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Hugo Boss的中文叫“雨果博斯”,在中国很多商城,一般和CK、阿玛尼在门口最好的位置。Hugo Boss在1923年创立于德国,在全球服装品牌价值榜中排名前十,其风格建立在欧洲传统形象,连续多年为德国足球队设计了帅气的西装。Hugo Boss售价比较贵,但还没达到奢侈品的级别。这款Hugo Boss的Uomo男士牛仔裤,属于Boss Orange橙标副线,修身版型,直筒款式,采用98%牛津棉,混2%弹性纤维,具有微弹性,上身版型好,有一定的光泽感,适合年轻人穿着。Hugo Boss的这款正价109欧元,德亚现部分款式特价至28-32欧元价位,尺码较全,其中Blu色31Wx34L码款售价28.53欧元,神价格,直邮中国退税后EUR23.39,关税EUR7.02+运费EUR17.81,总计EUR48.22,约合378元。尺码方面:修身版型,比标准尺码小半码。「关于意亚直邮」欧亚五国部分商品现可直邮中国,并且还支持退税,加入购物车退税后的实付价格为「原价/1.19」,关税也是以实付价格计税。直邮中国的物流和美亚一样都是易客满。Hugo Boss拥有多「Boss」「Boss Orange」「Boss Green」「Hugo」四个子品牌,网上关于Hugo Boss的品牌介绍很多过时了,单看文字也比较难懂,所以编辑做了一张图。虽然公司早在1923年,由品牌同名创始人“Hugo Boss”创立,估计早期就是个裁缝店,因为品牌历史显示,在1950年才开始制作男士西装,1960年才成规模批量生产,1970年才成立Boss品牌,至今一直是主线。『主线+高端线』「Boss」黑标,一般写成“Boss by Hugo Boss”。作为主线,Boss主要做商务正装,在服装行业定位中,「正装」>「休闲 或 运动」>「街头潮流」,所以Boss一直是招牌主打产品线,时尚绅士的风格,带有浓重的德国情调。Hugo Boss旗下曾经的顶级子品牌是「Baldessarini」,以在Hugo Boss工作30年的首席设计师Baldessarini“波帝萨里尼”的名字命名的,曾经是Hugo Boss高档、最精致的西装系列。波帝萨里尼在2002年离任,并且销量不如新上市的波Boss Black,所以2007年之后,「Baldessarini」被取消。然后Boss推出「Boss Selection」,早期还叫做「Boss Black Selection」,延续了「Baldessarini」的高端定位。或许是因为品牌变来变去的,给用户带来选择困惑,毕竟多数人还只认Hugo Boss,对各子品牌没有足够的认知,所以以上产品,又统一回到「Boss」品牌。『副线』「Boss Orange」橙标,1987年上市的休闲装,和商务正装形成差异化。「Boss Green」绿标,2003年上市的运动装,与法国鳄鱼(Lacoste)定位、价位相近。『年轻人』「Hugo」红标,Hugo是针对年轻人的高端潮流时装,风格前卫,设计大胆。很多品牌把年轻人的产品线,搞成廉价副牌,但「Hugo」一直是针对年轻人的主线,在设计面料做工都保持一致的高水准。「档次划分」一般男装的档次,以衬衫、Polo衫、西装作为基准价格。Hugo Boss中价格最低的橙标,Polo的正价是95美元起,和Lacoste、Fred Perry在同一价位,对比CK正牌69美元,贵了50%。而在高端的正装产品线,Hugo Boss与CK等都是大几千元的售价,基本不过万,相差不大。
分类 / 热词人皇的御用洗发师
&&&&刚开始四叔不理解这三组单词的意思,就回图书馆拿了本《标准计算程序代码》(STANDARD CYPHERS & CODES)研究。这本书的作者是JOSEPH BENEFIEL。四叔苦思冥想之时偶然看到书脊上的标签,悟出了解题方法。
&&&&注意,如果TM想让四叔知道652这个数字,TM会播报:Standard. Juliet. Bravo.
&&& Standard是这本书书名的第一个单词。依据北约音标字母表,Juliet代表J,Bravo代表B,所以Juliet和Bravo合起来就是JB,是这本书作者姓名的首字母。
&&& TM播报字母(注意是字母,不是书名)所用的单词,均来自北约音标字母表。这里我们引入一个概念,北约音标字母。
&&&&根据维基百科,北约音标字母(英语:NATO phonetic alphabet),正式名称是国际无线电通话拼写字母(英语:International radiotelephony spelling alphabet),是最常使用的拼写字母。除了军事,北约音标字母表现在也被广泛应用于北美和欧洲的商业和通讯领域,并已被国际民航组织认可而使用于民用航空。
&&&& Uncertainty. Romeo. Kilo.&
&&&& Family. Alpha. Mike.
&&&& Reflections. Juliet. Oscar.
&&&&因为这次TM给的顺序是乱的,所以四叔重组了一下,以下是正确顺序。可以得出社保号码是013-00-6062。这个是Leon Tao的号码。
&&&&根据维基百科,杜威十进制图书分类法(Dewey Decimal Classification)是由美国图书馆专家麦尔威&杜威发明的图书分类方法。在美国,几乎所有公共图书馆和学校图书馆都采用这种分类法。该分类法以三位数字代表分类码,共可分为10个大分类、100个中分类及1000个小分类。&除了三位数分类外,一般会有两位数字的附加码,以代表不同的地区、时间、材料或其他特性的研究,分类码与附加码之间则以小数点“.”隔开。例如 330 表经济学&+&.9&表地区别论述&+&.04&表欧洲&= 330.94 表欧洲经济学。&
&&& TM第二次给了汉娜的号码。这次是按照正确顺序的。
&&& TM给出了三组单词如下:
&&&&&第一组,Ayacucho, Golf, Papa;
&&&&&第二组,Deterministic, Hotel, Sierra;
&&&&&第三组,Camera, Sierra, Kilo.&&&&每组的第一个单词均是书名。每组的第二个和第三个单词,就是北约音标字母表里的单词。根据北约音标字母表,Golf代表G,Papa代表P,Hotel代表H,Sierra代表S,Kilo代表K。&&&&所以,TM要四叔去找三本书。第一本,书名以Ayacucho开头,作者姓名缩写是GP;第二本,书名以Deterministic开头,作者姓名缩写是HS;第三本,书名以Camera开头,作者姓名缩写是SK。
&&& S只能读作Sierra,不能用Spring或者其他单词;T只能读作Tango,不能用Target或其他单词……因为北约音标字母表就是这样规定的。
S2 05 Bury the Lede
The mayor's office is up for grabs,
and City Councilman Ed Griffin
threw his hat in the ring today.
New candidate in the race for mayor--
Assistant DA Landon Walker.
- This thing is a bloodbath.&- Griffin and Walker are neck and neck.
Yeah, I hear that's about to change.
