python list to tuple多元tuple怎样for循环

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I'm still trying to get the hang of python, so bear with me. please. I have this bit of code that I'm using from a book. The book does not properly show the white space in the code, so the spacing is my best guess. This code is supposed to break the results of a MySQL query into a more readable format.
if form is True:
columns_query = """DESCRIBE %s""" % (table)
print columns_query
columns_command = cursor.execute(columns_query)
headers = cursor.fetchall()
column_list = []
for record in headers:
for record in results:
output = output + "===================================\n\n"
for field_no in xrange(0, len(column_list)):
output = output + column_list[field_no] + ": " + str(record[field_no]) + "\n"
output = output + "\n"
When I try to run it, I get the following:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 46, in &module&
output = output + column_list[field_no] + ": " + str(record[field_no]) + "\n"
IndexError: tuple index out of range
It has something to do with the str(record[field_no]) portion of the code, but that's what it looks like in the book, so I'm not sure what else to try.
Clearly len(record) != len(column_list).
(specifically, column_list is longer than record).
Is there a reason that you expect them to be the same length?
One "fix" would be something like:
for col,rec in zip(column_list,record):
output += col + ": " + str(rec) + "\n"
instead of:
for field_no in xrange(0, len(column_list)):
output = output + column_list[field_no] + ": " + str(record[field_no]) + "\n"
This will truncate the output at the shorter of column_list and record.
I would recommend using zip instead of range(0,len(...)) in any event.
It's much more idiomatic.
The problem it turns out was both the white space and, more importantly, the MySQL query itself. I was pulling a list that were rows in a column instead of pulling all columns of a row, which is what the loops were written to concatenate. The number of records I would get back in the result of the wrong query was not equal to the number of results in the list that contained all the columns. The code was also intended to be a loop within a loop, so the spacing I have at the top is wrong. It should look like it does below. I added a couple of lines before it to show the query I had to modify:
Old statement looped like this:
statement = """select %s from %s where %s like '%s' limit 10""" % (column, table, column, term)
Should look like this:
statement = """select * from %s where %s like '%s' limit 10""" % (table, column, term)
command = cursor.execute(statement)
results = cursor.fetchall()
column_list = []
for record in results:
Loop within a loop:
if form is True:
columns_query = """DESCRIBE %s""" % (table)
columns_command = cursor.execute(columns_query)
headers = cursor.fetchall()
column_list = []
for record in headers:
for record in results:
output = output + "===================================\n\n"
for field_no in xrange(0, len(column_list)):
output = output + column_list[field_no] + ": " + str(record[field_no]) + "\n"
output = output + "\n"
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled概述在Python中,如果给定一个list或tuple,我们可以通过for循环来遍历这个list(列表)或tuple(元组),这种遍历我们称为迭代(Iteration)。迭代的实现在Python中,迭代是通过for ... in来完成的,而很多语言比如C或者Java,迭代list是通过下标完成的,比如Java代码:123for(i=0;i&list.length;i++){n = list[i];}可以看出,Python的for循环抽象程度要高于Java的for循环。迭代的对象在Python中,不仅可以对list和tuple进行迭代,还以对其他任何可迭代的对象进行迭代,也就是使用for循环去遍历。因此,迭代操作就是对于一个集合,无论该集合是有序还是无序,我们用for循环总是可以依次取出集合的每一个元素。集合是指包含一组元素的数据结构,在Python中,集合有以下几种类型:有序集合:list,tuple,str和unicode无序集合:set无序集合并且具有 key-value 对:dictlist迭代在Python中,迭代操作获取的是列表中的元素,而不是元素的索引,这点不同于其他语言:1234li = ['a','b','c']foriteminli:printitem对list实现类似Java那样的下标循环,可以使用Python内置的enumerate函数,该函数可以把一个list变成索引-元素对,这样就可以在for循环中同时迭代索引和元素本身:1234li = ['a','b','c']forindex,iteminenumerate(li):print index,itemdict迭代在Python中,默认情况下,dict迭代的是key。如果要迭代value,可以用for value in d.itervalues(),如果要同时迭代key和value,可以用for k, v in d.iteritems()。迭代key:1234dict={'username':'tudouya','age':18,'gender':'man','address':'xiznheng'}forkeyindict:printkey迭代value:1234dict={'username':'tudouya','age':18,'gender':'man','address':'xiznheng'}forvalueindict.itervalues():printvalue迭代key和value:1234dict={'username':'tudouya','age':18,'gender':'man','address':'xiznheng'}forkey,valueindict.iteritems():print key,'=',value判断是否可迭代当我们使用for循环时,只要作用于一个可迭代对象,for循环就可以正常运行,而我们不太关心该对象究竟是list还是其他数据类型。如何判断一个对象是可迭代对象呢?方法是通过collections模块的Iterable类型判断:12345fromcollectionsimportIterablestr ='hello'printisinstance(str, Iterable)总结任何可迭代对象都可以作用于for循环,包括我们自定义的数据类型,只要符合迭代条件,就可以使用for循环。参考迭代
1 #基本的for循环语句
2 test_list = [2,"Jone",3,6,7,'hongten','hanyuan','good',"Tom"]
3 #打印列表的长度
4 print(len(test_list))
6 #遍历列表
7 for i in test_list:
10 test_str = "hello,i'm hongten"
11 print('打印字符串:' + test_str)
12 #遍历一个字符串
13 print('遍历一个字符串')
14 for i in test_str:
17 test_tuple = [("a",1),("b",2),("c",3),("d",4)]
18 print(test_tuple)
19 #遍历一个元组
20 print('遍历一个元组')
21 for (i,j) in test_tuple:
24 test_dict = {'name':'hongten','age':'20','gender':'M','sports':'足球,乒乓球,游泳'}
25 #字典迭代器
26 for key
in test_dict:
print(key + ':' + test_dict[key])
29 L1 = [1,3,5,7]
30 L2 = [2,4,6,8]
31 #使用zip将两个列表合并
32 print(zip(L1,L2))
34 for (i,j) in zip(L1,L2):
36 print('#######################################################')
37 L3 = L2[:]
38 L3.remove(8)
39 print('L1,L3列表为:')
40 print(L1)
41 print(L3)
42 for (i,j) in zip(L1,L3):
45 #可以看出来当长度不一的时候,多余的被忽略
48 test_keys = ['name','age','gender','weight','hight']
49 test_values = ['Hongten','20','M','55','170']
50 #使用zip来构造一个字典
51 print('字典中的keys:')
52 print(test_keys)
53 print('字典中的key对应的value:')
54 print(test_values)
55 print('构造字典后')
56 test_dic = dict(zip(test_keys,test_values))
57 for key in test_dic:
print( key + ':' + test_dic[key])
Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:df6, May 16 :43) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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&&& ================================ RESTART ================================
打印字符串:hello,i'm hongten
[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)]
&zip object at 0x01FA1AA8&
[1, 3, 5, 7]
['name', 'age', 'gender', 'weight', 'hight']
['Hongten', '20', 'M', '55', '170']
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