
当前位置:&>&&>& > 神探夏洛克一。1
1华生WATSON2(约翰·华生医生的博客)THE PERSONAL BLOG OF DR.John H.Watson3博客写的如何?How's your blog going?4嗯 顺利 很顺利Yeah, good, very good.5你一个字都没写 对吧?You haven't written a word, have you?6你刚写下了You just wrote 7而你颠倒着读出了我写的东西And you read my writing upside down.8知道我什么意思了?You see what I mean?9约翰 你是个军人John, you're a soldier10你需要一段时间才能适应正常生活。 12把你每天的遭遇写在博客上会有很大帮助and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you.14我根本没有任何遭遇Nothing happens to me.15 -==破烂熊乐园倾情奉献==- 本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业用途神探夏洛克 第一季第1集 粉色的研究-=破烂熊字幕组=-翻译:LOVEKEICO 小米 tpring 校对:molatime tpring 时间轴:烟雨訾洲
1810月12日October 12th19你说一辆破车都没了?'What do you mean there's no ruddy car?'20他去滑铁卢了 抱歉He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry.21叫辆出租车
我从不叫车Get a cab!
I never get cabs22我爱你
什么时候?I love you. When?23快叫辆出租车Get a cab24我的丈夫是个努力生活的乐观男人 My husband was a happy man who lived life to the full.26他热爱家庭和工作He loved his family and his work,27他选择这样结束自己的生命让人无法理解 and that he should have taken his own life in this way is a mystery 29也让认识他的人 都感到震惊and a shock to all who knew him.30出租车 出租车Taxi, taxi3111月26日November 26th32给我两分钟 朋友
什么?I'll be just two minutes, mate. What?33我要回去拿伞I'm just going home to get my umbrella.34你可以和我一起撑You can share mine.35就两分钟 好吗?Two minutes, all right?36(18岁男孩在体育馆自杀)Boy 18,kills himself in side sports centre3711月27日January 27th38她还在跳舞?She still dancing?39是的 如果叫做跳舞的话Yeah, if you can call it that.40拿走她车钥匙了吗?Did you get the car keys off her?41从她包里拿出来了Got them out of her bag.42她到哪里去了?Where is she?43副运输部长贝斯·戴文特的尸体The body of Beth Davenport, Junior Minister for Transport, 44昨天深夜在伦敦was found late last night45一建筑工地被发现on a building site in Greater London.46初步调查的结果为自杀Preliminary investigations suggest that this was suicide. 47我们可以确认We can confirm that48这起自杀案十分类似于this apparent suicide closely resembles those of49杰弗瑞·帕特森爵士Sir Jeffrey Patterson50和詹姆士·费力默的状况and James Phillimore.51因为这点In the light of this,52我们认为他们很有可能有关联these incidents are now being treated as linked. 53调查还在继续The investigation is ongoing54不过雷斯垂德探长会回答大家的问题but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now. 55探长 自杀事件怎么会有关联?Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked? 56因为他们服用的药都一样Well, they all took the same poison.57尸体都在他们不该出现的地方出现They were all found in places they had no reason to be. 58都没有明显的动机None of them had shown any prior indication.59不可能会有连环自杀But you can't have serial suicides.60显然已经有了Well, apparently you can.61这三人之间没有关系吗?These three people, there's nothing that links them? 62暂时还没发现关系 但是There's no link we've found yet but63我们在寻找 一定存在的we're looking for it. There has to be one.64(错)Wrong!65如果你们都收到了短信 请忽略它If you've all got texts, please ignore them.66上面只写着It just says 67是的 别管它 如果没有其它问题Well, just ignore that. If there are no more questions, 68要问雷斯垂德探长的话For Detective Inspector Lestrade69这次发布会就到此结束了I'm going to bring this session to an end.70既然是自杀 你们在调查什么?If they're suicides, what are you investigating?71就像我说的 这几起自杀明显存在联系As I say, these suicides are clearly linked.72这件事很不寻常It's an unusual situation,73我们已经派遣最好的人手调查we've got our best people investigating.74又收到了“错”Says 75最后一个问题One more question.76有可能是谋杀吗?Is there any chance that these are murders?77如果是的话 会是连环杀手干的吗?And if they are, is this the work of a serial killer? 78我知道你们更喜欢写这种故事I know that you like writing about these79但现场状况确系自杀but these do appear to be suicides.80两者的差别明显We know the difference.81很清楚 毒药是他们自己服下的The poison was clearly self-administered.82是的 可如果他们真是被杀Yes, but if they are murders,83大家怎么才能保证自身安全?how do people keep themselves safe?84珍爱生命 不要自杀Well, don't commit suicide.85每日邮报Daily Mail86现在虽是恐慌时期Obviously, This is a frightening time for people87大家需要的是提高警惕but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions. 88安全是可以由自己创造的We are all as safe as we want to be.89(错)wrong90(你知道我在哪里 夏·福)You know where to find me. SH91谢谢大家Thank you.92你得阻止这家伙You've got to stop him doing that.93弄的我们像白痴一样He's making us look like idiots.94你告诉我他是怎么做到的 我就去If you can tell me how he does it, I'll stop him.95约翰John96约翰·华生John Watson97麦克·斯坦佛 巴兹医学院的同学Stamford, Mike Stamford. We were at Barts together. 98是的 抱歉 麦克 你好Yes, sorry, yes, Mike, hello.99是 我知道自己胖了
没有Yes, I know, I got fat. No, no.100我听说你出国了 还中枪了I heard you were abroad somewhere getting shot at. 101怎么回事?What happened?102就是中枪了I got shot.103你还在巴兹吗?Are you still at Barts then?104现在教书了Teaching now,105聪明的年轻人 就像当年的我们yeah, bright young things like we used to be.106上帝啊 我烦死他们了God, I hate them.107那你呢?What about you,108恢复之前一直这样呆着?just staying in town till you get yourself sorted? 109只靠军队抚恤金 在伦敦无法生活I can't afford London on an Army pension.110在别的地方 你活不下去Couldn't bear to be anywhere else.111这不是我认识的约翰·华生That's not the John Watson I know.112我不是那个约翰·华生了I'm not the John Watson.113哈利没帮你?Couldn't Harry help?114你觉得可能吗Yeah, like that's going to happen115不知道 找个人一起租房子什么的I don't know, get a flatshare or something?116得了Come on117谁愿意同我做室友?Who'd want me for a flatmate?118怎么了?What?119你是今天第二个对我说这话的人You're the second person to say that to me today. 120谁是第一个?Who was the first?121有多新鲜?How fresh?122刚来的 67岁 自然死亡Just in. 67, natural causes.123曾经在这里工作 我认识他 人不错Used to work here. I knew him, he was nice.124很好Fine.125那我们从马鞭开始We'll start with the riding crop.126呃 今天心情不好吗?So, bad day was it?127我需要知道它在20分钟内的伤痕情况I need to know what bruises form in the next 20 minutes. 128一个人的不在场证明就靠他了 发短信给我A man's alibi depends on it. Text me.129对了 我想...Listen, I was wondering.130等会儿 如果你结束了...Maybe later, when you're finished...131你搽了口红You're wearing lipstick.132你从来不用的You weren't wearing lipstick before.133我想显得精神点I refreshed it a bit.134抱歉 你刚刚说什么?Sorry, you were saying?135我说 要不要去喝咖啡?I was wondering if you'd like to have coffee?136黑咖啡 两块糖 谢谢 拿到楼上Black, two sugars, please. I'll be upstairs.137好吧OK.138物是人非了
