the lottery中文翻译是什么电影?

最为人熟知的那篇雪莉杰克逊的短篇小说。 文章隐喻的故事。故事设定在一个较高的村,保留了古老的传统。每一年,族长会牺牲选出一个黑盒子码。牺牲被压死了,所有其他的村民还活着。 你问这个问题的核心是,这种新颖的。为什么每个人都希望用石头砸赢得它?为了崇拜。仪式本身是一个很老的,过时的传统。村民自己估计不知道你为什么要保持这样的传统,只是被动地重复一个机械化程序中的死亡,甚至视而不见。这本小说要具有讽刺意味无知的人类墨守着陈腐的旧事。
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[美剧] 生命的选择/The Lottery 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版剧本 台词 字幕 笔记 中英文对照 纯英文 学英语 文本 PDF 文档 电子版 纸质版这是一部充满未来主义和阴谋论的悬疑剧集,故事发生在一个虚构的乌托邦世界中。2025年,全球突现生育危机,女人们因为某种神秘的原因再也无法怀孕,人类即将彻底灭绝。在经过多年的努力研究之后,科学家Alison Lennon博士(Marley Shelton)及其团队成功让100个胚胎受精。成功的喜悦只持续了很短的时间,Alison的实验室被闻讯赶来的「美国生育管理委员会」主任Darius Hayes([展开全文]
这是一部充满未来主义和阴谋论的悬疑剧集,故事发生在一个虚构的乌托邦世界中。2025年,全球突现生育危机,女人们因为某种神秘的原因再也无法怀孕,人类即将彻底灭绝。在经过多年的努力研究之后,科学家Alison Lennon博士(Marley Shelton)及其团队成功让100个胚胎受精。成功的喜悦只持续了很短的时间,Alison的实验室被闻讯赶来的「美国生育管理委员会」主任Darius Hayes(Martin Donovan)控制。他以政府的名义封锁了消息、接管了Alison的研究成果并将这一重大科学突破直接汇报给总统Thomas Westwood(Yul Vasquez)。为了确定哪些女人适合植入这些珍贵的胚胎成为「代孕母亲」,白宫办公厅主任Vanessa Keller(Athena Karkanis)劝说总统举行一场全国「摸奖」行动,一场控制这100个胚胎的战争悄然打响。随着这一科学突破的真相逐渐浮出水面,矛盾冲突、黑暗秘密和看不见的黑手也逐渐显露端倪。无论政府还是强权势力,他们都觊觎一样当代人最羡慕的东西——组建一个家庭的权利。该剧由2006年电影《人类之子》(Children Of Men)的编剧Timothy J. Sexton创作并兼任执行制片人,两个项目的风格、题材其实差不多。但在本剧中,至少孩子还存在(地球上最年轻的孩子为6岁,因此不再需要婴儿车、尿布、幼儿园……这些东西),人类的希望还没有彻底破灭。人们虽然感到恐惧、愤怒、彷徨,但他们会尽力去过正常的生活。Sexton表示,这部剧集本质上有两个「剧情推动引擎」——一方面它是医学惊悚剧,这方面的故事侧重于「究竟发生了什么?我们是否能逆转它?」另一方面它是政治惊悚剧,这方面的故事侧重于「我们该如何处理这些受精胚胎?谁有资格当上帝?」Darius Hayes控制实验室后建议Westwood总统全面封锁消息,不让这个人类历史上最大的秘密遭到泄露,但比Hayes更狡猾、更有政治野心的白宫办公厅主任Vanessa Keller却提出一个「全国海选代孕母亲」的方案——她声称这样做会大幅提升Westwood总统的形象,他的民众支持率会因此显著上升。每个人都有自己的计划,但这必须建立在一个基础上:这些受精胚胎真的能诞生人类的下一代吗?Alison反复提醒这些政客:嘿,我并不能重复这次试验的结果,而且我也不能确定这些精胚植入人体后一定能产生新的生命!不过当「摸奖」的消息公布之后,美国的女人们还是欢欣鼓舞,跃跃欲试。世界上其他国家显然对此不大高兴——他们担心美国能够控制地球的未来。国际关系变得非常紧张,每个国家都希望分享至少一个精胚及制造它们的生物技术,当美国拒绝答应时,第三次世界大战可能因此爆发。与此同时,美国政府对另一群人产生了强烈的兴趣——最后六名通过母体正常出生的「特殊孩子」。他们希望通过研究这些孩子的基因来寻找线索。当这些孩子的父母不愿主动配合美国政府时,美国政府决定采取「强制措施」,他们从单身父亲Kyle手中抢走了他心爱的儿子Elvis(Jesse Filkow)——尽管Elvis患有糖尿病。Kyle是个酒鬼,在很大程度上依靠「卖性」为生。他的孩子是地球上最后一个正常出生的孩子,因此许多女性的医生建议她们与Kyle发生性关系,说不定他能让她们怀孕。当Kyle带着儿子逃离政府的控制之后,Alison必须尽快找到他们。对生育科学家来说,Kyle的精液非常宝贵,是重要的研究资源。现在的问题是,Kyle和Alison完全是两个世界的人,Kyle完全凭直接办事,为了保护儿子愿意做任何事;而Alison过于诉诸理性,从来不讲感情。用Timothy J. Sexton的话来说,该剧的主要元素为:「人权」、「控制自己的身体」、「管控一切的政府」、「科学的前景」、「怀孕」和「进化」。这些都是当下的热点话题。Marley Sheldon扮演该剧的主人公Alison Lennon医生,一位聪明绝顶的生育专家,她获得一项重大科学突破——当全球所有女人都无法怀孕的时候,她成功培育出100个受精胚胎。她认为自己找到了挽救人类的方法,却没有料到自己卷入一场生死危局。Michael Graziadei扮演正在戒酒的酒鬼、单身父亲Kyle,他的孩子是这个国家最后一个通过母体出生的正常婴儿,但那也已是六年前的事情了。Lesley-Ann Brandt扮演渴望得到孩子的美国士兵Casey,她决定参加海选行动,抓住一切机会当上母亲。Louise Lombard扮演曾经自由奔放的艺术家Tori,现在是华盛顿的著名作家,也是政坛的实权人物。她的话对当前的舆论有很强的导向作用,甚至能直接影响总统。David Alpay扮演Alison Lennon的同事、实验室助理James,他不顾Alison的反对决定和政府合作。Martin Donovan扮演「美国生育管理委员会」主任Darius Hayes,一个老谋深算的政客。他总认为自己是在做大善事,而他为了达到目的愿意使用任何手段。Salli Richardson-Whitfield扮演美国第一夫人Gabrielle,拼命想要让自己怀上一个孩子。【剧本】:_ Five years and counting and still remaining that tragic mystery.=>五年之后,仍然保持着这个不幸的神秘。 Why have women stop having babies? _ All may be contributing factors.=> 为什么女人不要再生孩子?所有这些都可能是促成因素。 _ Maybe infertility isn't caused by the disease.=> 也许不孕症不是由疾病引起的。 Maybe infertility is the disease.=> 也许不孕症是这种疾病。 _ _ _ Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.=> 女士们,先生们,美国总统。 My fellow Americans, we have endured a period of hopelessness without parallel in human history.=> 我的美国同胞们,我们在人类历史上经历了一段无望的时期。 The Global Fertility Crisis has devastated our most fundamental dreams.=> 全球生育危机已经破坏了我们最根本的梦想。 Our maternity wards here and around the world are now empty.=> 我们这里和世界各地的产房现在都是空的。 We've spent these last five years searching for causes and solutions, while living with the possibility of human extinction.=> 过去五年来,我们一直在寻找原因和解决方案,同时也面临着人类灭绝的可能性。 Our efforts to solve this mystery have been relentless and comprehensive And unsuccessful.=> 我们解决这个谜团的努力是无情,全面和不成功的。 Until today.=> 直到今天。 This is the first step on our journey to restore our future The future of all humanity.=> 这是我们恢复未来旅程的第一步,是全人类的未来。 There are still many hurdles ahead, but let us stop and appreciate this moment.=> 前面还有很多障碍,但让我们停下来欣赏这一刻。 Let this be a night we will never forget.=> 让这是一个我们永远不会忘记的夜晚。 _ _ Buy you a drink? No, thanks.=> _买你一杯吗?不用了,谢谢。 The bar bed is open.=> 酒吧的床是开放的。 They've got a good one.=> 他们有一个好的。 I don't do bar beds.=> 我不会做酒吧床。 You know, I fathered a daughter nine years ago.=> 你知道,我九年前生了一个女儿。 I have her picture.=> 我有她的照片。 I'm sorry.=> 对不起。 It's a pass.=> 这是一个通行证。 I'd like a dirty Martini.=> 我想要一个肮脏的马提尼酒。 It's last call.=> 这是最后一个电话。 Then you better hurry.=> 那你最好快点。 How's your night? I don't know yet.=> 你的晚上过得怎么样?我还不知道。
