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中文翻译公平式的公正:&&&&n. 1.正义,公道;公正,公平。 2.正确;妥当,确实 ...:&&&&n. (pl. asses ) 阿斯〔1.古罗马铜币。2 ...:&&&&n. 1.晴朗。 2.公平。 3.〔诗、古〕美丽,洁白。 ...
例句与用法1.His theory of " justice as fairness " just come down in one continuous line from kant ' s constructivism ethics他的“正义即公平”理论和康德的建构主义伦理学一脉相承。 2.This thesis thinks that john rawls " thought of " justice as fairness " experienced a shift from " moral constructivism " to " political constructivism "文章认为,罗尔斯的“公平正义”思想发生了从“道德建构主义”向“政治建构主义”的立场转换。 3.Rawls is the most important western political philosopher in the twentieth century . his theory of justice as fairness has been regarded by western thinkers as the quintessence which has grand system and exquisite thought罗尔斯是20世纪西方最重要的政治哲学家,其作为公平的正义理论已成为西方思想界体大思精的典范。 4.This paper will address this issue . by focusing on the influence on rawls from kantian theory , i argue that justice as fairness does bear some kantian features , and that rawls tries to construct what kant starts with : the unconditional authority论点是,罗尔斯的理论援用康德哲学中的重要的建构论,希望用来产生一个具有像无上命令般的论证基础,以便解决各种有关公正的基本原则之间的冲突。 5.In the book political liberalism and justice as fairness ? ? a restatement , john rawls gives a new argumentation of the two principles of justice . it mainly embodies that john rawls demonstrates his conception of justice as political conception of justice . political conception of justice has three features : firstly , its theme is the basic s secondly , it is the essential part of the constitutional thirdly , its content is expressed in the basic idea of a democratic society ’ s public political culture为达此目的,他做了以下努力:首先,把正义观念严格限定为政治正义观念;其次,采取契约论方法,借助原初状态和无知之幕的理论预设,同时处处比照于功利主义原则,对两个正义原则是最合适的政治正义原则进行论证,并考察其现实性;最后,讨论两个正义原则的应用问题,以表明它与人们的正义信念相符。 6.Rawls ' considers original position to be a significant part of the overall argument for " justice as fairness " , and imposes three suppositions and qualifications on original position : the information in a veil of ignorance , self - interested and rational parties in the original position and conditions of the objects of choice摘要罗尔斯把原初状态作为“正义即公平”的主要论证要素,对原初状态作了三方面的限制性假设:信息的假设,无知之幕;原初状态各方的假设,相互冷淡而又具有理性;选择对象的限制条件的假设。 7.The whole paper consists six chapters . chapter . foundations and methods from the whole content and basic structure in a theory of justice , rawls ’ s theory of justice is the theoretical extension of justice as fairness . this paper will explore and analyze the conception of justice as fairness from the different levels of value - institution - policy in distributive and institutional and policy dimensions众所周知,罗尔斯的《正义论》是在早期发表的论文的基础上完善整理而成的,这一时期的著作反映了当时美国政治道德哲学的发展脉络,为《正义论》的最终成形奠定了理论和方法上的知识准备。 8.This thesis tries to probe into john rawls " thought of " justice as fairness " by the way of the explanation and the standpoints of " moral constructivism " and " political constructivism " , expecting to clear its theoretic background , to review its relations with kant ' s ethics , to dredge the intrinsic clue of its changes from " kantian moral constructivism " to " political constructivism " , and finally to anatomize its success and failure of its changing standpoints , through which to outline the changing process of john rawls " thought本文试图从“道德建构主义”与“政治建构主义”的解释方式和立场这一角度探讨罗尔斯的“公平正义”思想,力求廓清其理论背景,考察其与康德伦理学的关联承续,疏通其从康德式“道德建构主义”走向“政治建构主义”的内在理路,剖析其立场转换的得失,以期对罗尔斯“公平正义”思想的变化脉络作?鸟瞰式的粗笔勾勒。
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Efficiency and fairness in minority freezeouts
Takeovers, overbidding, and the .
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Takeovers, overbidding, and the freeze-in problem
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Efficiency and fairness in minority freezeouts


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