你没想到吧Bit different from my day. You've no idea139麦克 可以借电话一用吗?Mike, can I borrow your phone?140我的在这儿没信号There's no signal on mine.141座机坏了吗?And what's wrong with the landline?142我比较喜欢发短信I prefer to text.143抱歉 在我外套里Sorry, it's in my coat.144这里 用我的Here, use mine.145噢 谢谢你Oh, thank you.146这是我的老朋友 约翰·华生This is an old friend of mine, John Watson.147在阿富汗还是伊拉克?Afghanistan or Iraq?148什么?Sorry?149哪个国家 阿富汗还是伊拉克?Which was it, in Afghanistan or Iraq?150阿富汗 抱歉 你怎么知道?Afghanistan, sorry, how did you know?151茉莉 咖啡来了 谢谢Ah Coffee, thank you.152口红呢?What happened to the lipstick?153它对我没用It wasn't working for me.154是吗? 我觉得很有用Really? It was a big improvement.155你现在嘴太小了Your mouth's too small now.156好吧OK.157你对小提琴感觉如何?How do you feel about the violin?158对不起 什么?I'm sorry, what?159我在想事情时会拉小提琴 有时I play the violin when I'm thinking and sometimes 160一天都不讲话 你介意吗?I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you? 161做室友应该知道对方的缺点Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other. 162你把我的事告诉他了You told him about me?163一个字都没提Not a word.164那谁告诉你室友这回事?Who said anything about flatmates?165我本人 今早我告诉麦克I did. Told Mike this morning166我这种人找个室友多困难that I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for. 167刚过午饭 他就来了Now here he is just after lunch168带来一个老朋友 显然刚在with an old friend clearly just home from169阿富汗军队服役过 并不难猜到吧military service in Afghanistan. Wasn't a difficult leap. 170你怎么知道阿富汗的事?How did you know about Afghanistan?171我找到了伦敦市中心的一个好地方Got my eye on a nice little place in central London. 172价格我们一起能负担得起We ought to be able to afford it.173明晚7点整 在那里碰头We'll meet there tomorrow evening, seven o'clock. 174抱歉 我真健忘Sorry, got to dash.175把鞭子留在停尸间了I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.176这表示?Is that it?177表示什么?Is that what?178我们才刚见面We've only just met179就要一起找房子?and we're going to go and look at a flat?180有问题吗?Problem?181我们彼此一无所知We don't know a thing about each other.182不知道约在哪里见I don't know where we're meeting,183甚至也不知道你的名字I don't even know your name.184我知道你是军医 刚从阿富汗I know you're an Army doctor and you've been 185被遣送回国invalided home from Afghanistan.186你有一个哥哥 很关心你You've got a brother worried about you187你却不愿意得到他的帮助but you won't go to him for help because you don't 188你对他不满 也许因为他嗜酒approve of him, possibly because he's an alcoholic, 189更有可能是他刚抛弃了他老婆more likely because he recently walked out on his wife. 190我也知道医生认为你And I know that your therapist thinks your191患有伤残心理后遗症 恐怕这诊断很对 limp's psychosomatic, quite correctly, I'm afraid. 192作为室友 这些够了吧?That's enough to be going on with, don't you think? 193我的名字叫夏洛克·福尔摩斯The name's Sherlock Holmes194那里的地址是贝克街221Band the address is 221B Baker Street.195下午好Afternoon.196是的 他一直都这样Yeah, he's always like that.197(短信)Messages- Received198(发送成功)Messages-sent199(如果哥哥有绿色梯子就逮捕他 夏·福) If brother has green ladder arrest brother. SH 200(搜索)search201(夏洛克·福尔摩斯)Sherlock Holmes202(贝克街 威斯敏斯特)BAKER STREET W1 CITY OF WESTMINSTER 203你好Hello204福尔摩斯先生
请叫我夏洛克Ah - Mr Holmes. Sherlock, please.205这里位置很好 应该非常贵Well, this is a prime spot. Must be expensive. 206房东赫德森太太给了我特价Mrs Hudson, the landlady - she's given me a special deal. 207欠我一个人情 几年之前Owes me a favour. A few years back,208她丈夫在弗罗里达被判处无期徒刑her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida. 209我出了点力I was able to help out.210所以 你让她丈夫免于死刑?Sorry - you stopped her husband being executed? 211没有 我指证了他Oh, no, I ensured it.212夏洛克Sherlock213赫德森太太 约翰·华生医生Mrs Hudson, Dr John Watson.214你好 进来Hello. Come in.215谢谢
请进吧Thank you. Shall we...?216这里还挺不错Well, this could be very nice.217确实很棒very nice indeed218是的Yes.219对 我也这样觉得Yes, I think so, my thoughts precisely.220所以我就直接搬进来了So I went straight ahead and moved in.221只要把这些垃圾清理出去...Soon as we get all this rubbish cleaned out...222所以这都是...
好吧So this is all... Well,223我可以把它们放放好obviously I can erm... straighten things up a bit. 224这是个骷髅
我的朋友That's a skull. Friend of mine.225我说的朋友是...When I say friend...226你觉得如何 华生医生?What do you think, then, Dr Watson?227楼上还有一个卧室There's another bedroom upstairs,228如果你们需要两间卧室的话if you'll be needing two bedrooms.229当然需要两间Of course we'll be needing two.230别担心的 这里什么人都有Oh, don't worry, there's all sorts round here.231隔壁特勒太太家那对还结婚了呢Mrs Turner next door's got.232夏洛克 看看弄的多乱Oh... Sherlock The mess you've made.233昨晚在网上搜索了你I looked you up on the internet last night.234有什么有趣的发现吗?Anything interesting?235找到了你的网站 Found your website. The Science of Deduction. 236你觉得如何?What did you think?237你说可以从领带看出一个软件设计师You said you could identify a software designer by his tie 238从大拇指看出一个飞行员and an airline pilot by his left thumb?239是的Yes.240我从你的脸和腿上And I can read your military career241看出你军人的经历in your face and your leg,242从你的手机上看出你兄弟酗酒and your brother's drinking habits on your mobile phone. 243怎么看?How?244这些自杀是怎么回事 夏洛克?What about these suicides then, Sherlock?245我想你会感兴趣吧I thought that'd be right up your street.2463起一模一样的案件Three exactly the same.2474起Four.248第4起发生了 而且这次There's been a fourth. And there's something249有些不一样
第4起?different this time. A fourth?250在哪里?Where?251布莱克斯顿 劳里斯顿花园Brixton, Lauriston Gardens.252这次有什么不同?What's new about this one?253要不你也不会专程来You wouldn't have come to me254肯定有些反常之处otherwise there was somethin different.255之前受害人从不留信息 这次有了You know how they never leave notes? Yeah. This one did. 256你来吗?Will you come?257这次谁负责取证?
安德森Who's on forensics? Anderson.258我和他相处不好He doesn't work well with me.259反正他不会是你助手Well, he won't be your assistant.260我需要一个助手I NEED an assistant.261你来吗?Will you come?262不坐警车 我要跟在后面Not in a police car, I'll be right behind.263谢谢Thank you.264太棒了 耶Brilliant Yes2654起连环自杀 这次还有遗言Four serial suicides, and now a note.266圣诞节到了啊 赫德森太太Oh, it's Christmas. Mrs Hudson,267我会迟点来 可能需要准备点食物I'll be late. Might need some food.268我是你的房东 亲爱的 不是管家I'm your landlady, dear, not your housekeeper.269冷的也行 约翰 喝杯茶Something cold will do. John, have a cup of tea, 270把这儿当自己家make yourself at home.271别等我Don't wait up272看看他 就知道 就知道往外跑Look at him, dashing about...273我丈夫也一样My husband was just the same.274看的出来 你是很沉稳的类型But you're more the sitting-down type, I can tell. 275我给你倒杯茶 歇歇你的腿I'll make you that cuppa, you rest your leg.276它娘的腿
对不起 抱歉Damn my leg Sorry, I'm so sorry -277有时候这些操蛋的事儿...It's just sometimes this bloody thing...278我明白 亲爱的 我髋骨也不好I understand, dear, I've got a hip.279一杯茶就好了 谢谢
就说一次 亲爱的 Cup of tea'd be lovely. Thank you. Just this once, dear, 280我不是管家I'm not your housekeeper.281再来两块饼干 如果有的话Couple of biscuits too, if you've got 'em.282我不是你管家哦Not your housekeeper283(雷斯垂德探长负责调查)DI Lestrade, in charge of the investigation284你是个医生You're a doctor.285而且是个军医In fact you're an Army doctor.286是的Yes.287干的好吗?Any good?288非常出色Very good.289那你一定见过很多伤口 惨死的尸体Seen a lot of injuries, then. Violent deaths.290是的Well, yes.291也很难受吧 我想?Bit of trouble too, I bet?292当然 一辈子的都见过了 太多了Of course. Yes. Enough for a lifetime, far too much. 293想再看多些吗?Want to see some more?294上帝啊 好的Oh, God, yes.295对不起 赫德森太太 不喝茶了Sorry Mrs Hudson, I'll skip the tea. Off out.296你们都不喝了?Both of you?297不可能的自杀案件? 四起?Impossible suicides? Four of them?298没理由坐在家里了No point sitting at home299人生终于有乐趣了when there's finally something fun going on300死人了你这么开心 不像话Look at you, all happy. It's not decent.301管他像不像话Who cares about decent?302游戏开始了 赫德森太太The game, Mrs Hudson, is on303出租车Taxi304好吧 你有问题要问OK, You've got questions...305是的 我们去哪里?Yeah, where are we going?306犯罪现场 下个问题?Crime scene. Next?307你是谁 你的职业是什么?Who are you, what do you do?308你觉得呢?What do you think?309我会猜...私家侦探
可是?I'd say... private detective. But?310警察不会去找私家侦探But the police don't go to private detectives.311我是个I'm a consulting detective. Only one in the world, 312这工作是我发明的I invented the job.313那是什么?