Just started.=>
刚刚开始。 You know everything's closing, right? Sometimes you just want to skip to the end of the movie and get to the good part.=> 你知道一切都结束了吧?有时候,你只是想跳到电影的最后部分。 Put it on my tab.=> 把它放在我的标签上。 You said you like it dirty.=> 你说你喜欢脏。 I was very clear about that.=> 我对此非常清楚。 My name is Bryan.=> 我叫Bryan Bryan.=> 布莱恩。 I thought your name was Gregor.=> 我以为你的名字是格雷戈尔。 No.=> 没有。 That's Gregor.=> 这是格雷戈尔。 Thanks, Gregor.=> 谢谢,格雷戈尔。 I'm really surprised how this turned out.=> 我真的很惊讶,这是怎么发生的。 Yeah.=> 是啊。 Me too.=> 我也是。 I mean, I don't usually get picked up by women.=> 我的意思是,我通常不会被女性接受。 Women look for the wrong things.=> 女人寻找错误的东西。 I happen to like your premature hair loss.=> 我碰巧喜欢你过早脱发。 It indicates a high level of testosterone.=> 这表明睾丸激素水平很高。 And your features show Somalian blood.=> 你的特征显示索马里人的血液。 Somalia used to have the highest fertility rate in the world.=> 索马里曾经是世界上生育率最高的国家。 Wait, how did how did you know I had Somalian blood? Lucky guess.=> 等等,你怎么知道我有索马里人的血?幸运的猜测。 No, you knew.=> 不,你知道。 How'd you know? Room's paid for.=> 你怎么知道的?房间付了钱。 Enjoy it.=> 好好享受。 _ Ow! Say, Elvis, is somebody picking on you at school? - No.=> _噢!说,猫王,在学校里有人在捡你吗? - 没有 - Well, what, then? Everybody is bigger than me.=>
- 那么,那么呢?每个人都比我大。 They're older than you, but you're gonna catch up.=> 他们比你年长,但你会赶上。 I get scared.=> 我害怕。 And the mask helps? Look, Elvis, if it were up to me, I'd let you wear it, but your school's got a no-superhero policy.=> 面具有帮助吗?看,猫王,如果这是我的,我会让你穿的,但你的学校有一个没有超级英雄的政策。 Why? Probably because they don't want the kids to have more power than the teachers.=> 为什么?可能是因为他们不希望孩子比老师拥有更多的权力。 Do you ever get scared? Yeah.=> 你有没有害怕?是啊。 That's normal.=> 这很正常。 Blood sugar's low, Superman.=> 血糖低,超人。 Go grab a juice.=> 去抢一个果汁。 Can I sit in the front seat? No.=> 我可以坐在前座吗?没有。 That's the last time, okay? Come on.=> 那是最后一次了,好吗?来吧。 Morning, Elvis.=> 早上,猫王。 - Is that her? - Yeah.=>
- 是她吗? - 是的。 Yeah? Hey, don't forget you have after care today, right? Why? Well, because I got a job outside the city.=> 是吗?嘿,今天不要忘记你有后顾之忧吧?为什么?那么,因为我在城外找了份工作。 I'll take you for a burger tonight? Big Shot Bob's? Big Shot Bob's, yes.=> 我今晚会带你去吃汉堡? Big Shot Bob's?大人物鲍勃的,是的。 Hey, you're Jaden's mom.=> 嘿,你是贾登的妈妈。 I'm Molly.=> 我是莫莉 It's Kyle, right? Right, yeah.=> 这是凯尔,对吗?对,是的。 Elvis tells me you comb his hair.=> 猫王告诉我你梳头。 Elvis is such a lovely boy.=> 猫王是如此可爱的男孩。 He doesn't like getting his hair combed.=> 他不喜欢梳头发。 Oh.=> 哦。 He didn't say anything.=> 他什么也没说。 Well, that's 'cause he's 6 years old.=> 那是因为他六岁。 I'm sorry.=> 对不起。 Kyle, no one means any harm.=> 凯尔,没有人意味着任何伤害。 We know his mother's gone, and it can't be easy being a single dad.=> 我们知道他妈妈已经不在了,单身爸爸也不容易。 I mean, he's one of the Last Six.=> 我的意思是,他是过去六年之一。 He means so much to us.=> 他对我们意义重大。 We're happy to help with Elvis Watch him, feed him, anything.=> 我们很乐意帮助猫王观看他,喂他什么。 Yeah.=> 是啊。 Look, Molly.=> 瞧,莫莉。 He's not a pet, he's a kid, and he just wants to be normal, so leave him alone.=> 他不是一个宠物,他是一个孩子,他只是想正常,所以留下他一个人。 _ _ _ Sounds good.=> _ _ _ 听起来不错。 This is Vanessa.=> 这是Vanessa。 What? So he's at the hospital, not the police station? Okay, I-I'll be there as soon as I can.=> 什么?所以他在医院,而不是派出所?好的,我 - 我会尽快到达那里的。 Officer: Stay back! Protest's over.=> 主任:退后!抗议结束了。 We have a constitutional right! They can't take my eggs without my permission! I'm tired of the government treating me like an animal! Ma'am, stop moving forward Go to hell! And put your hands above your head.=> 我们有宪法权利!他们不能拿我的鸡蛋没有我的许可!我厌倦了政府像对待动物一样对待我!女士,停止前进去地狱!把你的手放在头上。 Hey! Hey! This is a legal assembly.=> 嘿!嘿!这是一个法律程序集。 These people have Okay, you know what? Gun! No! It's a badge.=> 这些人有好的,你知道吗?枪!没有!这是一个徽章。 It's a badge.=> 这是一个徽章。 I work for the White House.=> 我为白宫工作。 I'm the Chief of Staff.=> 我是参谋长。 Sorry about that.=> 对于那个很抱歉。 Dr.=> 博士 Freeman, call extension 2235.=> Freeman,电话分机2235。 Dr.=> 博士 Freeman, please call extension 2235.=> 弗里曼,请拨打分机2235。 Officer Lopez.=> 洛佩兹军官 I'm Vanessa Keller.=> 我是Vanessa Keller。 Hi.=> 你好。 Nice to meet you.=> 很高兴见到你。 Sorry about all of this.=> 对不起,这一切。 It's not your fault, believe me.=> 这不是你的错,相信我。 He got aggressive when I tried to take him in, so I had to get aggressive back.=> 当我试图接近他时,他变得凶悍,所以我不得不采取积极的态度。 Doctor said he's okay, just needed some stitches.=> 医生说他没事,只需要缝一些针。 Just so you know, I have a friend at BPD.=> 就你所知,我在BPD有一个朋友。 He called me and told me what happened.=> 他打电话给我,告诉我发生了什么事。 Right.=> 对。 How long have you been on the job? - Five years.=> 你从事这项工作多久了? - 5年。 - It's great training.=>
