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Most popular community and official content for the past week.&
Enter the Haunted Colosseum
[]This year, we felt the best way to mark the passage of October was to create a spooky, pumpkin-filled Custom Game. Haunted Colosseum is a new 5-on-5 battle for territorial control, complete with Capture Points, devilish traps, and warrior behemoths. It's available now, you can learn more about it here[], and then launch Dota 2 to try it for yourself.We've revamped the Custom Games overview page with the goal of promoting discovery of great Custom Games, and getting people into lobbies and playing as quickly as possible. To do that, we've replaced the &Suggested Games& list with an &Open Lobby& list, and we've added a new panel which highlights an automatically-chosen Game of the Day.[]This update also includes the second Tribute treasure for Fall Compendium[] owners: the Tribute of the Sharpened Feather.There are a lot of additonal changes and improvements in this update, such as a new section in your profile for showing off your tournament tickets, a way to see and manage your downloaded replays, support for offline solo play, a new matchmaking region in Tokyo with connectivity to Taiwan and Korea, a couple of balance changes with 6.85b, and more. Check out the complete notes for the full rundown.
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General Discussions
Workshop Item
Athene's Flame Loading Screens&
Workshop Item
Athene's Flame Ability Icons&
Workshop Item
Athene's Blade&
Workshop Item
Athene's Helm&
Workshop Collection
Warden of the Eternal Night&
Product Update
Your Dota 2 questions answered, vol. 5: with PyrionFlax!
Every two weeks, we hear your cries for Dota 2 help, package them up, and deliver them to a wise veteran of the scene. You can find the last set
here. This week, PyrionFlax advises on surviving the early game with an unfavourable matchup, not letting Dota 2 ruin your entire life, and why the new compendium isn
t such a bad deal for players. If you'd like to send us a question for the next installment, email
with 'GAME IS HARD' in your subject line. Topics that we are unlikely to cover for you include tech support, where Pit Lord is, tech support, whether or not we are secretly Valve and can help with your tech support, and tech support. Ted 'Pyrionflax' Forsyth
s life as a Dotaman began with his
expertly illustrated, pro-quality hero guides and continued through an announcer pack
and subsequent appearances at pretty much every Dota event on the
planet. We once played in a games industry Dota tournament together,
which is notable for this moment,
possibly Shane
s finest hour (warning: NSFW language.) Pyrion currently
has a new Dota 2 series in the works, Lanin
Twitter @pyrionflax
Twitch pyrionflax
PCG Chris: Okay. This is kind of a reasonable approach. I guess we'll see how reasonable it sounds in the end. From David: I play pubs, primarily. The atmosphere of ranked is something I find rather off-putting. I play Dota because it's fun, not to flaunt MMR about like some trophy. But the thing is, in every single match, I find myself facing off against someone none of the heroes I play can contest. I play primarily support and/or ganker, so there's not much I can do to take out an Alchemist, Pudge, or Huskar, and in every single match, at least one of the above is on the opposing team. I've tried taking up carries, but those matches only end up worse, and above all, I really don't enjoy carrying. So the problem is, with my skillset that contains mostly supporting and ganking skills, I find myself unable to do much, I'm in a deep rut of a losing streak, and find myself unable to do anything to counter the "cancer" of pubs. Are there any heroes that spring to mind? (Except AA) How do I work myself out of this losing streak? PyrionFlax: If he's saying "I want to take on this" and "I want to take on that" then I guess he's playing heroes like Nyx, maybe Clockwerk. What he's looking for is to get solo kills. In Dota it's really hard to get solo kills early on. If he's playing a cross between a support or a ganker role&if he's picking one or the other&then he should buy his own wards. It sucks, but it's not that expensive and it will help you. Put them in the spots where you think they'll be farming and that will help. Or just gank mid. That's the best thing you can do. Help the mid out&that really helps the game enormously, and then you and mid together can go and get those ganks and start to snowball. Looking for those early picks is tempting, but purely from what he's saying and the way he's phrased it it sounds like he's trying to go solo, and that never works in a team game unless your enemy has picked really dumb heroes that easy to kill or you're insanely good. He needs to think more about ganking with a friend. Help me, I need to escape this hell, but every attempt seems only to further sink me into it.
