js或jq 求jq给input赋值的和,程序如下,

骑士PHP人才系统(74CMS)源代码 展示 jquery.date_input.js源代码
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DateInput = (function($) { // Localise the $ function
function DateInput(el, opts) {
& if (typeof(opts) != &object&) opts = {};
& $.extend(this, DateInput.DEFAULT_OPTS, opts);
& this.input = $(el);
& this.bindMethodsToObj(&show&, &hide&, &hideIfClickOutside&, &keydownHandler&, &selectDate&);
& this.build();
& this.selectDate();
& this.hide();
DateInput.DEFAULT_OPTS = {
& month_names: [&January&, &February&, &March&, &April&, &May&, &June&, &July&, &August&, &September&, &October&, &November&, &December&],
& short_month_names: [&Jan&, &Feb&, &Mar&, &Apr&, &May&, &Jun&, &Jul&, &Aug&, &Sep&, &Oct&, &Nov&, &Dec&],
& short_day_names: [&Sun&, &Mon&, &Tue&, &Wed&, &Thu&, &Fri&, &Sat&],
& start_of_week: 1
DateInput.prototype = {
& build: function() {
& & var monthNav = $('&p class=&month_nav&&' +
& & & '&span class=&button prev& title=&前一月&&&&&/span&' +
& & & ' &span class=&month_name&&&/span& ' +
& & & '&span class=&button next& title=&后一月&&&&&/span&' +
& & & '&/p&');
& & this.monthNameSpan = $(&.month_name&, monthNav);
& & $(&.prev&, monthNav).click(this.bindToObj(function() { this.moveMonthBy(-1); }));
& & $(&.next&, monthNav).click(this.bindToObj(function() { this.moveMonthBy(1); }));
& & var yearNav = $('&p class=&year_nav&&' +
& & & '&span class=&button prev& title=&前一年&&&&&/span&' +
& & & ' &span class=&year_name&&&/span& ' +
& & & '&span class=&button next& title=&后一年&&&&&/span&' +
& & & '&/p&');
& & this.yearNameSpan = $(&.year_name&, yearNav);
& & $(&.prev&, yearNav).click(this.bindToObj(function() { this.moveMonthBy(-12); }));
& & $(&.next&, yearNav).click(this.bindToObj(function() { this.moveMonthBy(12); }));
& & var nav = $('&div class=&nav&&&/div&').append(monthNav, yearNav);
& & var tableShell = &&table&&thead&&tr&&;
& & $(this.adjustDays(this.short_day_names)).each(function() {
& & & tableShell += &&th&& + this + &&/th&&;
& & });
& & tableShell += &&/tr&&/thead&&tbody&&/tbody&&/table&&;
& & this.dateSelector = this.rootLayers = $('&div class=&date_selector&&&/div&').append(nav, tableShell).insertAfter(this.input);
& & if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version & 7) {
& & & // The ieframe is a hack which works around an IE &= 6 bug where absolutely positioned elements
& & & // appear behind select boxes. Putting an iframe over the top of the select box prevents this.
