20142015八上英语周报2014 20153期牛津英语

高二英语周报第八期答案 book5module4carnival_百度知道
高二英语周报第八期答案 book5module4carnival
6-10ABCCB11-15 ACACB
16-20ABBCA21-25 BADBC
26-30DACCA31-35 DCDBC
36-40BCACD41-45 ADBCD
46-50BACAD51-55 BDACB
56-60 DBBAC61-65 ABDCA
66-70BDABC71-75 CBABD76. He is one of librarian staff. / He is alibrarian.77. How to borrow a book from a library.78. It’s probably being used in thelibrary.79. ask others for help80. The library tour.One possible version:The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated onthe fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year. It is to honour the famousancient poet Qu Yuan, who is said to have killed himself in a river.The festival is celebrated by eating Zongziand racing dragon boats. Zongzi is made of special rice wrapped with bambooleaves. The dragon boat races symbolize the many attempts to rescue Qu’s body.Now it is a traditional entertainment.The Dragon Boat Festival is connected withChinese traditional culture and is one of its most important and meaningfulfestivals.[部解析]语词汇知识:21. Bat the end of意∙∙∙∙∙∙结束候;cometo an end意完结结束22. A第空修饰atmosphere意令放松故选relaxing;第二空指意放松故选relaxed23. D题意:既非式聚餐用打扮(dressup)24. B题意:今午餐间由30钟延(extended)至expand膨胀扩;spread传播张;add增加25. C题干使用祈使句+ and +陈述句结构表示要∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙26. Dthere is no need(for sb.) to do sth.固定句型意某没必要做某事27. Apretend接定式作宾语且由句句意知前句意劳拉假装认真听故用定式进行式28. C题意:座楼发火灾引起片混乱(confusion)29. Cconsist of意由∙∙∙∙∙∙组用于进行语态设空处作breakfast置定语且breakfast与consist of间逻辑主谓关系故选consisting of30. Atake part in意参加;makefun of意取笑31. D题意:萨姆退休接管(tookover)农场32. CA big factory与build间关系由bySeptember next year知应用完语态33. D由句It’s too noisy知我喜欢派(I hate it)34. BI与invite间关系且由语境知邀请作发故用般语态35. C由句句仍需要改进知差(More or less)完论文sooner or later迟早;now and then偶尔;not at all点完形填空:本文记叙文作者手术经历让懂倾听36. B由文husband知我已经结婚(married)八37. C由文故事知我曾经粗(inattentive)丈夫38. A由文Conversation inour house is better知并说我妻未愉快交谈(conversations)39. C由文my wife wouldask知我答(reply)40. D由文Of course Idid!知妻经问‘听(hear)'我刚才说41. A42. D43. B我始失声(voice)医告诉我需要做手术(operation),要我喉咙损坏(damaged)44. C45. D做完手术两岁我能答问题露困惑(puzzled)表情我眼睛湿润(watered)46. B由文I wanted to talkbut couldn't知幸运(Luckily)我录自读些喜欢书籍47. A由文Total silencewould be required知我已经接受自沉默(silence)48. C妻我说让我振作(keepup)精神49. A由文I'm justlistening better知我用听(listening to)说50. D我发现自想错(miss)说任何字51. B表示自我第约故填since52. D我懂倾听妻说所我发现自更懂(understanding)53. A54. C由文I noticed及I found知我意识(realized)我叽叽喳喳说停经奇想(thoughtful)事情要说55. B由文意知手术经历让我改变我甚至外面遛狗都觉鸟叫声悦耳(pleasant)阅读理解:A篇(周围环境)本文则访谈文章布斯托尔Alice采访56. D细节理解题由Alice, whatwere your first impressions of Bristol?