
excel英 [ɪkˈsel]
美 [ɪkˈsɛl]
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Excel 怎么发音? - 知乎有问题,上知乎。知乎作为中文互联网最大的知识分享平台,以「知识连接一切」为愿景,致力于构建一个人人都可以便捷接入的知识分享网络,让人们便捷地与世界分享知识、经验和见解,发现更大的世界。53被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="4分享邀请回答6310 条评论分享收藏感谢收起excel是什么意思_excel在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
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excel英 [?k'sel] 美 [?k's?l] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:excel 基本解释及物动词优于,擅长不及物动词胜过手机查看excel的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 excel 即可excel 相关例句及物动词1. She excels the rest of the class in English.&&&&她的英文在班上胜过任何同学。2. 2. She excels as a orator.&&&&她擅长演说。不及物动词1. He excels at volleyball.&&&&他擅长打排球。excel 网络解释1. 电子表格制作:物料采购计划的交期、进度控制等工作,以及新产品、新材料采购渠道的搜集. 档案管理方面能做好资料信息、文件档案的打印、归类、保管与分发;部门间有关事务的沟通与协调. 熟练操作office办公软件,如文字处理(Word)和电子表格制作(Excel)等2. 擅长:安装方法很简单的,你只要 一个通用串行总线(UNB)连接线连接电脑和手机,使用手机附带的软件就可以安装各种软件,我给自己的手机安装了微软文丨字(WORD)处理软件,演示软件 能量点(POWERPOINT)和擅长(EXCEL)这几个软件都挺好用的,3. 依克塞尔:伦敦图书博览会继在伦敦东部依克塞尔(ExCel)展绩不佳之后,将于明年转战伦敦西部. 而法兰克福图书博览会组织者之前已被要求在奥林匹亚附近的厄尔斯(Earls)广场举办一项竞争类比性活动,之前那里曾举办过图书展会. 之后,4. excel4. Basic IT user knowledge (Microsoft-Word,Excel,Power Point:--语言:中文-普通话,懂外语者优先;L... | --具备电脑基础知识,熟悉使用 Word,Excel,Power Point等 Basic IT user knowledge (Microsoft-Word,Excel,Power Point,) | --有高度的责任心,正直度,有进取心,能吃苦耐劳;Hig...excel 双语例句1. 1. Pasting content from another application, like Word or Excel, is best done with the Paste from Word button on the second row, or in HTML mode.&&&&从其它程序粘贴内容,例如Word 或 Excel,最好用第二行的粘帖按钮完成,或者在HTML模式下完成。2. &#100;&#97;&#110;&#99;&#105;&#46;&#57;&#49;&#49;&#99;&#104;&#97;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;2. However, charts in the browser have a high degree of fidelity with charts in Excel.&&&&不过,在浏览器中的图表与Excel图表是非常接近的。3. 3. And, with that, our user now has their summary report - Excel has grouped all the original data by Category and Product, calculated the Sales Amount, and slapped on a Grand Total … all in a total of 5 clicks.&&&&这样,我们的用户就完成了他们的综合报告——Excel已经集合了所有产品种类和产品名称的原始数据,计算出销售额并进行汇总……所有这些操作只需要点击5下鼠标。4. The object of such for the Greek authors excel in copiousness of matter, and have introduced a vast deal of art into th and, in translating them, we may use the very best words, for all that we use may be our own.&&&&这类实践的目标显而易见;因为希腊作者在描写事物的丰富性方面见长,曾将大量的艺术引入修辞研究领域;因而,在翻译他们的作品时,我们要用最最出色的词汇,因为我们使用的所有的语句都是我们自己的。5. Knowledge maps can be published on the Web or your intranet, can be added to WinWord, Excel and PowerPoint documents, and can be printed in almost any size you choose.&&&&技术地图可以在网络或者你的内部网中发布,可以被添加到 WinWord,Excel 和 PowerPoint 文档中,并且可以以你所选择的任何尺寸打印输出。6. Many interfaces to other programs make the simple delivery possible eg directly to Winword or Excel with just one mouse click.&&&&许多接口,其他程序作简单的交付可能如直接向Winword或Excel只需点击鼠标。7. 7. I am sure your firm has made a very wise choice and that you will excel in your new role as business manager.&&&&介绍信一般都包括:第一部分详细叙述被介绍人的情况,如姓名,年龄,学历等;第二部分说明情由,即被介绍人此行的目的;第三部分写明被介绍人希望得到哪方面的帮助并向收信人致谢。8. First, product performance: 1st, the excel in highly effective tensile strength is above ordinary steel products 10 times, the elasticity coefficient surpasses the steel products, has the outstanding anticreep energy, inoxidizability and anti-knocking property.&&&&一、产品性能:1、高强高效抗拉强度是普通钢材的10倍以上,弹性模量优于钢材,具有优异的抗蠕变性能,耐腐蚀性和抗震性。9. 9. Use your barcode scanner to scan barcode information to MS Excel.&&&&用条码扫描器扫描条码信息,MS Excel的。10. I think you are an expert in excel..&&&&他认为我是一个EXCEL的专家。11. So if you don`t want to excel in life, please don`t come!!!