每当警察What does that mean? Means when the police314找不到方向 他们经常都这样are out of their depth, which is always,315他们会咨询我they consult me.316警察不会咨询外行的The police don't consult amateurs.317我昨天遇到你时When I met you for the first time yesterday,318提到了阿富汗和伊拉克 你看起来很惊讶 I said Afghanistan or Iraq. You looked surprised. 319是的 你怎么知道?Yes, how DID you know?320我不是知道 是观察到的I didn't know, I saw.321你的发型 举止是军人的风格'Your haircut, the way you hold yourself says military. 322而你说的话
物是人非了'But your conversation... ' Bit different from my day. 323说明在巴兹医学院学习过.. said trained at Barts -324所以很明显是军医so Army doctor, obvious.325你的脸晒的比较黑'Your face is tanned...326可手腕却没晒黑'but no tan above the wrists.327所以你曾去过国外 可并不是日光浴You've been abroad, but not sunbathing.328你的走路时跛的厉害'Your limp's really bad when you walk,329却宁愿站着 不要椅子but you don't ask for a chair when you stand -330完全忘了伤残that you forgot about it331所以至少有点身心障碍'so it's at least partly psychosomatic.332也说明因为你的伤口'That says the original circumstances of the injury 333是外伤were traumatic -'334战场上受伤 战场上受伤wounded in action then. Wounded in action,335苏丹 阿富汗 或者是伊拉克suntan - Afghanistan or Iraq.336你说我有个治疗师You said I had a therapist.337你有伤残心理障碍You've got a psychosomatic limp,338当然会有治疗师of course you've got a therapist.339然后是你的哥哥 因为电话Then there's your brother. Your phone.340它很贵 能发邮件 听音乐'It's expensive, e-mail enabled, MP3 player. '341而你穷到要和人合租And you're looking for a flatshare.342所以不是你买的 是个礼物You wouldn't buy this - it's a gift.343划痕 不只一条 很多很多'Scratches. Not one, many over time -'344一定是和钥匙和硬币放一个口袋it's been in the same pocket as keys and coins.345你不会对自己的奢侈品这样You wouldn't treat your one luxury item like this, 346所以它之前还有主人so it's had a previous owner.347下一点就很简单了 你应该知道了Next bit's easy. You know it already.348刻的字?The engraving?349哈利·华生Harry Watson.350明显是你家人送你的电话Clearly a family member who's given you his old phone. 351不是你父亲 这东西是年轻人玩的Not your father, this is a young man's gadget.352有可能是表兄弟 可你是个Could be a cousin, but you're a war hero353无家可归的战斗英雄who can't find a place to live -354不像是大家族里的人unlikely you've got an extended family,355所以是近亲 那就是兄弟了not one you're close to. So brother it is.356然后是克拉若?Now, Clara, who's Clara?3573个吻代表是浪漫的纪念Three kisses says it's a romantic attachment.358这个价格应该是老婆送的 不是女朋友The expense of the phone says wife, not girlfriend. 359应该是最近给的Must have given it to him recently,360大概用了6个月it's only six months old.361婚姻出现问题了 6个月他就送人了Marriage in trouble then - six months on he's given it away. 362如果是她甩他 也许他会留作纪念If she'd left HIM, he would have kept it. Sentiment. 363不 他想扔掉 是他甩她No, he wanted rid of it. He left HER.364他把手机给你 是希望和你保持联系He gave the phone to you, so he wants you to stay in touch. 365你在找便宜的房子You're looking for cheap accommodation,366却不向你兄弟求助but you're not going to your brother for help -367所以你和他之前有问题that says you've got problems with him.368也许你喜欢他老婆 也许讨厌他喝酒Maybe you liked his wife, or don't like his drinking. 369那你怎么知道他喝酒的事?How can you possibly know about the drinking? 370胡乱猜的 不过挺准Shot in the dark. Good one, though.371电源插口周围有一些磨损Power connection - tiny little scuff marks round it. 372所以他每晚想插进去充电 可手却在发抖 Every night he plugs it in but his hands are shaking. 373这在清醒人的手机上是不会出现的You never see those marks on a sober man's phone, 374每个酗酒的人都有never see a drunk's without them.375好吧 你也说对了There you go, you were right.376我对了 哪里说对了?I was right? Right about what?377警察不会咨询外行The police don't consult amateurs.378这...太神奇了That... was amazing.379你这样觉得?
当然了Do you think so? Of course it was.380了不起 真的很了不起It was extraordinary, it was quite extraordinary. 381别人通常不会这么说That's not what people normally say.382别人一般怎么说?What do people normally say?383滚开Piss off384我有哪里猜错了吗?Did I get anything wrong?385哈利和我关系不好 从来没好过Harry and me don't get on, never have,386卡拉若和哈利三个月之前分手Clara and Harry split up three months ago387他们在闹离婚and they're getting a divorce,388哈利是酗酒的人and Harry is a drinker.389那全中 没想到所有都猜中了Spot on, then. I didn't expect to be right about everything. 390哈利是哈莉叶的爱称Harry's short for Harriet.391哈利是你的姐妹Harry's your sister.392我到底来这儿做什么?Look, what exactly am I supposed to be doing here? 393姐妹Sister394老实讲 我到底来这里做什么?No - seriously, what am I doing here?395总要出点错There's always something.396你好 怪胎
我找雷斯垂德探长Hello, freak I'm here to see Detective Inspector Lestrade. 397为什么?Why?398他请我来的I was invited.399为什么?
我想他想让我看看Why? I think he wants me to take a look.400好吧 你知道我想什么吗?Well, you know what I think, don't you?401当然 莎莉Always Sally.402我知道你昨天连家都没有回I even know you didn't make it home last night. 403我没有...这位是谁?I don't... Who's this?404我的同事 华生医生Colleague of mine, Dr Watson.405华生医生 莎莉·多诺万警官Dr Watson, Sergeant Sally Donovan.406老朋友Old friend.407同事? 你竟然有同事?A colleague? How do YOU get a colleague?408他会跟踪你到家吗?Did he follow you home?409如果我出去等是不是比较好...Would it be better if I just waited...410别No.411怪胎来了 我带他进去Freak's here. Bringing him in.412啊 安德森 又见面了Ah, Anderson. Here we are again.413这是犯罪现场 不许污染它It's a crime scene. I don't want it contaminated. 414明白了吗?Are we clear on that?415非常明白Quite clear.416你老婆很久不回家了吗?And is your wife away for long?417别装做是你推理出来的Oh, don't pretend you worked that out.418有人告诉你吧Somebody told you that.419你的除臭剂告诉我的Your deodorant told me that.420我的除臭剂?My deodorant?421是男士用的It's for men.422当然了 我喷的当然是男用的Well, of course it's for men - I'm wearing it.423和多诺万警官身上的一样So's Sergeant Donovan.424味道突然消失了 我能进吗?Ooh... I think it just vaporised. May I go in?425听着 不管你在暗示什么...Ah, look. Whatever you're trying to imply...426我什么都没说 我相信莎莉只是I'm not implying anything. I'm sure Sally came round 427来和你聊聊天 顺便就过夜了for a nice little chat, and just happened to stay over. 428我猜她还帮你擦了地And I assume she scrubbed your floors,429从她膝盖看出来的going by the state of her knees.430你得穿一件这个You'll need to wear one of these.431这是谁?Who's this?432我的人He's with me.433可他是谁?
