求 iwoz大学生个人自传3000字 英文版PDF 作者苹果创始人之一Wozniak

《iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It》 Steve Wozniak【摘要 书评 试读】图书
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出版社: W.W. Norton & Co.; Reprint (日)
平装: 320页
语种: 英语
14 x 2.3 x 20.8 cm
图书商品里排第686,820名 ()
“Budding computer-science majors, Apple aficionados and electronics buffs will find plenty to ingest here, as Wozniak recounts the inspirations and thought processes for his designs.” - J.D. Biersdorfer, New York Times Book Review“Sincerity and enthusiasm are the hallmarks of this irrepressible memoir, and Wozniak's optimism offers an example to us all.” - Chris Hartman, Christian Science Monitor“This memoir truly reflects its author, both in its subject matter and its happy-go-lucky tone…A welcome, fresh perspective for an industry that seems so far removed from its original ideas.” - Peter Burrows, BusinessWeek“iWoz is the story about a man filled with curiosity and drive. It's about growing up in Silicon Valley at a watershed time for electronics and computing. And it's about never forgetting what makes a person happy in life and never forgetting one's dreams.” - Russ Juskalian, USA Today“At last, Mr. Wozniak gets the stage all to himself [in a] chatty memoir full of surprises.... He reveals a technology pioneer more charming―and whose life is more poignant―than we expected.” - George Anders, Wall Street Journal“The mastermind behind Apple tells his story for the first time, from the invention of the first personal computer to the rise of Apple as an industry giant.” - Book Passage
5 星 (0%)0%4 星4 星 (0%)0%2 星2 星 (0%)0%1 星1 星 (0%)0%与其他买家分享您的想法版本: 平装|已确认购买没有什么商业指导价值,只是一个天才的自传,与普通人相去太远
Robea5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Great Story - Worth Reading -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买This was a much better book than I expected - but then again I am an engineer of the same age as Steve Jobs, went to the same elementary school as Steve Wozniak (four years later) and grew up in the same Cherry Hill West subdivision of Sunnyvale, CA. that both of them lived in. So I was perhaps better able to relate to some of the things that the book talked about - I even had the same chemistry teacher, Dr. Hubbs, at De Anza College who is mentioned in the book. It brought back a lot of memories of that time and place in 1960's Silicon Valley life.I found it appropriately technical but not too geeky. Also very honest and straight forward. In my opinion, an even better book than the biography of Steve Jobs by Walther Isaacson - which is also worth reading but a more definitive work.Steve Wozniak focuses most of the book on his childhood, youth and early adult life & relationship with Steve Jobs up to the time when Apple Computers gets up and rolling. That story alone would have made the book worth reading.After that he skips a lot of detail and talks more about his person life, marriages and things he did after his full time involvement with Apple. When you are all done you come away feeling like you know the person Steve Wozniak.You also realize that without Steve Jobs, he would have just spent his life being a super-geek company man making a mid-six figure salary working for Hewlett Packard. And without Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs would have probably become a B-list, new age cult leader living somewhere in Santa Cruz.
15 个人发现此评论有用.
George L. Adleman3.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星I was in the time but never met Woz. -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买I am an engineer and lived through the same time. I even worked for HP for 25 years.I binge read this book and couldn't put it down because i was connected to the time, the vocation and had some identification and some differences. It was a very personal read.The book had a strange voice to it. A kind of childish repeating - even literally repeating quality.The authors concern seems to need to explain in simpler terms some of the technical issues.I actually would have liked to see the details as I could probably understand them. Perhaps an appendix.All in all I liked the book and the person and hope some day to meet Woz as I think we share some similarities and differences.
5 个人发现此评论有用.
Greg5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Woz, the real Man Behind Apple and It's values -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买Woz tells the story of his whole life with such candor and believability.
You get to know him based on his stories and the way tells them (From the heart).
I can honestly say I have a good feeling for who he is as a person, after reading his book.This is the guy behind Apple, he is the genius behind the Apple and the Apple II.
These products were the first that set the trend for Apple's easy-to-use, customer friendly products.
Without him, there is no Apple.
Period.Woz doesn't gossip much about Jobs, he does talk about their friendship and business dealings.
Woz really stepped back more or less after the Apple II.
He truly believed that creating personal computers was an art as much a science.
Having taken a digital electronics course, I have some appreciation for what his skills were and he is an incredible man.
He had some serious talent for sure.