- 这是很好的训练。 In fact, a good friend of mine is with the FBI, assistant director.=> 实际上,我的一个好朋友是联邦调查局副局长。 - He started as a cop.=>
- 他从警察开始 - Oh, really? I actually applied to the FBI last month.=> - 真的吗?我上个月实际上是申请了联邦调查局的。 Oh.=> 哦。 Well, if there's anything I can do to help.=> 那么,如果有什么我可以帮助的。 Counterfeit fertility drugs? Really? Do you have any idea I didn't know that they were fake.=> 假冒生育药物?真?你有什么想法,我不知道他们是假的。 Shut up, Nick.=> 闭嘴,尼克 Just shut your damn mouth and stop lying for once.=> 闭上你该死的嘴巴,不要再说谎了。 Look, V.=> 看,五, the real pills, they weren't working, either, so what the hell's the difference? You are exploiting desperate women.=>,真正的药丸,他们也没有工作,所以这到底是什么区别?你正在剥削绝望的女人。 Selling lies.=> 卖谎言。 What's so horrible about that? You don't stop, do you? For 50 bucks, those women, they went home feeling better about themselves.=>有什么可怕的呢?你不停,是吗?对于那些50美元的女性,他们回家后感觉更好。 Like they had a chance at winning something big, hitting the jackpot.=> 就像他们有机会赢得大奖,赢得大奖。 That's all an Average Joe wants A chance at something great.=> 这是一个普通的乔想要一个伟大的机会。 This is a fertility crime.=> 这是一个生育犯罪。 Do you know what could have happened to you? Could have? Ah, so that means that, uh Yes, he is not filing charges, but this is the last time, Nick.=> 你知道可能发生在你身上吗?可以有吗?啊,那就是说,呃是的,他没有提出指控,但这是尼克的最后一次。 I'm not doing this for you anymore.=> 我不再为你做这个了。 Do this for me? Let's be real, V.=> 为我做这个?让我们成为现实吧 You did this for you.=> 你为你做了这个。 I mean, Chief of Staff's brother doing time? That's bad for business.=> 我的意思是,参谋长的哥哥在做时间?这对业务不利 Might tarnish that blue-collar, rags-to-riches image you work so hard to cultivate.=> 可能会玷污你的蓝领,破坏财富的形象,你很难培养。 I'm Kyle.=> 我是凯尔。 Dr.=> 博士 Sue referred me.=> 苏指我。 Great.=> 大。 I just started ovulating.=> 我刚刚开始排卵。 What about the antral follicle counts? Normal levels, and there's no indication of the typical disease patterns.=> 怎么样的窦卵泡计数?正常水平,没有典型的疾病模式的迹象。 Rachael, you might want to record this.=> 瑞秋,你可能想记录下这个。 Behold The first viable human embryo In six years.=> 看看第一个可行的人类胚胎六年。 - Holy shit.=>
- 圣洁的狗屎 - Yeah.=>
- 是的。 We did it.=> 我们做到了。 We need to go through the storage protocol.=> 我们需要通过存储协议。 The environment has to be perfect.=> 环境必须完美。 Dr.=> 博士 Lennon? Mr.=> 列侬?先生。 Hayes? I wasn't told you were coming.=> 海耶斯?我没有被告知你会来。 I came to see a miracle.=> 我来看到一个奇迹。 Each vial contains one viable human embryo.=> 每个小瓶包含一个可行的人类胚胎。 How many eggs have you fertilized? That's unbelievable.=> 你有多少个卵子受精?简直不可思议。 Remarkable.=> 卓越。 Every other lab in the world has failed.=> 世界上其他的实验室都失败了。 How did you do it? We lowered the PH and dropped the oxygen to a hypoxic level.=> 你是怎么做到的?我们降低了PH值,并将氧气降到了低氧水平。 In essence, we've re-created the environment of healthy, pre-crisis uterus.=> 本质上,我们重新创造了健康的危机前的子宫环境。 But it only worked on these eggs? So far.=> 但它只对这些鸡蛋有效?至今。 Is there anything special about this particular batch? Not that I know of.=> 这个批次有什么特别的吗?从来没听说过。 Can you fertilize more? I have no idea.=> 你能多施肥吗?我不知道。 We need to do more tests and find surrogates.=> 我们需要做更多的测试并找到替代品。 That won't be necessary, Dr.=> 这不是必要的,博士 Lennon.=> 列侬。 Excuse me? I appreciate your diligence, but we'll be taking the lead from this point going forward.=> 打扰一下?我感谢你们的勤奋,但是我们将会从这一点起领先。 Oh, what do you mean? This is my lab.=> 哦,你是什么意思?这是我的实验室。 This lab is financed by the United States government.=> 这个实验室是由美国政府资助的。 Yes, but this is my A new team of scientists will be here within the hour.=> 是的,但这是我的一个新的科学家小组将在一小时内到达。 I-I don't have time for them.=> 我 - 我没有时间给他们。 I've been working on this project for five years.=> 我一直在做这个项目五年。 I'm not gonna turn over to a new team I've never met.=> 我不会转到一个我从未见过的新队伍。 You make a good point, Dr.=> 你说得好,博士 Lennon.=> 列侬。 I appreciate your honesty.=> 我感谢你的诚实。 You have six new voice messages.=> 你有六个新的语音信息。 Hey, dad.=> 嘿老爸。 I'm kinda sick.=> 我有点不舒服 Will you come and get me? Message sent at 11:06 A.=> 你会来接我吗?在11:06发送的消息M.=>M. Shit.=> 拉屎。 Elvis?! Doors close at 3:15.=> 埃尔维斯?门在3:15关闭。 I know, man.=> 我知道,男人。 Look, I got held up in traffic.=> 看,我被阻止在交通。 My my son's inside.=> 我的儿子在里面 - Is that Mr.=>