我说他是我的人But who is he? I said he's with me.434你不穿一件吗?Aren't you going to put one on?435现场在哪?
楼上So where are we? Upstairs.436我给你两分钟的时间I can give you two minutes.437也许需要久一点May need longer.438信用卡上显示她叫詹妮弗·温森Her name's Jennifer Wilson according to her credit cards, 439我们在用它寻找确切联系地址we're running them now for contact details.440尸体在这里并不久Hasn't been here long.441小孩们发现的Some kids found her.442住嘴Shut up.443我什么都没说I didn't say anything.444你在思考 干扰了我You were thinking. It's annoying.445(左撇子)Left Handed446(RACHE 德文 名词 复仇)RACHE German revenge447(人名: 瑞秋)Rachel448(湿润)wet449(干燥)dry450(湿润)wet451(干净)Clean452(干净)clean453(干净)clean454(脏)dirty455(婚姻不睦: 10年以上)unhappily married 10+ years456(干净)clean457(一面干净一面脏)dirty458(经常脱下)regularly removed459(多次通奸)serial adulterer460发现什么了吗?Got anything?461不太多Not much.462她是德国人She's German.463RACHE在德文中是复仇的意思Rache. It's German for revenge.464她是想告诉我们什么She could be trying to tell us something...465谢谢您的参与Yes, thank you for your input.466所以她是德国人?
当然不是So she's German? Of course she's not.467(未来7天天气预报)
她是外地来的She's from out of town though.468她准备在回卡迪夫前Intended to stay in London for one night469在伦敦呆一晚上 这很明显before returning home to Cardiff. So far, so obvious.470抱歉 明显?Sorry - obvious?471那这个信息是什么?What about the message though?472华生医生 你认为呢?Dr Watson, what do you think?473信息?Of the message?474是尸体 你是学医的Of the body. You're a medical man.475我们外面有整队人马We have a whole team right outside.476他们不为我工作They won't work with me.477我排除万难让你来这里I'm breaking every rule letting YOU in here...478是的...因为你需要我Yes... because you need me.479是的 我需要Yes, I do.480上帝保佑God help me.481华生医生?Dr Watson Hm?482像他说的那样 请自便Oh, do as he says. Help yourself.483安德森 让大家离开几分钟Anderson, keep everyone out for a couple of minutes... 484好吧?
我来这里做什么?Well? What am I doing here?485帮我理清头绪
我只想Helping me make a point. I'm supposed to486分担你的房租
这个有趣多了be helping you pay the rent. This is more fun.487有趣?一个女人躺在这里 死掉了Fun? There's a woman lying dead.488分析很准确 不过希望你再深入点Perfectly sound analysis, but I WAS hoping you'd go deeper. 489好吧Yeah...490可能是窒息死亡 晕过去了Asphyxiation, probably. Passed out,491被自己的呕吐物塞住choked on her own vomit.492身上没有酒味Can't smell any alcohol on her.493应该是突然发作 可能是药物It could have been a seizure. Possibly drugs.494你知道怎么回事 你看了报纸You know what it was, you've read the papers.495她是自杀者之一 第4个Well, she's one of the suicides. The fourth...?496夏洛克 你说两分钟 发现了些什么Sherlock - two minutes, I said, I need anything you got. 497受害者年近30 专业人士Victim is in her late 30s. Professional person,498从她的衣着判断going by her clothes -499我猜是传媒界的人I'm guessing the media,500穿着显眼的粉色going by the frankly alarming shade of pink.501她从卡迪夫而来Travelled from Cardiff today intending502准备呆一晚 从箱子大小可以看出to stay in London one night from the size of her suitcase. 503箱子?
箱子 是的Suitcase? Suitcase, Yes.504她结婚至少10年了 但并不愉快She's been married at least ten years, but not happily.505她有一连串的情人She's had a string of lovers506但没人知道她结婚了but none of them knew she was married.507看在上帝的份上 你是顺口说说的Oh, for God's sake, if you're just making this up...508她的婚戒 至少有10年历史了Her wedding ring. Ten years old at least.509她其它的饰品都很干净The rest of her jewellery has been regularly cleaned,510唯独婚戒不是but not her wedding ring.511这就是她的婚史State of her marriage right there512里面比外面亮The inside is shinier than the outside.513说明经常被摘掉That means its regularyly removed514只有在她摘掉时The only polishing it gets is515才算被擦拭一次when she works it off her finger.516不是为工作 看她的指甲It's not for work, look at her nails.517她不用手工作She doesn't work with her hands518那为什么要脱去婚戒?so who does she remove her rings for?519不只有一个情人
她不能Not one lover, she'd never sustain520假装单身那么久the fiction of being single for that long521所以更可能有一长串人
厉害so more likely a string of them. Brilliant.522抱歉
卡迪夫?Sorry. Cardiff?523很明显 不是吗?It's obvious, isn't it?524对我来说不明显It's not obvious to me.525上帝啊 你们小脑瓜里到底装了什么Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains,526一定很无聊 看她的外套it must be so boring. Her coat -527有一点潮湿it's slightly damp,528一定是在最近几个小时内遭遇了暴雨she's been in heavy rain the last few hours -529伦敦这段时间都没下雨no rain anywhere in London in that time.530大衣领背面也湿了Under her coat collar is damp too.531她把它翻起来挡雨She's turned it up against the wind.532她口袋里有雨伞 可却是干的 没用过She's got an umbrella in her pocket but it's dry and unused. 533不只有风 是强风 大到不能打伞Not just wind, strong wind - too strong to use her umbrella. 534从她的箱子里We know from her suitcase535看出她准备过夜that she was intending to stay overnight536但是她的旅程没超过两三个小时but she can't have travelled more than two or three hours 537因为外套还没干because her coat still hasn't dried.538所以 哪里刚刚有暴雨So - where has there been heavy rain539有强风 且在两三小时旅程内?and strong wind within the radius of that travel time?540卡迪夫Cardiff.541太棒了
你知道你大声说出来了吗?Fantastic. Do you know you do that out loud?542抱歉 我闭嘴
没..关系Sorry, I'll shut up. No, it's... fine.543为什么你一直说旅行箱?Why do you keep saying suitcase?544是的 它在哪儿?Yes, where is it?545电话里或是记事本上一定有She must have had a phone or an organiser.546找找瑞秋这个人
她写的是瑞秋?Find out who Rachel is. She was writing Rachel?547不 她用德语留了句愤怒遗言No, she was leaving an angry note in German -548当然她写的是瑞秋 不可能是其他词of course she was writing Rachel, no other word it can be. 549问题是 为什么要等到the question is Why did she wait550临死时来写?until she was dying to write it?551你怎么知道她有箱子?How do you know she had a suitcase?552她的右后跟和小腿肚有泥浆的痕迹Tiny splash marks on her right heel and calf553左边却没有not present on the left.554从泥点的图案可以看出She was dragging a wheeled suitcase behind her555她右手拉着一个带轮子的箱子with her right hand, by that splash pattern.556以泥点分布来看 是略小的箱子Smallish case, going by the spread.557这么小的箱子 对穿衣这么讲究的女士来说Case that size, woman this clothes-conscious -558只够呆一晚could only be an overnight bag559所以我知道她只带一晚so we know she was staying one night.560它在哪里 你们拿去做了什么?Where is it, what have you done with it?561这里没箱子There wasn't a case.562再说一遍Say that again.563这里没箱子 什么箱子都没有There wasn't a case. There was never any suitcase.564箱子
有人找到一个箱子吗Suitcase Did anyone find a suitcase?565房子里有箱子吗?Was there a suitcase in this house?566先生 这里没有箱子Sir, there was no case567可他们是自己服毒的 吞了药But they take the poison themselves, swallow the pills. 568这个很明显 你们怎么会找不到There are clear signs, even you lot couldn't miss them. 569好吧 谢谢 那...Right, thanks. And...?570所有案子都是谋杀 我不知道方法It's murder, all of them. I don't know how.571他们不是自杀 是连环谋杀But they're not suicides, they're serial killings.572我们要寻找一个连环杀手We've got a serial killer.573太好了I love it.574总算有所期待了There's always something to look forward to.575你凭什么这样说?Why are you saying that?576她的箱子 拜托 她的箱子呢?Her case Come on, where is her case?577自己吃掉了吗?Did she eat it578有其他人在现场 带走了她的箱子Someone else was here, and they took her case.579所以杀手一定是开车到这儿So the killer must have driven here.580把箱子忘在车里了Forgot the case was in the car.581她有可能已经订好酒店 放在里面了She could have checked into a hotel, left it there.582不 没去酒店 看她的头发No, she's never got to the hotel. look at her hair.583口红和鞋都是一样颜色She colour-coordinates her lipstick and her shoes.584她不可能离开酒店She'd never have left any hotel585如果头发还那么...with her hair still looking...586夏洛克? 怎么了?Sherlock? What is it, what?587连环杀手总是很难对付Serial killers, always hard.588必须等着他们自己犯错You have to wait for them to make a mistake.589我们不能干等着!We can't just wait!590不用再等了 看看她 好好看Oh, we're done waiting. Look at her, really look!591总部 错误找到了 调查卡迪夫那边Houston, we have a mistake. Get on to Cardiff.592去找詹妮弗·威尔森的家人和朋友.Find out who Jennifer Wilson's family and friends were. 593去找瑞秋Find Rachel594当然了 好的 但到底是什么错?Of course, yeah - but what mistake?!595粉色Pink!596快干活吧...Let's get on with it...597他走了He's gone.598谁? 夏洛克·福尔摩斯?Who, Sherlock Holmes?599是啊 他就那么走了 他总是这样Yeah, he just took off. He does that.600他会回来吗?
