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好朋友无限钻石破解存档(Best Fiends)
v1.0.3 iPhone/iPad版在手机上看
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(Best Fiends)无限钻石破解存档是一款iOS休闲游戏的存档文件,[为玩家带来了无限钻石,可以让你购买更多的游戏道具,帮你过关,还在等什么,快来下载体验吧!
好朋友存档破解说明: 已修改钻石数量为!
好朋友存档使用说明: 1. 从 下载并安装正版应用; 2. 运行软件至主菜单画面,退出软件,关闭软件后台进程; 3. 将 iPhone/iPad 与电脑连接,打开目录管理软件或等; 4. 找到软件安装目录; 5. 覆盖解锁:将下载的文件BestFiends_cd.rar解压覆盖到Library和Documents替换(注意:请备份原版的存档或文件,以免解锁失败导致失去存档); 6. 返回软件,存档覆盖已完成。
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好朋友无限钻石破解存档(Best Fiends)
v1.0.3 iPhone/iPad版
下载帮助网侠手机站软件均来自互联网, 如有侵犯您的版权, 请点击网站底部在线QQ进行联系。
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best fiends修改教程 99999无限钻石存档分享
作者:pavel 来源:巴士手游发布时间:日 17:41:01点击:2736
  近期App Store刚刚上架的三消游戏&&Best fiends,相信吸引了不少玩家注意力。作为一款开发商Seriously推出新作,其不但制作阵容强大,而且玩法可谓相当新颖。通过连线的形式进行消除,并最终将来袭的敌人统统打倒。当然在本款游戏中,相信玩家们最纠结的就是钻石和体力值了吧!所以这里巴士小编,就为大家带来好朋友best fiends存档,教你如何修改999999无限钻石,还等什么快来看看吧!
  巴士小编有话说:由于best fiends里基本购买都是通过钻石来达成的,包括体力的恢复、钥匙的购买、英雄的升级,都是可以通过钻石进行操作的,不过建议大家用钻石还是悠着点好,毕竟后面那么多英雄的升级,还是需要很多钻石去进行支持的,下面则为大家带来Best fiends修改钻石教程。
  2.在进行操作之前无比将best fiends后台进程关闭
  3.打开应用目录,并找到其中的best Fiends游戏目录。打开游戏目录并将library和documents文件夹直接进行覆盖,如遇到无法操作文件直接跳过就好。
  总而言之,对于Best fiends修改钻石的步骤,其实还是蛮简单的。最后巴士小编友情提示大家,过度修改游戏,将会使游戏失去趣味性,大家要量力而行噢!
 ICP:皖B2- 皖公网安备05
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Best Fiends
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Discover the world of Minutia and its cute, courageous inhabitants in this fiendishly fun, FREE puzzle adventure!"Top 10 iPhone and iPad game of 2014" - The Guardian “Check out the app, it's a really fun game" -PewDiePie"Best Fiends is the addictive result of a one-night stand between Angry Birds and Candy Crush" - PC Mag"Must List!" - Entertainment Weekly"Best Fiends is well-polished and super-cute!" - “Best Fiends combines Candy Crush puzzling with RPG!” - ForbesSTORY:The little creatures of Minutia lived in peace and harmony, until the night the meteor smashed into Mount Boom! A strange force transformed the slimy Slugs who lived there into a gang of greenery-gobbling goons – and now, the Slugs captured the Best Fiends’ families!To fight back the Slugs and reunite their families, the Best Fiends have to grow and level up, discover their special powers and prepare for the mystery that awaits at Mount Boom.To get to Mount Boom, they’ll need to become… the BEST FIENDS!FEATURES:* FIENDISH PUZZLES Easy to play, hard to master. Approachable puzzle gameplay taken to the next level!* DAZZLING GRAPHICS and finger-tapping music!* THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Line matching puzzle adventure game with RPG-like character development!* COLLECT & LEVEL UP Collect all Best Fiends and discover their special powers!* JOIN THE BATTLE against the Slugs of Mount Boom in a journey through the majestic world of Minutia!* COMPETE AGAINST YOUR FRIENDS connect to the gorgeous 3D map via Facebook and see who reaches Mount Boom first!* STAY TUNED More levels, characters, gameplay and some suprises are on the way!PLEASE NOTE! Best Fiends is completely free to download and play but some game items may be purchased for real money. To disable this, turn off the in-app purchases in your device’s settings.* The minimum iOS version required is iOS7Like the Best Fiends on /bfiendsFollow the Best Fiends on /bestfiendsWatch the Best Fiends /user/SeriouslyHQTHANK YOU!
What's New in Version 1.1.0
* The Fiends have made it to the Ominous Ocean! Hurrah! 15 fiendish NEW levels added.* New Link Blocks allow you to make longer matches of multiple colors.* New Fiend! Colour-blind chameleon KARMA joins the Fiends on their quest to Mount Boom! Can you find this devious disguiser?COMING SOON:* Something's brewing in the East. Another friendly Fiend in trouble perhaps?--------Please rate Best Fiends after you update - Your feedback really helps us make Best Fiends the best game experience possible!
Customer Reviews
Last updated completely ruined the game
I can't remember the last time I wrote a review of an app, or if I even ever have. But this deserves one. This was probably my favorite game up until this last update. No blue meteorites except for the EXTREMELY rare instance you get at most 50 with keys. The yellow ones have been decreased insanely, and it seems the sludge is rigged to completely mess up any decent chance you have at progressing or winning levels. This &free& game is anything but. It used to be that you could grind away for a long time and eventually make your way through without paying (which took a very long time) but now it's impossible. No clue what the developers were thinking but they turned one of the most fun games on iOS into one of the most annoying, frustrating, and anger inducing. Revert back. This update is absolute garbage. By the way, I would vote 0 stars if that was an option.
