
四首经典老歌,三首有中文翻译,均来自网络,挺折腾但是翻译得挺有意思。When I'm 64 - Beatles保罗麦卡特尼天才泉涌的表现,16岁便写了这首歌,因为英国法定退休年龄是65岁,所以他决定以64岁为名,列侬和他一起写了词。直到1967年才在《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》专辑中发行,因为那一年保罗的父亲64岁。歌词和旋律特轻松,特好玩。有意思的是,余光中先生一直是Beatles的粉丝,这首中文歌词便是他译的,后来Beatles 1969天台谢幕演唱会,余先生追忆题词“披发当风,鼓琴而歌”。When I'm 64 - The Beatles Rock Band Dreamscape http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjA2ODkyODYw.html
When I get older losing my hair  many years from now  will you still be sending me a valentine  birthday greeting, bottle of wine  If I'd been out till quarter to three  would you lock the door  Will you still need me  Will you still feed me  When I'm sixty-four  You'll be older too  And if you say the word  I could stay with you  I could be handy mending a fuse  when your light have gone  You can knit a sweater by the fireside  Sunday mornings, go for a ride  Doing the garden, digging the weeds  Who could ask for more  Will you still need me  Will you still feed me  When I'm sixty-four  Every summer we can rent a cottage on the   Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear  We shall scrimp and save  Grandchildren on your knee  Vera, Chuck, and Dave  Send me a postcard, drop me a line  stating point of view  indicate precisely what you mean to say  yours sincerely wasting away  Give me your answer fill in a form  mine forever more  Will you still need me  Will you still feed me  When I'm sixty-four余光中先生的翻译:当我老了,头发掉了,  好多好多年以后  你还会送我一张华伦丁,  生日卡片,酒一瓶?  三点差一刻要是还没回,  你可会把门锁好?  你还会需要我吗,还会餵饱我,  当我到六十四岁?  那时连你也老了,  只要你肯开金口,  我就愿跟你厮守。  我可以帮助,修保险丝,  当你的灯不亮时。  你可以在炉边织毛衣,  星期天早上兜风去。  整整花园,除除杂草,  要你做更多我也不会。  你还会需要我吗,还会餵饱我,  当我到六十四岁?  每年夏天我们会租间小屋,  在威特岛上,只要不太贵。  我们会省吃俭用,  看孙儿爬到你怀中,  小薇、小丑跟小呆。  寄一张明信片,写一句话,  告诉我有什麼感想,  把心里的话说个清楚,  签上名字,别再耽误。  就答应我了吧,填个表,  永永远远做我的宝贝。  你还会需要我吗,还会餵饱我,  当我到六十四岁?……………………………………………………Heros - David BowieDavid Bowie1977年在柏林墙边录制的作品,这首歌除了英语还有法语和德语的版本。创作时候的大多数灵感来自于LSD毒品的刺激,所以“We can be hero just for one day”也以理解为爽够一天就去屎(囧),歌词取材于意大利短篇小说《A grave for a dolphin》,讲的是二战时一个士兵和非洲女孩的故事。后来被无耻狮门拿去给《海豚湾》做了片尾曲,味道完全变了。david bowie--heroshttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjI1NTM2ODIw.htmlI, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day
And you, you can be mean
And I, I'll drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact
Yes we're lovers, and that is that
Though nothing, will keep us together
We could steal time, just for one day
We can be heroes, for ever and ever
What d'you say?
I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
Though nothing, nothing will keep us together
We can beat them, for ever and ever
Oh we can be heroes, just for one day
I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can be heroes, just for one day
We can be us, just for one day
I, I can remember (I remember)
Standing, by the wall (by the wall)
And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads)
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall (nothing could fall)
And the shame, was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Then we could be heroes, just for one day
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be heroes
We're nothing, and nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay
But we could be safer, just for one day……………………………………………………Sleeping Sun - NightwishNightwish最好的慢歌,殿堂级的古典金属教科书,据说为了纪念英军1692年在苏格兰的Glencoe大屠杀而写,描述凯尔特人心中永远的痛。当然是Tarja的版本时尚时尚最时尚!Nightwish - Sleeping Sunhttp://www.iqiyi.com/v_19rrmn6r7o.htmlThe sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest
For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my night
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime
I wish for this night-time
to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you
Sorrow has a human heart
From my god it will depart
I'd sail before a thousand moons
Never finding where to go