That reporter, Maxine Angelis,
she says one of Griffin's money men has been cooking the books.
Who the hell are you?
I'm the person who's not telling your wife
that you're in a hotel room waiting for a hooker.
Your office wasn't returning my calls, Mr. Hix,
so I thought I'd reach out to you personally.
Maxine Angelis, New York Journal.
This little game cuts both ways.
What will your readers think when they find out
you get your stories using blackmail?
They'll think I'm good at my job.
In the next five days,
New York elects a new mayor,
and I'm very curious about the illegal fundraising you've done
for Ed Griffin's campaign.
Give me straight answers,
and I'll be kind enough to omit the circumstances
of our interview.
What is it you wanna know?
You've raised over $100,000 for Griffin.
I can see why Maxine keeps making headlines.
Investigative journalists like Ms. Angelis
are an endangered species.
In order to keep up with bloggers and social media,
dedicated reporters have to be increasingly creative to get the truth.
Is that feedback?
No, I simply made the grievous error
of buying Bear a squeaky toy.
1.Investigative journalists like Ms. Angelis
are an endangered species.
In order to keep up with bloggers and social media,
dedicated reporters have to be increasingly creative to get the truth.
Is that feedback?
No, I simply made the grievous error
of buying Bear a squeaky toy.
In the six years she's worked at the Journal,
she's penned exposes
on New York's most dangerous criminals.
The cartel, Elias, HR.
She's made some very powerful enemies.
Odds are one of Maxine's stories
is about to get her killed.
Okay, I got what I need.
Thank you for your time, Mr. Hix.
Oh, and tell your wife I said hi.
Max, remember how you thought HR
had a lot more dirty cops out there?
You were right.
The feds are indicting dozens of NYPD officers.
On my way.
FBI. You're under arrest.
You two, out of the car.
You have the right to remain silent.
They're making the bust, but I know this was you.
Nice work, Detective.
Keep your voice down, huh, Carter?
You think John put me under with HR
because of my spotless record?
Glad the feds haven't come after me yet.
The day is still young, Fusco.
Agent Donnelly, big day for you.
Thanks, Carter.
And, uh, don't think I've forgotten about your man in the suit.
We will catch him as soon as we're done with this.
Looks pretty done to me.
Over 75 dirty cops in bracelets.
So why aren't you smiling?
You don't have the big boss, do you?
Head of HR.
So got a particular cop in mind?
I'm not so sure it is a cop.
If the lead I'm working pans out,
soon I'll know exactly who was running things.
1.They're making the bust, but I know this was you.
Nice work, Detective.
Hey, Carter.
My two cents-- let this one go, okay?
Every crook HR screwed over,
every cartel they were in bed with,
they're all gonna want the big boss dead.
Whoever catches that guy...
better be bulletproof.
Every crook HR screwed over,
every cartel they were in bed with,
they're all gonna want the big boss dead.
Whoever catches that guy...
better be bulletproof.
Is it weird that that just makes me wanna catch him more?
For you? No.
Hey, kiddo, it's dad.
Remember, I'm picking you up from school today,
so don't take the bus.
And think about what movie you wanna watch tonight.
All right? I'll call you later.
Hello, Lionel.
Look, Simmons, I didn't--
Spare me whatever steaming pot you're about to serve up.
I saw you.
The day the FBI got into HR,
I saw you helping that guy in the suit.
You know what even crossed my mind?
You might be the rat who tried to take us down.
But you wouldn't be that stupid, now would you, Lionel?
- No.&- Good.
'Cause HR might be down,
but we are not out.
My boss is pulling strings right now
to save the upper management.
With friends like that, what do you need me for?
Because the FBI keeps digging.
We got word that they're onto something
that could still bring us all down--
me, my boss.
Probably even you.
What do they got?
Why don't you tell me?
Your partner's all buddy-buddy with Donnelly.
So you're gonna find out what they're looking for,
and you're gonna make it disappear.
And if I don't?
Well, I guess I'll see you in prison.
I mean, what's your kid gonna think
when he finds out what you did?
You think your ex-wife's even gonna let you see him again?
I mean, you need this to go away as bad as we do.
Push comes to shove, who's got your back here?
That goody-two-shoes partner of yours or me?
Just do this one thing for us, Lionel.
Then if you want out,
you're out.
1.I mean, what's your kid gonna think
when he finds out what you did?
You think your ex-wife's even gonna let you see him again?
I mean, you need this to go away as bad as we do.
Push comes to shove, who's got your back here?
That goody-two-shoes partner of yours or me?
So, Quinn, what brings you out of campaign HQ?
My boss' screaming mostly.
You've made this a very tough day for me.
Well, when you sign on as campaign manager
for a crook like Ed Griffin,
you gotta expect a few tough days.
- Sorry.&- I'll survive.
Politicians come and go, but you and I are here forever. Right, Max?
Off the record,
it's not Griffin's year.
Walker's ahead, and I can't find any dirt to save my life.
Oh, come on, the cleaner they are on the outside,
the more rotten they are once you crack them open.[07:05.00]I actually came by just to warn you.
Griffin wants your head on a pike.
Well, tell him to get in line.
1.Oh, come on, the cleaner they are on the outside,
the more rotten they are once you crack them open.
You hear that, Finch?
Edward Griffin, our newest suspect
but likely not our last.
Oh, Bear, please.
Look, here's your ball.
I should have access to Maxine's cloud storage site shortly.
Once I get inside,
I'll scan through everything she's working on,
see who else might want her dead.
That's not the real story, Glen.
The hell it's not. 75 cops in cuffs-- that's news.
The story's not who they busted,
it's who they didn't.
The head of HR.
The FBI knows they don't have the big boss.
And now they're just scooping up everybody,
hoping they'll catch him if they cast a wide enough net.
Wanna write about the big boss? Fine.
Get me a name and something to back it up.
Until then, there's nothing to print.
So she's looking for the head of HR.
Should we be looking at Simmons?
Actually, my analysis of the evidence from Detective Fusco
suggests that Simmons is just a high-ranking lieutenant.
Then who's really in charge?
Someone's dialing Maxine's cell.
Number blocked, no ID.
- Maxine Angelis.&- I can't tell you my name,
but I have information you want.
Okay, what is that exactly?
HR's big boss-- I know who it is
All right, I'm listening.
The head of HR is Christopher Zambrano.
- They're arresting him tonight.&- Who is this?
Christopher Zambrano, son of the late mafia don,
whom I'm sure you will remember.
But unlike his father,
Christopher seems to have kept his nose clean.
Which would make him a good liaison
between the mob and the police.
He owns an import-export business.
Perfect cover for the kind of smuggling operations
that have lined HR's pockets.
And now she's calling one of her contacts in the FBI.
- Agent Clark.&- Willis.
Maxine Angelis.
So remember when you led that meth lab raid
and accidentally busted into the wrong house,
and I left your name out of the paper,
and you said you didn't know how to thank me?