& & & this.ieframe = $('&iframe class=&date_selector_ieframe& frameborder=&0& src=&#&&&/iframe&').insertBefore(this.dateSelector);
& & & this.rootLayers = this.rootLayers.add(this.ieframe);
& & & // IE 6 only does :hover on A elements
& & & $(&.button&, nav).mouseover(function() { $(this).addClass(&hover&) });
& & & $(&.button&, nav).mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass(&hover&) });
& & };
& & this.tbody = $(&tbody&, this.dateSelector);
& & this.input.change(this.bindToObj(function() { this.selectDate(); }));
& & this.selectDate();
& selectMonth: function(date) {
& & var newMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
& & if (!this.currentMonth || !(this.currentMonth.getFullYear() == newMonth.getFullYear() &&
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & this.currentMonth.getMonth() == newMonth.getMonth())) {
& & & // We have moved to a different month and so need to re-draw the table
& & & this.currentMonth = newMonth;
& & & // Work out the range of days we will draw
& & & var rangeStart = this.rangeStart(date), rangeEnd = this.rangeEnd(date);
& & & var numDays = this.daysBetween(rangeStart, rangeEnd);
& & & var dayCells = &&;
& & & // Draw each of the days
& & & for (var i = 0; i &= numDays; i++) {
& & & & var currentDay = new Date(rangeStart.getFullYear(), rangeStart.getMonth(), rangeStart.getDate() + i, 12, 00);
& & & & if (this.isFirstDayOfWeek(currentDay)) dayCells += &&tr&&;
& & & & if (currentDay.getMonth() == date.getMonth()) {
& & & & & dayCells += '&td class=&selectable_day& date=&' + this.dateToString(currentDay) + '&&' + currentDay.getDate() + '&/td&';
& & & & } else {
& & & & & dayCells += '&td class=&unselected_month& date=&' + this.dateToString(currentDay) + '&&' + currentDay.getDate() + '&/td&';
& & & & };
& & & & if (this.isLastDayOfWeek(currentDay)) dayCells += &&/tr&&;
& & & };
& & & this.tbody.empty().append(dayCells);
& & & // Write the month and year in the header
& & & this.monthNameSpan.empty().append(this.monthName(date));
& & & this.yearNameSpan.empty().append(this.currentMonth.getFullYear());
& & & $(&.selectable_day&, this.tbody).click(this.bindToObj(function(event) {
& & & & this.changeInput($(event.target).attr(&date&));
& & & }));
& & & $(&td[date=& + this.dateToString(new Date()) + &]&, this.tbody).addClass(&today&);
& & & $(&td.selectable_day&, this.tbody).mouseover(function() { $(this).addClass(&hover&) });
& & & $(&td.selectable_day&, this.tbody).mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass(&hover&) });
& & };
& & $('.selected', this.tbody).removeClass(&selected&);
& & $('td[date=' + this.selectedDateString + ']', this.tbody).addClass(&selected&);
& // Select a particular date. If the date is not specified it is read from the input. If no date is
& // found then the current date is selected. The selectMonth() function is responsible for actually
& // selecting a particular date.
& selectDate: function(date) {
& & if (typeof(date) == &undefined&) {
& & & date = this.stringToDate(this.input.val());
& & };
& & if (!date) date = new Date();
& & this.selectedDate = date;
& & this.selectedDateString = this.dateToString(this.selectedDate);
& & this.selectMonth(this.selectedDate);
& // Write a date string to the input and hide. Trigger the change event so we know to update the
& // selectedDate.
& changeInput: function(dateString) {
& & this.input.val(dateString).change();
& & this.hide();
& show: function() {
& & this.rootLayers.css(&display&, &block&);
& & $([window, document.body]).click(this.hideIfClickOutside);
& & this.input.unbind(&focus&, this.show);
& & $(document.body).keydown(this.keydownHandler);
& & this.setPosition();
& hide: function() {
& & this.rootLayers.css(&display&, &none&);
& & $([window, document.body]).unbind(&click&, this.hideIfClickOutside);
& & this.input.focus(this.show);
& & $(document.body).unbind(&keydown&, this.keydownHandler);
& // We should hide the date selector if a click event happens outside of it
& hideIfClickOutside: function(event) {
& & if (event.target != this.input[0] && !this.insideSelector(event)) {
& & & this.hide();
& & };
& // Returns true if the given event occurred inside the date selector
& insideSelector: function(event) {
& & var offset = this.dateSelector.position();
& & offset.right = offset.left + this.dateSelector.outerWidth();
& & offset.bottom = offset.top + this.dateSelector.outerHeight();
& & return event.pageY & offset.bottom &&
& & & & & &event.pageY & offset.top &&
