BIOS:Ver 1.00PARTTBLL 处理器:Intel(R)intel pentium r4(R) M p...

ACRSYS - 6040000 Ver 1.00PARTTBL的主板用什么刷新bios_百度知道
ACRSYS - 6040000 Ver 1.00PARTTBL的主板用什么刷新bios
台湾宏基主板软件都支持刷我太确认想刷X510 518找找
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The owner of this website () has banned your access based on your browser's signature (3c739e-ua98).JRE System Library
Worked for me
This is my least-favorite error, I've run into it a few times, and the "restriction on required library" is just dull enough to leave you scratching your head. However, it's easy to fix.
The quickest way (I'm using Helios) is to go to Window->Preferences->Java->Compiler->Errors/Warnings, find and open the "Deprecated and Restricted API" bullet, and set Forbidden and Discouraged Reference to something other than Error.
"Warning" is usually best, as something out there in Java land is triggering this and you probably want a footnote on it. @SuppressWarnings and its cousins, 98% of the time, have the same effect on a programmer's personal and social logic as, say, an ether binge might. But that's just my humble analysis.
Best of luck!
For what it's worth, I had this error recently too (different library).
My IDE (MyEclipse) references a certain library as part of the overall project classpath, but I also had a copy of the relevant JAR in my machine's Java extensions folder.
The resulting clash gave the (unhelpful) error that you've experienced. So for anyone else hitting this error, you might want to consider your classpaths too.
Project build path settings -> Libraries tab -> select JRE System Library -> Edit button -> change from Execution Environment radio tab which says J2SE 1.x (jdk1.6.0_21) to Workspace default JRE (jdk1.6.0_21) [Collected]
This is the best solution for sure!
I had the same error the way I fixed was setting the default workspace JRE to the same as the project, I had JRE6 for the workspace and JRE7 for the project setting both to JRE7 fixed the problem
If you are using m2eclipse, I find "Update Project Configuration" fixes it.
Right-click the project, select Maven > Update Project Configuration and give it a few seconds.
In my case, I was able to solve this by unticking the folder attribute 'Read-only' in the Properties of the project folder.
Then, I re-configured Build path of the project, then Clean.
It had solved the error.
For those looking why Eclipse can build the project, but Maven can't, check if you have JUnit as a Library, or as a plugin dependency. If it is added as a library, Maven will not be able to pick it up and throw many access restriction (type xyz is not API).
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