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Analysis of compatible discrete operator schemes for the Stokes equations on polyhedral meshes | IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis | Oxford Academic
Analysis of compatible discrete operator schemes for the Stokes equations on polyhedral meshes
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume 35, Issue 4, 1 October 2015, Pages ,
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Jér?me Bonelle, Alexandre E
Analysis of compatible discrete operator schemes for the Stokes equations on polyhedral meshes, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume 35, Issue 4, 1 October 2015, Pages ,
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© 2018 Oxford University Press
Compatible discrete operator schemes preserve basic properties of the continuous model at the discrete level. They combine discrete differential operators that discretize exactly topological laws and discrete Hodge operators that approximate constitutive relations. We devise and analyse two families of such schemes for the Stokes equations in curl formulation, with the pressure degrees of freedom located at either mesh vertices or cells. The schemes ensure local mass and momentum conservation. We prove discrete stability by establishing novel discrete Poincaré inequalities. Using commutators related to the consistency error, we derive error estimates with first-order convergence rates for smooth solutions. We analyse two strategies for discretizing the external load, so as to deliver tight error estimates when the external load has a large curl-free or divergence-free part. Finally, numerical results are presented on three-dimensional polyhedral meshes.
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Two-photon exchange in elastic electron-proton scatteringP.G. BlundenW. MelnitchoukJ.A. TjonForm factors of nucleon ground and excited states
Two-photon exchange contributions to unpolarized and polarized elastic electron–proton scattering cross sections are evaluated taking into account nucleon finite size effects using realistic form factors. Contributions from nucleon elastic intermediate states are found to have a strong angular dependence, which partially resolves the discrepancy between Rosenbluth and polarization transfer measurements of the proton electric to magnetic form factor ratio. Two-photon contributions to the longitudinal and transverse polarizations are generally found to be small. A comparison is made of two-photon exchange effects with existing data on the ratio of e+ p to e– p cross sections, which is predicted to be enhanced at backward angles.PACS: 25.30.Bf Elastic electron scattering – 13.40.Gp Electromagnetic form factorsForm Factor Polarization Transfer Electromagnetic Form Factor Finite Size Effect Transverse Polarization
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to check access.Unable to display preview.&P.G. Blunden1W. Melnitchouk2J.A. Tjon231.Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2 2.Jefferson Lab, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606USA3.Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD USAFull-text links:
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Implications of Yukawa Textures in the decay $H^+ \to W^+ γ$ within
the 2HDM-III
Abstract: We discuss the implications of assuming a four-zero Yukawa texture for the
charged Higgs decay $H^+ \to W^+ \gamma$ at one-loop level, within the context
of the general 2-Higgs Doublet Model of Type III. We begin by presenting a
detailed analysis of the charged Higgs boson couplings with heavy quarks and
the resulting effects on its decays. In particular, we present the possible
enhancement of the decay $H^+ \to W^+ \gamma$, whose branching ratio could be
of the order $\sim 10^{-1}$, for charged Higgs mass of the order 180 GeV. These
parameters can still avoid the $B \to X_s \gamma$ constraint and the
perturbativity bound. The production of charged Higgs bosons is also sensitive
to the modifications of its couplings, and we evaluate the events rates at the
LHC, including the `direct' $c\bar{b}\to H^++c. c.$ and `indirect' $q\bar q, gg
\to \bar t b H^++c. c.$ production channels. We get an event rate of order 60
(120) for `direct' (`indirect') production reaction, and including decay $H^+
\to W^+ \gamma $ in the final state, with an integrated luminosity of $10^5$
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
[hep-ph] for this version)
Submission history
From: Olga Guadalupe
Félix Beltrán Olga []
Fri, 12 Feb :29 GMT
[v2] Fri, 26 Feb :34 GMTTopological Combinatorics
See all >1 CitationSee all >31 References
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