Chris: Next one, from Dan. This was a much longer email, but I've condensed it. I don't know if this is so much of a question or rant, but I am at an absolute loss as to why solo ranked matchmaking is the most evil and unenjoyable form of Dota 2? I am a relatively experienced casual player... Chris: I like the phrase 'relatively experienced casual player'. PFlax: I get what he's saying! He's saying he doesn't play, like, tryhard. I'd consider myself a relatively experienced casual player. I don't tryhard but I've got like 5,000 hours on the game. Chris: Well, hang on - ...with about 100 hours over the course of a couple years. I love the game, and have put a fair amount of money in it. I just started playing ranked because it seemed like the natural thing to do at this point in playing. I know the meta, and can play a vast array of heroes well. But when I load up a match it is without fail the largest shitshow possible. I suck apparently, and I'm at a loss as to how to get better. Chris: He then talks a little bit about getting ranked and immediately plummeting down. All his games are very one sided, stories from being in the trench. I'll skip that. My MMR is so embarrassingly low that my friends are teasing me relentlessly, and anything I saw in a normal unranked match will be written off as scrub nonsense. It needs to go up, but it just won't. I'm almost in tears, this game I love so much is draining the life out of me. It's destroying me. Almost literally killing me at this point. I don't know what to do here. Help, please help. PFlax: Calm the fuck down! Chris: Wait! He's not done! How do I get out of this shithole. I can't carry, I can't support. I can't do anything. It's like having your greatest hobby come to life and destroy everything you love. It's a betrayal. PFlax: Oh, dude! Haha! I know I cannot simply write my losses off as exclusively others
fault, but it
s just unbelievable to see me and my team of lobotomy patients repeatedly steamrolled by goddamned morons. I can't even get a lane partner who won't auto-attack every creep. Help me, I need to escape this hell, but every attempt seems only to further sink me into it. PFlax: Wow. Okay. That was a lot. Chris: It's intense, isn't it. PFlax: Phew, man. I feel like this guy's talking the way Terry Waite spoke when he first got busted out. Holy shit. He's obviously been in this mental prison that it's destroying him physically and emotionally. First of all he needs to calm down. Then he needs to realise that a hundred hours is nothing. Genuinely nothing. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt, in case it's typo and he meant a thousand. Even if it was five hundred, that means&assuming you've been completely even-handed&you've played every hero five times. That is not enough to be, in his words, 'competent with every hero' and so on. That's crazy. There's so much you need to learn, and it takes a lot of more than a hundred, five hundred, a thousand hours. If his rank is reflected in the games he's getting queued into and they're shitshows, that's what it's like at that level. Honestly, I've never been super low MMR having to solo queue. I'm sure it's miserable, I'm sorry for the guy. But he needs to break out of the funk by getting into some parties, play with friends, take it easy. Focus on doing the simple things well. Don't overplay it, just chill out. Don't play it like 'oh my god my MMR!'&People focus on that to the detriment of the game. I don't get it. Chris: If you're not enjoying it you won't improve, either. PFlax: Yeah! Because you're not concentrating, you're angry. Nobody does anything well when they're angry. Nobody. It does not work. You just start raging. Start getting frustrated. And one thing people do when they start getting frustrated is they make these reach plays&"if I do this, everything will turn around and my life will be happy again. If I can just get this rune. If I can just kill this guy. If I can just dive past this tier three at minute four, everything will right itself." He just needs to ride it out. If he's as good as he claims, he should be okay.
Chris:&Final question.