节The only thing Idon’t miss is the rain知Alice喜欢布斯托尔雨57. B细节理解题由What wouldyou say is the city’s most defining feature?节But I think thething that most defines Bristol is probably the music scene知58. B细节理解题由段知YiaMass家希腊酒吧游客欣赏传统希腊舞蹈59. A推理判断题本文通访谈主要描述Alice布斯托尔印象认布斯托尔座趣且化城市60. C文章处题由第段She ishere to tell us her favorite things about the city知本文则访谈B篇(节假)本文说明文文章介绍趣北美节——土拨鼠节主要描写节传说历61. A细节理解题由第段Thesight of his shadow gives him such a fright that he quickly returns to his hole知土拨鼠自影吓着62. B推理判断题由第段If thesun ... no shadow. The groundhog ... his holeSpring will comevery soon知太阳没照耀土拨鼠自影吓洞春快故B项确63. D细节理解题由第二段At the time... good weather prophets知古代欧洲圣烛节注意观察些物知道候始耕作64. C细节理解题由段In timethey ... end of winter. That animal was the groundhog知早期北美移民土拨鼠作气预报专家65. A标题归纳题本文介绍趣北美节——土拨鼠节主要描写节传说历A项标题能够起统领全文作用C篇(世界环境)本文应用文文章主要介绍四令印象深刻工程66. B细节理解题由White Passand Yukon Route Railroad, Canada节 ... was constructed in just 26 months及Completion date:July 29, 1900推知White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad约始建于189867. D细节理解题由文Completiondate: Ongoing知际空间站目前建设故选D项68. A词义猜测题由划线词文 ...to determine how the wind would affect the building推知batter意(风)连续猛击69. B细节理解题由Trans-SiberianRailroad, Russia节Northern Siberia isn’t the easiest landscape to cross及文描述知70. C写作目题本文主要介绍四令印象深刻工程旨让读者所解故选C项D篇 (社)本文议论文实习否应该获报酬轻员工Sian谈自看71. C主旨意题轻员工Sian顾自家公司薪实习经历段经历使获该公司工作机(第三段I wouldn’t ... unpaid internship)认实习使受益(第四段Theexperience ... for Primark)段经历进行总结(段Overall, my ... really enjoy)联系文章第句Areinternships ... the young?判断本文主题:实习否应该获报酬72. B推理判断题由第四段Peoplewho worked ... to go into知Sian同事业务积极帮助故B项确73. A篇章结构题由There arethings you can’t learn unless you’re actually there判断that指实际工作经验故选A74. B细节理解题由第段Now shehas a job ... the same office知Sian目前Primark公司工作75. D推理判断题由倒数第二段At theend ... keep in touch知Sian该公司评公司愿意跟保持联系由推断表现令满意
出门在外也不愁22:30:27【 转载互联网】 作者: &&|&责编:李强
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解决方案1:21-25 BDACB
26-30 ABDBD
31-35 CDAAC
36-40 ABDBA
41-45 BDBCD
46-50 CABAB
51-55 CDCAD
6-10 DCABD
11-15 BBCDA
16-20 AACBA
21-25 BDACB 26-30 ABDBD 31-35 CDAAC 36-40 ABDBA 41-45 BDBCD
46-50 CABAB 51-55 CDCAD
1-5 CBBAA 6-10 DCABD 11-15 BBCDA 16...===========================================你好彩。 我岩好有答案
听力:BCCCA greatest America 1912 excited 1500
listening:1、 respect punished facts married 2、show respect to ,pray to ,lasted for ,took part in ,ma...=========================================== 听力 I. cbccb II.BCBCA III.CBACB 单项选择 CABDCACBDB 完形填空 BCABABBCDC
阅读理解 A BABDC B CACDC 完成句子 1.six 2.juanuary 3.date 4.October 5.party
.....=========================================== 一.选择题.
