中山大学公选 王乐球老师的趣味c程序设计集锦 怎么样?

7 总结与展望本管理系统的开发设计运用了软件工程的方法,使我可以将软件工程理论应用到实践。理解了如何进行可行性研究;掌握了怎么进行有效地进行需求分析;也掌握了UML建模;了解了如何进行体系结构设计;也加强了本人的数据库分析和设计能力。也还熟悉了B/S开发模式,对SQL数据库技术方面也有了一定的提高,除此之外也提高了自己分析问题、查阅资料、吸收新知识的能力,同时也使我在分析、编程方面比以前有了更大的提高。通过分析,该系统使用 Microsoft.NET技术平台框架,并采用ASP.NET技术、C#语言开发等技术结合而成。数据库方面是使用SQL Server 2005开发的。经过两个多月的设计和开发,家庭资料管理信息系统终于开发完成。其功能基本符合需求分析的功能要求,并能够实现在家庭资源管理信息系统中的管理员模块可以实现对家庭成员的增、删、查、改的基本操作;在个人理财管理中可以实现对家庭日常收入和支出的增、删、查、改的基本操作等等。按照原先的设计思想,原本打算在个人理财管理模块中实细化和分类,添加股票和基金的功能,但是后来考虑该系统主要的使用对象是家庭成员,而且此方面比较专业关键性问题容易出错所以就没有在家庭资源管理系统中实现这个功能。不过我相信在将来工作空闲时,我一定会完善所有的功能,让家庭信息管理系统完美的问世。在这次毕业设计过程中我查找了大量的资料,同时对自己的专业知识进行了融汇贯通,使自己的实践能力有了很大的提高,这对以后的工作做了准备。由于时间比较仓促,再加上本人的能力有限,目前的家庭资源管理信息系统只能对家庭的几个方面进行基本管理。故系统的功能还比较单一。如果能对其进行扩充,加上各个方面的功能实现,使家庭的各个事务都可以使用自动化方式进行信息管理,这样才可以更好的使用于各个家庭中。随着科技的发展,经过扩展后的家庭管理信息系统可以通过各种方式服务于各个家庭。 谢词 论文是在我的导师李小芳老师的亲切关怀和悉心帮助下完成的。他严肃的科学,严谨的治学精神,精益求精的工作作风,深深地感染和激励着我。从课题的选择到项目的,小芳老师都我细心的和不懈的支持。半年多来,小芳老师在学业上给我以精心指点,还在思想、生活上给我以无微不至的关怀,谨向小芳老师致以诚挚的谢意和崇高的敬意。我还要感谢在一起愉快的度过生生活的陪伴我四年的软件工程班的各位同学们,正是你们的帮助和支持,我才能克服的和疑惑,直至本文的完成。感谢我的学妹黄琼同学,她对本课题做了不少工作,给了我不少的帮助。在论文即将之际,我的心情无法平静,从开始课题到论文的,有多少可敬的师长、同学、朋友给了我无言的帮助,里请我诚挚的谢意!最后我还要感谢培养我长大含辛茹苦的父母,谢谢你们。半年的时间马上就要过啊去,迎来的是我们的毕业.在这最后一个学期里我学到了很多,也得到了很多.同时我利用最后一个学期的业余生活参加了公司实习.实习的生活让我知道将来要如何工作,也懂的了如何去为人处事的道理.此刻我的心中却有些怅然若失,因为那些熟悉的软件工程专业的恩师们和各位可爱的同学们,我们也即将挥手告别了。不过我相信在不久的将来一个新的职业人将要用他手双手为国家作出贡献,不会辱没了大家的帮助与支持。再次谢谢我的导师李小芳老师,谢谢我的同学们,谢谢我的家人! 参考文献[1] (美) Wendy Boggs,Michael Boggs.UML与Rational Rose2002从入门到精通[M].北京: 电子工业出版社,2002.[2](美)Joseph Schmuller.UML基础、案例与应用[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2001.[3]Karli Watson
Marco Bellinaso.康博译.C#入门经典[M].北京:清华大学出版社, 2002.[4]三才 张智凯 许薰尹.C#与.NET技术平台实战演练[M].北京:中国青年出版社, 2002.[5]郝春强.C#基础与实例教程[M].北京:中国电力出版社, .[6]张奇,李律松等.Visual C# 数据库项目案例导航[M].北京:清华大学出版社,.[7]刘乃丽.ASP.NET 2.0+SQL Server 2005 项目开发[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,7.[8]朱科.ASP.NET信息管理系统开发实例导航[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2.[9] 罗建波,孙琳. 企事业单位图书管理系统的设计与实现[J].甘肃广播电视大学学报.):43-45.[10] 王乐球,周文琼,项益民等.电力集团企业财务信息管理研究[D].中山大学学报论丛.):183-186.[11]刘淳,雷军环.数据库系统原理与应用[M].北京:中国水利水电出版社,2005: 附录附属于正文,对正文起补充说明作用的信息材料,通过一篇英文资料的翻译和关键代码的说明对系统进行补充。附录A 英文资料原文WEB server's many frame solutionsIn order to solve this problem, we have designed many frame structure, subdivide the function employed, assign every frame finish separately, the division of labor and coordination of work way can make data to operate interface realize the controlled part is broken, have reduce the data transmission amount of the network effectively, has shortened the treatment time of every part, the system of lightening WEB SERVER and DATABASE greatly too is born at the same time.Many frame solutions adopt ASP (ActiveX Server Pages) and ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) and finish the mutual work with the database. Adopt DOM technology solving and cooperation problem between the frames.First, the proposition of question is initial.we adopt ASP and ADO technology when design MIS (the ensuing chapters are abbreviated as MIS) based on WEB on INTRANET, have continued to use the design habit while designing WEB website in the past. But with the deepening that is designed, we find, the existing systematic structure is unable to undertake to input the work in data in enormous quantities, so, must construct the overall project organization of the system again. MIS, and ordinary WEB website loud difference lie in process information way most. The main function of ordinary WEB website is to release information, it is only some extremely small functions of its to gather information, and it is all simpler that the information gathers functions. But to MIS system, collection of information and maintenance work occupy higher proportion, gather function exist some comparatively complicated and in enormous quantities datum input the function in information the, these functions have become design difficult points in systems.Two, analysis of the questionWhen a system involves the complicated datum in enormous quantities and inputs the function, just involved the questions of response speed and interface at the same time. In past C/S way, the pace of inputting of the customer end is controlled from the persons who input, generally speaking, as familiar operation mode of inputting etc., input pace whom system restrain from. But under WEB way, page adopt, break way totally, each mutual operation cause the breaking of a page at least. This kind of one that broke worked not only upgraded the data but also load some fixed contents on the interface once again. To ordinary user, the breaking of such short time will But until person who input operated to go on for