Well, I just thought of a way.
What do you want, Maxine?
What do you know about the HR investigation?
I just got a tip that Christopher Zambrano
is the boss of the whole operation.
Okay, this is deep, deep background.
But, uh, yeah,
I know they're looking at him in connection with HR.
And when Donnelly was putting in paperwork for the indictments,
I heard him talking about Zambrano a lot.
Okay. Well, thanks, Willis.
I'll keep your name out of this story too.
Sounds like she's really onto something.
We definitely need to check out Zambrano.
I think Maxine might beat me to it.
Mr. Zambrano.
Maxine Angelis, New York Journal.
Nice to meet you.
Get off my property.
Why? Do you have something to hide from a reporter?
Got eyes and ears on Zambrano, Finch.
Search all you want.
All you're gonna find is imported furniture,
parts of a kiddie carousel, which I bought for charity.
Does that make it into the papers? No.
Because my last name is Zambrano,
you guys all think I'm a wise guy.
No, I think you're the head of HR.
What the hell are you talking about? Who told you that?
I think you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Did you get a visit recently from Agent Donnelly?
Never seen him before.
Funny,&'cause the guard at the gate has seen him here,
arguing with you.
Son of a mafia don,
owner of an import-export business,
getting grilled by the FBI agent hunting HR.
So if you're not involved, then how would you explain that?
Shut your mouth.
I don't know anything about that, okay?
And if you keep on asking questions like this,
somebody's gonna get hurt.
I don't like this, Finch. I'm going in.
Reese, you can't. Maxine has another pet story.
She's been scouring through police records,
talking to witnesses,
hunting for a man in a suit...
meaning you.
We're fugitives getting illegal information
from a secret government machine.
John, the last thing we need is publicity.
You must protect Ms. Angelis,
but you have to do it without giving her any more proof
that the man in the suit exists.
1.She's been scouring through police records,
talking to witnesses,
hunting for a man in a suit...
meaning you.
We're fugitives getting illegal information
from a secret government machine.
John, the last thing we need is publicity.
Do you expect me to believe
you're gonna lay a finger on me at your legitimate business?
- You don't print that.&- Mr. Zambrano.
You don't write that.
&Suspected HR boss assaults reporter.&
Do you think that headline makes you look less guilty?
Hey, Teddy, escort this bitch off my property.
1.You don't print that.&- Mr. Zambrano.
You don't write that.
&Suspected HR boss assaults reporter.&
Do you think that headline makes you look less guilty?
Okay, Finch.
How am I supposed to save a woman
who wants to put me on the front page?
Despite this complication,
we must focus on keeping Maxine safe.
I can't find anything in Zambrano's digital footprint
to suggest that he's the head of HR,
but brilliant criminals have fooled us before.
I do wish you wouldn't do that here.
When I do it in the park, people look at me funny.
Okay, let's assume that Zambrano is the head of HR.
He might want to have Maxine killed
before she can reveal his true identity in the paper.
It would be damn hard to stop them
if I can't let Maxine see me work.
And when you step out of the shadows to help her out,
she's going to know you're the man in the suit.
Until we can figure out a way to hide you in plain sight,
perhaps you should enlist some backup.
1.I do wish you wouldn't do that here.
When I do it in the park, people look at me funny.
Maxine Angelis. Yeah, I've heard of her.
That woman leaves no stone unturned.
How do you expect to work your magic with her around?
Aren't you and your friend obsessed with staying out of the paper?
I'll keep my distance.
The other photo I sent you is Chris Zambrano.
Maxine thinks he's HR's big boss.
So he's crooked like his dad, huh?
Everything okay, Fusco?
It's, uh... something I ate probably.
Yeah, well, you don't become head of HR by being sloppy.
So if Zambrano wants your reporter dead,
he'll do it in a way that's practically invisible
with no strings leading back to him.
Fusco, when's the last time you saw your pal Simmons?
we haven't talked since I shot at him, covering your ass.
Find him. Tail him.
And if he gives you any trouble,
I've got your back.
I'll talk to Donnelly,
see who else is on HR's payroll
that hasn't been arrested yet.
And if your reporter friend gets into trouble
before we find the shooter--
Guess I'll have to call the police.
1.And if he gives you any trouble,
I've got your back.
四叔虽然说我才不管你豆豆什么生活,我也不管你豆豆被谁欺负了。但四叔总还是豆豆的守护天使。I've got your back.没错他永远都是你的backup。
2.And if your reporter friend gets into trouble
before we find the shooter--
Guess I'll have to call the police.
And though I'm unaware of any wrong-doing,
the funds in question will be donated to charity.
That's Ed Griffin issuing a statement
about allegations in the New York Journal.
Landon Walker is in our studio. Mr. Walker, your response.
You see, Bob, hiding the evidence doesn't erase the crime.
This is what my opponent doesn't get.
Look at what she started.
If I'm elected, I'll bring honesty and integrity back to the city.
I got him, Glen. The head of HR.
Christopher Zambrano.
The mafia don's kid? Based on what?
Four sources, anonymous tip,
guard at the docks,
an FBI agent familiar with the case,
and Zambrano himself.
He admitted it to you?
I don't think he was yelling at me 'cause he's innocent.
I hear Donnelly's already filed the indictment.
We'll run it on the website...
and back-edit it once the feds pick him up.
Well, the cat's out of the bag,
but Ms. Angelis is not out of danger yet.
Zambrano may order her execution for simple revenge.
She's not safe until he's behind bars.
Finch, I can't protect her like this.
I've got to get close to her.
Oh, you're about to.
It seems that Maxine's job doesn't afford her opportunities to meet nice men,
so she somewhat reluctantly
signed up with a popular online dating site.
I took the liberty of back-engineering
the matching algorithm to create the profile of her ideal man.
She really likes that you love dogs.
You're trying to get me a date with her?
Already have. Tonight at 8:00.
You've been flirting all day.
Finch? What did I just say to her?
1.You've been flirting all day.
Finch? What did I just say to her?
New cufflinks I could understand,
but buying a $100,000 sports car--
was that really necessary?
Relax, Finch. The car's stolen.
Let's hope you're not compensating for something.
Remember, your name is John Anderson...
VP at Jenson Actuarial.
You like walking your dog, kayaking, and Hitchcock movies.
Oh, and Maxine's fondness for intellectuals
presents us with a graceful way to help cover up your identity.
Are you wearing those glasses I got you?
- Here you are.&- Sure.
I called ahead and ordered us a bottle.
Hope you like champagne.
Don't you remember joking about this online?
Sorry, um, can I get a Boulevardier, please?
Did you not review the notes I sent you?
So, John...
I've always wondered.
What does an actuarial actually do?
Most days, just try to stay awake.
Mr. Reese. Wrong answer!
Maxine is passionate about her career,
and she wants a partner who feels the same way.
Okay, time for reinforcements.
How are you?
You trying to make me jealous?