He talks about his whole life, his dealings with Apple are only a part of that.
Much of his previous work certainly built up to that and you can see him build up to it.
His life story is awesome, this book is a page turner and easy to read.If you like Apple, autobiographies, little bit of counter-culture, electronics or genuine guy you will love this book.
14 个人发现此评论有用.
Patricia Holmes5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星From tinkering kid to genius millionaire -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买I had no idea about Steve Wozniack. I thought he was out of the industry. Boy, was I wrong. He is still a leader in his industry and a very amazing person.
This was a very entertaining and educational book. I feel that all 9 to 11 year olds could learn something from this and it should be required reading in 5th grade.
At least 6th grade. Any parent of a child interested in gadgets should also read this book.
It made me wish I had had his drive to keep on going through trials I had tried when I was a kid.
This man is a genius and was as a child. It started with him being allowed to make strange inventions at home.
lighten up. Let your kid experiment on your old equipment. .
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Steve Wozniak - iWoz英文原版小说西方文学作品电子版下载
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关注微信公众号From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article needs additional citations for . Please help
by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.
(January 2016) ()
iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It is a 2006
by computer engineer and programmer .
It was co-authored by writer
and published by .
In iWoz, Wozniak gives a short history of his life, the founding of
and some of his other ventures.
Near the end of the book, Wozniak explains that he wrote the book in order to dispel some misconceptions that have been spread about him, his relationship with
and his relationship with and feelings towards Apple.
Wozniak presents his story in short vignettes, never longer than a few pages, and most no longer than just a few paragraphs.
The photo plates of the book use several images from .
Wozniak starts his autobiography with a description of his parents, some of their history, and describes how his father had a top secret job involving . He goes on to describe how his father took the time to describe to him, in detail, how electronic components work.
He cites this as a major reason for his later success.
Wozniak discusses how he decided to enroll at the . Because of the high , and an inadvertent expense he had incurred for the university's computer department, he was unable to attend for a second year and instead enrolled in the local , .
Wozniak describes his encounter with the first successful video , , at a
with Alice (then his fiancee).
He describes just staring at it, amazed that computers could be used in such a way.
He went home and recreated the game on his own, using a standard
for the display (which in itself, took some doing).
He even added some features not found on the commercial game, such as displaying the score onscreen and displaying four-letter exclamations when missing a ball.
Once while visiting Jobs, he showed it to one of the top executives of Atari, Inc., , who was so impressed that he offered Wozniak a job right on the spot.
Wozniak declined, however, explaining that he could never leave
(HP) where he was currently employed.
While still with HP, Wozniak describes his moonlighting development, with Jobs, of the prototype of the
in only four days.
He also describes, without bitterness, how Jobs shortchanged him on the job. Jobs, who worked for Atari Inc., said he would give Wozniak half of "whatever they paid him" for development of the game.
Jobs subsequently gave Wozniak $375, saying Atari Inc. paid him $750 for the game.
Wozniak later found out that Atari Inc. actually paid Jobs $5,000 for the game.
Right after designing the Apple I, Wozniak set about designing the .
He says that all the ideas for improving the computer came to him while he was designing the Apple I, but he didn't implement them because he wanted to finish the Apple I in a timely manner.
The Apple II featured several improvements over the Apple I, including real color graphics and six expansion slots (an idea he and Jobs disagreed over).
It also had a real case, something the Apple I lacked.
About this time, Jobs and Wozniak searched for someone to head their company, and finally found .
Markkula was convinced Apple would be a
company within five years.
Wozniak, however, was unconvinced.
Markkula said that Wozniak would have to leave his job at HP.
Wozniak was reluctant to do so, since he wanted to be an engineer and not a manager.
He finally agreed to do so after an old friend told him he could join Apple and still be an engineer.
The Apple II had a working
interface, for .
Markkula was frustrated with the slow operation of the cassette tapes, and their instability.
He asked Wozniak to develop another method of secondary storage.
Wozniak settled on the , a new idea at the time.
Wozniak ends his book with advice to others, particularly the youth, on how to develop their own inventions and encourages them to ignore the mainstream and follow their own passions and ideas.
The book have been translated into , , , , , ,
Biersdorfer, J. D. (). . The New York Times.  .
