
  自 9 月份宣布兼容 Android 以来,芬兰创业公司 Jolla(出自 MeeGo 原班人马)的开源操作系统 Sailfish 今天又有了新的动作&&与俄国本土最大的搜索引掣
合作为即将上市的自有品牌硬件产品推出 app store。目前其智能手机预售量约达 5 万台。
  Yandex.Store 目前共有 17 类、85 000 种 app。除 Facebook、Twitter、 Foursquare、Skype、Viber 和 WeChat 这些常用软件,许多游戏、效率管理工具和音乐应用也会出现在 Sailfish 的 app store 中。
  兼容 Android 是为了争取更多的硬件生产商,而选择 Android 以外的 app store 也是 Jolla 在 Google 绝对领先智能手机市场的局面下寻求生存的办法。
  [本文编译自:]Yandex store下载|Yandex应用商店下载 1.0 官网安卓版-新云软件园
Yandex应用商店 1.0 官网安卓版
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Yandex应用商店(Yandex store)是来自俄罗斯国内搜索巨头Yandex发布的俄语版app下载市场,涵盖了各个领域。对于那些往返俄罗斯做外贸生意的人,这些软件你可能用的到。很全面的,总有一个是你需要的。对于谷歌来说,这意味着Google Play应用商店很快将出现另一名实力强大的竞争对手。而对于应用商店圈来说,更多的竞争将促使应用平台运营商致力于为用户们提供更加有效和满意的应用分享平台。
Yandex store相关说明
Yandex 宣布,这个应用商店将被命名为Yandex.Store,提供近4万个应用,从而允许移动设备厂商将另一个应用商店加入到自身生产的设备中去。 Yandex.Store还将是一项所谓的&白盒子&服务,这意味着移动设备厂商能以这项服务为基础来构筑自己的品牌。Yandex称,俄罗斯运营商 MegaFon已经与该公司签订了有关使用这项服务的合同。
Yandex.Store想要达到能与Google Play展开竞争的高度还有很长一段路要走。谷歌在上个星期刚刚宣布,其应用商店中的应用总数已经达到了67.5万个,下载总次数已经超过了250亿次。
Yandex.Store将在本月底正式上线,但这个应用商店距离成为&二者选一&的Google Play备选服务还太遥远。举例来说,亚马逊也提供自己的应用商店服务Appstore,这项服务一直都在迅速增长。
下载Yandex应用商店 1.0 官网安卓版
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has waited for the official start of the
in Barcelona to actually debut it: say hola to , its alternative
app store with over 50,000 applications in its catalogue upon .
from Yandex, which has successfully fended off the giant from Mountain View in Russian-speaking territories – no easy feat as global search market share figures will tell you.
In addition to Yandex.Store, the Russian Internet services juggernaut is also launching a brand new version of its 3D interface for Android-based smartphones, which is dubbed .
The alternative Android app marketplace Yandex is releasing today is far from the only one currently on the market, as companies like
also offer their own versions of , alongside independent providers such as .
But Yandex’s offering is interesting if only for its sheer size out the gate. Primarily targeting device manufacturers and mobile operators, Yandex.Store opens with over 50,000 apps in its catalogue, including popular ones like Skype, Foursquare and Cut the Rope.
Alexander Zverev, Head of the Yandex.Store project, says:
“The global market for Android-based mobile phones is very fragmented. There are only a few major players who enjoy a meaningful share, with the remaining portion of the market, which is quite significant, distributed among hundreds of smaller companies.
We are joining the game to contribute to competition that ensures freedom of choice for the end user and other members of the market.”
Duly noted, although it remains to be seen how receptive OEMs and carriers will be. Yandex may be a major force in Russian-speaking countries, and it’s easily one of the most
Internet companies in Europe, but you’d be hard-pressed to call it a major global brand just yet.
Not that it’s stopping the company from trying: the Yandex.Store app is available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Turkish, Ukrainian and Russian, with support for more languages coming soon.
We hear the company has loads of meetings with device OEMs and carriers from all over the globe lined up at the
to pitch the alternative Android app store.
The most compelling part of their sales pitch is that it’s, basically, free.
Deployment and usage of Yandex.Store is available under a license agreement, but doesn’t involve any additional fees.
The Russian Internet giant aims to make money by getting a cut of app sales revenue from Yandex.Store partners. It says all apps in the Yandex.Store app catalogue are verified by .
For your background: Yandex recently reported
and net profit of $88.6 million.
For the Russian market, Yandex already has some Yandex.Store partners on board: a number of device manufacturers, including 3Q, Explay, Oppo, PocketBook and Qumo will be shipping mobile devices with the Yandex.Store marketplace app pre-installed in the coming months.
One of Russia’s largest mobile operators, MegaFon, has already created a mobile app store called , which partially uses the technology and apps pool of Yandex.Store.
Yandex is today also
a new version of Yandex.Shell at the Mobile World Congress.
Self-reportedly one of the world’s most popular user interface solutions for customizing Android-powered smartphones, Yandex.Shell enables device manufacturers and mobile operators to transform the default Android home screen into a 3D space.
Yandex.Shell, which the Russian company says has been downloaded over 1 million times to date, also offers push panel technology, which allows sending customized panels and skins straight to the phone over the air, and gives manufacturers a lot of control over what their phone looks and feels like to the end customer.
The fresh version of Yandex.Shell features a new dialer and address book, and is offered with a customized installation package and a default layout configuration.
The alternative Android UI is available in English and distributed to device manufacturers for free under a licensing agreement.
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