Two hundred twenty-two days of light
Will be desired by a night
A moment for the poet's play
Until there's nothing left to say
I wish for this night-time
to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you
I wish for this night-time
to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you有两个有意思的中文译版诗经版:The sun is sleeping quietlyOnce upon a century日兮日兮沉沦东海百年孤寂Wistful oceans calm and redArdent caresses laid to rest沧浪之水浴血奔歌环日而息For my dreams I hold my lifeFor wishes I behold my night彼云之梦穷尽吾生征途如夜漫漫多岐The truth at the end of timeLosing faith makes a crime时不逝兮真假不现无失吾念无加吾罪I wish for this night-timeto last for a lifetimeThe darkness around meShores of a solar sea愿待吾生此景长留黑暗有翼光岸若失Oh how I wish to go down with the sunSleepingWeepingWith you旸兮旸兮愿将从之与子同逝与子同泣Sorrow has a human heartFrom my god it will depart悲通心灵坚信吾念忧伤不至I'd sail before a thousand moonsNever finding where to go寻航千月上下求索无处可觅Two hundred twenty-two days of lightWill be desired by a night彼光之日为炬成灰无数永昼只为一夕A moment for the poet's playUntil there's nothing left to say壮兮美哉诗人传颂世人无语悄然沉醉I wish for this night-timeto last for a lifetimeThe darkness around meShores of a solar sea愿待吾生此景长留黑暗有翼光岸若失Oh how I wish to go down with the sunSleepingWeepingWith you旸兮旸兮誓将从之与子同逝与子同泣I wish for this night-timeto last for a lifetimeThe darkness around meShores of a solar sea愿待吾生此景长留黑暗有翼光岸若失Oh how I wish to go down with the sunSleepingWeepingWith you旸兮旸兮誓将从之与子同逝与子同泣五言版Sleeping Sun●吾愈沉沦●The sun is sleeping quietly日渐寂于渊Once upon a century弹指逾百年Wistful oceans calm and red日暮熔沧海Ardent caresses laid to rest漠漠洗铅华For my dreams I hold my life此生托迷梦For wishes I behold my night夙夜求慧眼The truth at the end of time时穷知乃现Losing faith makes a crime独惑一念间I wish for this night-time唯盼夜翼垂to last for a lifetime扶将终此生The darkness around me浓夜如毡裹Shores of a solar sea卷我日寂海Oh how I wish to go down with the sun愿为随日没Sleeping Weeping With you与子并孤枕Sorrow has a human heart断肠谁曾补From my god it will depart唯恐尽流年I'd sail before a thousand moons欲将逐明月Never finding where to go无尽穷所托Two hundred twenty-two days of light光明苦匆匆Will be desired by a night转瞬归长夜A moment for the poet's play少年负侠气Until there's nothing left to say已如梦黄粱I wish for this night-time唯盼夜恒驻to last for a lifetime此生绕璧间The darkness around me夜魇如毡裹Shores of a solar sea席我滨日崖Oh how I wish to go down with the sun誓愿随日没Sleeping WeepingWith you与子同衾眠……………………………………………………Shape of my heart - StingSting1993年的作品,以纸牌中的四种花色分别代指权力(梅花)、金钱(方片)、武力(黑桃),心(红桃)。"heart"一语双关,既指红桃,又指杀手孤独的内心。与吕克贝松的想法不谋而合,随着《Leon》风靡全球。Sting--Shape Of My Hearthttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQyOTk4NjUy.html下面又是严复风格的翻译:Shape of My Heart
吾心之形He deals the cards as a meditation
他玩纸牌 如深深冥想 And those he plays never suspect
他从不在游戏间徘徊迟疑 He doesn't play for the money he wins
他总是赢家 却漠视金钱 He doesn't play for respect
抑或 他人的尊崇 He deals the crads to find the answer
他玩纸牌 为寻觅答案 The sacred geometry of chance
那神秘几何中的偶然 The hidden law of a probable outcome
以及飘忽结局的背后 那隐匿之律 The numbers lead a dance
数字昂首领舞 翩然 I know that the spades are swords of a soldier
深知 黑桃如同士兵手握的利剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war
深知 梅花好似战争中轰鸣的枪炮 I know that diamonds mean money for this art
深知 这艺术般游戏里 方块就等于到手的钞票 But that's not the shape of my heart
却 皆非吾心之形 He may play the jack of diamonds
或许 他会出牌方块J He may lay the queen of spades
或许 他会下注黑桃皇后 He may conceal a king in his hand
亦或匿藏手中的王牌 While the memory of it fades
但这些记忆呵 终将褪色
I know that the spades are swords of a soldier
深知 黑桃如同士兵手握的利剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war
深知 梅花好似战争中轰鸣的枪炮 I know that diamonds mean money for this art
深知 这艺术般游戏里 方块就等于到手的钞票 But that's not the shape of my heart
却 皆非吾心之形 And if I told you that I loved you
若是我说 爱你 You'd maybe think there's something wrong
也许 你会些许困惑 I'm not a man of too many faces
我不是善变多面的男人 The mask I wear is one
我的面具 始终如一 Those who speak know nothing