&&&&&&所以,你若不想提升自己的生命,请不要来!12. To excel in any field, be...&&&&&&要善於在任何领域,是。。。13. Then I asked her, don't you have Excel?&&&&&&然后,我问她,你不让14. excel的解释14. Well, you do if you want to excel in school and in life....&&&&&&那么,你要想脱颖而出,并在学校生活中15. Do you want to excel on the job?&&&&&&你是否想在工作上做到最好?16. 16. I need to know more advance functions of excel.&&&&&&我需要知道更多的推进功能出类拔萃。17. I can use the Computer skillful, proficiency in the application of software: a variety of office software Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other professional data entry, analysis, and various types of computer software, can get down something fluquently, learning and practicel ability is good.&&&&&&计算机熟练,能熟练的应用软件:各种办公软件Word、Excel、PowerPoint等专业数据输入、分析、各类计算机软件比较能上手,学习与实际操作能力强。18. After a regretful incident with the family dog, who had pestered him for so long, Sangha end up in the private zoo of His Excel lency, an unspecified member of local Royalty.&&&&&&Sangha在和主人家烦扰它已久的狗发生了一次不愉快之后,被送到了一位地方皇族的私人苑囿。19. For our example, we will create 3 di an Excel file, CSV file, and a Tab delimited file.&&&&&&对于我们的例子中,我们将创建3个不同的源文件;一个Excel文件,CSV文件,并用制表符分隔的文件。20. There will be only three data file formats to be recog Excel, CSV, and tab delimited.&&&&&&将只有3个数据文件格式必须承认的程序;的Excel ,CSV格式,和制表符分隔。excel 词典解释1. 突出;擅长;胜过(他人)&&&&If someone excels in something or excels at it, they are very good at doing it.&&&&e.g. Caine has always been an actor who excels in irony...&&&&&&&&&&&凯恩向来是个擅长讽刺的演员。&&&&e.g. Mary was a better rider than either of them and she excelled at outdoor sports...&&&&&&&&&&&玛丽的骑术比他们俩都要好,而且她擅长户外运动。excel 单语例句1. Their achievements encouraged Zheng in his belief that people with disabilities could excel in the software development business.2. I want people to change the stereotype that Asians cannot excel in sprinting.3. I'm the sort of person who wishes the Olympics were less about nationalism and more about cheering on those who excel.4. Children with overcrowded schedules spread their energy out too thinly to be able to concentrate on doing what they could eventually excel in.5. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown greeted Obama at London's ExCel conference center ahead of a breakfast meeting Thursday.6. The flaw in Excel enables an attacker to take control of a PC through a malicious Excel document.7. Yet even in the era of heightened customer expectations, a number of companies excel at customer service.8. Zhuang doctors excel at detoxification and applying poisonous drugs to treat illness.9. We feel a lot more elated seeing them excel in areas we thought impossible.10. The ministry started selecting master professors from institutions of higher learning in 2003, for encouraging more teachers to excel at teaching.excel 英英释义verb1. distinguish oneself&&&&e.g. She excelled in math&&&&Synonym: excel是什么意思,excel在线翻译,excel什么意思,excel的意思,excel的翻译,excel的解释,excel的发音,excel的同义词,excel的反义词,excel的例句,excel的相关词组,excel意思是什么,excel怎么翻译,单词excel是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号微信扫一扫关注Excel 怎么发音? - 知乎有问题,上知乎。知乎作为中文互联网最大的知识分享平台,以「知识连接一切」为愿景,致力于构建一个人人都可以便捷接入的知识分享网络,让人们便捷地与世界分享知识、经验和见解,发现更大的世界。53被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="4分享邀请回答6310 条评论分享收藏感谢收起1添加评论分享收藏感谢收起excel怎么读_百度知道
是读伊科斯赛而吗。。为什么我身边的韩国人和泰国人都读埃克斯诶 还管ppt叫ptp 听了所有人都这么说我都迷茫了欧美应该是怎么读的啊
excel英 [&#618;k&#39;sel]美 [&#618;k&#712;s&#603;l]Microsoft Excel简称Excel是微软公司的办公软件Microsoft office的组件之一,是由Microsoft为Windows和Apple Macintosh操作系统的电脑而编写和运行的一款试算表软件。Excel 是微软办公套装软件的一个重要的组成部分,它可以进行各种数据的处理、统计分析和辅助决策操作,广泛地应用于管理、统计财经、金融等众多领域。使用Microsoft Excel执行计算,分析信息并管理电子表格或网页中的列表.
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