看来不会了Is he coming back? Didn't look like it.601好吧Right.602好吧...Right...603不好意思 我现在是在哪里?Yes. Sorry, where am I?604布莱克斯顿Brixton.605你知道该去哪里打车吗?Do you know where I could get a cab?606因为...It's just er...607呃...well -608我的腿my leg.609去主干道打车吧Try the main road.610谢谢Thanks.611但你不是他的朋友But you're not his friend.612他根本没有朋友He doesn't HAVE friends.613那你是谁?So who are you?614我...我谁也不是 我才刚认识他I'm... I'm nobody. I just met him.615好吧 那我建议你 离他远点OK, bit of advice then. Stay away from that guy.616为什么?Why?617你知道他为什么来这里吗?You know why he's here?618没有任何报酬 什么也没有He's not paid or anything.619他喜欢这种场景 能让他兴奋He likes it. He gets off on it.620罪案越离奇 他就越兴奋 你知道吗?The weirder the crime, the more he gets off. And you know what? 621总有一天探案会无法满足他One day just showing up won't be enough.622总有一天我们会围着一具尸体One day we'll be standing round a body623夏洛克·福尔摩斯就是始作俑者and Sherlock Holmes will be the one that put it there. 624为什么要那么做?Why would he do that?625因为他精神变态Because he's a psychopath.626精神变态很容易无聊Psychopaths get bored.627多诺万
来了Donovan! Coming.628离夏洛克·福尔摩斯远一点Stay away from Sherlock Holmes.629出租车 出租车...Taxi! Taxi...630喂?Hello?631你左边的大楼上有架监控摄像头There is a security camera on the building to your left. 632看到了吗?Do you see it?'633你是哪位?Who's this?634哪位?Who's speaking?635看到摄像头了吗 华生医生?Do you see the camera, Dr Watson?636是的 我看到了
看着...Yeah, I see it. Watch...637街对面的大楼上有另一个摄像头 看到了吗?There's another camera on the building opposite you. Do u see it? 638最后一个 你右手边大楼的顶层And finally, at the top of the building on your right.639你是怎么做到的?How are you doing this?640上车 华生医生'Get into the car, Dr Watson.641我本可以威胁你'I would make some sort of threat,642但你一定很清楚自己的处境but I'm sure your situation is quite clear to you. ' 643你好
嗨Hello. Hi.644你叫什么名字?What's your name, then?645呃...安西娅Er... Anthea.646是你的真名吗?
不是Is that your real name? No.647我叫约翰I'm John.648我知道Yes. I know.649我有必要问问这是去哪吗?Any point in asking... where I'm going?650毫无必要None at all...651约翰John.652好吧OK.653坐下吧 约翰Have a seat, John.654你知道 我有手机的You know, I've got a phone.655摄像头那招是很妙I mean, very clever and all that,656但是...but er...657打电话给我就行you could just phone me.658到我手机上On my phone.659要想避开夏洛克·福尔摩斯的眼睛When one is avoiding the attention of Sherlock Holmes, 660就该学会谨慎 所以在此见面one learns to be discreet, hence this place.661你的腿一定很疼 坐下吧Your leg must be hurting you. Sit down.662我不想坐下I don't want to sit down.663你不怎么害怕啊You don't seem very afraid.664你也不怎么吓人You don't seem very frightening.665没错...Yes...666军人的勇敢The bravery of the soldier.667勇敢是愚蠢最好听的代言词 你说呢?Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don't u think? 668你和夏洛克·福尔摩斯什么关系?What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?669没关系 我们几乎不认识 我昨天才遇到他I don't have one. I barely know him, I met him... yesterday.670才一天工夫 你们就同居了Mmm, and since yesterday you've moved in with him671现在还一起查案and now you're solving crimes together.672这周末是不是就该好事将近了?Might we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week? 673你是谁?
利益相关者Who are you? An interested party.674对夏洛克? 为什么?Interested in Sherlock? Why?675我猜你们不是朋友I'm guessing you're not friends.676你也见过他 你想他能有几个朋友?You've met him. How many friends do you imagine he has?677我是夏洛克能拥有的I'm the closest thing to a friend678最近乎朋友的存在
你指什么?that Sherlock Holmes is capable of having And what's that?679敌人
敌人?An enemy. An enemy?680在他看来 我绝对是敌人In HIS mind, certainly.681如果你问他 他会说我是他的魔王If you were to ask him, he'd probably say his arch-enemy.682他喜欢把事情搞得戏剧化He does love to be dramatic.683哟 谢天谢地你没这毛病Well, thank God YOU'RE above all that.684(若方便速来贝克街-夏·福)
我没打扰你吧I hope I'm not distracting you.685一点也没打扰Not distracting me at all.686你打算继续和夏洛克·福尔摩斯合作下去?Do you plan to continue your association with Sherlock Holmes? 687也许说的不对...I could be wrong...688但我觉得这不关你事but I think that's none of your business.689很难说
真不关你事It could be. It really couldn't.690如果你真的搬进...If you DO move into, erm...691贝克街 221B号.. 221B Baker Street,692我将非常乐意行方便I'd be happy to pay you a meaningful sum693定期付你可观报酬of money on a regular basis to ease your way.694为什么?Why?695因为你不富有Because you're not a wealthy man.696交换条件是?In exchange for what?697提供信息Information.698绝不会侵犯隐私 绝不会让你为难Nothing indiscreet. Nothing you'd feel... uncomfortable with. 699只需告诉我他在干什么
为什么?Just tell me what he's up to. Why?700我常常为他担心I worry about him. Constantly.701你可真好人That's nice of you.702但出于种种原因But I would prefer for various reasons703希望你对此事守口如瓶that my concern go unmentioned,704我们的关系有点...不太融洽we have what you might call a... difficult relationship.705(若不方便亦来 - 夏·福)If inconvenient, come anyway706不行
我还没说具体金额呢No. But I haven't mentioned a figure. 707省省吧Don't bother.708这么快就对他死心塌地了You're very loyal VERY quickly.709不 不是 我只是不感兴趣No, I'm not, I'm just not interested.710711那是什么?What's that?712你居然不信任其他人Could it be that you've decided to713却信任夏洛克·福尔摩斯?trust Sherlock Holmes of all people?714谁说我信任他了?Who says I trust him?715你不像那种轻易交心的人You don't seem the kind to make friends easily.716说完了没?Are we done?717你说呢You tell me.718我猜已经有人警告过你离他远点I imagine people have already warned you to stay away from him, 719但我看你左手 你不会这么做but I can see from your left hand that's not going to happen.720我的什么?