The Richest Tea
One of my favourite things about TI is the compendium and all the cool shit you get with it. It
s a nice way to raise money for the prize pool and feel part of the event when you can't make it to Seattle. But now it seems Valve intends to release a compendium for every single major they will be doing for the foreseeable future, which really sucks as it ruins the charm and Uniqueness of the TI compendium. What do you guys think of the fall 2015 compendium, the coin betting nonsense and how do you feel about the possibility of constant compendiums every big Dota Tournament? PFlax: It's not every tournament, it's just the Majors&and the Majors are a big deal. These are not run by whoever else. This is Valve bankrolling it, this is Valve laying down what they want, and then the other company is hired as a production company. The money still goes to the prize pool... Chris: It doesn't, for this one. PFlax: For this one it doesn't? Where does the money come from? Chris: Valve put up $3m. There's no contribution from the compendium&the compendium just raises money for Valve. Which I think is a legit concern. PFlax: I didn't know that. Chris: That caught me by surprise as well. It used to feel like you were all participating. PFlax: Alright, well think about it this way. When it comes to TI, Dota players and obsessives like you and I feel compelled to make this work&as some kind of group effort. We feel like TI has to succeed, we have to get a big prize pool because this is for the good of Dota. It's a reward for the players' year of hard work. If Valve come in and put $3m up and make that back on the compendium, we are still kind of paying for the prize pool. If we don't buy the compendium, they won't put the prize pool money in. Guaranteeing a $3m prize pool is still a huge amount of money compared to most tournaments. They've also paid for the production and there's a budget for that. As a business, they need to justify the cost of putting on these tournaments. People complain about buying these compendiums, but it's optional! Don't buy it. You don't have to bet coins, you can play the game for free, watch all the games for free&how many games can you say that about? Chris:&It's also worth pointing out that the live event is free until the final day, too. PFlax: Really? Well there you go. So much of it is accessible for free, I don't think we can complain that we have the option to pay for something.
PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!
Happy Halloween!&
Чудесный мир Доты&
Get burned :3&
? 吉安娜·普罗德摩尔 ?&
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280 ratings
[6.85] [Ez MMR] - Timbersaw [Offlaner]
You can easily upload your MMR alone, I recommend you use this guide.
Good Luck!
91 ratings
Soaring Cache and Compendium Coins
[]Available exclusively to Fall Compendium owners, the new Soaring Cache[] treasure contains 7 new sets, including a rare set for Warlock complete with a new Golem summon. The cache also has a very rare chance to contain the Padda'pon of Ribbi'tar Death Ward item for Witch Doctor, which can further be customized by Prismatic Gems. Additionally, every fifth Soaring Cache you open will also yield a Bonus Cache which contains either 5, 11, 24 Compendium levels, the Warlock set or the Ribbi'tar Death Ward. Unlike the previous Collector's Cache items which were never tradable, the Soaring Cache items can be traded like normal Treasure items and are immediately giftable and fully tradable a month after the event ends. You can also recycle any Soaring Cache items for 2 Compendium Levels.We've also made a number of improvements to increase everyone's coin earnings. We've removed the 5% cut from Coin Wager winnings and added Wager Bonuses which increase how many coins you can win from a match wager as well as allowing you to earn Coins even when the opponents did not wager. Compendium owners also now have a chance to receive a Coin Treasure or 750 Coin Pack at the end of a match.When the Reborn Update released last month, new music arrived with it. The Dota 2 Reborn theme is an update to the original Dota 2 theme that also incorporates several new melodies which have been added to the game over the last several years. While the orchestra played, the cameras looked on. We'd like to present this look at the recording of the Dota 2 Reborn theme.We are also pleased to announce that we have begun adding Russian voices to Dota's heroes. This first release includes the default announcer and nine heroes, with more voices coming soon. Players can select which voice language they would like to hear by opening Steam and right-clicking on Dota 2. From here, select Properties, then Language, and choose your preferred voice language. Steam will then download the new language.Several other features and fixes are also included in today's update, including the return of Team Matchmaking, and the ability to share announcers with other players in your matches. Check out the update notes for more information.
Legion Commander&
[6.85] [Ez MMR] - Disruptor [Support]
You can easily upload your MMR alone, I recommend you use this guide.