Finch have you on standby?
Social psychology.
Women are more attracted to men
who receive the approval of other attractive women.
Uh, Maxine, this is Zoe.
She's a friend.
So how do you two know each other?
Oh, we spent two very long nights together last year.
It was great seeing you again, John.
You dated Zoe Morgan?
There's not a reporter in town
who wouldn't kill to interview that woman.
The tenets of social psychology are firmly rooted in an unders--
So tell me about your job.
What's the most exciting story you're working on right now?
Oh, you'll just think I'm weird.
Okay, well, there's a rumor about this guy.
The police just call him the man in a suit.
No one's seen his face, no one knows his name.
I'm not even sure he exists.
But he's like something out of a comic book.
When people are in trouble, he comes out of nowhere.
He always seems to be there just in time.
And whoever he is, he saves a lot of lives.
And he shoots a lot of kneecaps.
Sounds like a great guy.
And an urban legend.
Yeah, well, maybe. But if he's real...
I'm going to put that man on the cover
of every magazine and newspaper in this country.
What about Christopher Zambrano?
I read your website.
Ever worry that writing about a man like that
might put you in harm's way?
Occupational hazard.
Still couldn't hurt to skip town for the weekend,
let this blow over.
Oh, thanks for your concern, John.
And for that very slick offer to whisk me away.
But, you know, this is what I do.
I find out what people need to know,
what those in power don't want them to know,
and I make sure everyone hears about it.
To me, that's worth a little risk.
&In times of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act.&
George Orwell.
You know what, I'm sorry.
I have to take this.
- Sorry.&- Yeah.
So, John...
I've always wondered.
What does an actuarial actually do?
Most days, just try to stay awake.
Mr. Reese. Wrong answer!
Okay, time for reinforcements.
How are you?
You trying to make me jealous?
Finch have you on standby?
Social psychology.
Women are more attracted to men
who receive the approval of other attractive women.
You dated Zoe Morgan?
There's not a reporter in town&
who wouldn't kill to interview that woman.
The tenets of social psychology are firmly rooted in an unders--
So tell me about your job.
Okay, well, there's a rumor about this guy.
The police just call him the man in a suit.
No one's seen his face, no one knows his name.
I'm not even sure he exists.
But he's like something out of a comic book.
When people are in trouble, he comes out of nowhere.
He always seems to be there just in time.
And whoever he is, he saves a lot of lives.
And he shoots a lot of kneecaps.
Yeah, well, maybe. But if he's real...
I'm going to put that man on the cover
of every magazine and newspaper in this country.
But, you know, this is what I do.
I find out what people need to know,
what those in power don't want them to know,
and I make sure everyone hears about it.
&In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.&
Glen. Okay, Glen, Glen, Glen.
Slow down, slow down!
- Kind of busy, Carter.&- We have a problem.
I just got off the phone with Donnelly, and...
Maxine's story about Zambrano being the big boss of HR--
it's not true.
Oh, my God. Oka--
oh, my God.
Zambrano's not the boss?
He isn't even a suspect.
But then she wrote that thing,
she put a bull's-eye on his chest.
Every crook HR screwed, every cartel they worked with,
everyone wants him dead.
Maxine's not in danger, Zambrano is.
We need to find him before it's too late.
You're wrong, Max. The FBI's on their way.
- They wanna talk to you.&- Okay, all right.
Forget about me. Where is Zambrano?
- And is he okay?&- He's not answering his cell.
No one knows where he is.
Work emergency. I'll call you.
Okay, well, I don't know what your work emergency is,
but I bet mine's worse.
I just put Zambrano's life in danger,
so I need you to give me a ride.
Okay, wait in the car.
You're close, Mr. Reese.
Zambrano is 300 meters west northwest of you.
Guess the FBI doesn't have him bluejacked.
Mr. Zambrano!
Mr. Zambrano!
Where's Zambrano?
We didn't get here in time.
We didn't get here in time.
第一集中芬奇说给你一个be there in time的机会,而这次他们没有。所以不是好人都有好报,这剧也不是好人都不会死,坏人都要死翘翘的滥俗剧情。它告诉我们生命在很多时候都是脆弱的,保护自己和他人的生命是每个人都应承担的义务。
Okay, Ms. Angelis. And Mr. Anderson, was it?
Uh, you can call me John.
I just need to get a statement.
You found Mr. Zambrano, right?
He was shot,
and he wasn't breathing.
It was all my fault.
I'm sorry, can I-- I just need a minute.
Yeah, sure.
You're dating her?
That's how you're keeping your distance?
It's, um... complicated.
Your killers are knocked out at the scene.
My guess is they're Toreros cartel.
Just one of many organizations that wanted HR's boss dead.
Just got the wrong guy.
Look, this isn't the best place for me to be,
but I'm not leaving her.
Can I get her out of here?
Come on. She said we could go.
- Some first date, huh?&- Maxine Angelis.
Special Agent Donnelly, FBI.
You're gonna answer some questions.
The gate guard told me
that you'd been arguing with Zambrano
and an agent I spoke to--
Agent Clark didn't know anything,
but I am really not interested
in hearing you try to justify what you did.
All I want is the name of the person who first told you
that Chris Zambrano was the head of HR.
I got a call. It was an anonymous tip.
It was a man. Blocked number.
11:41. That's it.
But if he wasn't the boss, then why were you even--
Do you have any idea how...
colossally you just screwed up?
Zambrano wasn't HR's boss.
He was the witness that could bring the boss down.
Zambrano's father was the mob's point man with HR.
And he kept records-- a ledger--
with names and dollar amounts for everyone on HR's payroll,
including the boss.
And when the don died,
Chris Zambrano found that ledger.
But unlike his dad, Chris was a good man.
Totally clean.
When he realized what he was holding,
he called the FBI.
Why didn't you protect him?
What do you think we were arguing about?
I tried to convince him.
But because of people like you calling him a criminal all his life,
Zambrano was afraid that we would think he was dirty too.
He'd only turn over the ledger once he'd sign an immunity deal,
and the paperwork came through tonight.
And if you print one word of this,
I will lock your ass up for obstruction.
Do you have any idea how...
colossally you just screwed up?
Zambrano wasn't HR's boss.
He was the witness that could bring the boss down.
Zambrano's father was the mob's point man with HR.
And when the don died,
Chris Zambrano found that ledger.
But unlike his dad, Chris was a good man.
But because of people like you calling him a criminal all his life,
Zambrano was afraid that we would think he was dirty too.
Well, your tip came from a disposable cell,
the first choice of criminals
and virtually impossible to trace.
So congratulations, Ms. Angelis,
you just got played,
probably by the real head of HR.
So Maxine wasn't the victim. She was the perpetrator.
Unwitting, involuntary, but a perpetrator all the same.
With one stroke,the boss wipes out the only witness who could bring him down
and destroys the career of a troublesome reporter to boot.