- 是那个先生吗? Walker? - Yeah.=> 沃克? - 是的。 Let him in.=> 让他进来 Thank you.=> 谢谢。 I just want what's right for Elvis.=> 我只是想为猫王做点什么。 Mr.=> 先生。 Walker, we're from the department of humanity.=> 沃克,我们来自人类部门。 Look, I-I had a job, and it was in the mountains, a-and I didn't have any reception.=> 看,我 - 我有一份工作,那是在山上,一个 - 我没有任何接待。 - This has never happened before.=>
- 这从来没有发生过。 - Noted.=>
- 注意到。 Now can I see him, please? We need to update the file before your son can be released.=> 现在我可以看看他吗?我们需要在您的儿子被释放之前更新文件。 I'm sorry.=> 对不起。 Released? I-is Elvis okay? A mild stomach virus Vomiting, headache That sort thing.=> 发布?我是埃尔维斯好吗?轻微的胃病毒呕吐,头痛那种事情。 You mean he has the flu? It seems so.=> 你的意思是他有流感?看起来如此。 It's going around.=> 它正在四处走动。 - Man, he scared me the crap out of me.=>
- 伙计,他把我吓坏了。 - When they couldn't reach you, called us.=>
- 当他们无法联系到你时,打电话给我们。 We just want to take this opportunity to update your file.=> 我们只是想借此机会更新您的文件。 Yeah, all right.=> 是的,好的。 Are you still making a living as computer technician? Yeah.=> 你还以电脑技术人员的身份谋生吗?是啊。 And you are still raising Elvis alone? His mother left five years ago.=> 你还在养猫王?他的母亲五年前离开了。 Any communication with her? She's a drug addict.=> 与她的任何沟通?她是一个吸毒者。 I have no idea if she's even still alive.=> 我不知道她是否还活着。 When was the last time you took a drink? How do you know this? When the state collected your sperm for research, they took a blood sample.=> 你最后一次喝酒是什么时候?你怎么会知道这事?当国家收集你的精子进行研究时,他们采取了血液样本。 It's in the file.=> 它在文件中。 I've been sober for four years.=> 我已经四年清醒了。 Where is Elvis? He fine.=> 猫王在哪里?他很好。 He's being evaluated.=> 他正在评估。 I-I know that you guys are just trying to do your jobs here, but you don't know Elvis.=> 我 - 我知道你们只是想在这里做你的工作,但你不知道猫王。 He has these episodes where he gets scared, and he feels really alone, and I'm the only one at can get him through that.=> 他有这些情节,他感到害怕,他感到真的孤单,我是唯一可以让他通过这个。 No, no, that's not what I'm saying.=> 不,不,我不是这么说的。 I'm saying that he needs to be with his father.=> 我说他需要和他的父亲在一起。 Mr.=> 先生。 Walker, there are only six 6-year-olds inhe country.=> 沃克,全国只有六个六岁的孩子。 I'm sure you can understand the state's compelli intest in Elvis's health and well-being.=> 我相信你能理解国家对猫王健康和福祉的强烈信心。 I take good care of my son.=> 我照顾好我的儿子 Are you aware of the child safety belt laws? You got to be kidding me.=> 你是否知道儿童安全带的法律?你一定是在开玩笑吧。 A child must be 8 years old and over 60 pounds to ride in the front passenger seat.=> 一名小孩必须年满8岁,体重超过60磅才能乘坐前排乘客座位。 Were you aware of the law? I think we're done with these questions.=> 你是否知道这个法律?我想我们已经完成了这些问题。 - Mr.=> - 先生。 Walker, we'd like to update - You tell me where my son is! Dr.=> 沃克,我们想更新 - 你告诉我,我的儿子在哪里!博士 Lennon? Please have a seat.=> 列侬?请坐。 Do you recall the conditions of your confidentiality agreement? Uh, pretty standard.=> 你记得你的保密协议的条件?呃,相当标准。 Except for the penalties for breaching this agreement.=> 除违反本协议的处罚外。 They are not standard at all.=> 他们不是标准的。 They are quite extraordiny.=> 他们非常特别。 I recommend you re-read it.=> 我建议你重新阅读。 Now, I will need your access key to the lab and computer passwords.=> 现在,我将需要您访问实验室和计算机密码的密钥。 Sir? The transition team will help you move any personal belongings.=> 先生?过渡团队将帮助您移动任何个人物品。 We will need you to clear the premises within the hour.=> 我们将需要您在一小时内清除房屋。 W-we're not finished.=> 我们没有完成。 As you may be consulted in the future, you will continue to receive your full salary.=> 因为将来可能会咨询您,您将继续获得全额工资。 You can't do this.=> 你不能这样做。 The decision has been made.=> 做出了这个决定。 Dr.=> 博士 - Allison! - James.=> - 阿利森! - 詹姆士。 I pulled a list of women who donated the viable eggs.=> 我列出了捐赠活鸡蛋的女性名单。 I'm gonna find out who the sperm donors were.=> 我要找出谁是精子捐赠者。 Al, I just need to talk to you for a second.=> 艾尔,我只需要和你谈谈一下。 They asked me to stay on.=> 他们要我留下来。 And you said yes.=> 你说是的。 Al.=> 人。 I mean, come on.=> 我是说,来吧。 This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.=> 这是一个千载难逢的机会。 I dedicated my career to this, too, all right? I just want to see it through to the end.=> 我也奉献了我的事业,好吗?我只是想看看它到底。 Yeah, you mean be a lapdog for the bureaucrats.=> 是的,你的意思是为官僚做一个小狗。 Look, if you want me to, I'll talk to Darius, I'll see if maybe he can Look at you Already on a first-name basis with the director of the Fertility Commission.=> 瞧,如果你要我,我会和大流士谈谈,我会看看他是否可以看到你已经在生育委员会的主任的名字的基础上。 It sucks that you got fired.=> 这很糟糕,你被解雇了。 I get it.=> 我知道了。 But you can't expect me to fall on my sword.=> 但是你不能指望我落在我的剑上。 - My sword.=>