With this guide you will play as farmear carry and you'll quickly in the jungle with the &dark pack&
69 ratings
The Frankfurt Major Teams
The dust has settled. After hundreds of Dota matches across the Open and Regional Qualifiers, eight teams have emerged victorious. These teams will now join the directly invited teams to make up the final sixteen that will compete at The Frankfurt Major.[]Already, the road to The Frankfurt Major has been packed with excitement as both veteran and rookie teams have proven their worth. While former champions Alliance, Invictus Gaming, and NewBee made a return to prominence, extremely solid play was seen from Fnatic, Cloud9, Mineski and (Monkey) Business. Especially impressive were Team Unknown, a Peruvian squad who entered the Open Qualifiers and then fought all the way to the Main Event through the Americas Qualifiers.The Main Event for The Frankfurt Major will take place at Festhalle Messe in Frankfurt, Germany this November 16 through 21. The sixteen teams will battle over six days, using the same Main Event format as The International, to claim their piece of the $3,000,000 prize pool.If you've never been to a live Dota tournament, don't miss out on your chance to see the action in person, meet the players and personalities, and check out the merchandise available at the Secret Shop. Tickets to The Frankfurt Major Finals are still available, and can be purchased here[].
slahser's way: Outworld Devourer
OD is one of the strongest laning heroes in the game, being able to quickly remove all the enemy heroes mana, and getting a very high base damage. He has a high movespeed of 315, and really high base armor of 5 as well. This means that he is actually a rea...&
57 ratings
The toxic Dota 2 community
Perhaps I have just been unlucky, perhaps it’s simply due to the fact that I am not very good at dota or perhaps I overestimated the moral fibre of the people of dota. Regardless I have found that in allot of my matches more recently I have had people c...
General Discussions
#42 Play like TECHIES (Dota 2 Animation)&
Modificar tu Dota 2
Dota 2, como todos los juegos basados en el sistema Source, ofrece muchísimas opciones de modificación, incluso más allá de las que se muestran en la sección “Opciones“. Muchos gamers de Counter-Strike sabrán esto. Pues en este peque?o (espero) post, inten&
Two Golden Ornithomancer Mantle!!&
Product Update
19 of 26 people (73%) found this review helpful1 person found this review funny
Not Recommended
51.6 hrs on record
i like to dress up the people but i dont want them to fighti want them to get along
378 products in account
3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful1 person found this review funny
7.6 hrs on record
Cool game can be addictive with friends but if you're playing solo be prepared for toxic players
1 product in account
3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful1 person found this review funny
4,038.8 hrs on record
This game is the best dress up game since Hello Kitty Online Adventure.
206 products in account
Dota 2 custom game of the week: Dota IMBA
Custom Games
Every Saturday, we
ll highlight a Dota 2 custom game that is fun, playable, and relatively bug-free. To find a custom game, go to the
Custom Games
tab in Dota 2 and enter the name as we
ve provided it in the search box in the top right&in this case,
Dota IMBA.
