Conceal: 他山之石可以攻玉玉

Pull over!把车子开到旁边。
Drop me a line!写封信给我。
For here or to go?堂食还是外卖?
—What's up? = What's happening?= What's new?
见面时随囗问候的话,意为“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?”一般回答:“Nothing much!”或“Nothing
How have you been? = How are you doing? 你过得如何?近来可好?
Cut it out! = Knock it out!= Stop it! 少来这一套!(同学朋友间开玩笑的话。)
Don't give me a hard time! 别跟我过不去好不好!
Get yourself together! 振作点行不行!
Do you have the time?
Hang in there. = Don't give up. = Keep trying. 再撑一下。
Give me a break! 你饶了我吧!
Hang on. 请稍候。
Blow it. = Screw up. 搞砸了。
What a big hassle. 真是个麻烦事。
What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。
Go for it. 加油
You bet. = Of course. 当然;对了!
Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。
Don't be so fussy! 别那么挑剔好不好。
It's a long story. 说来话长。
Don't put on airs. 别摆架子。
Give me a lift! = Give me a ride! 送我一程吧!
Have a crush on someone. 迷恋某人。
What's the catch? 有什么内幕?
Party animal. Party狂(喜欢参加舞会的人)
Pain in the neck. =Pain in the ass. 眼中钉,肉中刺。
Skeleton in the closet. 家丑
Don't get on my nerve! 别把我惹毛了!
A fat chance. =A poor chance 机会很小
I am racking my brains. 我正在绞尽脑
She's a real drag. 她真有点碍手碍脚。
Spacing out = daydreaming 做白日梦
&I am so fed up. 我受够了!
&It doesn't go with your dress. 跟你的衣服不配。
&What's the point? = What are you trying to say?
&By all means. = Definitely. 一定是。
&Let's get a bite. = Let's go eat. 去吃点东西吧!
&I'll buy you a lunch ( a dinner). = It's
on me. = My treat. 我请客。
Let's go Dutch. 各付各的
My stomach is upset. 我的胃不舒服。
diarrhea 拉肚子
吃牛排时,waiter会问“How would you like it?”就是问“要几分熟”的意思,可以选择rare, medium或
&I am under the weather. =I am not feeling well.
May I take a rain check? 可不可改到下次?(例如有人请你吃饭,你不能赴约,只好请他改到下一次。)
I am not myself today. 我今天什么都不对劲!
Let's get it straight. 咱们把事情弄清楚!
What's the rush! 急什么!
Such a fruitcake! 神经病! I
I'll swing by later. =I'll stop by later. 待会儿,我会来转一下。
&I got the tip straight from the horse's mouth.
easy as pie = very easy = piece of cake 很容易。
flunk out 被当掉
take French leave 不告而别
I don't get the picture. =I don't understand. 我不明白。
You should give him a piece of your mind. 你应该向他表达你的不满。
hit the road = take off = get on one's way 离开
Now he is in the driver's seat =He is in control now.
Keep a low profile (or low key). 采取低姿态。
Kinky =bizarre =wacky =weird 古怪的。 klutz (=clutz) =idiot
know one’s way around 识途老马。
lion’s share 大部份。
tailgate 尾随(尤其跟车跟得太近)。
&take a back seat. 让步。
&take a hike =leave me alone =get lost 滚开。
hit the hay =go to bed 睡觉。
Can you give me a lift? =Can you give me a ride? 载我一程好吗?
green hand 生手、没有经验的人。
moonshine = mountain dew 指私酿的烈酒(威士忌)或走私的酒。
胡说八道也可用moonshine,如:His story is plain moonshine.
chill out =calm down =relax(来自黑人英语)
&rip off =steal:I was ripped off. 我被偷了;rip off
也常被用为“剥夺”My right was ripped off. 权利被剥夺(来自黑人英语)。
我们称美国大兵为G.I. (Government Issue) or GI Joe, 德国兵或德国佬为 Fritzor
Kraut,称英国佬为John Bull,日本人为Jap.或Nip,犹太人为Jew都是很不礼貌的称呼。
mess around (with)瞎混
Get to work. Don't mess around. 赶快工作,别瞎搅和。
snob 势利眼
sneak in偷偷溜进去, sneak out 偷偷溜出来
She is such a brown-nose. 她是个马屁精。
This is in way over my head. 对我而言这实在太难了。
I am an exam jitter and I always get a cramp in my stomach.
Keep your study (work) on track. 请按进度读书(工作)。
Did you come up with any ideas? 有没有想到什麽新的意见?
&Don't get uptight! Take it easy. 别紧张,慢慢来!
&Cheese! It tastes like cardboard.
Get one's feet wet. 与中文里的“涉足”或“下海”,寓意相同,表示初尝某事。如:I am going to try
dancing for the very first time. Just to get my feet wet.
&&& Everyone
understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory
depends on the cards that we have been dealt.&
Some when faced with a bloody battle simply give in, but for some
surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a
fight to the death.
