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Dessert is a sugar, eggs, butter, flour, starch, fruits, etc. as the main raw material of a variety of sweets. t is Europe and the United States person, one meal, the last one dish, is an integral part of the Western, the British like to be known as the sweet dessert. In a traditional French dinner, the exquisite cuisine all kinds of desserts as the last one, issued in the format of the silverware or in crystal containers, placed in the dining hall, set off the restaurant atmosphere. Today's Western desserts has been greatly developed, whether in the meaning or other aspects. Now Western desserts include a variety of cakes biscuits frozen dessert cheese pies pastries and integrated a variety of fruit and snacks. Western banquet is an indispensable dish. A formal Western dinner can not do without dessert, the lack of dessert banquet when incomplete or informal.
Western-style dish What is the Western? Western food is our people and other parts of the eastern countries and regions, people in Western countries food points collectively, in broad terms, it can be said of Western food culture collectively. What we call %used to refer to European countries and regions, and by these countries and regions as the main migration in North America, South America and Oceania in the wider region, it mainly refers to generation is the western regional food culture for more than . Western point of the Chinese dishes is called \food,\known as the Japanese point of Japanese cuisine, Korean cuisine is called the South Korean dishes, etc., they will not be caged and integration of land known as \careful delineation of their , depending on their specific and named after the country names. In fact, restaurants in Western countries have their own characteristics, each country's cuisine are also different, such as the French would think that they do is French, the British think they do the dishes is a British dish. Westerners, that they did not clear \The reason for this call is passed when the Western definition. In addition, the Western countries, since European countries are relatively close geographically, historically, there have been many times again the great national migration, integration of mutual penetration of their culture has already each other has much in common. Moreover, the religious beliefs of the Western countries is mainly Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant (only a small number of people believe in Islam), they are the main branches of Christianity, so food taboos and eating practices are also much the same. As for the North and South America and Oceania, its culture and European culture is the same strain. Therefore, regardless of whether there is a clear West, \concept, our people and other Asians have this part of the roughly the same, but very different from the Western and Eastern food food culture referred to as \But over the past few years, along with the cultures of East and West continue to impact, penetration and integration, the East in Western people have gradually come to understand the different characteristics of the various dishes, and began to treat the difference. Some senior French restaurants were also opened restaurants, Italian restaurants, etc., Western, as a general concept becoming more and more diluted, but the Western food culture as a whole concept or will it continue to exist in Western term is due to its specific geographical location decision. \is the meaning of the West. Generally refers to countries in Europe. \is the food dishes. We are commonly referred to as the major Western countries, food dishes, including Western Europe, of course, also includes countries of Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and other countries and some Latin American dishes such as Mexico and other countries. The Southeast Asian countries generally referred to as Southeast Asian food dishes, but also as a unique cuisine, such as Indian food. Western generally cutlery bread knife and fork as the staple food, and many more elongated shape tables to Taiwan to Taiwan. The main characteristics of Western main ingredient prominent form, color appearance, taste delicious, nutrient-rich, supply and so on. Western food can be divided into French, English, Italian, Russian type, American, Mediterranean and many other different styles of cuisine. Now take a look at an indispensable Western dishes --- Desserts Dessert
Origin dessert Dessert originated from Egypt, Greece, far more than 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt, has emerged as a dim sum offerings, said Donald III of the twelfth century BC tomb of the murals have been painted circular, triangular, flowers or animals the shape of baked snacks, to 7 ~ 8 century BC, Greece had a city-oriented country, also known as multi-Liang produced by the fig leaf wrapped steamed raisin snack after, this is considered today raisin pudding origin, in addition, there are the use of honey snacks, the use of rapeseed cakes or fried snacks, worse, or birthday cakes, wedding cake, it is much too numerous to mention.