And we're gonna find out who that bastard is and bring him down.
And I'll search Zambrano's digital footprint,
see if I can find out where he hid the ledger with the boss' name in it.
And I'll see what our undercover can dig up.
1.So Maxine wasn't the victim. She was the perpetrator.
Unwitting, involuntary, but a perpetrator all the same.
Fusco, you and Simmons need to have a little talk.
See if he knows who the real head of HR is.
Nah, if Simmons knew that,I would have& brought down the boss when we took down HR.
Well, ask anyway, and let me know if you find anything out.
Will do, boss.
All right, Zambrano, where did you hide that ledger?
Maxine Angelis.
Max? Quinn. How are you?
Guess I was due for a tough day.
Yeah, look, we're gonna have use this thing to discredit you,
everything you wrote about Griffin.
We're throwing you under the bus, Max.
You're a true friend, Quinn.
What can I do?
I think we've got it handled.
We're moving the election off A1 to make room for our retraction on Zambrano.
I can write the retraction.
I'm afraid you won't be writing anything until we sit down with legal.
Ms. Angelis' future as a journalist may be in doubt,
but she's not done investigating.
She's calling that disposable cell.
You have reached a voice mail box that has not been set up yet.
I don't know who you are,
but I know what you did, and I know where to find your name.
And when I do,I will put a picture of you in handcuffs on the front page of this paper.
She's looking for that HR ledger.
Then I need to get her to stop before she gets herself in trouble.
- Hello?&- Maxine, it's John.
I thought maybe you could use a drink.
I was surprised to hear from you.
There's generally no second date when the first one ends in homicide.
Well, I was, um... thinking about you,
and I wanted to see if I could help.
Well, now that you mention it,
I could use your accounting skills to just go through these records.
Here's everything I've got on Zambrano.
We're looking for anywhere Zambrano might've--
I think maybe we should just leave that for the proper authorities.
I put getting the scoop before getting the truth.
And my arrogance cost a good man his life.
Now I can't-- I can't do anything to fix that.
But I sure as hell can catch the bastard behind all of this.
Thanks for the beer.
Maxine. Maxine!
I know how it feels to do things you can never take back.
I can't stop you from hurting or wanting to fix this.
But I just don't want you to think you're alone.
- Get down!&- Aah!
Finch, I think the boss got Maxine's message.
1.I know how it feels to do things you can never take back.
can't stop you from hurting or wanting to fix this.
But I just don't want you to think you're alone.
四叔对很多POI说过类似的话,他告诉他们他可以感同身受。当一个人非常脆弱的时候,没有什么比一个人说I've been there.更好的安慰了。可能这个世界根本没有感同身受,但想到你不是一个人却是一种慰藉。
Give me your keys.
Finch, we're heading to my place.
Oh, shoot! I've got your dog.
Bear's even cuter than his picture.
He really likes that closet, huh?
His, uh, treats are in there.
So... that was interesting. Maybe we should call the cops.
Which ones?
If HR's boss is still out there, I don't know who to trust.
Any idea who was shooting at us?
No, but if they're trying to kill me, I must be doing something right.
Wow! Guess your boring job pays all right.
I'm calling in sick tomorrow.
I won't leave your side until this is over.
You're a good man, John Anderson.
I'll sleep on the couch.
Like I said, a good man.
And if I wanna take my contacts out?
Oh, uh... that way.
When were you ever going to need all those?
You shouldn't have brought her back here, Mr. Reese.
Even the best cover just goes so deep.
The longer she stays, the more questions she'll have.
Imagine how many questions she'll have if she comes out and sees you here.
Did you get a good look at the men that were shooting at you?
I tried, but they were shooting at me.
I'll get into the pub's security system and see what I can find.
I've got a lead, Mr. Reese.
I got images of the shooters from the pub's security.
Then I found a photo sharing site that had a facial recognition app
that was shut down by a lawsuit last year.
I hacked in, turned the app back on, and identified our gunmen.
They're FBI.
Agents Bogle and Pitt. They took early retirement last year.
But if they've still got contacts at the Bureau,
I'd guess that they're the ones that told HR's bossa bout Zambrano's ledger.
Finch, I know you want me to keep my cover,
but Maxine needs to know what she's dealing with,
and I need to be able to protect her.
Calm down, John.
I&sent&your girlfriend a text with the& same information,anonymously of course.
I need to talk to a friend of yours.
Leonard Pitt and Craig Bogle,
forced out for harassment and malicious prosecution.
Word is that they were in someone's pocket.
They were using those badges to do favors for their real boss.
The man who got Zambrano killed with one call from a disposable cell,
the head of HR-- who is he?
There's some secrets that even I don't know.
But you know who buys disposables by the case--
criminals, sure.
But also political campaigns.
They're cheap, untraceable, anonymous.
And if they get caught playing dirty tricks,
it can save their ass.
Is this the kind of experience we want running our city?
Landon Walker is the responsible, reliable choice for mayor.
Zambrano gets killed for knowing the name of HR's boss five days before an election.
Are you telling me the boss is running for mayor?
I'm rendering an opinion.
Personally, I avoid politicians.
They so rarely have any real power.
You know, it's a pleasure meeting you.
But it's a shame we never met.
Be good, John.
Yes. Okay, perfect. Thank you so much.
One of Griffin's old opponents just confirmed being harassed by Bogle and Pitt during their campaign.
If Griffin's higher than before, they're probably still working for him.
Do you have enough to unmask him on the front page?
I will never make that mistake again.
I am not going to press until I have that ledger in my hands.
We just need to find where Zambrano hid it.
Pretty smooth conning me into a third date, by the way.
I like to think of it as a third attempt at a first date.
Zambrano said that everybody thought he was a wise guy,
and nobody ever looked at the good things he did.
If he were looking for a place to hide that ledger,
maybe he would put it where he thought no one would go looking.
1.Pretty smooth conning me into a third date, by the way.
I like to think of it as a third attempt at a first date.
Does that fancy car of yours have a crowbar?
Here. It's unlocked.
Start with the horses.
They were still being delivered yesterday.
Found something.
Zambrano's ledger.
Wanna find out who's running HR?
Thanks, Maxine.
My boss has been looking all over for that.
I've called Detective Carter, and help is on the way,Mr. Reese.
I know it goes against your nature,
but you can't take action without Maxine learning who you really are.
If at all possible, wait for rescue.
I'll try to keep that in mind.
I gotta tell you, Maxine, you've been a huge help.
First Zambrano,then the ledger,
and now you're kind enough to bring your boyfriend.
I'm just gonna dump the two of you at your place.
We'll make it look like a lover's spat turned murder-suicide.
When I wind up dead,you think the police won't find your names in my notes,Agent Bogle?
Or is it Mr. Bogle now?
And now you're doing a double homicide to shut me up.
But when you get caught, will your boss even think twice before killing you to cover his tracks?
Who is your boss, by the way?