给我看看My what? Show me.721别碰Don't...722了不得
什么?Remarkable. What is?723这城市大多人都庸庸碌碌Most people... blunder round this city,724眼中只有繁华街肆 车来人往and all they see are streets and shops and cars.725与夏洛克·福尔摩斯同行 你却能看到战场When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield. 726你已经经历过 不是吗?You've seen it already. Haven't you?727我的手怎么了?What's wrong with my hand?728你的左手会间歇性震颤You have an intermittent tremor in your left hand.729你的医生认为这是创伤后应激障碍Your therapist thinks it's post-traumatic stress disorder.730她觉得你被战争的记忆困扰She thinks you're haunted by memories of your military service. 731你到底是谁?Who the hell are you?732你怎么知道的?How do you know that?733炒了她吧 她的方向完全错误Fire her. She's got it the wrong way round.734你现在正承受压力 但手却稳如磐石You're under stress right now and your hand is perfectly steady. 735你不是被战争困扰 华生医生...You're not haunted by the war, Dr Watson...736你想念战争You miss it.737欢迎回来Welcome back.738该选阵营了 华生医生Time to choose a side, Dr Watson.739我带你回家I'm to take you home.740(可能很危险 - 夏·福)Dangerous - S H741地址?Address?742贝克街Er, Baker Street.743贝克街221B号221B Baker Street.744但我要先去个地方But I need to stop off somewhere first.745听着 你老板Listen, your boss.746能别告诉他我来过这儿吗?Any chance you could not tell him this is where I went?747当然
你已经告诉他了吧?Sure. You've told him already, haven't you?748没错Yeah.749呃...你平时有空闲吗?Hey erm... do you ever get any free time?750当然 多的是Oh, yeah. Lots.751再见
好吧Bye OK.752你在干什么?What are you doing?753尼古丁贴片(戒烟用)Nicotine patch.754能帮助我思考Helps me think.755如今在伦敦当老烟枪很难Impossible to sustain a smoking habit in London these days.756不利大脑运作Bad news for brain work.757却有利于呼吸It's good news for breathing.758呼吸 呼吸乏味透顶Oh... Breathing! Breathing's boring.759你一下就三张贴片?Is that... three patches?760这是三张级的难题It's a three-patch problem.761怎么样?Well...?762你让我快来 我以为很重要You asked me to come, I'm assuming it's important.763哦 当然了 我能借用你的手机吗?Oh - yeah, of course. Can I borrow your phone?764我的手机?
不用我自己的My phone? Don't use mine.765号码很可能被认出来Always a chance that my number will be recognised.766我网站上就有It's on the website.767赫德森太太有手机
她在楼下呢Mrs Hudson's got a phone. Yeah, she's downstairs.768我试过大喊 但她耳背I tried shouting but she didn't hear.769我在伦敦城的另一边...I WAS the other side of London...770不是急事There was no hurry.771给你...Here...772要干什么? 这案子?So what's this about - the case?773她的箱子...
她的箱子?Her case... HER case?774她的行李箱 当然了Her suitcase, yes, obviously.775凶手拿走了她的行李箱 第一个大错误The murderer took her suitcase, first big mistake.776好吧 他拿走了她的箱子 那又怎样?OK, he took her case. So?777没用的 别无他法 只能冒险It's no use, there's no other way. We'll have to risk it.778我桌上有个号码 你帮我发条短信On my desk there's a number. I want you to send a text.779你叫我来就是为了...发条短信You've brought me here... to send a text.780没错 发短信 号码在我桌上Text, yes. The number on my desk.781出什么事了?
刚遇到了你一个朋友What's wrong? Just met a friend of yours.782朋友?
敌人A friend? An enemy.783哦 哪一个?Oh. Which one?784据他说 是你的魔王 人真会有魔王?Well, your arch-enemy, according to him. Do people have arch-enemies? 785他有没出钱让你监视我?Did he offer you money to spy on me?786没错
你收了吗?Yes. Did you take it?787没有No.788真遗憾 我们本可以平分 下次想清楚点Pity, we could have split the fee. Think it through next time.789他是谁?
你见过的最危险的人Who is he? The most dangerous man you've ever met,790不过现在的问题不是他and not my problem right now.791发短信 号码在我桌上On my desk, the number!792詹妮弗·威尔森 这是...Jennifer Wilson. That was...793等等 这不是受害人吗?Hang on. Wasn't that the dead woman?794是的 这不重要 输入号码吧Yes. That's not important. Just enter the number.795你在输号码吗?
是的Are you doing it? Yes.796输完了吗?Have you done it?797是...等一下Yeah - hang on!798照我说的 一字不差These words exactly.799800I must have blacked out.80122 Northumberland Street,802please come. 803什么? 不是 当然不是What? No... No!804打好发出去 快点Type and send it. Quickly.805发出去了吗?
地址是什么?Have you sent it? What's the address?806诺森伯兰街22号 快22 Northumberland Street. Hurry up!807(劳里斯顿花园发生了什么? 我一定是昏过去了) 808(诺森伯兰街22号 请速前来)22 Northumberland Street. Hurry up!809那是...That's...810那粉红女郎的箱子 詹妮弗·威尔森的箱子That's the pink lady's case, that's Jennifer Wilson's case. 811没错 显然的Yes, obviously.812或许该解释下 我没杀她Oh, perhaps I should mention - I didn't kill her.813我没说你杀了她
为什么不?I never said you did. Why not?814我发了那条短信 又有她的箱子Given that text and the fact I have her case815这么想完全符合逻辑it's a perfectly logical assumption.816别人常以为你是凶手?Do people usually assume you're the murderer?817没错 时不时会Now and then, yes.818好吧...OK...819这个你怎么到手的?
找来的How did you get this? By looking.820哪里?Where?821凶手一定载她去了劳里斯顿花园The killer must have driven her to Lauriston Gardens.822箱子遗落在车里 所以到了他手上He could only keep her case by accident if it was in the car. 823谁拿这箱子都会引人注目Nobody could be seen with this case without drawing attention - 824尤其是男人 按统计学凶手大概是男人particularly a man, which is statistically more likely. 825所以他迫切想扔掉它So obviously he'd feel compelled to get rid of it.826一发现自己带着这箱子the next thing he knows-he still has it. Wouldn't have taken 827不到五分钟就意识到是个错误him more than five minutes to realise his mistake.828我检查了劳里斯顿花园周边I checked every backstreet wide enough for a car829五分钟车程内每条丢弃大件物品five minutes from Lauriston Gardens, and anywhere you could 830不引人注意的小巷'dispose of a bulky object without being observed.831不到一小时就找到了'Took me less than an hour to find the right skip. '832粉色 仅靠箱子是粉色 就推理出那么多?Pink. You got all that because you realised the case would be pink? 833一定是粉色的 显而易见It had to be pink, obviously.834为什么我没猜到?Why didn't I think of that?835因为你是个傻瓜Because you're an idiot.836不 别那副表情 几乎所有人都是No, no, no, don't look like that. Practically everyone is. 837听着 你发现少了什么没?Now, look. Do you see what's missing?838箱子里? 我怎么知道?From the case? How could I?839她的手机 她的手机呢?Her phone. Where's her mobile phone?840尸体和箱子都没手机There was no phone on the body, there's no phone in the case. 841她是有手机的 刚还发了短信We know she had one. You just texted it.842也许忘在家里了Maybe she left it at home.843她有一大票情人 必须非常谨慎She has a string of lovers and she's careful about it.844她从不把手机放在家里She never leaves her phone at home.845我为什么要发那条短信?Why did I just send that text?846问题是 她的手机现在在哪?Well, the question is where is her phone NOW?847可能丢了
没错 或是?She could have lost it. Yes, or?848凶手...你觉得凶手拿走了手机?The murderer... You think the murderer has the phone? 849也许她放箱子时 落了手机Maybe she... left it when she left her case.850也许凶手出于某种原因把手机拿走了Maybe he took it from her for some reason.851无论怎样 手机很有可能在凶手手里Either way, the balance of probability is murderer has her phone. 852不好意思...我们在干什么?Sorry... what are we doing -853我刚给凶手发了短信? 那有什么用?did I just text a murderer? What good will that do?854刚杀人几小时后A few hours after his last victim,855凶手收到只可能来自死者的短信and now he receives a text that can only be from her. 856偶然捡到手机的人If somebody had just found that phone857不会理睬这种短信 但是凶手...they'd ignore a text like that, but the murderer...858会惊慌失措的would panic.859你和警察说了没?Have you talked to the police?860死了4个人 没那时间Four people are dead, there isn't time.861那为什么和我说?So why are you talking to ME?862赫德森太太没收了我那头盖骨Mrs Hudson took my skull.863所以我在代替你那头盖骨?So I'm basically filling in for your skull?864别紧张 你干的不错Relax, you're doing fine.865好了
什么好了?Well? Well, what?866你大可坐在这里看电视Well - you could just sit there and... watch telly.867你要我一块去?What, you want me to come with you?868我喜欢出门有人陪 大声讲话有助于思维I like company when I go out, I think better when I talk aloud. 869头盖骨出门太招摇了 所以...The skull just attracts attention, so...870有问题吗?