Dota IMBA is like normal Dota turned up to 11. In the words of its creators,
s what would happen if Icefrog went mad, and buffed every hero 100 patches in a row
s ult hits everything in its path. Pugna
s ward can steal spells. Techies mines can move. Discovering new versions of each spell is fun in and of itself: it recaptures the feeling from when you first started playing and it seemed like Dota
s box of tricks would never run out. At the same time, because nearly everything is a tweaked version of something from the main game, the experience is rarely overwhelming. The roles of each hero are the same for the most part, and you
ve got a rough idea of what each hero is capable of&it
s like jumping in after missing a dozen patches. A dozen ridiculous, whimsical patches made in a world where Dota doesn
t have to be a serious, ultra-balanced competitive sport and can instead embrace its silly side. The same philosophy is applied to items: Shadowblade gives you free pathing, Force Staff pushes people twice as far and Magic Wands can gather charges from across the map. Dagons can be upgraded to level ten, and multiple Divine Rapiers get assimilated into each other while increasing all the damage that you do&not just right clicks. As with hero abilities, reading the new item descriptions invokes a similar excitement to going through patch notes, delighting in the myriad of new possibilities on offer. There are a bunch of entirely new late game items too, which combined with all the other changes means you can
t rely on your usual builds. (Pro tip: Because Branches only cost 5 gold, it
s worth starting with a wand and filling up any gaps in your inventory with branches.) Again, existing knowledge provides a framework to go off on while improvising around and adapting to the new stuff. Don
t get me wrong, Dota IMBA is still a competitive game. Playing well requires using all the same skills as normal Dota. Given just how much more deadly everyone is, I
d even say it punishes mistakes more harshly: put a toe out of line in lane and the chances are your opponents will take you apart. The importance of each last hit and deny is increased too, as each creep kill grants a lot more gold. While this is a neat way of adding more tension to otherwise slow parts of the game, it does mean that teams and individual players tend to pull away from each other faster. You can feel the lack of skill-based matchmaking hurting IMBA more than other custom games, with matches often turning into stomps.
Fortunately, the pain of being trampled on&and the boredom of trampling over others&is offset by the host of comeback mechanics IMBA introduces. Killing heroes of a higher level gives you much more gold, increasing dramatically the further they are ahead and the longer their killstreak. Towers get stronger with each one that gets knocked down, firing faster and gaining versions of some hero abilities such as cold snap or fury swipes. I especially like how the ancient itself turns into a boss fight, throwing out ultimates as its health gets whittled down. It gives the defending team something to rally around, potentially tipping the scales back in their favour if the attackers aren
t careful. I
d say the ancient might actually be a bit too tough to kill, but the devs agree with me
a recent patch toned down its abilities so teams don
t feel punished for winning too quickly. Even without these changes, the fact that each hero does much more damage means that it
s easier to kill opponents when playing from behind, using positioning and teamplay to compensate for the power gulf. Increasing the power of each hero tends to exaggerate the roles they play. Heroes that traditionally have an early game focus will dominate even more than usual at the start, while hard carries can become unstoppable. Snowball heroes fair particularly well: characters like Templar Assassin and Storm Spirit do better and better the more momentum they manage to gain. I
ll cop to being a little biased, given that it
s the playstyle I always gravitate towards. Still, I had a lot of fun supporting too
Witch Doctor
s paralysing cask is one of the most excruciating stuns in the main game, and in IMBA, with the number of jumps doubled, it
s obscene. Admittedly, trying to stop an immortal level 35 Anti-Mage later in the same game was less fun. You could say it would be a bit silly for me to complain about balance problems in a game mode literally called
, but look, they walked right into it. All heroes are overpowered, but some heroes are more overpowered than others. Some heroes haven
t had their abilities entirely reimagined, though they
ll usually have drastically altered cooldowns, damage values or mana costs. Still, the ones with orange text in their descriptions to show that new effects have been added are generally more powerful. Omniknight in particular is a nightmare, with the workshop forum page calling for a much needed nerf. In fairness, that
s all part of the fun. If you
ve ever wanted to fulfil your fantasy of stomping around as an Invoker with no cooldown on invoke, or a Pudge with the size and strength of Roshan, then Dota IMBA is a custom game worth checking out.
PC Gamer Pro is dedicated to esports and competitive gaming. Check back every day for exciting, fun and informative articles about League of Legends, Dota 2, Hearthstone, CS:GO and more. GL HF!
Product Update
You need to win to get out of LP. Idiocy.
You can only pick from 3 heroes at random but you have to win to get out... seriously how is that fair. People will just quit DOTA altogether I know I will and then valve doesnt make dat cash.
General Discussions
Is this right?
Someone who can watch this match: ID
Is right to do that?
Can it be reported?
Its the first time I see people doing that so... That's why I ask.
Thanks in advance.
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Ошибка подключения
короче после принять просто идет в нижнем правом углу подключение, после долгого ожидания выдается ошибка об не удачном подключении, нажим...
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