今天,我国已步入新的历史时期,加入世...=========================================== 最好自己认真解答。===========================================不要抄答案
祝你学习进步!===========================================七年级新目标实验版第6版第12期()Unit 8 When is your birthday?英语周报答案听力;BADBC&& ABFDC&& 这个不写了笔试;BABCD&&n...===========================================1。C A C C A B 2.8X+38=50
6 143 三。1.102 2.甲100乙200 (2)70
拓展创新:一:1.B 2.B 二。3.九 4.30% 三。5. 20立方米 6. 8个成人...=========================================== 怎么给啊?你加我啊,我定了一整年的,包括初二的~===========================================
12345678910each of us has goals_英语周报答案网_英语周报答案网2014_高一英语周报答案网
attainment of these《春华秋实》:当前,社会环境复杂,各种诱惑和干扰不少,冯先生能否为处于求知阶段的年轻人提供一些学习、生活方面的建议?冯学成: 我想用八个字概括这个问题的答案:“立志、炼性、开眼、致用。”具体说来,我们每个人都是有追求的个体,在追求目标的过程中,我们要时常反问自己,这个追求是否高尚?是否存在私心?我把“立志”中的“志”字做个说文解字:就可以诠释为“士”之心。从中国古代以来“士”阶层就有非常重要的地位和作用,翻开古代典籍,从诗经一直到宋明理学,都由“士”完成。我们今天能从这些文化估计中感受到“士阶层”给我们留下的优秀历史文化,好比火烧阿房宫,但这么多年后我们反观古籍还是能有身临其境的感悟,这是物质文明所不能比的。所以士之心,其实就是圣贤之道,也要求我们有圣贤的胸襟。这也是要求“立志”,要的是“士”阶层的道德有“仁义礼智信”感化的心。其次,“炼性”所指的是修炼心性。毕竟身为芸芸众生,我们天性结构并不算优秀,且每个人都有阴暗面,如果不及时调整,就会占用我们智慧的空间干扰理性的运行。所以要通过真心诚意的修炼,把精神的垃圾排除掉。一个优秀的人格修成必须通过“炼性,美化道德,优化智慧,强化力量。
同时,我们也应该打开智慧之眼。中大(深圳)的同学正年轻,性格品质也非常优秀。在面对未来时,我们要努力使自己越来越优秀,在这个过程中,我们要把理性放在最佳位置。给大家举个例子:如果一个灯泡在这里,用它只可以照亮一间屋子,但到处都是模模糊糊的,假设现在给你一个电筒、一个灯罩,虽然从表面上它放弃不少空间,但集中在一个范围里,它所能及的空间都清楚明了。这样的取舍就是智慧,选择确定了,应该排除其它诱惑和干扰,坚定地走下去。important goals《春华秋实》:人生中要做的选择很多,怎样的选择才是明智而不至于后悔的选择?冯学成:我总跟学生说,选择分大小,小到选择包括买个车,买家具,挑选颜色样式;大到选择事关事业,婚姻等。我给他们的建议是“小事用脑,大事用心”。通常,成功与失败的人,在聪明程度上是差不多的,犯错误也差不多。那成功的人和失败者相比,最重要的差别就在于各自的选择。所以,选择很重要。小的选择上用“脑”做判断,大的选择上听从自己的心,有助于做出正确选择。this field has《春华秋实》:学校初办,有同学希望组建国学社,弘扬中国文化中的“温良恭俭让”,您能给一些建议吗?冯学成:我就建议参加这个社的同学多读经典,在学校课程之外多读国学。这部分经典包括:孔孟老庄谈、唐诗宋词、《史记》等等。其次,学习国学首先要了解中国古代思想的特性、思维方式。儒家、道家、佛家的思维方式各具特色,我们应考虑把他们融会贯通为当代人所用。办国学社切忌封闭,学生对先进的优秀的西方文化要保持敏感性。人类文明只有一个,是不分东方西方的。第三,除了读经典,还鼓励大家多写文章,四言八句,律诗绝句也建议试着写,还可以写写古文。游玩的时候像柳宗元、欧阳修一样写一写游记,毕竟写作对美化情感,培养思维都很重要。因为古文很精短,很经济,惜字如金。几十上百个字,他们就可以组成优美的,让人浮想联翩的,回味无穷的文字。国学社没有创作是不完整的,现在的很多国学社只停留在读的阶段是不够的,要有创作出来才是一个优秀国学社的表现。this field hasthis field hasthis field has“To Learn How to Live a Life, Young People Should Follow the Four Steps:‘Set Goals, Train Your Mind, Open Your Eyes and MakeUse of What You Learn.’”---Feng Xuechengmeet the goalsQ: In this complicated world, youngpeople are facing temptations every day, and sometimes they feel confused.Would you like to give them some advice on study and life?Mr.Feng: My answer to the question is the four steps-- “Setyour goals, train your mind, open your eyes and make use of what you learn.”