Dessert is a sweet filling in cakes evolved,Europe began the use of sugar is about the tenth century or so, the Crusades, the Italian city began the production of snacks with sugar, for example made of peanuts and sugar boiling down the horses of their bread, or sprinkled with spices, sugar dessert and so on. In addition, the thirteenth century in France, invented the package into the pie shop made almond butter baking fruit pies, pastry shop will be henceforth known as the bakery. The second stage is the development of cheese.In ancient Roman times, dim sum has become more refined, and then become more refined wheat flour, the oven functions are more advanced, the question arose as to making bread as a business person. At this point has been made in the almond mix of honey, known as Dora Pula Jue Jue, or cheese cake, and eat dessert has become one of the eating habits. In the magnificent aristocratic society, continue to inspire, to create a variety of exquisite Dim Sum there. Amway II, married the king of France Italian Duo card Ledo Mei-li, is the pastry chef of their peers the development of wedge. The same court in Vienna, society, women not only to preserve the King Marie Res a art, the dowry is still dim sum chef, will marry his daughter Maliande Antoinette Louis XVI, so that the women who love dessert can enjoy delicious desserts. Of course, with the emergence of dairy products, butter, fresh cream, or from the New World of Chocolate also made the subsequent appearance of the dessert chef had to create a more flexible and have changed. Some have a separate final sweet course but mix sweet and savoury dishes throughout the meal as in Chinese cuisine, or reserve elaborate dessert concoctions for special occasions. Often, the dessert is seen as a separate meal or snack rather than a course, and may be eaten apart from the meal (usually in less formal settings). Some restaurants specialize in dessert. In colloquial American usage \broader meaning and can refer to anything sweet that follows a meal, including milkshakes and other beverages. The type of dessert 1.
cake Cake is the dessert is an important component. Cake is a form of food that is usually sweet and often baked. Cakes normally combine some kind of flour, a sweetening agent (commonly sugar), a binding agent (generally egg, though gluten or starch are often used by lacto-vegetarians and vegans), fats (usually butter, shortening, or margarine, although a fruit purée such as applesauce is sometimes substituted to avoid using fat), a liquid (milk, water or fruit juice), flavors and some form of leavening agent (such as yeast or baking powder), though many cakes lack these ingredients and instead rely on air bubbles in the dough to expand and cause the cake to rise. Cake is often frosted with butter cream or marzipan, and finished with piped borders and crystallized fruit.
