parent functionduang是什么意思思

→ 正文内容 父窗口和子窗口相互调用
iframe 父窗口和子窗口相互的调用方法集锦
iframe 父窗口和子窗口相互的调用方法集锦,需要的朋友可以参考下。
一、父窗口调用iframe子窗口方法 1、HTML语法:&iframe name="myFrame" src="child.html"&&/iframe& 2、父窗口调用子窗口:myFrame.window.functionName(); 3、子窗品调用父窗口:parent.functionName(); 简单地说,也就是在子窗口中调用的变量或函数前加个parent.就行 4、父窗口页面源码:
代码如下: &html& &head& &script type="text/javascript"& function say() { alert("parent.html------&I'm at parent.html"); } function callChild() { //document.frames("myFrame").f1(); myFrame.window.say(); } &/script& &/head& &body& &input type=button value="调用child.html中的函数say()" onclick="callChild()"& &iframe name="myFrame" src="child.html"&&/iframe& &/body& &/html&
代码如下: &html& &head& &script type="text/javascript"& function say() { alert("child.html---&I'm at child.html"); } function callParent() { parent.say(); } &/script& &/head& &body& &input type=button value="调用parent.html中的say()函数" onclick="callParent()"& &/body& &/html&
二、iframe 父窗口和子窗口相互的调用方法 1、IE中使用方法: 父窗口调用子窗口:iframe_ID.iframe_document_object.object_attribute = attribute_value 例子:onClick="iframe_text.myH1.innerText='';" 子窗口调用父窗口:parent.parent_document_object.object_attribute = attribute_value 例子:onclick="parent.myH1.innerText='';" 2、Firefox中使用方法: 上面在IE下没有问题,但在firefox下不正常。在firefox下,应该是如下调用方法: 父窗口调用子窗口:window.frames["iframe_ID"].document.getElementById("iframe_document_object"&).object_attribute = attribute_value 例: window.frames["iframe_text"].document.getElementById("myH1").innerHTML= ""; 子窗口调用父窗口:parent.document.getElementById("parent_document_object").object_attribute = attribute_value 例: parent.document.getElementById("myH1").innerHTML = ""; 3、完整的例子 test.htm
代码如下: &HTML& &HEAD& &TITLE& Test Page &/TITLE& &script src="prototype-1.4.0.js"&&/script& &script language="javascript"& function show() { window.frames["iframe_text"].document.getElementById("myH1").innerHTML = ""; } &/script& &/HEAD& &BODY& &iframe height="350" width="600" src="iframe_test.htm" name="iframe_text"&&/iframe& &form action="" method="post"& &input name="haha" id="haha" type="text" maxlength="30" value="haha" /& &br /& &textarea cols="50" rows="5" id="getAttributeMethod"&&/textarea& &input type="button" onClick="show();" value="提交"/& &/form& &h1 id="myH1"&d&/h1& &/BODY& &/HTML&
代码如下: &!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""& &html xmlns=""& &head& &meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/ charset=gb2312" /& &title&无标题文档&/title& &/head& &script language="javascript"& function show() { parent.document.getElementById("myH1").innerHTML = http://jb51. } &/script& &body& &h1 id="myH1"&ha&/h1& &form action="" method="post"& &input name="abc" id="abc" type="text" maxlength="30" value="abc" /& &br /& &textarea cols="50" rows="10" id="text"&&/textarea& &br /& &input type="button" value="提交" onclick="show();"/& &/form& &/body& &/html&
test.htm里面firefox下访问iframe 必须用name,不能用id,所以要改为name="iframe_test" 。(http://chenling1018./blog/static//) 三、在c#中如何动态改变iframe的src值,动态指向一个网页 1)如果是javascript脚本 给iframe加一个ID如&iframe id=frmList…… 在脚本写 frmList.document.location=strNewUrl 2)如果是后台程序 给iframe加一个ID,再加上runat=server 如&iframe id=frmList runat=server …… 在程序里写 frmList.Attributes.Add("src",strNewUrl);
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12345678910Resolved C import.
Resolved C++ import.
C++ functions can be viewed in their native decorated form or in a human readable undecorated form.
for more information.
Resolved ordinal import.
Resolved dynamic C import (similar images also exist for C++ and ordinal functions).
The parent module of this module called the GetProcAddress function to dynamically get the address of this function.
This does not necessarily mean the parent module actually used the function address to call the function.
Unresolved C function (similar images also exist for C++ and ordinal functions).
This function is called by the parent module, but it is not exported from the current module.
This is often referred to as an "unresolved external function".
If this module is an implicit or forwarded dependency, then the parent module will fail to load.
If this module is a delay-load dependency, then the parent module will most likely recover from the missing dependency, as that is a feature of using delay-load dependencies.
Unresolved dynamic C function (similar images also exist for C++ and ordinal functions).
The parent module of this module called the GetProcAddress function to dynamically get the address of this function, but the current module does not export the function.
This is not necessarily an error since one of the reasons modules call GetProcAddress is to see if a function exists in a module.
The Parent Import Function View is comprised of five columns:
See the above list for descriptions.
The header for this column has the letters "PI" in it, which just stands for "Parent Imports"
The ordinal value of the imported function, if the function is imported by ordinal.
This value can be "N/A" if the function is imported by name.
The hint value for the imported function.
The hint value is used internally by the operating system's loader to quickly match imports with exports.
It is used as an index into the array of exported functions in the selected module.
The name of the imported function, if the function is imported by name.
This can be "N/A" if the function is imported by ordinal.
C++ functions can be viewed in their native decorated form or in a human readable undecorated form.
for more information.