Love the game but hate the wait
So I must say this is my newest addiction!! I love it but I must say it is so frustrating having to wait for more power so I can play. You only get one power every 10 minutes but in order to play you need 2 powers per level and 3 powers once you pass into the level 30's. Unless you want to pay and I'm not going to pay every time. I really feel there should be a way to earn more power without paying and I don't
feel we should have to use 2-3 powers at a time especially if you pass a level you should be able to go onto the next level without losing the powers you used to pass the level.
Great fun, not too hard
Fun and addictive and fair amount of challenge without being too difficult. There are games like frozen fall that are much more difficult and lower you into paying for upgrades. This game is a little bit more fair if you wish to continue playing without paying you just have to be patient and keep trying. But your chances of passing the level are still fairly good overall. Guess there are certain levels that are way more challenging it may require one to two days to pass it but that's part of the fun.
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 1.1.0Size: 78.3 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Seriously Digital Entertainment OyCompatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
Customer Ratings
Current Version:
&&&&&760 Ratings
All Versions:
&&&&&7150 Ratings
Top In-App Purchases
5 More moves$0.99Fill Energy$0.99Pouch of Diamonds$4.99Pouch of Diamonds - SALE!$2.99Handful of Diamonds$1.99Chest of Diamonds$9.99Handful of Diamonds$1.99Vault of Diamonds$19.99Pouch of Diamonds$4.99Mountain of Diamonds$39.99
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在这款充满魔幻趣味的免费益智游戏中,探索米努西亚的世界及其中那些可爱,勇敢的居民!“2014年最好的十款iPhone和iPad游戏之一” - The Guardian“快来试试这款应用,它真的很好玩” - PewDiePie“《呆萌小怪物》是一款融合了《愤怒的小鸟》和《Candy Crush》元素的成瘾之作” - PC Mag“必玩之作” - Entertainment Weekly“《呆萌小怪物》制作精良,真的是萌到极点!” - “《呆萌小怪物》将《Candy Crush》的益智风格与RPG元素结合在了一起!” - Forbes游戏背景:米努西亚的小生灵们原本过着平静祥和的日子,直到一天晚上,一颗陨石撞上了棒棒山!一股神秘力量将黏糊糊的当地鼻涕虫变成了一群专吃植物的暴徒 – 现在,这些鼻涕虫又抓住了呆萌小怪物的家人!为了战胜鼻涕虫并与家人团聚,呆萌小怪物们要不断成长并提升等级,发现他们的特殊能力并做好准备揭开棒棒山的谜团。要登上棒棒山,他们必须要成为…呆萌小怪物!游戏特色:* 魔幻风格的益智游戏,上手简单,想玩好却很困难。亲切朴实的新一代益智游戏体验!* 绚丽的画面和“指尖动感”音乐!* 博采众长 - 融入了RPG式角色成长机制的消除类益智游戏!* 收集角色,提升等级 - 收齐所有的呆萌小怪物,发现他们的特殊能力!* 奋起反击棒棒山鼻涕虫,走遍米努西亚的奇幻世界!* 与好友同台竞技 - 通过Facebook访问华丽的3D地图,看看谁先登上棒棒山!* 关注我们 - 更多关卡、角色、游戏方式和一些惊喜正在酝酿中!请注意!《呆萌小怪物》可免费下载游玩,但某些游戏物品可以用真实货币购买。要禁用此功能,请通过您的设备设置来关闭应用内购买。* 最低版本要求:iOS7欢迎您在Facebook上给《呆萌小怪物》点赞:/bfiends或是在Twitter上关注《呆萌小怪物》:/bestfiends观看游戏视频:/user/SeriouslyHQ感谢您的支持!
版本 1.1.0 中的新功能
* 小恶魔们来到了厄运海洋!天哪!还有15个全新关卡。* 借助于新的串联方块,您可以消掉更多不同颜色的方块。* 新增小恶魔!色盲变色龙卡尔马与其他小恶魔们一起踏上了棒棒山冒险之旅!您能找到这位狡猾的伪装者吗?即将推出:* 东方似乎有情况。也许又有一只善良小恶魔遇到麻烦了?--------欢迎您在更新游戏后为《神勇小恶魔》做出评价 - 您的反馈将帮助我们在《神勇小恶魔》中呈现更棒的游戏体验!
第一次写评论 送给这个业界良心了非常棒的游戏虽然更新以后送的礼物是少了 但一个出色的游戏 之前一直走不用花钱买钻的风格 现在后续开发需要资金 作为玩家 真的需要的时候花钱买点钻当作支持也无可厚非 只要后续一直有关卡开发出来并且保持现在的水准就很满足啦!加油小怪物!
每天都必须把体力用完才能罢收。后面体力消耗太快了。至于难度提高这件事 说实话 我觉得每关都可以反复打一百遍并不是很介意快快通关 所以不知不觉就攒很多黄色来升级怪物。这种可爱小游戏无非用来打发时间,大家不要太上火啊。
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 1.1.0大小: 78.3 MB语言: 英语开发商: Seriously Digital Entertainment Oy兼容性: 需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5、iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6 Plus 优化。
&&&&&1996 份评分
&&&&&14767 份评分
热门 App 内购买项目
多 5 步可用?6.00补充能量?6.00一包钻石?30.00一包钻石 - 优惠促销!?18.00一捧钻石?12.00一箱钻石?68.00堆积如山的钻石?258.00Handful of Diamonds?12.00Pouch of Diamonds?30.00一金库钻石?128.00


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