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Windows Live Messenger 正式版 介绍
   (MSN Messenger) 是全球最流行的即时通讯工具之一。新版msn下载不仅能让您进行更高效、高质量的对话,同时让您也能参与到社交网络中来:了解最新资讯,过滤大量杂乱无用的信息,还能随时获取您最关心的好友最新动态。Messenger是您日常生活中的重要组成部分。您不仅可以通过个人电脑,还可以通过网页和手机来与好友随时保持联系。
  ? 标签式对话框――用户可在一个聊天窗口和几名好友聊天:切换标签即可与不同好友对话。
  ? 高清视频通话功能――新版Messenger可以进行高清视频通话。与此同时,您可以与朋友分享照片、一起玩游戏。您还可以给朋友发送视频留言,他们在线时便会收到。
  ? 短信功能――将Messenger与手机绑定,您的好友从电脑上发布的信息就会以短信的形式发送给您(反之亦然) 。
  ? 常用联系人――Messenger可以把您认为最重要的好友放在好友列表的顶端,他们的最新消息如照片、最新状态等也会出现在您的最新消息的最前端。
  ? 音乐电台(加强版独有):音乐电台可以帮助您在聊天工作的同时欣赏网络音乐,您还能够收藏自己喜欢的专辑和精选集。
  ? 温馨天气提醒(加强版独有):不要害怕天气变化多端,不要担心温度反复无常。权威天气温馨提醒为您的健康尽心尽力,为您的出行出谋划策。
  ? 加密聊天(加强版独有):为您再建一道防护墙,保护您的信息不被第三方恶意盗取。友好的聊天提示,随时告诉您现在所处的聊天状态。
  ? 个性截图工具(加强版独有):轻松选定区域,立即截图,即刻编辑,缤纷图形,炫彩文字,想加什么就加什么,轻轻松松作出只属于您的个性图片。
  ? 精确的即时翻译功能(加强版独有):如果您需要使用外语聊天,那在线词典和即时翻译一定可以帮到您,让您与老外聊天时,再也不用担心一时忘词语塞。
  1. 新增音乐电台、温馨天气提醒、加密聊天、截图和翻译等加强版独有功能
  2. 修复了一些已知Bug
Windows Live Messenger 正式版 截图
Windows Live Messenger评论
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& 微软正式宣布新一代Hotmail 功能概述
微软正式宣布新一代Hotmail 功能概述
编辑:萧萧 &&)
Hotmail新增了活动视图(Active View),可以自动预览邮件,并在活动窗口中显示邮件中所包含的照片、链接、视频和文档。这样就不用打开其它软件,直接在Hotmail的活动窗口中即可预览照片、观看链接网页内容、编辑文档等。
使用新版Hotmail你可以在邮箱中对邮件执行多种多样的操作,微软希望能让用户随时随地感受这些功能。Hotmail支持在Web、PC和手机上推送邮件,使用Exchange ActiveSync(如今3亿多手机用户都可以获取),你不仅可以在手机和网络间同步Hotmail,还可以同步日历、通讯录和任务。
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Microsoft ditches Windows Live Messenger for Skype
Windows Live Messenger replicated much of the functionality of the firm's Skype division
Microsoft has announced it intends to "retire" its instant message chat tool and replace it with Skype's messaging tool.The news comes 18 months after the software giant announced it was paying $8.5bn (?5.3bn) for the communications software developer.Microsoft said Windows Live Messenger (WLM) would be turned off by March 2013 worldwide, with the exception of China.It reflects the firm's determination to focus its efforts on Skype.WLM launched in 1999 when it was known as MSN Messenger. Over time, photo delivery, video calls and games were added to the package's text-based messages.
In 2009, the firm said . According to internet analysis firm Comscore, WLM still had more than double the number of Skype's instant messenger facility at the start of this year in the US, and was second only in popularity to Yahoo Messenger.But the report suggested WLM's US audience had fallen to 8.3 million unique users, representing a 48% drop year-on-year. By contrast, the number of people using Skype to instant message each other grew over the period.Microsoft highlighted the fact that WLM was still more popular than Yahoo's product in most other territories, but nevertheless decided to call time on the service."When a company has competing products that can result in cannibalisation it's often better to focus on a single one," said Brian Blau from the consultancy Gartner."Skype's top-up services offer the chance to monetise its users and Microsoft is also looking towards opportunities in the living room.
