRobot LED RING communication */
//#define LED_RING
//#define LED_FLASHER
// leds OFF
// create double flashes
// full illumination
// no illumination
Landing lights
/* Landing lights
Use an output pin to control landing lights.
They can be switched automatically when used in conjunction
with altitude data from a sonar unit. */
/* altitude above ground (in cm) as reported by sonar */
/* adopt the flasher pattern for landing light LEDs */
INFLIGHT ACC Calibration
/* This will activate the ACC-Inflight calibration if unchecked */
Disable WMP power pin
/* disable use of the POWER PIN
(allready done if the option RCAUXPIN12 is selected) */
OSD Switch
// This adds a box that can be interpreted by OSD in activation status (to switch on/off the overlay for instance)
//#define OSD_SWITCH
TX-related 相关
#define DEADBAND 6 //----------
/* 定义气压计的高度保持功能允许容差,默认+/-40;
低于这个误差值飞控不动作. 气压定高时有用,忽略一定范围的误差 */
/* GPS using a SERIAL port
if enabled, define here the Arduino Serial port number and the UART speed
note: only the RX PIN is used in case of NMEA mode, the GPS is not configured by multiwii
in NMEA mode the GPS must be configured to output GGA and RMC NMEA sentences (which is generally the default conf for most GPS devices)
at least 5Hz update rate. uncomment the first line to select the GPS serial port of the arduino */
//#define GPS_SERIAL 2 //启用端口should be 2 for flyduino v2. It's the serial port number on arduino MEGA
//#define GPS_BAUD
#define GPS_BAUD
115200 //波特率设置
/* GPS protocol
- Standard NMEA protocol GGA, GSA and RMC
sentences are needed
UBLOX - U-Blox binary protocol, use the ublox config file (u-blox-config.ublox.txt) from the source tree
MTK_BINARY16 and MTK_BINARY19 - MTK3329 chipset based GPS with DIYDrones binary firmware (v1.6 or v1.9)
With UBLOX and MTK_BINARY you don't have to use GPS_FILTERING in multiwii code !!! */
//#define NMEA
//#define UBLOX
//#define MTK_BINARY16
//#define MTK_BINARY19
//#define INIT_MTK_GPS
// initialize MTK GPS for using selected speed, 5Hz update rate and GGA & RMC sentence or binary settings
57600 // Will Autosense if GPS is connected when ardu boots
/* I2C GPS device made with an independant arduino + GPS device
including some navigation functions
contribution from EOSBandi
http://code.google.com/p/i2c-gps-nav/ ;
You have to use at least I2CGpsNav code r33
//#define I2C_GPS
/* I2C GPS device made with an indeedent ATTiny[24]313 + GPS device and
optional sonar device.
https://github.com/wertarbyte/tiny-gps/ ;*/
/* get GPS data from Tiny-GPS */
//#define TINY_GPS
/* get sonar data from Tiny-GPS */
//#define TINY_GPS_SONAR
/* GPS data readed from Misio-OSD - GPS module connected to OSD, and MultiWii read GPS data from OSD - tested and working OK ! */
//#define GPS_FROM_OSD
/* indicate a valid GPS fix with at least 5 satellites by flashing the LED
- Modified by MIS - Using stable LED (YELLOW on CRIUS AIO) led work as sat number indicator
- No GPS FIX -> LED blink at speed of incoming GPS frames
- Fix and sat no. bellow 5 -> LED off
- Fix and sat no. >= 5 -> LED blinks, one blink for 5 sat, two blinks for 6 sat, three for 7 ... */
//#define USE_MSP_WP
//Enables the MSP_WP command, which is used by WinGUI to display and log Home and Poshold positions
// HOME position is reset at every arm, uncomment it to prohibit it (you can set home position with GyroCalibration)
/* GPS navigation can control the heading */
// copter faces toward the navigation point, maghold must be enabled for it
// true - copter comes in with tail first
// true - when copter arrives to home position it rotates it's head to takeoff direction
/* 从这个网址得到您所在位置的地磁偏角 : http://magnetic-declination.com/
Convert the degree+minutes into decimal degree by ==> degree+minutes*(1/60)
Note the sign on declination it could be negative or positive (WEST or EAST) */
0.0f //----------地磁偏角
// Adds a forward predictive filterig to compensate gps lag. Code based on Jason Short's lead filter implementation
// add a 5 element moving average filter to GPS coordinates, helps eliminate gps noise but adds latency comment out to disable
// if we are within this distance to a waypoint then we consider it reached (distance is in cm)
// Adds a rate control to nav output, will smoothen out nav angle spikes
LCD/OLED - 显示设置
The type of LCD
/* choice of LCD attached for configuration and telemetry, see notes below */
//#define LCD_DUMMY
// No Physical LCD attached.