— Wozniak's official site
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iWoz,Steve Wozniak ,我是沃兹
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iWoz,Steve Wozniak ,我是沃兹
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iWoz,Steve Wozniak ,我是沃兹《iWOZ: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I invented the personal computer, co-founded Apple, and had fun doing It》 Steve Wozniak, Gina Smith【摘要 书评 试读】图书
没有Kindle设备?,或者下载免费 。
出版社: W. W. Norton & Company (日)
精装: 288页
语种: 英语
16.5 x 2.8 x 24.4 cm
图书商品里排第3,192,402名 ()
Steve Wozniak has been inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame and has received numerous awards, including the National Medal of Technology and the Heinz Award. He lives in California.
5 星 (0%)0%4 星4 星 (0%)0%2 星2 星 (0%)0%1 星1 星 (0%)0%与其他买家分享您的想法版本: 平装|已确认购买没有什么商业指导价值,只是一个天才的自传,与普通人相去太远
Robea5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Great Story - Worth Reading -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买This was a much better book than I expected - but then again I am an engineer of the same age as Steve Jobs, went to the same elementary school as Steve Wozniak (four years later) and grew up in the same Cherry Hill West subdivision of Sunnyvale, CA. that both of them lived in. So I was perhaps better able to relate to some of the things that the book talked about - I even had the same chemistry teacher, Dr. Hubbs, at De Anza College who is mentioned in the book. It brought back a lot of memories of that time and place in 1960's Silicon Valley life.I found it appropriately technical but not too geeky. Also very honest and straight forward. In my opinion, an even better book than the biography of Steve Jobs by Walther Isaacson - which is also worth reading but a more definitive work.Steve Wozniak focuses most of the book on his childhood, youth and early adult life & relationship with Steve Jobs up to the time when Apple Computers gets up and rolling. That story alone would have made the book worth reading.After that he skips a lot of detail and talks more about his person life, marriages and things he did after his full time involvement with Apple. When you are all done you come away feeling like you know the person Steve Wozniak.You also realize that without Steve Jobs, he would have just spent his life being a super-geek company man making a mid-six figure salary working for Hewlett Packard. And without Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs would have probably become a B-list, new age cult leader living somewhere in Santa Cruz.
15 个人发现此评论有用.
George L. Adleman3.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星I was in the time but never met Woz. -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买I am an engineer and lived through the same time. I even worked for HP for 25 years.I binge read this book and couldn't put it down because i was connected to the time, the vocation and had some identification and some differences. It was a very personal read.The book had a strange voice to it. A kind of childish repeating - even literally repeating quality.The authors concern seems to need to explain in simpler terms some of the technical issues.I actually would have liked to see the details as I could probably understand them. Perhaps an appendix.All in all I liked the book and the person and hope some day to meet Woz as I think we share some similarities and differences.
5 个人发现此评论有用.
Greg5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星Woz, the real Man Behind Apple and It's values -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买Woz tells the story of his whole life with such candor and believability.
You get to know him based on his stories and the way tells them (From the heart).
I can honestly say I have a good feeling for who he is as a person, after reading his book.This is the guy behind Apple, he is the genius behind the Apple and the Apple II.
These products were the first that set the trend for Apple's easy-to-use, customer friendly products.
Without him, there is no Apple.
Period.Woz doesn't gossip much about Jobs, he does talk about their friendship and business dealings.
Woz really stepped back more or less after the Apple II.
He truly believed that creating personal computers was an art as much a science.
Having taken a digital electronics course, I have some appreciation for what his skills were and he is an incredible man.
He had some serious talent for sure.
He talks about his whole life, his dealings with Apple are only a part of that.
Much of his previous work certainly built up to that and you can see him build up to it.
His life story is awesome, this book is a page turner and easy to read.If you like Apple, autobiographies, little bit of counter-culture, electronics or genuine guy you will love this book.
14 个人发现此评论有用.
Patricia Holmes5.0 颗星,最多 5 颗星From tinkering kid to genius millionaire -
已在美国亚马逊上发表已确认购买I had no idea about Steve Wozniack. I thought he was out of the industry. Boy, was I wrong. He is still a leader in his industry and a very amazing person.
This was a very entertaining and educational book. I feel that all 9 to 11 year olds could learn something from this and it should be required reading in 5th grade.
At least 6th grade. Any parent of a child interested in gadgets should also read this book.
It made me wish I had had his drive to keep on going through trials I had tried when I was a kid.
This man is a genius and was as a child. It started with him being allowed to make strange inventions at home.
lighten up. Let your kid experiment on your old equipment. .


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