是的 多诺万警官Problem? Yeah, Sergeant Donovan.871她怎么了?What about her?872她说...She said...873凶案让你兴奋 乐在其中you get off on this. You enjoy it.874我说了And I said 875该死Damn it!876我们要去哪儿?Where are we going?877诺森伯兰街 五分钟走到Northumberland Street's a five-minute walk from here. 878凶手会笨到真去那儿?You think he's stupid enough to go there?879不 我觉得他聪明极了No, I think he's brilliant enough.880聪明人我喜欢 都巴不得被抓到I love the brilliant ones. They're all so desperate to get caught. 881为什么?
被人赏识Why? Appreciation!882受人追捧 终成焦点所在Applause! At long last the spotlight.883这就是天才的软肋That's the frailty of genius,884他们需要观众it needs an audience.885没错Yeah.886这就是他的狩猎场 城市的中心This is his hunting ground. Right here in the heart of the city. 887现在知道受害人是被他诱拐的Now that we know his victims were abducted,888那就不一样了that changes everything.889受害人都是从繁忙的街道消失Because all of his victims disappeared from busy streets, 890闹市 但从没人注意到他们离开crowded places, but nobody saw them go.891想啊 谁虽然素不相识仍让我们信任?Think! Who do we trust, even though we don't know them? 892谁不管到哪里都无人注意?Who passes unnoticed wherever they go?893谁在人群中狩猎?Who hunts in the middle of a crowd?894我不知道 谁?Don't know. Who?895一点都没想到 你饿吗?Haven't the faintest. Hungry?896谢谢你 比利Thank you, Billy.897诺森伯兰郡街22号22 Northumberland Street.898盯着它Keep your eyes on it.899他不会走上前去按门铃的 他已经疯了He's not just going to ring the doorbell. He'd need to be mad. 900他已经杀了4个人He HAS killed four people.901好吧OK.902夏洛克!Sherlock!903菜单上的菜随便点 免费Anything on the menu, whatever you want, free.904算在我们帐上 你和你的情人都是On the house, for you and for your date.905你想吃东西吗?
我不是他的情人Do you want to eat? I'm not his date.906这个人帮我洗清了谋杀的嫌疑This man got me off a murder charge.907这是安吉洛 3年前我向雷斯垂德证明了This is Angelo. Three years ago I sucessfully proved to Lestrade 908当一起极为残暴的三重谋杀发生时at the time of a particularly vicious triple murder909安吉洛正在城市另一头入室抢劫that Angelo was in different part of town house-breaking. 910他洗清了我的名誉He cleared my name.911一点点吧 对面有什么动静吗?I cleared it a bit. Anything happening opposite?912什么也没有Nothing.913要不是他 我会去坐牢的But for this man, I'd have gone to prison.914你后来还是去坐牢了You did go to prison.915我给你们点上蜡烛 更浪漫些I'll get a candle for the table. It's more romantic.916我不是他的情人I'm not his date!917你还是吃点吧 我们可能要等很久You may as well eat. We might have a long wait.918多谢了Thanks.919人是没有魔王的People don't have arch-enemies.920什么?
在现实生活里I'm sorry? In real life.921现实生活里是没有魔王的 没有There are no arch-enemies in real life. Doesn't happen.922没有? 真乏味Doesn't it? Sounds a bit dull.923那么我遇到的是谁?So who did I meet?924那么正常人在What do real people have, then, in their... 925朋友?Friends?926他们认识的人 喜欢的人 不喜欢的人...People they know, people they like, people they don't like... 927女朋友 男朋友Girlfriends, boyfriends.928对 我没说错 乏味Yes, well, as I was saying - dull.929这么说你没有女朋友了You don't have a girlfriend, then.930女朋友? 不 不是我的菜Girlfriend? No, not really my area.931哦 这样啊Oh, right.932那你有男朋友吗? 对了 那也没关系Do you have a... boyfriend? Which is fine, by the way.933我知道没关系I know it's fine.934这么说你有男朋友?
没有So you've got a boyfriend then. No.935好吧 好吧Right. OK.936你无牵无挂 就像我一样You're unattached. Like me.937很好 很好Fine. Good.938约翰 嗯...John, erm...939我想还是该告诉你 我把工作当成爱人I think you should know that I consider myself married to my work, 940尽管我受宠若惊and while I'm flattered,941但我真的不想找什么...I'm really not looking for any...942不No,943我不是在试探 不是I'm... not asking. No.944我只是说 怎样都没关系I'm just saying, it's all fine.945很好Good.946谢谢Thank you.947看 对街有辆出租车停下了Look across the street. Taxi. It's stopped.948没人进去 也没人出来Nobody getting in, and nobody getting out.949为什么是出租车?Why a taxi?950真聪明 聪明吗?Oh, that's clever. Is it clever?951为什么?
那就是他Why is it clever? That's him.952别盯着看Don't stare.953你就在盯着看You're staring.954不能两个人都盯着吧We can't both stare.955抱歉Sorry956我记下了车牌号码
你用的上I've got the cab number. Good for you.957右转 单行道 道路施工 红绿灯 公车线路Right turn, one way, roadworks, traffic lights, bus lane, 958过街横道 只许左转 红绿灯pedestrian crossing, left turn only, traffic lights.959(备用道路)ALTERNATIVE ROUTE960抱歉Sorry.961(禁行)NO ENTRY962(封路)ROAD CLOSED963约翰 快Come on, John...964请稍等WAIT965快点 约翰 追不上了Come on, John. We're losing him!966(封路)ROAD CLOSED967这边This way.968不对 这边!No - THIS way!969抱歉Sorry...970(步行街尾)PEDESTRIAN ZONE ENDS971(禁行)NO ENTRY972(让行)GIVE WAY973警察!开门Police! Open her up.974不对No...975牙齿 深肤色 加利佛尼亚人?Teeth, tan. What - Californian...?976洛杉矶 圣莫妮卡 刚刚抵达LA, Santa Monica. Just arrived.977你怎么知道的?
行李How could you possibly know that? The luggage.978第一次来伦敦吧?Probably your first trip to London, right?979根据你的目的地和司机带你绕的路Going by your final destination and the route the cabbie takes. 980不好意思 你们是警察吗?Sorry - are you guys the police?981对 一切顺利吗?Yeah. Everything all right?982对Yeah.983欢迎来到伦敦Welcome to London.984遇到任何问题请通知我们Er, any problems - just let us know.985总之只是辆碰巧减速的出租车Basically just a cab that happened to slow down.986没错Basically.987不是凶手
不是凶手 不是Not the murderer. Not the murderer, no.988外国人 强力不在场证明Wrong country, good alibi.989无懈可击
你从哪搞来这个的?As they go. Hey, where did you get this?990雷斯垂德探长?
对Detective Inspector Lestrade? Yeah.991他一烦我我就偷他东西I pickpocket him when he's annoying992这个你留着吧 我房里有的是You can keep that one, I've got plenty at the flat.993什么?What?994没什么 只是... Nothing, just... 995喘过气来啦?