With this & LCD_CONF defined, TX sticks still work to set gains, by watching LED blink.
//#define LCD_SERIAL3W
// Alex' initial variant with 3 wires, using rx-pin for transmission @9600 baud fixed
//#define LCD_TEXTSTAR
// SERIAL LCD: Cat's Whisker LCD_TEXTSTAR Module CW-LCD-02 (Which has 4 input keys for selecting menus)
//#define LCD_VT100
// SERIAL LCD: vt100 compatible terminal emulation (blueterm, putty, etc.)
//#define LCD_TTY
// SERIAL LCD: useful to tweak parameters over cable with arduino IDE 'serial monitor'
//#define LCD_ETPP
// I2C LCD: Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD, which is i2c (not serial)
//#define LCD_LCD03
// I2C LCD: LCD03, which is i2c
//#define OLED_I2C_128x64 // I2C LCD: OLED
// must be 0 on Pro Mini and
Set to your choice on any Mega based board
//#define SUPPRESS_OLED_I2C_128x64LOGO
// suppress display of OLED logo to save memory
/* double font height for better readability. Reduces visible #lines by half.
* The lower part of each page is accessible under the name of shifted keyboard letter :
* 1 - ! , 2 - @ , 3 - # , 4 - $ , 5 - % , 6 - ^ , 7 - & , 8 - * , 9 - (
* You must add both to your lcd.telemetry.* sequences
//#define DISPLAY_FONT_DSIZE //currently only aplicable for OLED_I2C_128x64
/* style of display - AUTODETECTED via LCD_ setting - only activate to override defaults */
//#define DISPLAY_2LINES
//#define MULTILINE_PRE 2
// multiline configMenu # pref lines
//#define MULTILINE_POST 6 // multiline configMenu # post lines
/* keys to navigate the LCD menu */
#define LCD_MENU_PREV 'p'
#define LCD_MENU_NEXT 'n'
#define LCD_VALUE_UP 'u'
#define LCD_VALUE_DOWN 'd'
#define LCD_MENU_SAVE_EXIT 's'
#define LCD_MENU_ABORT 'x'
LCD 菜单配置
/* 如果您想启用LCD 或 OLED 来设置参数,请启用LCD_CONF。
//#define LCD_CONF
/* 可通过LCD显示来设置辅助开关AUX1 -> AUX4,请启用LCD_CONF_AUX */
//#define LCD_CONF_AUX
/* optional exclude some functionality - uncomment to suppress some unwanted telemetry pages */
/* to monitor system values (battery level, loop time etc. with LCD
/* to enable automatic hopping between a choice of telemetry pages uncomment this. */
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO "" // pages 1 to 9 in ascending order
"729" // strong emphasis on page 2
/* manu first page of the sequence gets loaded at startup to allow non-interactive display */
//#define LCD_TELEMETRY_STEP "" // should contain a 0 to allow switching off.