- 我的剑 - It's my sword, James.=>
- 这是我的剑,詹姆斯。 That's why you got fired, Al.=> 这就是为什么你被解雇了,艾尔。 You don't know how to play well with others.=> 你不知道如何与别人打好。 A Scientist is supposed to think for himself, not play well with others.=> 科学家应该为自己着想,而不是和别人玩好。 That's your specialty, and by the way It's a turn-off.=> 这是你的专长,顺便说一下,这是一个关闭。 You want to know what's a turn Hey! You want to know what's a turn-off? My boss using confidential sperm donor lists to find sexual partners.=> 你想知道什么是转机嘿!你想知道什么是关闭?我的老板使用保密的精子捐献名单来寻找性伴侣。 And no, I didn't tell them.=> 不,我没有告诉他们。 Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.=> 不要伤害你的手臂拍拍自己的背部。 Wow.=> 哇。 That's quite a statement.=> 这是一个相当的声明。 You said I had two minutes to get over here.=> 你说我有两分钟的时间过来。 You look ridiculous.=> 你看起来很可笑 So, what's this urgent meeting? Fertility breakthrough That's all I know.=> 那么这次紧急会议是什么?生育率突破这就是我所知道的。 Are you certain about this? I was there, sir.=> 你确定吗?先生,我在那里。 I saw it with my own eyes.=> 我亲眼看到了它。 This is amazing.=> 这真太了不起了。 This is what we've been waiting for.=> 这是我们一直在等待的。 The next step, Mr.=> 先生,下一步,先生 President, is to officially engage the army to oversee the operation.=> 总统,就是要正式搞军队来监督这个行动。 We'll use military hospitals and doctors and female soldiers as surrogates.=> 我们会用军事医院和医生和女兵作为代理。 We need to control the entire process and ensure complete secrecy.=> 我们需要控制整个过程,并确保完全保密。 Deputy secretary? Sounds like a reasonable strategy, sir.=> 副书记?听起来像是一个合理的策略,先生。 Given the state of international affairs, the less our global partners know about our success, the better.=> 鉴于国际事务的状况,全球合作伙伴对我们成功的了解越少越好。 Vanessa, what do you think? I think we do the exact opposite.=> 瓦妮莎,你觉得呢?我想我们做的是完全相反的。 What do you mean? Keeping this a secret is a mistake.=> 你什么意思?保持这个秘密是一个错误。 Let's shout our success from the rooftops.=> 让我们从屋顶呼喊我们的成功。 To publicize this discovery would be reckless.=> 宣传这一发现将是鲁莽的。 Sir, we don't have the luxury of being discreet.=> 主席先生,我们并不奢求谨慎。 We're on the verge of getting blown out.=> 我们正处于被炸死的边缘。 What are you talking about? The opposition is gaining momentum.=> 你在说什么?反对派势头正在增加。 They have the votes for a recall, and they will win.=> 他们有回票的选票,他们会赢。 If we want to stay in office, we need to announce a game-changing event, which means letting the people enjoy this victory.=> 如果我们想留在办公室,我们需要宣布一个改变游戏的事件,这意味着让人们享受这个胜利。 Victory? We don't even know if it's going to work yet.=> 胜利?我们甚至不知道它是否会工作。 You really want to sell the American people a lie? I want to sell hope.=> 你真的想卖美国人的谎言吗?我想卖希望。 That's what this country needs right now.=> 这就是这个国家现在需要的。 Look at what's going on out there The protests, the anger.=> 看看那里发生了什么抗议,愤怒。 You saw what happened in Austin last week.=> 你看到上周奥斯汀发生了什么事。 Like it or not, we are at the tipping point.=> 喜欢与否,我们正处于临界点。 These embryos could be our Moon Landing A triumph of science, but also a triumph of the American spirit.=> 这些胚胎可能是我们的月球登陆科学的胜利,也是美国精神的胜利。 One giant leap for mankind.=> 人类的巨大飞跃。 What do you suggest? What's the best way of moving forward? A lottery.=> 你有什么建议?前进的最佳方式是什么?彩票。 A lottery? Mr.=> 彩票?先生。 President, we need a serious plan.=> 总统,我们需要一个认真的计划。 I want to hear this.=> 我想听听这个。 Keep talking.=> 一直在说话。 Let's share the victory with the nation.=> 让我们分享与国家的胜利。 Let every woman out there feel like she has a chance to hit the jackpot.=> 让每个外面的女人都觉得自己有机会中了大奖。 That's all the Average Joe wants, right? A shot at something great? So, this is our Moon Landing? Who is our Neil Armstrong? _ Hi.=> 这就是一般的乔想要的,对吧?一个伟大的东西开枪?那么,这是我们的月球着陆?我们的尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是谁? _嗨。 I'm Allison Lennon.=> 我是Allison Lennon。 I work with the Fertility Commission.=> 我和生育委员会一起工作。 Your facility sent 100 eggs to our lab.=> 您的工厂向我们的实验室发送了100个蛋。 We've sent thousands of eggs in the last few years.=> 我们在过去的几年中发送了数千个鸡蛋。 You sent them on April I need an access code.