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<meta name="Keywords" content='表情符号;T意思;认为;Ymeans 这些常见的表情符号你都用错了,原来第四个的真正含义是它!' />
<meta name="Description" content='发消息时我们常用表情符号传情表意,但却会用错一些很常见的表情符号,遭人误解。You。,这些常见的表情符号你都用错了,原来第四个的真正含义是它!' />
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  发消息时我们常用表情符号传情表意,但却会用错一些很常见的表情符号,遭人误解。来看看下面这些表情符号,你都知道是什么意思吗?  THE LOVE HOTEL爱情旅馆  The emoji: A building with a H on the front, and a pink heart to the side  表情符号:一座前面带H的建筑,旁边有一颗粉色的心。  You think it means: A caring hospital, or perhaps even a symbol for "home is where the heart is"  你认为的意思:一家爱心医院,或者可能象征着“心在哪儿,家就在哪儿”。  According to Emojipedia, this is most definitely a hotel that"s hired by the hour by amorous couples, as opposed to one where you stay overnight.  根据Emojipedia,这是恋爱中的情侣可以按钟点结算费用的旅馆,与通常意义上可以过夜的旅馆不同。  But the definitive guide to emojis concedes that it does get "mistaken for a get well soon emoji due to the similarity in appearance to the hospital emoji".  但表情符号权威指南承认,这一符号的确“会被错认为早日康复的意思,因为看起来的确跟医院标识很像。”  COOKING烹饪  The emoji: A frying pan with an egg  表情符号:上有煎蛋的平底锅  You think it means: Quite literally frying an egg  你认为的意思:就像看到的那样,在煎蛋  Apparently this symbol is not meant to represent simply making a fried egg and is supposed to represent the more general act of cooking.  显然这个表情符号并不只是代表煎个鸡蛋,而是代表广义的烹饪。  DIZZY头晕眼花  The emoji: A star at the end of a crescent of light  表情符号:月状光束尽头的一颗星  You think it means: A shooting star  你认为的意思:流星  This emoji is definitely not one for keen astronomers.  这个符号当然不是给敏锐的天文学家准备的。  It"s supposed to represent feeling dizzy "after a person falls or is otherwise lacking orientation".它代表“一个人跌倒后,或者分不清东南西北”而感到头晕。  PROUD骄傲  The emoji: A round face with steaming blowing from the nostrils  表情符号:圆形的脸蛋上鼻孔正在出气  You think it means: Angry  你认为的意思:生气  Think about the grumpiest person you know and the chances are they will bear a close resemblance to this face - minus the clouds of steam.  想想你身边脾气最坏的人,他们的表情可能神似这个表情符号,除去两团喷出的气。  However, it"s not mean to represent anger. It"s meant to look "proud and disdainful" in an "I"m right and you"re wrong" kind of way.  但这个表情符号并不代表生气。它代表“骄傲轻蔑”的表情,类似于“我是对的,你是错的”那种表情。  RELIEVED如释重负  The emoji: A face with what looks like a tear on one side  表情符号:脸的一侧像是有一滴泪  You think it means: Sad or upset  你认为的意思:悲伤或心烦  This face has sweat dripping from its brow, due to a stressful situation, rather than a tear falling from its eye.  这个表情其实是棘手情况时从眉毛滴下的汗,而不是落泪。  The "Sad but Relieved Face" is easily confused with the crying emoji as the bead of sweat on the cheek is difficult to discern from the tear when it"s such a small size.  “悲伤但释然”的表情符号很容易和哭泣的表情符号搞混,因为表情符号都很小,脸颊上的汗珠和眼泪很难区分。  OPENNESS率真  The emoji: Two hands side by side with the palms facing outwards  表情符号:双手并排摊开,掌心向外  You think it means: "Whatever"  你认为的意思:无所谓  If you ever use this emoji to demonstrate a devil-may-care attitude, then you"re getting it wrong.  如果你曾用这个符号表达漫不经心的态度,那就错了。  It"s actually supposed to represent openness or even a hug.  其实它代表率真,或者就是一个拥抱。  SASSY WOMAN活泼的女性  The emoji: A cheerful looking woman raising one outstretched palm  表情符号:一位伸出手掌的愉快女性  You think it means: A proud woman who isn"t afraid to show her worth  你认为的意思:不怕展现自身价值的骄傲女性  The Woman Tipping Hand emoji actually belongs to the "information desk person" set of emojis.  这个表情符号其实属于“咨询台人员”表情系列。  Rather than a sassy attitude, she"s demonstrating that she"s here to help.  这位女性的意思是我可以提供帮助,而不是想说自己很活泼。  PERSON BOWING鞠躬男  The emoji: A man leaning on his forearms as if he"s doing push ups  表情符号:一位上身压在手臂上的男性,好像在做俯卧撑。  You think it means: Someone exercising or resting their head on their hands in a winsome fashion  你认为的意思:一位正在锻炼,或者把头放在双手上的男性,姿态可爱。  There are no push ups involved in this emoji, which shows a person performing what"s known as dogeza in Japan.  这个表情符号没有俯卧撑的意思,其实是指日本的卧地下跪。  The deep bow is used to express a sincere apology, or to request a large favour.  人们用深鞠躬这一表情符号表达真诚的道歉,或者请求别人帮个大忙。  ANGER生气  The emoji: Four banana shapes arranged in a square formation  表情符号:四根香蕉形状的东西排成方形  You think it means: It"s probably one you"ve never used as you don"t have a clue  你认为的意思:可能你从没用过,因为你不知道它代表啥。  You might not be familiar with this symbol if you"ve never read a Manga comic, where it represents veins popping in someone who is very angry.  如果你没读过日本漫画,可能就对这个表情不熟悉,它代表气得人青筋暴涨。  It"s also used in other comic books to show that a punch has been landed.  它还用在其他漫画书里,表示以拳重击。  (来源:中国日报双语新闻编辑部)
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