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Io XT - Io - Products - AJA Video Systems
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* Pricing is for US only.
International pricing will vary.
Harness the power of Thunderbolt
Turn your Thunderbolt& - enabled Mac or PC into a professional editing station for HD and SD 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 workflows.
Compact professional editing without compromise
Apple's latest generation computers feature powerful Thunderbolt& interfaces, offering a mind-blowing 10Gbps available bandwidth. Taking advantage of this new interface, Io XT is the ideal portable companion for lightning-fast video capture and playback for professional post production and on set applications.
Compact, portable and powerful, Io XT is loaded with high-end features including 3G/Dual Link/HD/SD-SDI, Component Analog and HDMI connectivity, to bring true desktop-level power to any Thunderbolt&-enabled Mac or PC, with full uncompressed HD and SD 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 capable video and audio connectivity.
Io XT connects to your Mac or PC with a single Thunderbolt& cable and provides a second Thunderbolt& connector for daisy-chaining other devices, such as storage or displays, making it perfect for on set, or in the edit suite.
Disconnecting a device in the middle of a Thunderbolt& chain will disconnect all devices that come after it. On some jobs, the drive array may be moved frequently, so it would be best to have that at the end of the chain, while other times it may be a monitor that is being removed periodically. Io XT's dual Thunderbolt& ports ensure that no matter what configuration you need, the system can continue to operate without interruption.
RS-422 Control
The RS-422 connection on Io XT enables control of external decks and other recording devices directly from within your software application of choice. Capture clips directly off tape and layoff sequences all frame-accurately without the need for a separate device control adapter.
Professional Connectivity
Io XT can handle whatever equipment you are working with. With a full compliment of 3G/HD/SD- SDI and HDMI I/O, HD/SD analog video output, reference and LTC inputs, and digital and analog audio, Io XT opens up new possibilities for what can be considered a professional editing system. No longer confined to deskside tower systems, the combination of Io XT and smaller systems such as an iMac, Mac mini or HP zBook has all the capability and connectivity of a larger system that can be easily transported as needed.
Integrated AJA hardware conversion
Io XT utilizes AJA's high-quality up/down/cross-conversion hardware, the same found in our flagship FS2 converter. Conversion can be done either on capture or on output. On capture, this allows you to take mismatched source media and bring it all to a common resolution so individual shots don't have to be scaled in the edit. Likewise, Io XT can perform conversions during output to adapt to different monitoring or layoff configurations without having to change the native editorial timeline. Uniquely, the Io XT can cross-convert 720p 23.98 to 1080PsF 23.98, which is particularly valuable in today's multi-format HD post environment.
Switchable reference and LTC input/output
Many situations require the editing system to be locked in sync with other devices. Io XT can accept a reference signal, which ensures it is locked to any necessary devices for the best quality capture and output. This reference signal can then be passed on to other devices.
Users can select whether timecode is read off embedded signals or from an external input so that the proper timecode is always associated with any captured clips.
Powerful software
Designed for today's workflows, Io XT provides complete compatibility with the most popular NLE programs, the newest codecs, video formats, stereoscopic 3D workflows, and more. Io XT also includes AJA's industry-best OS X drivers and application plug-ins for integrated workflows with software from Apple, Avid, Adobe, Autodesk, and many more.
Rackmount Kit
The AJA Io XT and Io Express Rackmount Kit (part number IOX-RM), is the perfect custom companion product when you are looking to efficiently rack mount one or even two Io XT or Io Express products side by side in your rack for studio, mobile truck or video assist needs.
Tech Specs
Video Formats
525i 29.97
525i 23.98*
720P 23.98*, 24 *, 25 *, 29.97*, 30 *, 50, 59.94, 60
1080PsF 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30
, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60
2Kx, 24, 25
2Kx1080PsF 23.98, 24, 25
Software-dependent Formats
* These formats are dependent on specific software functionality and are not normal 'over-the-wire' formats.