To be more specific, each of us haspersonal goals to achieve. In the process of setting our goals, we should ask ourselvesif the goals are for a noble cause, or are they out of selfishness. Let me putthe word “goal” (志) in ancient Chinese terms, in which you find “heart”(心) with being a “scholar-official” (士). The scholar-official class were held in highregard in ancient Chinese society, and it played a very important rolethroughout Chinese history. When you open the ancient books, from the Book of Songs (诗经) to that of the Confucian school of idealistphilosophy of the Song-Ming dynasties, you find them all written, or compiled, by scholar-officials. These Chineseclassical works, thanks to the scholar-officials, have allowed us to savor therichness of Chinese history and culture. To take the story of the Razing of theE-pang Palace as an example, the historical scene is so vividly portrayed inthe ancient works that it makes you feel like you’ve been there. These are theexperiences that material civilization cannot offer us. To sum up, the thing at the heart of beingscholar-officials (士之心/志) is the way (Tao) of men of virtue, as in the ancient times . In otherwords, when we set our goals we must have the five virtues in mind, as they are at theheart of being a scholar-official, which are humanity, righteousness,propriety, wisdom and integrity.
The second step is mind-training. All in all, we are mortal beings, bornwith limits and defects. Everyone has a dark side. If we don’t adjust in time,our mind will be preoccupied with negative stuff which will do harm to ourrational thinking. A dedicated mind-training will enable us to clear up rubbishfrom our mind. To become a man of outstanding character, and to attain virtue,wisdom and strength, mind-training is necessary.“Eye-opening”, the third step, means opening theEye of Wisdom. Looking towards the future, young people, like high qualitystudents of CUHK (SZ), should make great efforts to achieve excellence. In thisprocess, we need opening the Eye of Wisdom, by means of putting rationality inits place, and be wise in decision-making. For example, a light bulb may lightup a whole room, but the lighting can be weak. Yet with a lampshade, the light,though confined, allows you see clearly and get focused on things within aspace. In this case, accepting (a lampshade) is wise—and once you make achoice, stick to it, resist temptations and avoid interference.and professorsQ: Thereare always moments in life when we have to make choices. How to make a choicewisely without any regrets in the future?Mr. Feng: As I always tell my students, there are choicessmall and big, from choosing the color of a car or the furniture you buy, tochoosing a career or someone to marry, etc. My advice is: “For small things, for big things, listen to your heart.”Generally speaking, successful people andunsuccessful people are not quite different from each other in terms of IQ.They make similar mistakes— smart people make mistakes, too. What makes themdifferent is choices-making. By all means, choice-making is every important.Use your head when making small choices, and follow your heart when making agreat decision— it helps.each of a plurality ofQ: CUHK(SZ) is newly established, and many students are organizing their ownsocieties. One among them is the Chinese Classics Study Group, which emphasizeson promoting the Confucian teaching of being “modest, kind, polite, restrainedand gentle”. Do you have any suggestions for the group?Mr. Feng: Firstly, I would suggest that students of thegroup read Chinese classics as much as they can, as part of theirextracurricular studies. By Chinese classics I mean teachings ofConfucius-Mencius, Laozi-Zhuangzi, Poetry of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and the Records of the Grand Historian,etc.Secondly, beforereading Chineseclassics, the reader needs to understand the characteristics of ancient Chinesethoughts, and their ways of thinking.Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism all have theirdistinctive ways of thinking, and we should study them from a syncreticapproach, and put to use in our modern life.Be careful to avoidbeing close-minded in running your study group, and always be sensitive to the advancementof Western culture. In a sense, there is just one civilization, that is, humancivilization, of both East and West.Thirdly, I encourage the students to practicetheir writing skills besides reading. Be it eight lines, four-word verses,short poems, regular poems, or prose in the classical style. When travel, keepyour travel notes as Liu Zongyuan or Ouyang Xiu did. Writing is very importantin cultivating your passion and your thinking. Classical Chinese appearsextremely concise and compact in the use of words, and with fewer than ahundred characters it makes a beautiful piece, which can unleash yourimagination or let you ponder over it. Reading without writing practices isincomplete, and readingalone not enough especially for a classical Chinese study group.Creative writing is an essential practice for a qualified classical Chinesestudy group.of the goals of it跪求七年级英语周报第九期总第3253期答案_英语周报答案吧_百度贴吧
明天就要交了 谢谢啦 帮个忙。。。。。。。。。。。
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