/* optional exclude some functionality - uncomment to suppress some unwanted telemetry pages */
//#define RX_RSSI
//#define RX_RSSI_PIN A3
//#define BUZZER
// uncomment this if you want the buzzer to beep at any rcOptions change on channel Aux1 to Aux4
// (*) Trigger an alarm after a certain time of being armed [s] to save you lipo (if your TX does not have a countdown)
//#define PILOTLAMP
//Uncomment if you are using a X-Arcraft Pilot Lamp
/* for V BAT monitoring
after the resistor divisor we should get [0V;5V]->[0;1023] on analog V_BATPIN
with R1=33k and R2=51k
vbat = [0;1023]*16/VBATSCALE
must be associated with #define BUZZER ! */
//#define VBAT
// 要启用电压报警,请先接好电源检测线
131 // (*) change this value if readed Battery voltage is different than real voltage
126 // 12,6V full battery nominal voltage - only used for lcd.telemetry
#define VBATLEVEL_WARN1 107 // (*) 10,7V
99 // (*) 9.9V
93 // (*) 9.3V - critical condition: if vbat ever goes below this value, permanent alarm is triggered
#define NO_VBAT
// (*) Avoid beeping without any battery
电源检测 (电池容量监测)
/* enable monitoring of the power consumption from battery (think of mAh)
allows to set alarm value in GUI or via LCD
Full description and howto here
Two options:
1 - hard: - (uses hardware sensor, after configuration gives very good results)
2 - soft: - (good results +-5% for plush and mystery ESCs @ 2S and 3S, not good with SuperSimple ESC)
/* PLEVELSCALE is the step size you can use to set alarm */
#define PLEVELSCALE 50 // if you change this value for other granularity, you must search for comments in code to change accordingly
/* larger PLEVELDIV will get you smaller value for power (mAh equivalent) */
#define PLEVELDIV 5000 // (*) default for soft - if you lower PLEVELDIV, beware of overrun in uint32 pMeter
#define PLEVELDIVSOFT PLEVELDIV // for soft always equal to PLEVELDIV; for hard set to 5000
#define PSENSORNULL 510 // (*) set to analogRead() va for I=0A my sensor gives 1/2 V that is approx 2.49V
#define PINT2mA 13 // (*) for telemtry display: one integer step on arduino analog translates to mA (example 4.9 / 37 * 100
/* 如果您取消注释,表示关闭高度保持的功能.
* This is useful if all of the following apply
* + you have a baro
* + want altitude readout
* + do not use altitude hold feature
* + want to save memory space
/* Natural alt change for rapid pilots. It's temporary switch OFF the althold when throttle stick is out of deadband defined with ALT_HOLD_THROTTLE_NEUTRAL_ZONE
* but if it's commented: Smooth alt change routine is activated, for slow auto and aerophoto modes (in general solution from alexmos). It's slowly increase/decrease
* altitude proportional to stick movement (+/-100 throttle gives about +/-50 cm in 1 second with cycle time about 3-4ms)
/* enable to get audio feedback upon rising/falling copter/plane.
* Requires a working baro.
* For now, Output gets sent to an enabled vt100 terminal program over the serial line.
* choice of two methods (enable either one or both)
* method 1 : use short term movement from baro ( bigger code size)
* method 2 : use long term observation of altitude from baro (smaller code size)
//#define VARIOMETER 12
// possible values: 12 = methods 1 & 2 ; 1 = method 1 ; 2 = method 2
// if no signaling for up movement is desired
//#define SUPPRESS_VARIOMETER_DOWN // if no signaling for down movement is desired
// use only one tone (BEL); neccessary for non-patched vt100 terminals
* this name is displayed together with the MultiWii version number
* upon powerup on the LCD.
* If you are without a DISPLAYD then You may enable LCD_TTY and
* use arduino IDE's serial monitor to view the info.
* You must preserve the format of this string!
* It must be 16 characters total,
* The last 4 characters will be overwritten with the version number.
#define BOARD_NAME "MultiWii
V-.--" //----------
7 - 开发者高级设定
/************ Experimental: force a stable, fixated (high) cycle time
/* when activated, the displayed cycle time in GUI will not be correct.
* Tunable via LCD config menu.
* value of 0 turns the feature off.
//#define CYCLETIME_FIXATED 9000 // (*)
special ESC with extended range [0-2000] microseconds
/* 下列语句是关于解锁后,油门保持最低时油门停转
如果不启用此项,解锁后电机会开始转起来(也就是怠速功能),请根据需要来调整。我建议启用这一项,也就是关掉怠速。 */
//#define MOTOR_STOP //----------
/* 个别遥控发射的信号中心点不在1500. 可在此更改 */
#define MIDRC 1500
/* 默认50Hz的伺服刷新率*/
#define SERVO_RFR_50HZ
/* up to 160Hz servo refreshrate .. works with the most analog servos*/
//#define SERVO_RFR_160HZ
/* up to 300Hz refreshrate it is as fast as possible (100-300Hz depending on the cound of used servos and the servos state).
for use with digital servos
dont use it with analog servos! thay may get damage. (some will work but be careful) */
//#define SERVO_RFR_300HZ
HW PWM Servos
/* HW PWM Servo outputs for Arduino Mega.. moves:
CamTrig = pin 46
= pin 11 (assigned to PPM or SPECTRUM CH9 on copter configuration)
= pin 12 (assigned to PPM or SPECTRUM CH10 on copter configuration)
this option disable other software PWM's for servos - only five hardware controlled servos avaliable
串行命令处理 - MSP和其它
/* to reduce memory footprint, it is possible to suppress handling of serial commands.