=> 您在四月份发送了我需要的密码。 If you make me go back to my office to create an official request, I will request every single donor profile of every egg ever stored here.=> 如果你让我回到我的办公室来创建一个正式的请求,我会要求每一个捐赠者的个人资料存储在这里的每一个鸡蛋。 Transfer the list.=> 转移列表。 This program was created by morons.=> 这个程序是由白痴创建的。 There's all kinds of bugs.=> 有各种各样的错误。 I need those names.=> 我需要这些名字。 There's 100 donors under 100 separate files.=> 100个独立文件下有100个捐助者。 It'll take forever.=> 这将需要永远。 Send me one single file.=> 给我发一个单一的文件。 One donor.=> 一位捐助者 Brooke Ashton.=> 布鲁克·阿什顿。 Send me her file.=> 给我发送她的文件。 I don't know how to send files.=> 我不知道如何发送文件。 Is there an address? - Is there another way out of here? - Through there.=> 有地址吗? - 有没有另一种出路? - 通过那里。 Oh, I figured it out.=> 哦,我知道了。 It was easy.=> 很容易。 You dismissed the Scientist who fertilized the egg? She was a security risk.=> 你解雇了受精卵的科学家?她是一个安全风险。 So what? She's a public-relations gold mine.=> 所以呢?她是公共关系的金矿。 Always thinking about the next move.=> 总是想着下一步的行动。 Isn't that what you taught me? That's all you.=> 这不是你教我的吗?这就是你。 I didn't teach you to manipulate.=> 我没有教你操纵。 - I saved his job.=> 我救了他的工作 - Bullshit.=>
- 废话。 The opposition doesn't have the votes for a recall.=> 反对派不具备召回的票数。 Look, Vanessa, I know you're thinking about making a run one day and looking for a defining moment.=> 瞧,Vanessa,我知道你有一天想跑步,寻找一个决定性的时刻。 You think this is it.=> 你认为这是它。 Well, you're wrong.=> 那么你错了。 The lottery is a mistake.=> 彩票是一个错误。 You heard the President.=> 你听过总统。 We're moving forward With or without your blessing.=> 我们正在前进有或没有你的祝福。 Are you on board? Yes or no? Can I help you? Brooke Ashton? The clinic opened when I was a sophomore.=> 你在船上吗?是或否?我能帮你吗?布鲁克·阿什顿?我大二时开了诊所。 They had notes on the dorms.=> 他们在宿舍里有笔记。 I was desperate for cash.=> 我非常渴望现金。 Considered stripping.=> 考虑剥离。 Had the body for it, but turns out, you can get a lot more for your eggs than for your boobs.=> 有了它的身体,但事实证明,你可以得到更多的鸡蛋比你的胸部。 Did you undergo any special treatments, any special vitamins or drugs? Not that I know of.=> 你接受过任何特殊的治疗,有没有特殊的维生素或药物?从来没听说过。 We're not exactly sure why it worked.=>我们不完全确定它为什么起作用。 You fertilized human eggs? Yes.=> 你受精卵?是。 Yours was one of them.=> 你的就是其中之一。 Wait.=> 等待。 M-my eggs were fertilized? One of them.=> 我的鸡蛋受精了吗?其中之一。 Oh, my God.=> 哦,我的上帝。 Oh, my God.=> 哦,我的上帝。 I'm thi this is the most incredible news.=> 我是这是最令人难以置信的消息。 I-I don't I don't even know what to say.=> 我 - 我不知道该说什么。 Uh I knew it.=> 呃我知道 What do you mean? I've been having these really vivid dreams.=> 你什么意思?我一直有这些真正生动的梦想。 There's always this girl, and she looks just like me.=> 总有这个女孩,她看起来和我一样。 She's even got my hair.=> 她甚至有我的头发。 She says she's my daughter.=> 她说她是我女儿* Now, I-I know that it sounds wacky, but I'm telling you Children really do visit their mothers before they're born.=>*现在,我知道这听起来很古怪,但我告诉你,孩子们真的在他们出生之前拜访他们的母亲。 I bet your mother dreamt about you, too.=> 我敢打赌,你母亲也梦想着你。 I wouldn't know.=> 我不知道。 - I was adopted.=>
- 我被采纳了 - So was I.=> - 我也是。 That is why I've always wanted to have a child of my own.=> 这就是为什么我一直想拥有一个属于自己的孩子。 Something always felt like it was missing.=> 总觉得有些东西不见了 I just wanted to be connected to my own bloodline.=> 我只是想连接到我自己的血统。 You know how it is.=> 你知道是怎么回事。 Always wondering where you came from.=> 一直在想你从哪里来。 Yeah.=> 是啊。 So, how do I get my egg back? Do I need to call a lawyer? Do I have to sign something? It's it's not gonna be easy.=> 那么,我怎么把鸡蛋拿回来?我需要打电话给律师吗?我必须签署什么?这是不容易的。 You actually signed away your rights.=> 你实际上签了你的权利。 No, I know, but That egg came from me.=> 不,我知道,但那个蛋是从我这里来的。 That child would be my child.=> 那孩子会是我的孩子。 Al.=> 人。 Where have you been? You know, people are looking for you.=> 你去哪儿了?你知道,人们正在找你。 Someone from White House called six times.=> 有人从白宫来了六次。 Al? James, I met one of the egg donors Brooke Ashton.=> 人?詹姆斯,我遇到了布鲁克·阿什顿的捐卵者之一。 She's 31, and she's viable.=> 她31岁,而且她是可行的。 And what is it you think I can do? You still have access to the lab.=> 你觉得我能做什么?您仍然可以访问实验室。 I have a mini Cryogenic unit.=> 我有一个迷你低温装置。 It can preserve an embryo for six months.=> 它可以保存胚胎六个月。 Wait a second.=> 等一下。 You want me to steal her fertilized egg, which happens to be one of the most valuable things - on the planet.=> 你要我偷她的受精卵,这是地球上最有价值的事情之一。 - I know, but will you do it? It's her egg.=>