&& &The world
is filled with unlikely friendships. How did they begin, with one
person desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping
hand. When such kindness is offered, we are finally able to see the
worth of those we have previously written off, and before we've
known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can
understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up everyday, no one
understands this more than the lonely, in fact, and it’s what they
  Now and then we all need a little help, so we ask for small
favors. But it's always best to be wary of those eager to come to
our rescue. Because even the smallest of favors carries a price
tag. Yes, everyone has an agenda, no matter what they may tell
us...and in those rare instances where there i
we're so taking aback that we may fail to recognize the truth -
that a loving friend has just done us an enormous favor.
  This is how Bree Van De Kamp finally came to change her weekly
routine, she still cleaned on Tuesdays, paid her bills on
Wednesdays, and did her laundries on Thursdays, but her Fridays
were now reserved for a meeting, a special meeting where she stood
in front of people she didn’t know, and said things she didn’t
believe, and afterwards Bree would come home and reward herself on
the completion of another successful week.
  这就是Bree Van De
  &&& At that
precise moment as Dr Hanson Mills was cutting yet another umbilical
cord, other ties were being severed all over town, like the one
between a child and a mother who didn't want him to grow up so
quickly, or the one between a case of fine wine and a housewife who
hadn't wanted to admit she had a problem, or the one between a
women and the boyfriend who couldn't forgive her betrayal. The
choice to separate from wha the only thing
worse is when someone we've trusted makes the choice for us.
  Temptation comes to all of us, whether or not we succumb
depends on our ability to recognize its disguise, sometimes it
arrives in a form of an old flame, flickering back to life, or a
new friend who could end up being so much more, or a young child
who wakens feelings we didn't know we had. And so we give in to
temptation all the while knowing come morning, we'll have to suffer
the consequences.
  We've all done something in our lives us we are ashamed of,
some of us have fallen for the wrong man, some have let go of the
right women, there're those who have humiliated their parents and
those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes
that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we
try to learn from those mistakes and grow.
  There's is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced
with circumstances they don't want to accept. The power of the
prayer comes from its insight into human nature. Because so many of
us rage against the hand th Because so many of
us are cowardly, and afraid to stand
so many of us give in to despair, when faced with an impossible
choice. The good news for those who utter these words is that god
will hear you and answer your prayer. The bad news is that
sometimes the answer is no.
  When the truth is ugly, people try to keep it hidden, because
they know if revealed, the damage it will do. So they conceal it
within sturdy walls, or they place it behind closed doors, or they
obscure it with clever disguises, but truth , no matter how ugly,
always emerges, and someone we care about always ends up getting
hurt, and someone else will revel in their pain, and that's the
ugliest truth of all.
  It's a shocking moment for each of us that moment we realize
we are all alone in this world. The family we take for granted
coul the husband we trust so implicitly might
the daughter we love so deeply perhaps won't return to
us. And then we could end up all by ourselves.
 & This is the street where I used to live, and
these were the people with whom I shared my life. I met them the
day they moved in, and I saw what they brought with them -
beautiful dreams for the future and quiet hopes for a better life
not just for themselves, but for their children, too. If I could,
would I tell them what lies ahead? Would I warn them of the sorrow
and betrayal that lie in store? No, from where I stand now, I see
enough of the road to understand how it must be traveled. The trick
is to keep moving forward to let go of the fear and the regret that
slow us down and keep us from enjoying a journey that will be over
too soon. Yes, there will be unexpected bends in the road, shocking
surprises we didn't see coming, but that's really the point, don't
you think?
  Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning,
everything will be made clean again. And even the most troubling
stains will have disappeared. Like the doubts over his innocence,
or the consequence of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal,
or the memory of his kiss. So we wait for the storm to pass hoping
for the best, even though we know in our hearts some stains are so
indelible, nothing can wash them away.
&&& Have you
met the perfect couple? The two soul mates whose love never dies?
The two lovers whose relationship is never threatened. The husband
and wife who trust each other completely. If you haven't met the
perfect couple, let me introduce you. They stand atop a layer of
butter cream frosting. The secret of their success? Well, for
starters, they don't have to look at each other.
  We all carry something with us. Of course, it's nice if we
travel with some one who can help lighten the load. But usually,
it's easier to just drop what we've been carrying so we can get
home that much sooner. Assuming, of course, there will be someone
there to greet us when we arrive. Why do we clutch at this baggage,
even when we're desperate to move on? Because we all know there's a
chance we might let go too soon.
&&& We all
have our reasons for rewriting history. Sometimes we need to
provide ourselves alibis. Sometimes we wanna hurt someone who has
hurt us, and then there are times we just wanna spare ourselves
embarrassment. Of course, there are some who feel that to rewrite
history is just another way to lie. But what is history
anyway....But a set of lies agree depend?