Should we open that ledger and find out?
Guess that's a &no comment.&
NYPD! Drop your weapon!
FBI! We're here on official business.
Ms. Angelis is a witness in a homicide investigation.
Drop your guns!
You hear sirens, Pitt?
Two NYPD detectives just took a hot door without calling for backup.
You're not here on official business either.
Where's Griffin?
the walker
Dispatch, I need a bus.
Got a suspect in custody with a GSW to his shoulder.
What did I miss?
Nothing you can't read in tomorrow's paper.
Excuse me, ma'am. We're gonna need that as evidence.
Thank you.
and then we have to get there by 3:00.
- Can we do that?&- Yeah?
Landon Walker! You're under arrest for receiving bribes,
enterprise corruption, and conspiracy.
- You have the right to remain silent.&- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
you're off the hook. The boss is locked up.
Are we done here?
Once you're in, you're never out.
You want anything else from me...
never mention my kid again.
I'm not a threat to your son, Lionel.
1.You want anything else from me...
never mention my kid again.
I'm not a threat to your son, Lionel.
No bodies, no bullets.
So this is what a normal date with you is like.
Nice, isn't it?
And I'm afraid it has to be our last.
I like you, John.
Quite a bit actually.
But I'm married to my work.
And honestly, I still think you're a little hung up on Zoe Morgan.
So you're off to chase your man in the suit?
No, you were right.Urban legend.
And with the week I just had, if there really was a man like that,
I think I'd have met him by now.
1.And honestly, I still think you're a little hung up on Zoe Morgan.
2.No, you were right.Urban legend.
And with the week I just had, if there really was a man like that,
I think I'd have met him by now.
Mr. Reese, this may not be over.
You're paranoid, Finch.
Be that as it may...
don't think we got the right guy.
Walker was on HR's payroll. He'd have motive to want Zambrano dead.
Yes, yes, and he definitely hired Pitt and Bogle to hunt down Maxine,
but that's what troubles me.
The head of HR is brilliant,not the type to hire a pair of washed up feds to gun down a reporter.
And Walker-- I'm not convinced he has the cunning
or the connections to mastermind something this complicated.
All right.
If Walker isn't the real head of HR,
The people of New York have spoken, and I'm proud to be your next mayor.
So you had Walker on the payroll too, huh?
Hedging your bets.
Remind me never to cross you, boss.
That's why I never put my name on the payroll.
Who needs money when you have real power?
The politicians come and go, but we'll be here forever.
1.That's why I never put my name on the payroll.
Who needs money when you have real power?
The politicians come and go, but we'll be here forever.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2016.4.8
S2 06 High Road
olivia wants to extend the trial separation Another six months.
Neither one of us is willing to bring up the &D& Word.
When you get married, you think you found the one.
I mean, how do you know? I mean, how does anyone know?
well, I'm no authority on these matters.
But if you want to take some time off, Work things out--
work's the one thing That keeps my mind off the situation.
So tell me, how goes our little experiment?
I'm glad you asked.
What do you make of that man on the bench?
looks like he tied one on a little too tight.
bet you'd never believe me if I told you He was a violin prodigy
who played two years With the philharmonic.
His penchant for the bottle cut his career short.
how exactly does this help stop terrorism?
before I could teach the machine To find bad people,
I had to teach it people in general.
I programmed it to identify outliers:
Individuals who are...
interesting in some way.
to teach a machine The complexities of human nature--
I mean, no offense, harold, but...
Is someone as introverted as you The best person for the job?
Who's molly cole?
I have no idea.
24-year-old graduate student at nyu.
Major in astrophysics.
Says you were with her last night.
So work must not be the only thing That's kept your mind off the separation.
so what's your point?
you asked me if the machine was capable Of learning human nature.
I'm saying it already is.
It's learning by watching everyone. Even you.
Oh, that's odd.
that woman painting at the railing.
Grace hendricks. Freelance artist.
Volunteers at a children's shelter.
But beyond that, no anomalies that I can see.
why did it show her to us?
must be a bug.
I'll go over the code again, See if I missed something.
Well, at least the machine is showing us it has good taste.
1.When you get married, you think you found the one.
I mean, how do you know? I mean, how does anyone know?
how exactly does this help stop terrorism?
before I could teach the machine To find bad people,
I had to teach it people in general.
I programmed it to identify outliers:
Individuals who are...
interesting in some way.
you asked me if the machine was capable Of learning human nature.
I'm saying it already is.
It's learning by watching everyone. Even you.
3.that woman painting at the railing.
Grace hendricks. Freelance artist.
Volunteers at a children's shelter.
But beyond that, no anomalies that I can see.
why did it show her to us?
must be a bug.
I'll go over the code again, See if I missed something.
Well, at least the machine is showing us it has good taste.
What did we discuss about boundaries?
- morning, finch.&- impeccable timing, mr. Reese.
I've just begun digging into our latest number.
a little stingy on the sprinkles.
graham wyler. A 42-year-old family man.
Owns a small hardware store with his wife In far rockaway.
the suburbs?
Never had a number out there before.
unfortunately, murder isn't confined to a zip code.
I'll get eyes on the family. I wouldn't go back to this place.
wyler moved to the city From fort wayne, indiana, in 1997.
He's been married to his wife connie For 14 years.
- and the daughter?&- izzy.
Honor student at sandburg junior high And soccer star.
Wyler's mortgage is affordable. His credit is good.
Family only owns one car, free and clear.
so we found the most boring man in new york.
see the black smudges in the air vent?
'cause your motor's fried.
Come back in an hour, and I'll have it fixed for you.
great. How much do I owe you?
just buy your next drill with me, We'll call it even.
all right, saturday's fine.
Okay, bye-bye.
That was mrs. Beckett. She just guilted me into helping with the pta fundraiser.
she wouldn't know what to do without you.
Neither would I, for that matter.
Probably looking for the sharpening kit For his machete.
Can I help you, sir?
I told you to call before you showed up. You trying to get me busted with my wife?
whatever, man.
- You want these or not?&- yeah, just make it fast, all right?
looks like wyler might be dealing More than power tools, finch.
- how's practice?&- hi.
we did shuttle runs all day.
- yeah? Sounds like fun.&- yeah.
want to see something?
tickets to bruce springsteen?
front row seats, for mom's birthday.
- Pretty awesome, right?&- it's kinda lame, dad.
well, how about this, then?
no way! You fixed it!
oh, thank you.
- all right, finch, this guy's a saint.
I'm not so sure.
I took a closer look at his employment history.
Hard to see how he had the money to move east, Much less, support a city lifestyle.
maybe he met a reclusive billionaire?
in the event that he didn't,
I made a few phone calls around fort wayne,
Claiming to be a genealogist working on a family tree.
And I did uncover one record of interest.
- and what's that?&- his death certificate.
The real graham wyler died in 1997.