- 我知道,但你会做吗?这是她的蛋。 She's the perfect surrogate.=> 她是完美的替代者。 No.=> 没有。 I can't.=> 我不能。 Al, the whole lab's locked down.=> Al,整个实验室都被锁定了。 They've already got some big plan in motion.=> 他们已经有了一些大的计划。 At this point, I'm basically just a glorified lab assistant.=> 在这一点上,我基本上只是一个荣耀的实验助理。 This is the part where you get to say, "I told you so".=> 这是你说的话,“我告诉过你”。 Do you have any booze? Since when do you drink during the day? Since I got fired.=> 你有酒吗?从什么时候你喝白天?自从我被解雇了 You know what? I've got a really nice Tequila.=> 你知道吗?我有一个非常好的龙舌兰酒。 - That'll work.=>
- 这会工作。 - All right.=> - 好吧。 Are you going back to the lab? Uh, no, they sent everybody home early to watch the President's speech.=> 你要回实验室吗?呃不,他们早早把每个人都带回家看总统讲话。 Hey, uh, why don't you stay? I can order some food.=> 嘿,呃,你为什么不留下来?我可以点一些食物 We can watch it here.=> 我们可以在这里观看。 We did make a little history.=> 我们做了一些历史。 We did well together, Al.=> 我们在一起很好,艾尔。 We are a good team.=> 我们是一个很好的团队。 That is good.=> 那很好。 Mm-hmm.=> MM-嗯。 But, um I have to take a rain check.=> 但是,我必须去下雨检查。 Where you going? I just saw the time.=> 你去哪?我只是看到了时间。 I have to be someplace.=> 我必须在某个地方 Hold on a second.=> 稍等一下。 Wait, wait, wait, wait.=> 等等,等等,等等。 I just I feel bad how it all went down.=> 我只是觉得不好,这是怎么一回事。 How can I make it up to you? I'll think of something.=> 我怎样才能弥补你呢?我会想到一些事情。 I know.=> 我知道。 Since when is being late to pick up your child a crime, right? I mean, they have no right to take him from me.=> 因为什么时候迟到把你的孩子接了罪,对吧?我的意思是,他们没有权利把他从我身上带走。 I'm his father.=> 我是他的父亲。 No, no, no.=> 不不不。 They said he's at some hospital under observation.=> 他们说他在某个医院正在观察。 They won't tell me which one, though.=> 虽然他们不会告诉我哪一个。 How much of a retainer? Look, I'm gonna be honest with you.=> 多少保留?看,我会诚实地对待你。 I don't have that kind of money.=> 我没有那种钱。 Couldn't you take my case because it's the right thing to do? Hello? Hi, it's Brooke.=> 你不能把我的案子,因为这是正确的事情吗?你好?嗨,这是Brooke。 I just wanted to let you know that I found a lawyer, and he's gonna help me get my egg back.=> 我只是想让你知道,我找到了一个律师,他会帮我把我的蛋回来。 There was a new law.=> 有一个新的法律。 It was passed last year.=> 去年通过了。 He's gonna help all of the donors, too.=> 他也会帮助所有的捐助者。 He wants to hold a press conference tomorrow.=> 他想明天举行新闻发布会。 Brooke, slow down.=> 布鲁克,放慢脚步 We don't need a lawyer.=> 我们不需要律师。 I can help you.=> 我能帮你。 Just sit tight, and I'll be over soon.=> 只要坐下来,我马上就会过来的。 It's my egg.=> 这是我的蛋。 It's my child.=> 这是我的孩子。 I know.=> 我知道。 I'm going to help you.=> 我会帮你的 That's my lawyer.=> 那是我的律师 I got to go.=> 我要走了。 I'll call you back.=> 我会给你回电话。 Wait! Brooke! Brooke Ashton? Yes.=> 等待!布鲁克!布鲁克·阿什顿?是。 I'm with the Fertility Commission.=> 我在生育委员会。 May I talk to you for a moment? My fellow Americans, we have endured a period of hopelessness without parallel in human history.=> 我可以和你谈谈吗?我的美国同胞们,我们在人类历史上经历了一段无望的时期。 The Global Fertility Crisis has devastated our most fundamental dreams.=> 全球生育危机已经破坏了我们最根本的梦想。 Our maternity wards here and around the world are now empty.=> 我们这里和世界各地的产房现在都是空的。 - Excuse me.=> - 打扰一下。 - We've spent these last five years Excuse me, ma'am, hi.=>
- 我们已经度过了这五年了对不起,夫人,嗨。 Hi.=> 你好。 I'm looking for Walker, Elvis Walker.=> 我正在寻找沃克,猫王沃克。 I'm his father, Kyle Walker.=> 我是他的父亲凯尔·沃克 He has diabetes.=> 他有糖尿病 I'm showing restricted access.=> 我正在显示受限访问。 So he is here? I don't see your name on the visitor list.=> 所以他在这里?我没有在访客名单上看到你的名字。 Until today.=> 直到今天。 Through the efforts of American scientists, 100 human eggs have been successfully fertilized.=> 在美国科学家的努力下,已有100个人类卵子成功受精。 100 potential children who will require as the vanguard of the next generation.=> 100个潜在的孩子将需要作为下一代的先锋。 Whoa.=> 哇。 Did you hear that? Therefore, by executive decree, I have declared a national Lottery to determine surrogate mothers to carry these embryos.=> 你听到了吗?因此,根据行政命令,我已经宣布全国彩票,以确定替代母亲携带这些胚胎。 Why a lottery? Because this country was founded on the principles It's a baby lottery.=> 为什么是彩票?因为这个国家是建立在原则上的这是一个婴儿彩票。 - Of equal representation.=>
- 具有相同的代表性。 - Crazy.=>