  Sabotage, everyone is capable of it. But some go about it more
cruelness than the others.Like the ones who create vengeance… Or
the ones who hunger for love. Or the ones who were determined to
burn bridges. And then there are those who simply wants
something…Something that belongs to someone else.
  There is a place in St. Timothy church where sinners go to
confess their sins. And once they are done, they expect
absolution.But the truth is, not all confessions are worthy of such
forgiveness.Most who unveil his agendas deserve the condemnation
they receive.Most who disclose revengeful motives marry the
punishment that follows.&Only the truly repentant
at any right at all expect a second chance.&Were
just why it's best to think twice before you confess.Especially if
you don’t know what it is you're confessing
  Sweetie, we can't prevent what can't predict.Isn't there
anything I could do?&Yes, yes. You can enjoy this
beautiful day.We get so few of them.&
  There are so many things we wish we could tell the young.We'd
like to persuade them not to grow up so fast.But they won't
listen.We want to tell them the beauty face but they refuse to
believe it.We worn them that their actions will have consequences,
but still they defy us.Suddenly the young can began to understand
the world is a dangerous place.&So it’s up to us
to do anything we can to protect them,&Absolutely
&&& Dangerous
men walk among us.And we can’t always be sure who they are or what
secret they hide.But once our suspicious are confirmed,We can take
action.Once their agenda were revealed,We can take steps to protect
ourselves and those we love.&Yes, dangerous men
can cause great harm,&But sometimes the greatest
dangerous they pose is to themselves.
  There's a reason people can't wait for Christmas, and it has
little to do with family reunions. Or curling up with a cup of
eggnog.with that unexpected kiss beneath the mistletoe,or receiving
a present from a special someone. No, people look forward to
Christmas.Because they know, it's a time for miracles.
 & It's a dangerous world. So we all look for
protection. And whether we find it in the arms of our mother, or at
the end of a jagged blade, or in the kiss of our sweetheart, or at
the end of a barrel. We do what we have to feel safe. Because we
know somewhere in the world there are those who would do us
  Yes, it can happen so quickly. Life as we know it can change
in the blink of an eye.   Unlikely friendships can blossom.
Important careers can be tossed aside. A long -lost hope can be
rekindled. Still, we should be grateful for whatever changes life
throws at us, because all too soon the day will come when there are
no changes left.
  Recapturing the past is a tricky business. While most memories
are simply souvenirs of a happier time, others can be quite
 && In every housewife's
closet, there's an article of clothing that tells you more about
its owner than she would want you to know. It might be a T-shirt
that she despises but wears without complaint. Perhaps it's some
lingerie, she knows isn't hers, but refuses to discuss... Or a
dress she once loved, that she can no longer bear to look at this.
You can learn a lot about women from what they choose to wear. You
can learn even more by what they choose to take off, and who they
take it off for.
  It's so easy to spot the lonely ones. They’re the people who
tell stories to their plants, and whisper secrets to their pets,
and have arguments with their TV, and the loneliest of all are the
ones who talk to people who are no longer there.
Passion,it's a force so potent we still remember it long after it's
faded away. A drive so alluring it can push us to the arms of
unexpected lovers. A sensation so overwhelming it can knock down
walls we built to protect our hearts. A feeling so intense it
resurfaces even though we try so hard to keep it buried. Yes, of
all emotions, passion is the one that gives us a reason to live and
an excuse to commit all sorts of crimes.
  Power, it's the type of thing most people don't think about,
until it's taken away. Whether it's the political power of the
many, or a lover's influence over just one. We all want some sort
of power in our lives, if only to give ourselves choices. Yes, to
be without choices, to feel utterly powerless,'s a being the dark.
假如连选择都没有,假如连一丝能量都没有,那么在黑暗中,蔓延开来的,就是无边无际的 孤独。
Gossip,it's just a harmless form of recreation. It's careless talk
that deals in polite fiction. It's nasty speculation that's based
on not-so-polite fact. How do we protect ourselves from the
numerous string of such idle gossip? The best way is to just tell
the truth.
&&& Anyone
can end up a victim...injured by the actions of others .But whether
the damage is infected by a cunning ex-wife...or a blow delivered
by the object of our affection ...the time comes when we must pick
ourselves up and continue on our journey .And if we can't ,then all
we can pray for rescue .
&&& From the
moment we wake up in the morning till our head hits the pillow at
night our lives are filled with questions. Most are easily answered
and soon forgotten, but some questions are much harder to ask
because we're so afraid of the answer .Will I be around to watch my
children grow up ?Am I making mistake by marrying this man? Could
he ever truly love me? And what happens when we ask ourselves the
hard question and get the answer we'd been hoping for ?Well, that’s
when happiness begins.
&Family--there is nothing more important. They're
the ones who show up when we're in trouble, the ones who push us to
succeed, the ones who help keep our secrets .But what of those who
have no family to rely on ?What happens to those poor souls...who
have no loved ones to help them in their hour of need? Well....most
learn to walk life's road by themselves, But a sad few of
us...simply...stop trying .


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