720P 23.98, 24 , 25 , 29.97, 30
Video Input
3G-SDI, SMPTE-259/292/296/424, 10-bits
Single Link 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 (1 x 3G BNC)
dual link HD 4:4:4, (2 x BNC)
1D LUT Support (Mac and PC)
Video Output Digital
3G-SDI, SMPTE-259/292/296/424
Single link 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 (1 x BNC)
dual link HD 4:4:4, (2 x BNC)
HDMI v1.4, 30/36 bits/pixel, RGB or YUV, 2.25Gbps
Video Output Analog
Composite/S-Video (Y/C) (1 x BNC/2x BNC+adapter)
Component (3 x BNC)
SD: YPbPr, RGB (component mode)
SMPTE/EBU N10, Betacam 525 line, Betacam 525J, RGB
12-bit D/A, 8x oversampling
+/- .2 dB to 5.0 MHz Y Frequency Response
+/- .2 dB to 1 MHz C Frequency Response
.5% 2T pulse response
&1% Diff Phase
&1% Diff Gain
&1 ns Y/C delay inequity
Audio Input Digital
16-channel, 24-bit SMPTE-259 SDI embedded audio, 48kHz sample rate, Synchronous
8-channel, 24-bit HDMI embedded audio, 48kHz sample rate, Synchronous
Audio Output Digital
16-channel, 24-bit SMPTE-259 SDI embedded audio, 48kHz sample rate, Synchronous
8-channel, 24-bit HDMI embedded audio, 48kHz sample rate, Synchronous
Audio Output Analog
8-channel, 24-bit D/A analog audio, 48kHz sample rate, balanced, using industry-standard 8 x XLR on DB-25 breakout cable (Breakout cable NOT included)
+24dbu Full Scale Digital (0dbFS)
+/- 0.2db 20 to 20kHz Frequency Response
Downstream Keyer
Supports graphics with alpha channel over video, matte or framebuffer, or framebuffer content over incoming video or matte.
Hardware 10-bit
Anamorphic: full-screen
Pillar box 4:3: results in a 4:3 image in center of screen with black sidebars
Zoom 14:9: results in a 4:3 image zoomed slightly to fill a 14:9 image with black side bars
Zoom Letterbox: results in image zoomed to fill full screen
Zoom Wide: results in a combination of zoom and horizontal stretch to fill a 16:9 this setting can introduce a small aspect ratio change
Hardware 10-bit
Anamorphic: full-screen
Letterbox: image is reduced with black top and bottom added to image area with the aspect ratio preserved
Crop: image is cropped to fit new screen size
Hardware 10-bit
1080i to 720P
720P to 1080i
720P to 1080PsF
SD to SD aspect ratio conversion
Letterbox: This transforms SD anamorphic material to a letterboxed image
H Crop: Will produce a horizontally stretched transforms anamorphic SD to full frame
SD Pillarbox: Will produce an image in the center of the screen with black borders on the left and right sides and an anamorphized image in the center
V Crop: Will transform SD letterbox material to an anamorphic image
Reference Input or LTC Input
1 BNC assignable to Reference video or LTC input
Analog Color Black (1V) or Composite Sync (2 or 4V)
Non terminating
Machine Control
RS-422, Sony 9-pin protocol
9-pin D-connector pinout is as follows:
No Connection
Contact Support
180 Litton Drive, Grass Valley, CA 95945 USA
Phone: +1-530-271-3190,
Fax: +1-530-271-3140
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AJA Video Systems, Inc.180 Litton DriveGrass Valley, CA 95945
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Join our email list to receive periodic news on products and updates. Your information is confidential and will not be passed to any 3rd parties.作为手机控的我们,每时每刻都离不开手机,那么有一款看着舒适的手机壁纸那是非常必要的。相信很多果粉们都已经迫不及待的将手机升级到了ios8版本了吧~为了让更多没有入苹果坑的人或者没去尝鲜新系统的朋友们感受一下,我们特意送上,专题,收集了专属于ios8系统的手机壁纸,不仅仅是迷人的星空壁纸,更是新增了多类壁纸,清新的花卉,美丽的风光,更显优美静谧哦~果粉们,还等什么,速速来围观吧~千万不要错过哦~
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