Whoever you've been following Stole his identity
and has been using it For the past 15 years.
he's ghosting. Built a life on a dead man's name.
might be better if we were less concerned With who this man is,and more concerned with who he was.
1.Hard to see how he had the money to move east, Much less, support a city lifestyle.
maybe he met a reclusive billionaire?
I haven't seen you around here before. You new in town?
- passing through, actually.&- unfortunately, not fast enough.
You're in a no parking zone.
any way you could let me off with a warning?
so shall I pay this out of petty cash?
harder to tail someone in the suburbs than in the city.
I heard. Your man-in-the-suit routine doesn't exactly play.
As it happens,
There's a quaint three-bedroom That's just gone on the market Across from the wyler's home.
You can move in tomorrow.
you're gonna be neighbors.
I also procured a new vehicle, An appropriate wardrobe, And a set of golf clubs.
There is one element of your cover That you'll have to acquire on your own.
I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out With that reporter maxine.
I'll get over it.
I was actually thinking...
We should spend a little more time together.
is that so?
What is it this time? More power players or cover-ups?
not exactly.
Zoe morgan...
Will you be my wife?
You can move in tomorrow.
you're gonna be neighbors.
I also procured a new vehicle, An appropriate wardrobe, And a set of golf clubs.
There is one element of your cover That you'll have to acquire on your own.
Zoe morgan...
Will you be my wife?
remember when you saved me From being tortured and killed By corporate hit men?
Consider us even.
that mean you don't want me To carry you across the threshold?
when this is over,
I might have to fight you For custody of the dog.
miss me already, harold?
actually, I wanted to thank ms. Morgan For offering her services.
suburban dad with a mysterious secret?
How could I resist?
Plus, somebody had to see to it That john didn't burn down the block.
we'll see what happens.
Right now, our main concern is to I.D. Wyler, Figure out who he really is.
any ideas on how to become The wyler's new best friends?
a few. I'll visit wyler at his store, Tell him we just moved across the street.
Once we've established contact, We'll be able to manipulate the family into--
john, it's a doorbell.
Let's try not to shoot any girl scouts On our first day, okay?
hi. Sorry to bother you.
Just wanted to stop by And welcome you to the neighborhood.
- I'm connie wyler.&- graham.
john campbell. This is my wife zoe.
it's nice to meet you both.
I made you guys some ambrosia.
Just bring the dish back anytime. We're right across the street.
mmm. This looks delicious.
we're having some people over this afternoon for a barbecue.
You should stop by if you're not busy.
- well, we'll be there.&- great. See you then.
that was easy.
hi. Sorry to bother you.
Just wanted to stop by And welcome you to the neighborhood.
that was easy.
oh, thanks. Couldn't help but notice your car earlier.
Thing of beauty. How much she set you back?
actually, it's a company car.
man, I must have picked the wrong business.
- What do you do?&- I sell private security systems.
Homes, offices.
You know, if you're interested, I could get you a great deal on some equipment.
no thanks.
Kind of old-school, low-tech.
I reinforced the locks on my doors and windows.
That's pretty much all the security you need around here.
sounds like you've got it all figured out.
except how to get people into my store.
It's getting harder and harder To keep up with the big box chains.
no one appreciates An honest man trying to make a living.
I'll drink to that.
how long have the two of you been living in rockaway?
oh, about ten years.
Graham and I moved here after my mother got sick,
So we came out to help.
What about you guys? How did you meet john?
uh, I was, um, stranded...
In a bad part of town.
And he gave me a ride.
And we actually spent the rest of the evening Running around the city.
Oh, you know, john kind of reminds me of graham,
When we first moved out here, kind of restless.
Don't worry, he'll calm down.
Ooh, another wine cooler?
uh, what about a manhattan, up?
- how do you make that?&- come on, I'll show you.
dad, have you seen my necklace?
no, not since I fixed it.
If you cleaned your room once in a millennium--
I'll keep looking for it.
Who do we know in philadelphia?
no one, never been there. Why?
this postcard came.
Oh, my gosh! He's adorable. Hi!
Oh, you're so cute! Who's a good boy?
would you mind manning the grill for a moment?
wyler's spooked about something.
Whatever he's hiding, he kept it from everyone.
Connie's in the dark.
let's see if we can shed some light, then.
You got a makeup brush?
you think you can run a print for me?
you find another bad guy?
that's what I'm trying to find out.
that guy doesn't look so bad.
As for the print, I wouldn't hold your breath. It's a partial.
start with a search in philadelphia.
we're not getting on a plane to philly, are we?
not at the moment.
uh, the party never stops when you're around.
What do these people do for fun?
beats me. Got any ideas?
Suburbs might not be so bad after all.&
In or out...
ever known me to run from a fight?
Pair of aces.
1.What do these people do for fun?
beats me. Got any ideas?
Suburbs might not be so bad after all.&
In or out...
lemonade, sir?&.50?
here you go.
have a good night's rest, mr. Reese?
think I fared better than wyler.
He looks exhausted.
did you change the oil in the car this morning?
no, I forgot. Sorry.
yeah, no, I'm fine.
sorry about that, lloyd.
you know that guy?
no, he must have confused me with someone else.
you hear that, finch?
sounds like more than a case of mistaken identity.
mystery man just took off with a friend.
could be the same men that sent wyler the postcard.
something tells me they're not in town for a reunion.
i found your guy.
he was only arrested once,
for a misdemeanor b&e, back in '91,
but was wanted for a string of robberies
and home invasions.
he was a career thief.
i'm sure philly pd would love to have a talk with him.
let me guess.
first name's lloyd.
lloyd pruitt.
how'd you know?
wild guess.
did he work with a crew?
yeah, a couple other guys.
chris vaughn and daniel burnside.
they had a good run until they got caught
taking a jewelry store in '97.
did 12 years.
i guess your guy lloyd missed that job
or disappeared before they got picked up.
he was busy becoming graham wyler,
giving himself a clean slate.
- go get it!&- he picked a good time to run.
that job they got busted on,
vaughn shot an unarmed guard.
he's dangerous.
thanks for your help, carter.
- good play out there.&- thanks, mom.
finch, vaughn's here.
i'm gonna have a few words with him.
whoa! no way!
- whose car is that?&- wait. stay back.
sucks about the car, lloyd.
nice running into you today, though.
why don't we grab a drink?
the wallbanger, in the city.
noon tomorrow.
we've got some catching up to do.
finch, looks like wyler's past has come back to haunt him.
you'll have access to all the camera feeds
through your cell phone.
and this alarm system,
does it call the local police?
no-no, no.
it sends a signal to a private response team.
you're doing the right thing.
yeah, connie's still shaken up about the car fire.
and for all we know, it could be a couple of teenagers.
how are we doing, harold?
almost finished, boss.
okay, if wyler's old crew attempt to gain access to the house,
we'll see them coming.
vaughn's been smart so far.
cops couldn't find the evidence on the suv to point to a culprit.
speaking of vaughn, i combed through his files.
in each of the jobs that he and his crew have pulled,
a safe was cracked
using a technique called &lock manipulation.&
no drilling, no tools.
all of it done by ear.
this is a lost art.
but in the last heist,
there was a difference.
vaughn shot the guard to motivate the jewelry store manager
to open the safe.
the one job wyler didn't show up for.
he was the safecracker.
bailed on the last job.
they blame him for getting locked up.
a detail they'll, no doubt, remind him of when they meet this afternoon.
honey, you in here?
hey, so i just got off the phone with the insurance company.
they say they can't send an investigator out till next week.
where are you going?
i need to go get something for the store.
okay, well, hang out for a second, okay?