- 疯了 All women Excuse me! You're not allowed to be up here.=> 所有的女人不好意思!你不能在这里 Uh, yeah, sorry.=> 呃,对,对不起。 Let me just get my pass.=> 让我拿到我的通行证。 Dad? Mm.=> 爸?毫米。 Come here.=> 过来。 Where were you? It was a mistake, and they took you away.=> 你去哪了?这是一个错误,他们把你带走。 But I'm never gonna let that happen again, I promise.=> 但我绝不会再让这种事发生,我保证。 Now, you have to do exactly as I say.=> 现在,你必须像我说的那样去做。 I'm scared.=> 我很害怕。 I thought about that.=> 我想过那个 Now, you and me are gonna fly out of here together.=> 现在,你和我会一起飞出这里。 Yeah? Come on.=> 是吗?来吧。 Unfortunately, the selection must reflect the diversity of the American population.=> 不幸的是,选择必须反映美国人口的多样性。 Why are you here? Dr.=> 你为什么在这?博士 It's an honor to meet you.=>能见到你真是太荣幸了 You're a national hero.=> 你是一个民族英雄。 The President is hosting a cocktail party at the White House.=> 总统正在白宫举行鸡尾酒会。 The press is there.=> 新闻在那里。 He'd like you to come and share your story with the world.=> 他希望你来和世界分享你的故事。 I just got fired.=> 我刚刚被解雇了 That's my story.=> 这是我的故事。 I'm sure we can work something out.=> 我相信我们可以解决一些问题。 That'd be great.=> 那简直太好了。 We can talk about it tomorrow.=> 我们明天可以谈谈。 No, actually, if you come with us now, we can sort it all out.=> 不,实际上,如果你现在跟我们一起来,我们可以把它全部整理出来。 At the White House.=> 在白宫。 I-I can't.=> 我 - 我不能。 I'm sorry.=> 对不起。 I-I just I can't.=> 我 - 我只是我不能。 Dr.=> 博士 Lennon! The selection will be fair and transparent, and while few will be chosen, every single American will feel like they are participating in the process.=> 列侬!选择将是公平和透明的,虽然选择很少,但每个美国人都会觉得他们正在参与这个过程。 The 100 women selected by the lottery will represent each and every one of us.=> 彩票选出的100名女性将代表我们每一个人。 They will carry the torch of promise into a brighter future.=> 他们将把承诺的火炬带到更光明的未来。 This is the first step on our journey to restore our future The future of all humanity.=> 这是我们恢复未来旅程的第一步,是全人类的未来。 There are still many hurdles ahead, but let us stop and appreciate this moment.=> 前面还有很多障碍,但让我们停下来欣赏这一刻。 Let this be a night we will never forget.=> 让这是一个我们永远不会忘记的夜晚。 Watch it! Stand clear of the doors.=> 看它!站在门外。 Hey! Watch out.=> 嘿!小心。 What you doing, man? Hey! Move, move, move, move, move! The doors are now locked.=> 你在做什么,男人?嘿!移动,移动,移动,移动!门现在被锁定。 The train is leaving the station.=> 火车正在离开车站。 The most fundamental human need is hope.=> 人类最根本的需要就是希望。 We are wired for it.=> 我们接线了。 We cannot survive without it, and today, we have found it.=> 没有它我们就无法生存,今天我们找到了它。 Today, we are truly one family.=> 今天,我们真的是一个家庭。 Thank you.=> 谢谢。 And may God bless the United States of America.=> 愿上帝保佑美利坚合众国。 I heard it was suicide.=> 我听说是自杀 God.=> 神。 She was so young.=> 她很年轻。 What was her name again? Brooke Ashton.=> 她又叫什么名字?布鲁克·阿什顿。 James.=> 詹姆士。 Your back door was open.=> 你的后门打开了。 What are you doing here? Well, you know, for starters, I was kind of hoping to get my Lab Pass back.=> 你在这里做什么?那么,你知道,对于初学者来说,我有点希望把我的实验室通行证拿回来。 I didn't have a choice, James.=> 詹姆斯,我没有选择。 I didn't mean to put you in a bad position.=> 我不是故意把你放在一个不好的位置。 Bad position? I'm an accessory to the theft of a human embryo.=> 不好的位置?我是盗取人类胚胎的一个配件。 I'm sorry.=> 对不起。 You have any idea what the penalties are? There's too much at stake.=> 你有什么想法是什么处罚?事关重大。 Al, where's the embryo? I'm not giving it back.=> Al,胚胎在哪里?我没有放弃。 There's something going on here, James.=> 詹姆斯,这里正在发生一些事情。 - These people are dangerous.=> 这些人很危险 - Come on.=> - 来吧。 What are you talking about? Brooke is dead.=> 你在说什么?布鲁克死了。 The police said it was a suicide, but For God's sake, Al, what the hell are you getting yourself into? Did you get that information I requested? Yes or no? Yeah.=> 警方说这是自杀,但是看在上帝的份上,艾尔,你到底在想什么?你有没有得到我要求的信息?是或否?是啊。 Here you go.=> 干得好。 This is the guy who fertilized Brooke's egg.=> 这是受了布鲁克蛋的家伙。 And in breaking news now, we have just received word of a kidnapping.=> 现在突发新闻,刚刚收到绑架的消息。 It seems that Elvis Walker, one of the so-called "Last Six" was taken from a local hospital last night.=> 似乎所谓的“Last Six”之一的Elvis Walker昨晚从当地医院被采取了。 Police suspect his father, Kyle Walker.=> 警方怀疑他的父亲Kyle Walker。 Anyone with information on this is asked to contact their local authorities.=> 任何有此信息的人都需要联系当地政府。 Of course, you can keep it right here for the very latest on this breaking news story.=> 当然,在这个突发的新闻故事中,你可以保留在这里。 No mask? I'm not scared.=> 没有面具?我不怕。 Yeah.=> 是啊。 We took care of the Brooke Ashton situation.=> 我们照顾了布鲁克·阿什顿的情况。 - Suicide? - Yes.=>
- 自杀? - 是的。 And the coroner will confirm? Yes, he will.=> 验尸官会证实?他会的。 N Let go of me! No!
=> N放开我!没有!


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