超级跑跑dj 大家+我把 我叫hahawk...

京网文[0号 京ICP证100780号From ClusterLabs
Hawk (HA Web Konsole) is a web-based GUI for managing and monitoring Pacemaker HA clusters. It is generally intended to be run on every node in the cluster, so that you can just point your web browser at any node to access it, e.g.:
Hawk requires users to log in prior to providing access to the cluster. The same rules apply as for the python GUI; you need to log in as a user in the haclient group. The easiest thing to do is assign a password to the hacluster user, then log in using that account. Note that you will need to configure this user account on every node you want to use Hawk on.
Once logged in, you will see a screen showing the current state of the cluster. Three views are possible (summary, tree and table), selectable with the buttons on the top right of the screen. The navigation bar down the left hand side provides access to the history explorer, setup wizard, cluster properties, resource and constraints configuration.
The little tools menu next to the logout link gives you the simulator, cluster diagram and hb_report generation.
Management operations (start, stop, online, standby, etc.) can be performed by clicking the little menu icon to the right of any node or resource on the status screen.
More detailed usage documentation (including assorted screenshots) is available in the
View cluster status (summary and detailed views).
Examine potential failure scenarios via simulator mode.
History explorer for analysis of cluster behaviour and prior failures.
Perform regular management tasks (start, stop, move resources, put nodes on standby/maintenance, etc.)
Configure resources, constraints, general cluster properties.
Setup wizard for common configurations (currently web server and OCFS2 filesystem).
Hawk is included in the , and has also been included with
since openSUSE 11.4.
Hawk should generally work with Pacemaker 1.1, but please note that Hawk 0.6.x has only been extensively tested with Pacemaker &= 1.1.8.
Some error codes and clone instance handling changed with that version of Pacemaker, so as a rule, for Pacemaker &= 1.1.8, you want Hawk 0.6.x, and for Pacemaker & 1.1.8, you want Hawk 0.5.x.
Recent stable packages for openSUSE 12.2, 12.3 and Tumbleweed can be found in the
There is also a Fedora 18 build there.
Note that hawk depends on the
and some functions (notably the history explorer) currently require hb_report from cluster-glue.
Builds for both the crm shell and cluster-glue can be found in the above repository.
The source is on GitHub at
- please check the README file for useful information.
Please direct comments, feedback, questions, etc. to the
and/or , who's usually idling in #linux-cluster and #linux-ha on
(nick is tserong).
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This page was last modified on 16 August 2013, at 17:58.
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