- they say they can't cover the cost of a rental.&- it can wait!
all right?
i need to go, okay?
can we handle this later?
i can handle it myself.
it's a couple of stupid phone calls.
what's going on with you?
nothing you need to worry about.
graham, if there's something going on
you think you can't tell me,
get over it.
whatever it is, we'll figure it out together.
i'll be back in a few hours.
graham, where are you headed?
catching a train into the city.
i'm meeting a client there.
let me give you a lift.
save you some time.
quiet life takes some getting used to.
not your speed, huh?
you know, a lot of guys in home security
used to be in law enforcement.
were you a cop or something?
too many rules.
always had more fun breaking them.
guess we all got to grow up sometime, right?
certainly never thought i would.
what changed?
used to just look out for myself.
now i look out for connie and izzy.
nothing i wouldn't do for them.
seems that wyler's past
threatens not only his life but his marriage as well.
i'll be back.
i've never seen him angry like that.
he's probably just got a lot on his mind.
you know, with the car and the--
it's not that.
the whole time i've known him,
graham has always been the one with the solution.
but today, i didn't even know who that was.
you know, i never asked you how you two met.
we met at a springsteen concert in jersey.
this creep wouldn't stop hitting on me.
and suddenly graham appeared.
i'd never seen him before,
but he pretended to be my boyfriend
so the other guy would go away.
and i could just tell there was something different about him.
that one moment changed your whole life.
is that what it was like when you first met john?
i can honestly say
that i wouldn't be here without him.
it's rare to find someone you can depend on.
1.were you a cop or something?
too many rules.
always had more fun breaking them.
2.what changed?
used to just look out for myself.
now i look out for connie and izzy.
nothing i wouldn't do for them.
3.that one moment changed your whole life.
is that what it was like when you first met john?
i can honestly say&that i wouldn't be here without him.
it's rare to find someone you can depend on.
真的很喜欢这段zoe去找妻子聊天。that one moment changed your whole life.相信每个人都有那么一瞬间。你以前做过的一切仿佛都为了这一刻。在有生之年能遇见你,竟花光所有运气。
&&&&&&&我听见雨滴落在青青草地  我听见远方下课钟声响起  可是我没有听见你的声音  认真&呼唤我姓名  爱上你的时候还不懂感情  离别了才觉得刻骨&铭心  为什么没有发现遇见了你  是生命最好的事情  也许当时忙着微笑和哭泣  忙着追逐天空中的流星  人理所当然的忘记  是谁风里雨里一直默默守护在原地  原来你是我最想留住的幸运  原来我们和爱情曾经靠得那么近  那为我对抗世界的决定  那陪我淋的雨  一幕幕都是你&一尘不染的真心  与你相遇&好幸运  可我已失去为你泪流满面的权利  但愿在我看不到的天际  你张开了双翼  遇见你的注定  她会有多幸运
  青春是段跌跌撞撞的旅行  拥有着后知后觉的美丽  来不及感谢是你给我勇气  让我能做回我自己  也许当时忙着微笑和哭泣  忙着追逐天空中的流星  人理所当然的忘记  是谁风里雨里一直默默守护在原地  原来你是我最想留住的幸运  原来我们和爱情曾经靠得那么近  那为我对抗世界的决定  那陪我淋的雨  一幕幕都是你&一尘不染的真心  与你相遇&好幸运  可我已失去为你泪流满面的权利  但愿在我看不到的天际  你张开了双翼  遇见你的注定&  她会有多幸运
ready to have some fun?
you're good at connecting people to the things they don't want the world to know.
how good are you at finding connections that no one knows exists?
try to tell me if there's a correlation
between the cowboy and the taxi driver.
fifth cousins?
we do live in the great melting pot.
what's the association between this jogger and--
it's her again.
so you've found something interesting on grace hendricks?
then is she connected to anyone else in the park?
i thought i fixed this.
you haven't found a single anomaly in this woman's life.
she's honest, decent,
doesn't seem to have any dark secrets.
doesn't harbor ill will toward anyone.
which is what sets her apart from everyone else here.
that and a passionate love for charles dickens.
1.it's her again.
so you've found something interesting on grace hendricks?
then is she connected to anyone else in the park?
i thought i fixed this.
you haven't found a single anomaly in this woman's life.
she's honest, decent,
doesn't seem to have any dark secrets.
doesn't harbor ill will toward anyone.
which is what sets her apart from everyone else here.
i can take a cab back from here.
thanks for the ride.
you're welcome.
trying a new look?
more like missing my old one.
your boys have been in there for half an hour.
he showed. you owe me 20 bucks.
how'd you find me?
that is a real fun story.
i was at work.
only kind of job a con like me could get.
my boss shows me this facebook photo.
some babe he's plowing in new york.
i can't believe my eyes.
there's lloyd pruitt...
standing in the background of this photo.
my long lost friend.
smiling, laughing,
beautiful daughter next to him
in her nice school sweater.
it's a hell of a life you've made for yourself, lloyd.
wish i was spending my days selling hammers.
beats 12 years in the fromhold state penitentiary.
was it 12? it felt longer.
yeah, felt like 50.
that's my fault?
i told you the job was dangerous.
but you thought you were invincible.
- and that's why i walked.&- how noble.
the way we see it,
you owe us,
and we're here to collect.
so that's it?
you're gonna kill me over ancient history?
lloyd, you're the best safecracker we know.
why would we want to kill you?
we're gonna break into an everhold safe.
it's a high-road job.
we need your midas touch.
in fact, the score's so big,
when we're done, we're leaving the country.
so get your affairs in order.
what's stopping me from going to the cops...
about you two right now?
it's a lovely home.
next time we take something with a heartbeat.
what are you doing?
they threatened his family.
i'm taking 'em down.
can you take it easy instead?
it's broad daylight, john.
we're two blocks away from my precinct.
these guys need to go away for a long time, carter.
then catch them in the act.
right now, all we've got is conspiracy to commit a robbery.
and that's from an illegal wiretap.
it won't be enough to keep them from wyler or his family.
then i'll make them understand they can never go near his family again.
okay. so are you gonna watch this family forever to make sure they listen?
tomorrow, 10:00 p.m.
we'll pick you up at that intersection.


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