* This does _not_ affect handling of RXserial, Spektrum or GPS. Those will not be affected and still work the same.
* Enable either one or both of the following options
/* Remove handling of all commands of the New MultiWii Serial Protocol.
* This will disable use of the GUI, winGUI, android apps and any other program that makes use of the MSP.
* You must find another way (like LCD_CONF) to tune the parameters or live with the defaults.
* If you run a LCD/OLED via i2c or serial/Bluetooth, this is safe to use */
//#define SUPPRESS_ALL_SERIAL_MSP // saves approx 2700 bytes
/* Remove handling of other serial commands.
* This includes navigating via serial the lcd.configuration menu, lcd.telemetry and permanent.log .
* Navigating via stick inputs on tx is not affected and will work the same.
approx 0 to 100 bytes, depending on features enabled
/* to log values like max loop time and others to come
logging values are visible via LCD config
set to 1, enable 'R' option to reset values, max current, max altitude
set to 2, adds min/max cycleTimes
set to 3, adds additional powerconsumption on a per motor basis (this uses the big array and is a memory hog, if POWERMETER &> PM_SOFT) */
//#define LOG_VALUES 1
/* Permanent logging to eeprom - survives (most) upgrades and parameter resets.
* used to track number of flights etc. over lifetime of controller board.
* Writes to end of eeprom - should not conflict with stored parameters yet.
* Logged values: accumulated lifetime, #powercycle/reset/initialize events, #arm events, #disarm events, last armedTime,
#failsafe@disarm, #i2c_errs@disarm
* To activate set to size of eeprom for your mcu: promini 328p: 1023 ; .
* Enable one or more options to show the log
//#define LOG_PERMANENT 1023
//#define LOG_PERMANENT_SHOW_AT_STARTUP // enable to display log at startup
//#define LOG_PERMANENT_SHOW_AT_L // enable to display log when receiving 'L'
//#define LOG_PERMANENT_SHOW_AFTER_CONFIG // enable to display log after exiting LCD config menu
//#define LOG_PERMANENT_SERVICE_LIFETIME 36000 // service alert at startup after 10 hours of armed time
/* to add debugging code
not needed and not recommended for normal operation
will add extra code that may slow down the main loop or make copter non-flyable */
//#define DEBUG
/* Use this to trigger LCD configuration without a TX - only for debugging - do NOT fly with this activated */
//#define LCD_CONF_DEBUG
/* Use this to trigger telemetry without a TX - only for debugging - do NOT fly with this activated */
//This form rolls between all screens, LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO must also be defined.
//This form stays on the screen specified.
/* Enable string transmissions from copter to GUI */
//#define DEBUGMSG
ESCs calibration
/* to calibrate all ESCs connected to MWii at the same time (useful to avoid unplugging/re-plugging each ESC)
Warning: this creates a special version of MultiWii Code
You cannot fly with this special version. It is only to be used for calibrating ESCs
Read How To at http://code.google.com/p/multiwii/wiki/ESCsC*/
#define ESC_CALIB_HIGH 2000
// uncomment to activate
internal frequencies
/* frequenies for rare cyclic actions in the main loop, depend on cycle time
time base is main loop cycle time - a value of 6 means to trigger the action every 6th run through the main loop
example: with cycle time of approx 3ms, do action every 6*3ms=18ms
value must be [1; 65535] */
// to send telemetry data over serial 23 &=> 60ms &=> 16Hz (only sending interlaced, so 8Hz update rate)
#define LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO_FREQ 967 // to step to next telemetry page 967 &=> 3s
// to read hardware powermeter sensor 6 &=> 18ms
// to read battery voltage - keep equal to PSENSORFREQ unless you know what you are doing
Regression testing
/* for development only:
to allow for easier and reproducable config sets for test compiling, different sets of config parameters are kept
together. This is meant to help detecting compile time errors for various features in a coordinated way.
It is not meant to produce your flying firmware
- do not set any options in config.h,
- enable with #define COPTERTEST 1, then compile
- if possible, check for the size
- repeat with other values of 2, 3, 4 etc.
//#define COPTERTEST 1
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