& & & & & &event.pageX & offset.right &&
& & & & & &event.pageX & offset.left;
& // Respond to various different keyboard events
& keydownHandler: function(event) {
& & switch (event.keyCode)
& & {
& & & case 9: // tab
& & & case 27: // esc
& & & & this.hide();
& & & & return;
& & & break;
& & & case 13: // enter
& & & & this.changeInput(this.selectedDateString);
& & & break;
& & & case 33: // page up
& & & & this.moveDateMonthBy(event.ctrlKey ? -12 : -1);
& & & break;
& & & case 34: // page down
& & & & this.moveDateMonthBy(event.ctrlKey ? 12 : 1);
& & & break;
& & & case 38: // up
& & & & this.moveDateBy(-7);
& & & break;
& & & case 40: // down
& & & & this.moveDateBy(7);
& & & break;
& & & case 37: // left
& & & & this.moveDateBy(-1);
& & & break;
& & & case 39: // right
& & & & this.moveDateBy(1);
& & & break;
& & & default:
& & & & return;
& & }
& & event.preventDefault();
& stringToDate: function(string) {
& & var matches;
& & if (matches = string.match(/^(\d{1,2}) ([^\s]+) (\d{4,4})$/)) {
& & & return new Date(matches[3], this.shortMonthNum(matches[2]), matches[1], 12, 00);
& & } else {
& & & return null;
& & };
& dateToString: function(date) {
& & return date.getDate() + & & + this.short_month_names[date.getMonth()] + & & + date.getFullYear();
& setPosition: function() {
& & var offset = this.input.offset();
& & this.rootLayers.css({
& & & top: offset.top + this.input.outerHeight(),
& & & left: offset.left
& & });
& & if (this.ieframe) {
& & & this.ieframe.css({
& & & & width: this.dateSelector.outerWidth(),
& & & & height: this.dateSelector.outerHeight()
& & & });
& & };
& // Move the currently selected date by a particular number of days
& moveDateBy: function(amount) {
& & var newDate = new Date(this.selectedDate.getFullYear(), this.selectedDate.getMonth(), this.selectedDate.getDate() + amount);
& & this.selectDate(newDate);
& // Move the month of the currently selected date by a particular number of months. If we are moving
& // to a month which does not have enough days to represent the current day-of-month, then we
& // default to the last day of the month.
& moveDateMonthBy: function(amount) {
& & var newDate = new Date(this.selectedDate.getFullYear(), this.selectedDate.getMonth() + amount, this.selectedDate.getDate());
& & if (newDate.getMonth() == this.selectedDate.getMonth() + amount + 1) {
& & & // We have moved too far. For instance 31st March + 1 month = 1st May, not 30th April
& & & newDate.setDate(0);
& & };
& & this.selectDate(newDate);
& // Move the currently displayed month by a certain amount. This does *not* move the currently
& // selected date, so we end up viewing a month with no visibly selected date.
& moveMonthBy: function(amount) {
& & var newMonth = new Date(this.currentMonth.getFullYear(), this.currentMonth.getMonth() + amount, this.currentMonth.getDate());
& & this.selectMonth(newMonth);
& monthName: function(date) {
& & return this.month_names[date.getMonth()];
& // A hack to make &this& refer to this object instance when inside the given function
& bindToObj: function(fn) {
& & var self = this;
& & return function() { return fn.apply(self, arguments) };
& // See above
& bindMethodsToObj: function() {
& & for (var i = 0; i & arguments.length; i++) {
& & & this[arguments[i]] = this.bindToObj(this[arguments[i]]);
& & };
& // Finds out the array index of a particular value in that array
& indexFor: function(array, value) {
& & for (var i = 0; i & array.length; i++) {
& & & if (value == array[i]) return i;
& & };
& // Finds the number of a given month name
& monthNum: function(month_name) {
& & return this.indexFor(this.month_names, month_name);
& // Finds the number of a given short month name
& shortMonthNum: function(month_name) {
& & return this.indexFor(this.short_month_names, month_name);
& // Finds the number of a given day name
& shortDayNum: function(day_name) {
& & return this.indexFor(this.short_day_names, day_name);
& // Works out the number of days between two dates
& daysBetween: function(start, end) {
& & start = Date.UTC(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate());
& & end = Date.UTC(end.getFullYear(), end.getMonth(), end.getDate());
& & return (end - start) / ;
& changeDayTo: Given a date, move along the date line in the given direction until we reach the
& desired day of week.
& The maths is a bit complex, here's an explanation.
& Think of a continuous repeating number line like:
& .. 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 ..