Skype is offering a tool to migrate users WLM contacts to its service
"Messenger doesn't seem like an appropriate communications platform for TVs or the firm's Xbox console - but Skype does."He also noted that the firm had opted to integrate Skype into its new Windows Phone 8 smartphone software, eclipsing the effort to integrate WLM into the message threads of the operating system' previous version.To ease the changeover, Microsoft is offering a tool to migrate WLM messenger contacts over.The risk is that the move encourages users to switch instead to rival platforms such as WhatsApp Messenger, AIM or Google Talk.But Microsoft is at least partially protected by its tie-up with Facebook last year. Skype video calls are now offered as an extra to the social network's own instant messaging tool.
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Top StoriesTroubleshooting
This section provides troubleshooting information for senders who are having trouble
users by email. If you are
user looking for support with your account, please visit our .
If you are experiencing problems delivering email
please first ensure that you are following all of the requirements found on our
Common Problems
Are you managing your IP and domain's sending reputation?
Microsoft's SmartScreen(R) technology is designed to provide anti-spam filtering innovations
as well as other Microsoft products like Exchange Server, Microsoft Office Outlook and Windows Live Mail.
We also leverage
, an email authentication technology protocol that helps address the problem of spoofing and phishing by verifying that the domain sending the email is authorized to do so. SmartScreen(R) email filters are influenced by a number of factors related to the sending IP, domain, authentication, list accuracy, complaint rates, content and more. Of these, one of the principal factors in driving down a sender's reputation and deliverability is their junk email complaint rate.
Are you sending email from new IPs?
IPs not previously used to send email typically don't have any reputation built up in our systems. As a result, emails from new IPs are more likely to experience deliverability issues. Once the IP has built a reputation for not sending spam,
will typically allow for a better email delivery experience.
New IPs that are added for domains that are authenticated under existing SPF records typically experience the added benefit of inheriting some of the domain's sending reputation. If the domain has a good sending reputation new IPs may experience a faster ramp up time. A new IP can expect to be fully ramped within a couple of weeks or sooner depending on volume, list accuracy and as long as their junk email complaint rates are kept at a minimum.
Note: don't forget to update your Junk Email Reporting Program (JMRP) account with the new IPs. To update or set up a JMRP account, click .
Are you running Anti-Virus software?
Some of the deliverability issues are the result of sender-based software configurations. If you are running anti-virus software on your firewall or SMTP server, check for the setting "Internet Email Auto Protect" or "Internet Email Protection." If this setting is enabled, disable it and try sending a test message to our servers again.
If you are currently running Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 9.x or 10.x on your server, please review
from Symantec Support.
Confirm that your DNS is set-up correctly
Try connecting to
via port 25. If you are unable to connect, then attempt to telnet over port 25 directly to our email servers (MTAs). You can find the current list of our MTAs by querying "nslookup –q=" from a command prompt (this should work in a variety of Operating Systems). Currently, the addresses for these servers are , ,
and . If that doesn't work, try connecting directly to the IPs. If you are able to connect directly to the IP and not , then it is likely there is an issue with your DNS server.
Occasionally, some of the IPs in our MX record may be out of service. If you are connecting to one of these IPs your connection may timeout. Make sure you test all of our published IPs. You may also configure your outbound email server to do a round-robin DNS lookup .
Are you advertising yourself as a non-routable IP?
We may not accept email from senders who fail a reverse-DNS lookup. In some cases legitimate senders advertise themselves incorrectly as a non-internet routable IP when attempting to open a connection . IP addresses that are reserved for private (non-routable) networking are,, and (or -, -, -
Sender services, tools, and issue submission
We have developed some tools and services which will give you more information about how our users are rating your email. These services have been tailored for senders and for ISPs. To learn more about the Sender and ISP Services, go .
If your email complies with our
and you are still experiencing email delivery problems that are not addressed in the FAQ below, click
to contact support.
Note: Deliverability issues submitted using this form should only be related to
system, including any address @, @, @, or @. We will do our best to help you troubleshoot your issue. However, submitting this information does not guarantee that any message you send to users of
services will be delivered.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does the email that I send
users sometimes look different from what they receive?