A cake is a form of food that is usually sweet and often baked. Cakes normally combine some kind of flour, a sweetening agent (commonly sugar), a binding agent (generally egg, though gluten or starch are often used by vegetarians and vegans), fats (usually butter or margarine, although a fruit puree can be substituted to avoid using fat), a liquid (milk, water or fruit juice), flavors and some form of leavening agent (such as yeast or baking powder).
Cake is often the dessert of choice for meals at ceremonial occasions, particularly weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. There are literally thousands of cakes recipes (some are bread-like and some rich and elaborate) and many are centuries old. Cake making is no longer a c Baking utensils and directions have been so perfected and simplified that even the amateur cook may easily become an expert baker. (1) Butter Cakes Butter cakes should have a golden brown, tender, thin crust. The inside or crumb of the cake should be fine, free of tunnels, and moist. Color will vary depending on the type of cake. (2) Foam Cakes Foam cakes are leavened with air that is trapped in beaten egg bubbles, or foam. Sponge or chiffon cakes contain some shortening. Angel food cake is a foam cake that contains no shortening. All should have an even grain and be moist. (3) Cake Preparation Methods Just as breadmaking has its special, required steps, so does cakemaking. The four basic st eps are mixing, panning, baking, and cooling. 2. Cookies
Cookies are most commonly baked until crisp or just long enough that they remain soft, but some kinds of cookies are not baked at all. Cookies are made in a wide variety of styles, using an array of ingredients including sugars, spices, chocolate, butter, peanut butter, nuts or dried fruits. The softness of the cookie may depend on how long it is baked. A general theory of cookies may be formulated this way. Despite its descent from cakes and other sweetened breads, the cookie in almost all its forms has abandoned water as a medium for cohesion. Water in cakes serves to make the base (in the case of cakes called \as thin as possible, which allows the bubbles C responsible for a cake's fluffiness C to form better. In the cookie, the agent of cohesion has become some form of oil. Oils, whether they be in the form of butter, egg yolks, vegetable oils or lard are much more viscous than water and evaporate freely at a much higher temperature than water. Thus a cake made with butter or eggs instead of water is far denser after removal from the oven. 3. fruit Fruit desserts and salads enjoying a very high use value, there are many dishes are made with the fruit out, he not only fresh and delicious, and then have a high nutritional value. Fruits are generally high in fiber, water and vitamin C. Fruits also contain various phytochemicals that do not yet have an RDA/RDI listing under most nutritional factsheets, and which research indicates are required for proper long-term cellular health and disease prevention. Regular consumption of fruit is associated with reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimer disease, cataracts, and some of the functional declines associated with aging. 