You may also see "&invalid string&" as a function name, which means a call to GetProcAddress was made with an invalid string, or "&empty-string&", which means GetProcAddress was called with an empty string.
Entry Point
The entry point memory address for the function.
For implicit and forward dependencies, this field often reads "Not Bound", which means that the entry point address will not be known until load time.
If an address is given, then the parent module has been pre-bound by a program like BIND.
Binding is the process of walking the import list of a module and the export list of all its dependent modules, in order to fill in the import list with the absolute addresses to the functions it references.
This job is usually done by the loader as each module is loaded, but can be skipped if the modules have been pre-bound.
Pre-binding is an optimization that calculates the absolute addresses based off of the modules' preferred base addresses and stores them in the module's import table.
Assuming a dependency of a given module actually loads at its preferred base address and has not changed, then the loader can save time by skipping the bind phase to that dependency module.
For dynamic dependencies, this Entry Point field displays the address returned by the GetProcAddress function call.
The function list can be sorted on the data in any column in the list.
Simply click on the column header button for the column you wish to sort by.
An arrow (^) is displayed in the column header for the column that the list is currently sorted by.
You can also size a column to its "best fit" width by double-clicking the divider line between two columns in the column header.
You can search for text in the currently sorted column by simply typing in the first few characters of the item you wish to find.
For ordinal and hint values, you may enter decimal or hex (prefaced by 0x) values to search for.虚函数有什么作用_百度知道
} / 指向继承类对象elsep=&
void Function1(),function2&#92:Function1()的入口地址.h&/n&quot,function2\c&#39:
#i nclude &) &#47,你会发现很多函数都有virtual关键字; 如果输入一个小写字母c
#i nclude & 否则指向基类对象
p-& 定义一个基类指针
这个定义说得不是很明白;);/ &#47,虚函数(virtual function)是一个非常重要的概念,也就是说。难怪有人甚至称虚函数是C++语言的精髓; 这里声明Function2是虚函数}n&n&quot:;
virtual void Function2();Tconio:Function2(){printf(&quot:char data[20];/}void CFunction1(),实际调用的是继承类的版本,function1&#92:Function1(){printf(&quot,function1\void Child:public Parent{void Function1();&#47:Function1(){printf(&quot:Function2(){printf(& 这里在编译时会直接给出PT
void Function2()。比如在微软的MFC类库中;}class C}void Parent,你调用一个虚函数;); &#47:;void P), char* argv[]){Parent *p; &#47.h&quot。
class Parent{}int main(int argc。因为它充分体现了面向对象思想中的继承和多态性这两大特性:; &#47,在C++语言里应用极广,它们都是虚函数;T);T&#47::。我们自己编写这样一个例子
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I am trying to call a javascript function defined in a parent from a child window.
I have two files like this:
&script type="text/javascript"&
function foo () {
alert ("Hello from parent!");
function doStuff () {
var w ="testa.html");
&input type="button" value="open" onClick="doStuff();" /&
And child:
&title&Test A&/title&
&script type="text/javascript"&
function get() {;
&input type="button" value="Call Parent" onClick="get();" /&
I can not, for the life of me, call the function foo from the child process.
I thought this should be possible with the window.opener object, but I can not seem to make this work.
Any suggestions?
Ensure you are accessing this via http:// so the Same origin policy passes and you can access opener from the child. It won't work if you're just using file://.
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledVC++中虚函数的作用是什么?_百度知道
请注意看第二行,在C++语言里应用极广;/ &#47,在MFC中; &#47。我们知道; &#47:public Parent{void Function1(),它们都是虚函数:;);/}void Child。
虚函数是指一个类中你希望重载的成员函数,还是纯虚函数)。程序中仅仅调用了一个Function2()函数:;}class C 定义一个基类指针
if(_getch()==&#39,它们的成员函数很多都要重载;This is parent,当你用一个基类指针或引用指向一个继承类对象的时候:
#i nclude &quot,function2
T 否则指向基类对象
p-&gt,你调用一个虚函数; 如果输入一个小写字母c
#i nclude &n&&#47,这就是虚函数的作用;This is child,实际调用的是继承类的版本;&#47,很多类都是需要你继承的; 这里声明Function2是虚函数}n&
void Function2(); &#47,function1\
void Function1();) /Function2()。
这个定义说得不是很明白;void Child。MSDN中还给出了一个例子; 注意这里;Function1();&#47,却可以根据用户的输入自动决定到底调用基类中的Function2还是继承类中的Function2:Function2(){printf(&quot:char data[20],function1&#92,但是它的例子也并不能很好的说明问题:; &#47,输入一个小写字母c;}用任意版本的Visual C++或Borland C++编译并运行,得到下面的结果,它的结果出现了变化:。我们自己编写这样一个例子。
p-&gt?return 0,function1
T/T}void Parent。比如在微软的MFC类库中:Function1(){printf(&This is child:
This is parent,在MFC中OnDraw不仅是虚函数;void P
class Parent{
virtual void Function2():Function2(){printf(&quot:Function1()的入口地址;n&quot:;);c' 这里在编译时会直接给出Parent:Function1(){printf(& /n&); 指向继承类对象elsep=&parent。把它定义为虚函数(实际上, char* argv[]){Parent *p;} child:;}int main(int argc,function2&#92,你会发现很多函数都有virtual关键字;);&#47.h&quot。难怪有人甚至称虚函数是C++语言的精髓:OnDraw(CDC*)函数,就必须重载使用,可以保证时刻调用的是用户自己编写的OnDraw,执行的是哪一个Function2因为它充分体现了面向对象思想中的继承和多态性这两大特性。虚函数的重要用途在这里可见一斑,function2&#92,比如编写MFC应用程序最常用的CView


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