等你发令Got your breath back? Ready when you are.996好吧...OK...997真是荒谬That was ridiculous.998这是我做过的最荒谬的事That was the most ridiculous thing... I've ever done.999你还入侵阿富汗了呢And you invaded Afghanistan.1000又不是我一个人That wasn't just me.1001我们干吗不回餐馆去?Why aren't we back at the restaurant?1002他们会监视的They can keep an eye out.1003反正本来也没把握It was a long shot anyway.1004那我们去干什么的?So what were we doing there?1005哦 打发时间呗Oh, just passing the time.1006并且证明一件事And proving a point.1007证明什么?
你What point? You.1008赫德森太太 华生医生要楼上那间房了Mrs Hudson! Dr Watson WILL take the room upstairs. 1009谁说的?Says who?1010门口那个人说的Says the man at the door.1011夏洛克给我发短信 说你掉了这个Sherlock texted me. He said you forgot this.1012呃 谢谢Er, thank you.1013谢谢你Thank you.1014夏洛克 你做什么啦?Sherlock, what have you done?1015赫德森太太?
楼上Mrs Hudson? Upstairs.1016你们干什么?What are you doing?1017我知道你会找到箱子的 我不傻Well, I knew you'd find the case, I'm not stupid.1018你不能私闯我家You can't just break into my flat.1019你不能扣押证物 而且我没私闯You can't withhold evidence - and I didn't break in your flat. 1020哦 那这叫什么?Well, what do you call this then?1021这是缉毒It's a drugs bust.1022什么 这家伙能是毒虫?Seriously? This guy - a junkie?1023你认识他吗?
约翰Have you met him? John...1024依我看 你大可以在这翻上一天I'm pretty sure that You could search this flat all day,1025也别想找到任何消遣的东西you wouldn't find anything you could call recreational. 1026约翰 建议你现在闭嘴吧
拜托John, you probably want to shut up now. But come on... 1027不
什么?No... What?1028你?
闭嘴 我不是你的搜查犬You? Shut up! I'm not your sniffer dog.1029不 安德森是我的搜查犬No, Anderson's my sniffer dog.1030安德森 缉毒你跑来做什么?Anderson, what are YOU doing here on a drugs bust? 1031哦 我自愿的Oh, I volunteered.1032他们都是 他们都不在缉毒科They all did. They're not strictly speaking ON the drug squad, 1033不过都很热心but they're very keen.1034这是人类眼球吧
放回去Are these human eyes? Put those back!1035在微波炉里啊
这是科学实验They were in the microwave. It's an experiment.1036接着找 伙计们Keep looking, guys.1037或者你好好帮我们 我就收队Or you could help us properly and I'll stand them down. 1038真幼稚
对付幼儿嘛This is childish. Well, I'm dealing with a child.1039夏洛克 这是我们的案子Sherlock, this is our case.1040我让你参加 但你不能单干I'm letting you in, but you do not go off on your own. 1041明白?Clear?1042什么-你居然假装缉毒来要挟我?What - so you set up a pretend drugs bust to bully me? 1043真找到毒品就不算假装了It stops being pretend if we find anything.1044我是清白的I am clean!1045你的公寓是... 全都清白?Is your flat...? All of it?1046连烟都不抽Don't even smoke.1047我也不抽Neither do I.1048好吧 我们来合作吧So let's work together.1049找到瑞秋了
她是谁?We've found Rachel. Who is she?1050詹妮弗·温森的独女Jennifer Wilson's only daughter.1051她女儿?Her daughter?1052她为什么写她女儿的名字 为什么?Why would she write her daughter's name? Why?1053别管了 箱子找到了Never mind that, we found the case.1054某人曾断言箱子在凶手那里According to SOMEONE the murderer has the case,1055现在它在我们亲爱的精神病人手里and we found it in the hands of our favourite psychopath. 1056我不是精神病 是高功能反社会病not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath.1057拜托你专业点Do your research.1058你得把瑞秋找来 审问她 我也得问她You need to bring Rachel in and I need to question her. 1059她死了
太好了 时间地点原因?She's dead. Excellent. How, when and why?1060有联系吗? 肯定有Is there a connection? There has to be.1061我可不敢说 她死了14年了Well, I doubt it, since she's been dead for 14 years.1062严格说从未活过Technically she was never alive.1063瑞秋是詹妮弗·温森14年前流产的女儿Rachel was Jennifer Wilson's stillborn daughter, 14 years ago. 1064不 这...No, that's...1065这不对头 怎么会..... that's not right. How...1066她干吗这么做 为什么?Why would she do that? Why?1067她临死前为啥想女儿?Why would she think of her daughter in her last moments? 1068嗯 果然正宗反社会病Yup - sociopath, I'm seeing it now.1069她不是想女儿She didn't think about her daughter.1070是用指甲把名字刻在地上She scratched her name on the floor with her fingernails. 1071她快死了She was dying.1072这很费劲 很痛苦的It took effort, it would have hurt.1073你说受害人都是自己服药的You said that the victims all took the poison themselves, 1074是他逼他们的that he MAKES them take it -1075呃 也许他... 跟他们说了什么well, maybe he... I don't know, talks to them.1076也许利用了她女儿的死Maybe he used the death of her daughter somehow.1077对 可那都多少年了 她还郁闷个头啊Yeah, but that was ages ago. Why would she still be upset? 1078不对?Not good?1079是不太对Bit not good, yeah.1080如果你要死了 被谋杀了If you were dying... If you'd been murdered -1081你临终会说什么?in your very last few seconds what would you say?10821083发挥点想象力Use your imagination!1084我不用I don't have to.1085对 可假设你聪明Yeah, but if you were clever...1086詹妮弗这么多情人 她绝对聪明Jennifer Wilson running all those lovers - she WAS clever. 1087她在向我们传达什么She's trying to tell us something.1088门铃坏了吗? 你叫的车来了 夏洛克Isn't the doorbell working? Your taxi's here, Sherlock. 1089我没叫出租车 走开I didn't order a taxi. Go away.1090哎哟 翻的这么乱 要找什么啊Oh, dear. They're making such a mess. What are they looking for? 1091这是缉毒 赫德森太太It's a drugs bust, Mrs Hudson.1092可这是我治腰疼的 是草药...But they're just for my hip. They're herbal soothers...1093全都闭嘴 别乱动 别说话 别呼吸Shut up, everybody! Don't move. Don't speak, don't breathe. 1094我在思考呢I'm trying to think.1095安德森 转过去 你太扎眼了Anderson, face the other way. You're putting me off.1096什么 我的脸?What? My FACE is1097都给我安静不许动Everybody quiet and still.1098安德森 转过去
老天爷Anderson, turn your back. Oh, for God's sake!1099马上转过去 谢谢Your back, now, please!1100加油 快想啊
车怎么办?Come on, think. Quick! What about your taxi?1101赫德森太太MRS HUDSON!1102她很聪明 聪明 对 She was clever. Clever, yes!1103她比你们都聪明 她还死了She's cleverer than you lot and she's dead. 1104明白了吗?Do you see, do you get it?1105手机不是丢了 根本没丢She didn't lose her phone, she never lost it. 1106她栽给凶手了She PLANTED it on him.1107她下车的时候When she got out of the car,1108就预料到要死了she knew that she was going to her death. 1109她留下了手机 追踪凶手She left the phone in order to lead us to her killer. 1110怎么追踪?But how?1111什么叫怎么追踪?What do you mean, how?1112瑞秋Rachel!1113还不懂? 瑞秋Don't you see? Rachel!1114瞧瞧你们 一群草包Look at you lot. You're all so vacant.1115不是我的感觉很好吧? 多轻松啊Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing. 1116瑞秋不是人名Rachel is not a name.1117那是什么?Then what is it?1118约翰 行李上有个标签John - on the luggage, there's a label. 1119电子邮件E- mail address.1120jennie.pink@mephone.org.ukEr, jennie. pink@mephone. org. uk.1121她没带电脑She didn't have a laptop,1122所以肯定用手机办公which means she did her business on her phone. 1123智能机 绑定邮箱的A smartphone, it's e-mail enabled.1124有个网站能登陆她的账号百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网92to.com,您的在线图书馆


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