Avoid using scripting languages as they may be removed from your message. Many email messages now contain HTML code similar to that found in a Web page. This often helps with formatting and design.
now analyzes and processes HTML content to remove HTML code that may be unsafe for your computer. This change is part of Microsoft's overall Trustworthy Computing Initiative and was made to further reduce the risk of malicious HTML content reaching our users.
How can I prevent my messages from being marked as from an "unknown sender" in
One way to ensure that your messages aren't marked as being from an "unknown sender" is to join Return Path's
program, a third-party accreditation and reputation service that
with a list of responsible senders. Alternatively, if
user adds your domain or email address to their "contacts" or their "safe-senders list" they will no longer see this notification. In addition, senders who are on the Return Path Sender Score Certified list or on a user's "safe sender's" list typically experience links and images within their messages enabled by default.
operate an "allow list" that I can get on?
No. An "allow list" is essentially a "free pass" which allows emails from certain senders to bypass junk email filters and other precautions.
evaluates all inbound email for malicious content. You can find out more about our filtering processes
. We do, however, partner with Return Path, Inc. who helps ensure the legitimacy of certain senders via their Sender Score Certified program. This program
to exercise greater assurance about mail from certified senders in good standing. You can learn more about the Sender Score Certified program .
How do I avoid having my messages marked as potentially dangerous?
To help prevent your messages from being identified as possibly fraudulent:
Always use valid, reputable URLs. Make sure it's clear where the recipient will be taken and whether the destination is a valid website.
Use the standard URL format. Avoid using IP addresses in the URL.
Whenever possible, publish your Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records.
Do not link to known phishing sites.
Why did I receive a "550 command rejected due to Sender ID validation failure." SMTP Non-Delivery Report (NDR) when I attempt to send mail
will not allow delivery of email sent from a domain where the Sender ID record was configured by the domain owner to NOT allow ANY IP to send mail from that domain. Sender ID allows a domain owner to protect domains that aren't intended for sending email in order to help protect their domain from being spoofed. This can be done by publishing a simple TXT record in DNS like the following example (note: the organization would
with their own domain and or sub-domain name):
IN TXT "v=spf1 -all"
If the domain is repurposed to send mail, the administrator of the DNS record should update the Sender ID record to include the IP address(s) that are authorized to send mail from that domain. Note that updates to your Sender ID record can take up to 48 hours to propagate through the Internet, so it's a good idea to wait 48 hours after making a change to your record before you initiate any new email activities. In addition, Microsoft strongly recommends that you conduct email testing prior to sending live communications to your users/customers.
SMTP Error Codes
SMTP Error CodeExplanation
421 RP-001The mail server IP connecting
server has exceeded the rate limit allowed. Reason for rate limitation is related to IP/domain reputation. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help.
421 RP-002The mail server IP connecting
server has exceeded the rate limit allowed on this connection. Reason for rate limitation is related to IP/domain reputation. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help.
421 RP-003The mail server IP connecting
server has exceeded the connection limit allowed. Reason for limitation is related to IP/domain reputation. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help.
550 SC-001Mail rejected
for policy reasons. Reasons for rejection may be related to content with spam-like characteristics or IP/domain reputation. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help.
550 SC-002Mail rejected
for policy reasons. The mail server IP connecting
has exhibited namespace mining behavior. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help.
550 SC-003Mail rejected
for policy reasons. Your IP address appears to be an open proxy/relay. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help.
550 SC-004Mail rejected
for policy reasons. A block has been placed against your IP address because we have received complaints concerning mail coming from that IP address. We recommend enrolling in our Junk Email Reporting Program (JMRP), a free program intended to help senders remove unwanted recipients from their email list. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help.
550 DY-001Mail rejected
for policy reasons. We generally do not accept email from dynamic IP's as they are not typically used to deliver unauthenticated SMTP email to an Internet mail server. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help. http://www.spamhaus.org maintains lists of dynamic and residential IP addresses.
550 DY-002Mail rejected
for policy reasons. The likely cause is a compromised or virus infected server/personal computer. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help.
550 OU-001Mail rejected
for policy reasons. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help. For more information about this block and to request removal please go to: http://www.spamhaus.org.
550 OU-002Mail rejected
for policy reasons. Reasons for rejection may be related to content with spam-like characteristics or IP/domain reputation. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your Email/Internet Service Provider for help.


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