a long time, input one datum wait for some time soon (whether may 2-3 second may more than ten even odd minutes in second too in this periods), absolutely unacceptable.Even network have enough bandwidth, page heavily loaded to can cause one result that flicker too, this kind flash flash break, cause person who input must discern various elements of page again, not only but also will drag the slow their pace of inputting, the ones that cause eyes are fast and tired.Third, if solution can break page but & fast and newer & data of page & &, the problem can be solved. And because the page was not broken, some status informations that must be kept by the server can be kept on the customer end, thus lighten the burden of the server. Then how to reach this goal? Will discuss in detail below.1. Mentality of designing at first, we establish and adopt many frames to establish the page. The frame (Frames) is not actually any anything new, a lot of websites have to all finish revealing the fixed title and function of the menu with it. Adopt frame can prevent to visit repeatedly some page from. But if combine and use DOM (Document objects model), the frame can finish a lot of careful work. According to the definition of DOM, the frame can be regarded as a target. Suppose we set up one frame, name it A, for page to set up the frame, A is a member in Frames set, and to page in A, A is equivalent to window target. Because some, though frame have dependence is can through father page relation to establish all frame of them.1). Spend most frequently used frame control method among frame A, utilize, controlB page of the frame heavily loaded.2). In the frame B, through clicking to control the frame C in incident of the button, the control here is through what DOM is realized Control URL in C, add the following codes into onCLICK incident of the button: (VBScript)sub b1 _ onclick set Bframe = parent.BBframe.location.href = & URL &End subcontrols the text frame content in C, add the following codes into onCLICK incident of the button: (VBScript)sub b1 _ onclickset Bframe = parent.BBrame.document.all.txt1.value = &lu yang fan& //txt1 is Value of C frame Chinese version frameend sub2. The new frame is structural we have defined a new frame structure. In the new frame structure, except that used for putting MENU1, MENU2 of the first and second class menu and usedding for putting the tertiary menu and employing Aapp of the function specifically, have also increased three frames that is specially used for dealing with the data. These three frames do not need interfaces, it is invisible when employing and carrying out. The cooperation of dividing the work with Aapp frame of frames between three data processing, finish the concrete function. To concrete interface and special-purpose to control customer end public function and overall data set, Cbuf of variable, Bfun of script, store person who buffer Dcom serve of function Aapp Device end order, carry out result store slow district among system, press Bfun according to the life cycle →Aapp →Cbuf →The order of Dcom is preserved to the variable and data target from great to light. Agree on as follows specifically:包含各类专业文献、专业论文、中学教育、外语学习资料、文学作品欣赏、生活休闲娱乐、行业资料、51家庭资源管理信息系统的设计与实现毕业论文等内容。 
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家庭资源管理信息系统的设计与实现家庭资源管理信息系统的设计与实现摘要随着社会的发展、经济的进步,一个家庭面对的事情变得越来越复杂。如何有效地管理和利用家庭内外的资源以达到期望的生活目标成为人们关注的热点问题。本文就是家庭资源管理信息系统开发的全过程。通过对.NET应用程序设计、数据库管理系统、SQL语言原理、ADO技术进行了较深入的学习和应用,完成对家庭资源管理信息系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。设计共有八个子系统:家庭理财管理、家庭个人档案管理、通讯录管理、备忘录管理、事件管理、医疗管理、图片管理、日记管理。本系统涵盖了家庭资源管理的主要方面,基本满足了家庭管理的需要。关键字:家庭资源、管理信息系统、数据库技术、资源整合、统一建模语言、用户界面Family resource management information system design and implementationABSTRACTWith the development of society and economy, the progress of face of a family is becoming more and more complicated. How to effectively manage and use of resources and family in order to achieve the expected goals in life becomes the focus of people.This is the family resource management information system development process. Based on the.net application design, database management system, the SQL language principle, ADO in-depth study and application of family resources and complete management information system of requirement analysis, functional module partition, database model analysis, and thus design database structure and application. Design eight subsystems: family financial management, family personal file management, directories management, management, event management, memorandum of medical management, pictures, diary management m
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