那些多言而无知的人们啊 And find out to their cost
终将背负代价 Like those who curse their luck in too many places
如同 四处充斥的诅咒自己命运的人 And those who fear are lost
还有那些 深深恐惧 却难逃失落的人 I know that the spades are swords of a soldier
我深知 黑桃如同士兵手握的利剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war
我深知 梅花好似战争中轰鸣的枪炮 I know that diamonds mean money for this art
我深知 这艺术般游戏里 方块就等于到手的钞票 But that's not the shape of my heart
终究 皆非吾心之形
经典又好听的英文歌:《寂静之声》Hello darkness, my old friendI've come to talk with you againBecause a vision softly creepingLeft its seeds while I was sleepingAnd the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin the sound of silenceIn restless dreams I walked aloneNarrow streets of cobblestone'Neath the halo of a street lampI turned my collar to the cold and dampWhen my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon lightThat split the nightAnd touched the sound of silence
超燃励志英文歌:Dream It Possible,献给每一位努力奔跑的追梦人梦想需要时间打磨,需要饱经风雨历练,还可能经历迷茫、失望和黑暗,哪怕前方会有让你不知所措的坎坷,但只要勇往直前,就能冲破层层浓雾,让阳光穿透云层散发炙热光芒。相信自己、敢于挑战,追逐梦想。Dream It PossibleI will run, I will climb, I will soar我奔跑,我攀爬,我会飞翔I’m undefeated永不言败Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord欣喜若狂,拉动琴弦Yeah I believe it哦,我相信The past, is everything we were, don’t make us who we are往昔,逝去的光阴不会决定现在So I’ll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is stars所以我们梦想,直到变成真,看到满天星光It’s not until you fall that you fly不怕跌倒,所以飞翔When your dreams come alive you’re unstoppable当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽We will glow in the dark, turning dust to gold在黑暗中闪耀,点石成金And we’ll dream it possible我们会梦想成真I will chase, I will reach, I will fly我追逐,我奔驰,我要飞翔Until I’m breaking, until I’m breaking直到坠落,直到崩溃Out of my cage, like a bird in the night走出我的囚笼,像在黑夜里的莺I know I’m changing, I know I’m changing我知道我在变化,在蜕变In, into something big, better than before变成无比强大,从未有过And if it takes, takes a thousand lives如果需要牺牲,需要无数的生命Then it’s worth fighting for那值得去奋斗It’s not until you fall that you fly不怕跌倒,所以飞翔When your dreams come alive you’re unstoppable当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽We will glow in the dark, turning dust to gold在黑暗中闪耀,点石成金And we’ll dream it possible我们会梦想成真From the bottom to the top从山谷到巅峰We’re sparking wild fire’s我们正在迸发野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃,永不停止The rest of our lives点燃未来From the bottom to the top从山谷到巅峰We’re sparking wild fire’s我们正在迸发野火Never quit and never stop永不放弃,永不停止It’s not until you fall that you fly不怕跌倒,所以飞翔When your dreams come alive you’re unstoppable当你的梦想成真,你是不可阻挡Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美We will glow in the dark, turning dust to gold在黑暗中闪耀,点石成金And we’ll dream it possible, possible我们会梦想成真And we’ll dream it possible我们会梦想成真来源|本文素材来源于网络,版权归相关权利人所有,如有侵权,请联系删除! 温馨提示:在浏览“歌曲
超燃励志英文歌:Dream It Possible,献给每一位努力奔跑的追梦人”的时候,遇到了一点问题,该内容由用户上传,目前的状态为内容正在审核中。 对本文进行反馈,可以加快审核进度或“点击这里”前往其他网站查看。带你看艺考艺考信息时光机普通类招生计划2023年河北水利电力学院普通类招生计划2023/6/27上海大学2023年本科招生计划2023年陕西普通类招生计划,【院校资讯】重磅:上海大学2023年本科招生云宣讲陕西专场以及2023年招生计划来啦!,上海大学2023年本科招生计划普通类招生计划2023年陕西普通类招生计划2023/6/27普通类招生计划四川文化产业职业学院2023年高职专科招生计划表2023/6/27普通类招生计划黄河水利职业技术学院2023年省份专业招生计划分布图2023/6/27普通类招生计划陕西国防工业职业技术学院2023年高考招生计划总表2023/6/27普通类招生计划山东经贸职业学院2023年夏季分专业招生计划一览表2023/6/27普通类招生计划安徽艺术学院2023年秋季分省分专业招生计划2023/6/27普通类招生计划2023年苏州工业园区服务外包职业学院江苏省普高招生计划2023/6/27普通类招生计划福州软件职业技术学院2023年福建省普通高考分专业招生计划一览表2023/6/27普通类招生计划济南工程职业技术学院2023年山东省招生计划表2023/6/27普通类招生计划湖南科技职业学院2023年普招省外招生计划2023/6/27普通类招生计划山东医学高等专科学校2023年夏季高考各专业招生计划2023/6/27普通类招生计划山东医学高等专科学校2023年外省分省分专业招生计划表2023/6/27普通类招生计划上海工商外国语职业学院2023年秋季统一高考分省分专业招生计划表2023/6/27普通类招生计划毕节职业技术学院2023年高职招生计划2023/6/27普通类招生计划北京工业职业技术学院2023年普通高考专科招生计划(专科)2023/6/27普通类招生计划湖南铁路科技职业技术学院2023年普通高考招生分省分专业计划2023/6/27普通类招生计划宣化科技职业学院2023年河北省分专业招生计划2023/6/27普通类招生计划保定学院2023年招生计划2023/6/27普通类招生计划齐齐哈尔大学2023年黑龙江省招生计划查询目录2023/6/27没有更多了?去看看其它艺考内容吧


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