4. Ice cream Ice cream or ice-cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners. In some cases, artificial flavourings and colorings are used in addition to (or in replacement of) the natural ingredients. This mixture is stirred slowly while cooling to prevent large ice c the result is a smoothly textured ice cream. The meaning of the term ice cream varies from one country to another. Terms like frozen custard, frozen yogurt, sorbet, gelato and others are used to distinguish different varieties and styles. In some countries, like the USA, the term ice cream applies only to a specific variety, and their governments regulate the commercial use of all these terms based on quantities of ingredients,In others, like Italy and Argentina, one word is used for all the variants. Alternatives made from soy milk, rice milk, and goat milk are available for those who are lactose intolerant or have an allergy to dairy protein, or in the case of soy milk for those who want to avoid animal products. These compositions are percentage by weight. Since ice cream can contain as much as half air by volume, these numbers may be reduced by as much as half if cited by volume. In terms of dietary considerations, however, the percentages by weight are more relevant. Even the low fat products have high caloric content: Ben and Jerry's No Fat Vanilla Fudge contains 150 calories per half cup due to its high sugar content. A wide range of ice cream, look at several of the more common is for your reference: Ice milk
Sherbet Ais kacang
Candy, specifically sugar candy, is a confection made from a concentrated solution of sugar in water, to which flavorings and colorants are added. Candies come in numerous colors and varieties and have a long history in popular culture. The word \comes from the Sanskrit \meaning \(of sugar),\which again perhaps from Dravidian (cf. Tamil kantu \kattu \harden, condense\In North America, candy is a broad category that includes candy bars, chocolates, licorice, sour candies, salty candies, tart candies, hard candies, taffies, gumdrops, marshmallows, and more. Vegetables, fruit or nuts glazed and coated with sugar are called candied. Candy is considered unhealthy by many. The type of candy depends on the ingredients and how long the mixture is 三亿文库包含各类专业文献、高等教育、文学作品欣赏、应用写作文书、各类资格考试、幼儿教育、小学教育、西餐 甜点简介40等内容。 
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1.Beer stick啤酒棒:
啤酒250克 鸡蛋2个 糖粉60克 美玫面粉300克 清黄油50克
2.Sesami butter crisp芝麻黄油脆片:
3.Chocolate crisp巧克力脆片
1.Chocolate Nemesis 香烤巧克力杯
巧克力 675克 黄油450克 白纱糖330克 白纱糖170克 水275克 鸡蛋10个
方法:水加330克糖烧开倒入巧克力和黄油中 ,170克糖和10个鸡蛋打5分钟,在把前面融化的原材料加入打发的鸡蛋中搅拌均匀
2.Chocolate pudding 巧克力布丁
巧克力270克 黄油270克 糖100克 面粉180克 鸡蛋5个 苏打粉4分之1teaspoon
方法:巧克力,黄油,糖隔水融化,稍冷加入鸡蛋 面粉 苏打粉搅拌均匀
3.Cream brulee 月桂奶油
奶油300毫升 牛奶200毫升 糖30克 蛋黄6个 咖啡甜酒少许 玉桂粉2勺
方法:奶油和牛奶烧开,倒入糖和蛋黄搅拌均匀入模隔水烤 温度150度
奶油500毫升 糖水300毫升 蛋黄150克 马斯卡布尼芝士500克 咖啡15克
糖水比例:1350克糖 1000克水烧开即可
5.Cake bottom蛋糕
蛋白270克 糖250克 面粉250克 蛋黄180克
6.Chocolate fondant 巧克力风灯
巧克力280克 黄油200克 糖125克 面粉50克 鸡蛋4个 蛋黄3个
7.Lemon tart 柠檬塔(冰箱冷藏成型)
塔皮:面粉500克 黄油300克 鸡蛋2 个 糖100克
塔心:奶油300克 鸡蛋9个 柠檬汁190毫升 糖375克 所有原材料混合搅拌一起过滤隔水熬至有浓度即可