& We are essentially trying to find the difference between two numbers
& on the line in one direction (dictated by the sign of direction variable).
& Unfortunately Javascript's modulo operator works such that -5 % 7 = -5,
& instead of -5 % 7 = 2, so we need to only work with the positives.
& To find the difference between 1 and 4, going backwards, we can treat 1
& as (1 + 7) = 8, so the different is |8 - 4| = 4. If we don't cross the
& boundary between 0 and 6, for instance to find the backwards difference
& between 5 and 2, |(5 + 7) - 2| = |12 - 2| = 10. And 10 % 7 = 3.
& Going forwards, to find the difference between 4 and 1, we again treat 1
& as (1 + 7) = 8, and the difference is |4 - 8| = 4. If we don't cross the
& boundary, the difference between 2 and 5 is |2 - (5 + 7)| = |2 - 12| = 10.
& And 10 % 7 = 3.
& Once we have the positive difference in either direction represented as a
& absolute value, we can multiply it by the direction variable to get the difference
& in the desired direction.
& We can condense the two methods into a single equation:
& & backwardsDifference = direction * (|(currentDayNum + 7) - dayOfWeek| % 7)
& & & & & & & & & & & & = direction * (|currentDayNum - dayOfWeek + 7| &% 7)
& & &forwardsDifference = direction * (|currentDayNum - (dayOfWeek + 7)| % 7)
& & & & & & & & & & & & = direction * (|currentDayNum - dayOfWeek - 7| % 7)
& & (The two equations now differ only by the +/- 7)
& & & & & & &difference = direction * (|currentDayNum - dayOfWeek - (direction * 7)| % 7)
& changeDayTo: function(dayOfWeek, date, direction) {
& & var difference = direction * (Math.abs(date.getDay() - dayOfWeek - (direction * 7)) % 7);
& & return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + difference);
& // Given a date, return the day at the start of the week *before* this month
& rangeStart: function(date) {
& & return this.changeDayTo(this.start_of_week, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()), -1);
& // Given a date, return the day at the end of the week *after* this month
& rangeEnd: function(date) {
& & return this.changeDayTo((this.start_of_week - 1) % 7, new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0), 1);
& // Is the given date the first day of the week?
& isFirstDayOfWeek: function(date) {
& & return date.getDay() == this.start_of_week;
& // Is the given date the last day of the week?
& isLastDayOfWeek: function(date) {
& & return date.getDay() == (this.start_of_week - 1) % 7;
& // Adjust a given array of day names to begin with the configured start-of-week
& adjustDays: function(days) {
& & var newDays = [];
& & for (var i = 0; i & days.length; i++) {
& & & newDays[i] = days[(i + this.start_of_week) % 7];
& & };
& & return newDays;
$.fn.date_input = function(opts) {
& return this.each(function() { new DateInput(this, opts); });
$.date_input = { initialize: function(opts) {
& $(&input.date_input&).date_input(opts);
} };
return DateInput;
})(jQuery); // End localisation of the $ function
jQuery.extend(DateInput.DEFAULT_OPTS, { &month_names: [&一月&, &二月&, &三月&, &四月&, &五月&, &六月&, &七月&, &八月&, &九月&, &十月&, &十一月&, &十二月&], &short_month_names: [&一&, &二&, &三&, &四&, &五&, &六&, &七&, &八&, &九&, &十&, &十一&, &十二&], &short_day_names: [ &日&,&一&, &二&, &三&, &四&, &五&, &六&]});
$.extend(DateInput.DEFAULT_OPTS, {
& stringToDate: function(string) {
& & var matches;
& & if (matches = string.match(/^(\d{4,4})-(\d{2,2})-(\d{2,2})$/)) {
& & & return new Date(matches[1], matches[2] - 1, matches[3]);
& & } else {
& & & return null;
& & };
& dateToString: function(date) {
& & var month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString();
& & var dom = date.getDate().toString();
& & if (month.length == 1) month = &0& + month;
& & if (dom.length == 1) dom = &0& + dom;
& & return date.getFullYear() + &-& + month + &-& + dom;
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