
SPSS 数据分析 - 知乎暂无话题描述关注话题分享阅读全文42853 条评论分享收藏感谢阅读全文4添加评论分享收藏阅读全文4320 条评论分享收藏阅读全文01 条评论分享收藏感谢阅读全文01 条评论分享收藏感谢<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="1  (在线等)坛子里面有木有做数据分析的?问一下SPSS资格认证有用吗?  我是做金融期货的,因为经常统计一些数据,所以这2天跑到合肥来报名了一个SPSS数据分析班,3天2200大洋,今天下午需要考证,不是一定要考的,考证费用1500,认证资格是spss高级认证师,请问这个有木有用啊。   我这2天上课,感觉好吃力啊,只能看懂操作,原理并不是很懂,本来我学的就是计算机。。。  在线等,麻烦专业人士解答一下。  怎么还有字数限制呢。
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  没有人吗?   坐等专业人士解答啊。。
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做大数据,估计经常需要编程的,那么需要适合编程,能够尽量利用计算机系统的资源的软件。 我倾向于MATLAB,和R。 SAS的安装非常笨重,其编程的优势也还没有看到。
做大数据,估计经常需要编程的,那么需要适合编程,能够尽量利用计算机系统的资源的软件。 我倾向于MATLAB,和R。 SAS的安装非常笨重,其编程的优势也还没有看到。
Maximum number of cases in an SPSS dataset
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What is the maximum number of cases that I can have in an SPSS dataset?
Resolving the problem
SPSS 32 bit can hold up to 2 billion cases in a dataset.
SPSS 64 bit has no real limitation except the specifications of your computer.
The exact number and its calculation is arrived at in the following way.
The file format includes a count of the cases in a 32-bit signed integer. Since one bit is devoted to the sign, the largest number that can be stored there is 2**(31)-1 (2 to the 31st power minus one), or 2,147,493,647.
Remember that the operating system probably keeps the size of each file in bytes in the same kind of integer, so users will likely run into that limit before they hit ours.
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What is the maximum number of cases that I can have in an SPSS dataset?
SPSS 32 bit can hold up to 2 billion cases in a dataset.
SPSS 64 bit has no real limitation except the specifications of your computer.
来源:Maximum number of cases in an SPSS dataset


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