8.Lemon tart 柠檬塔(烤箱烤成型)
塔皮:面粉500克 黄油300克 鸡蛋2 个 糖100克
塔心:鸡蛋8个 蛋黄2 个 糖350克 牛奶100毫升 柠檬汁3个 橙汁3 个 奶油200毫升所有材料隔水烧至有浓度入模烤即可
9.Orange souffle 香橙疏乎厘
橙汁200毫升 奶油200毫升 糖140克 蛋黄10个 面粉50克 2个橙皮,
方法:奶油煮过过滤倒入 糖和蛋黄打匀加面粉 面团:50克黄油 50克面粉搅匀 橙味酒50克蛋清打发放少许白糖,模具里刷黄油,撒糖
10.Chocolate swiss roll巧克力开心果卷
鸡蛋6个 糖粉100克 面粉30克 苏打粉少许 巧克力酱125克 色拉油少许 可可粉30克
方法:6个蛋黄和糖打8分钟在加入面粉,可可粉打匀,巧克力酱和色拉油,6个蛋白打发和前面的材料拌匀铺在烤盘上烤,用竹签插在皮中不粘牙签即可 冷却之后用保鲜膜包住烤盘 塔心:2个蛋黄和300克马斯卡布尼芝士搅拌铺在塔皮上,撒上开心果碎卷起
11. Caramel Custard焦糖布丁
7个鸡蛋 200克糖 600克牛奶 牛奶烧热,糖和鸡蛋搅拌,牛奶冲人糖和鸡蛋中 焦糖:水和糖烧至金黄色放少许水 温度150度
蛋黄3个 糖30克 马斯卡布尼芝士500克 奶油170克 蛋白3个 糖50克
奶油先打发,B.蛋黄和糖先打匀在放人马斯卡布尼芝士,C,蛋白和 30克糖打发
13.Chocolate tart巧克力塔
奶油185克 牛奶125克 225克巧克力 蛋黄1 个
甜塔皮:黄油100克 面粉250克 糖粉100克 鸡蛋1 个 杏仁粉30克 蛋黄1个
14.Apple crumble cake苹果酥脆饼
苹果碎:面粉300克 糖125克 盐4分之1tsp 玉桂粉4分之3tsp 硬黄油125克冻的很硬,混合打,黄油打软了连机器放进冰箱冻再打成粉末状铺在表面
15.Chocolate mousse巧克力慕斯
蛋糕底:鸡蛋5个 糖150克 面粉150克 清黄油60克
鸡蛋和糖打发在加入面粉最后在加入清黄油,蛋糕底抹一层巧克力,慕斯蛋糕:蛋黄4个 糖水125克 奶油500克打发 巧克力250克化 蛋黄和糖水烧开加入奶油和巧克力
软黄油462克 蛋糕粉530克 糖384克 面粉60克 酸牛奶80克 泡打粉15克 鸡蛋500克 苏打粉5克
60克糖 和20克水烧至120度30克蛋白 蛋白打的时候糖和水也可以烧了,甜塔皮做底,
18.Chocolate cake烤巧克力蛋糕
巧克力275克 糖150克 面粉40克 黄油175克 鸡蛋5个 ,巧克力,糖隔水融化先加入蛋黄5个,蛋白打发加入其中最后在加人面粉入模烤 温度150度
19.Fruit minestrone 水果
1000克水 200克糖 八角 茴香 桂皮 橙皮 薄荷叶 一起烧开冷却后在加入水果
20.Nut semifeddo意式干果冰淇林
糖水300毫升 蛋黄150克 奶油500毫升 干果适量 奶油打发,糖水和蛋黄烧2分钟至80度,过滤倒入搅拌器中打至冷即可在加人打发的奶油中最后放干果
21.Cheese cake 芝士蛋糕
奶油芝士650克 糖200克 鸡蛋2 个 蛋黄2个 奶油200毫升,柠檬皮碎橙皮碎各1 个
22.Turkish delight土耳其软糖
375克水 319克蜂蜜 575克糖 三者烧至120度 加入40克凝胶片 红色色素少许或者石榴糖浆 1片凝胶片等于5克 入模冻 ,裹的时候比例糖粉2:玉米淀粉1
23.Puff 泡夫
水125克 黄油125克 牛奶125克 蛋糕粉150克 鸡蛋250克 (5个) 盐5克 糖5 克 (烤时请勿开烤箱)
水,黄油,牛奶,盐,糖烧开加入蛋糕粉搅拌均匀烧至光滑成球形状,用whisk打慢慢在加入鸡蛋打至光滑挤成形烤温度:上火200度 下火180度
24. Pavlova巴芙洛饼
糖190克 糖粉60克 蛋白125克
方法:糖和蛋白先打12分钟最后在加入糖粉搅拌均匀温度100度 里面可以放香茅碎,橙皮碎和柠檬皮碎
25. Pavlova巴芙洛蛋糕
糖450克 蛋白350克 白醋2分之1teaspoon 玉米淀粉tablespoon 早苗牌塔塔粉teaspoon
蛋白先打发2分钟慢慢加醋在慢慢放糖打至4分钟 最后在加入其他原材料 温度130度
26.Chocolate& mango mousse cake巧克力芒果慕司蛋糕
一.Chocolate mousse巧克力慕司
二.Mango mousse芒果慕司
27. chocolate brownie巧克力布朗尼
鸡蛋10个 糖700g 巧克力500g 黄油400g 蛋糕粉500g 泡打粉5g 核桃300g
28. Cappuccino cake卡布基诺蛋糕
奶油1500ml 巧克力800g 奶油800ml 咖啡粉20g 牛奶400ml 糖170g 蛋黄12个
凝胶片60g 香草精少许
软黄油450g 糖300g 鸡蛋4个 蛋糕粉600g
30. Chocolate cookies巧克力曲奇饼干
软黄油450g 糖230g 鸡蛋4g 蛋糕粉550g 可可粉60g
31. Peanut cookies花生饼干
糖500g 软黄油750g 鸡蛋250g 蛋糕粉1000g 花生酱750g
32.Almond cookies杏仁饼干
糖300g 鸡蛋4个 橙1个(刨橙皮碎) 蛋糕粉500g 苏打粉1勺 杏仁200g
33.Chocolate nuts ball巧克力干果球
奶油300ml 黄油85g 巧克力500g 摩卡粉1tsp 干果碎150g
34.Vanilla sauce香草汁
奶油300ml 牛奶300ml 蛋黄5个 糖150g 香草油1tsp
糖1350g 水1000ml
(糖410g+柠檬皮20g+蛋糕粉375g +泡打粉12g)混合搅拌 +蛋黄160g +蛋白225g +
葡萄糖浆20g +清黄油380g
烤箱温度上火160 底火170
[牛奶500g+半根香草棒 烧开放十五分钟 +(蛋糕粉125g+糖250g+盐5g)混合搅匀+全蛋90g]混合
注:模子用蜂蠟刷一层 烤箱温度上火240 底火240
1 蛋黄75g+全蛋3个+糖110g 放入盆中搅成蛋糊
2 香草棒半根+牛奶280g+奶油280g 烧开 +巧克力95g融化
1. Baguette法棍
面粉1500克 盐15克 糖15克 美国依仕粉30克 S-500面包改良剂15克 水915克 分割300克1个脸盆里抹色拉油
2. Focaccia意大利面包
面粉1700克 盐18克 糖10克 美国依仕粉40 迷迭香10克 水1000克 洋葱碎和培根碎炒加人新鲜的迷迭香 烤盘里抹油,面包撒迷迭香
面粉1000克 糖20克 盐15克 美国依仕粉20克 水580毫升 胡椒粉,特级红辣椒粉 迷迭香温度上火200度,下火160度 搓成条形撒上芝麻烤,发的大点在搓
4.Thin pizza doughn薄批萨面皮
面粉1300克 盐12克 美国依仕粉20克 水720克 分割110个/个 发2次在擀
5. Hamburger汉堡
面粉1000克 盐15克 糖100克 牛奶500克 美国依仕粉2
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