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As Seen On:
By Dr. George Karanastasis
So, you’ve recently broken up with your girlfriend and now you’re trying to win her back…
The problem is, you don’t know how to go about it… you’re confused. One day you’re sure she can’t live without you, the next, it seems like she couldn’t care less if you’re alive or dead (figuratively speaking).
With this in mind, is it any wonder that you’re questioning the possibility of getting her back?
Well here’s something to cast aside your doubts. What follows are 6 tell-tale signs she’s still interested in you (some more subtle than others). And if you can pick out even one, rest assured that your chances of
are alive and well…
Sign #1: Conduct unbecoming of a mere friend… (e.g. excessive flirting,
“innocent” kisses… or even straight out sex)
This sign should be obvious. Unfortunately most men dismiss it. Why? Because they (mistakenly) treat it as an open invitation to jump back into the relationship. However, when they suggest working things out… the proposition is quickly met with a hope-crushing comment such as “I think it’s best we remain friends”.
Why is that? Simple… the attraction is still there but the core essentials that keep couples together are missing. A relationship lives and dies with attraction - when the latter goes the former soon follows. However, attraction in itself is not enough to keep a girl. She has other needs and she’s either going to get them from you… or someone else.
The key here is to use an indirect approach. Let her come to her own conclusions that you’re capable of giving her what she wants. Do not verbally express this. She’ll take everything you have to say with a grain of salt… after all you are the ex with an agenda, right?
Sign #2: She gets jealous when you mention other girls
Whenever your ex girlfriend reacts to something you say (or do) it’s a sure sign she’s still interested. This goes double if she gets jealous of other girls. It means that she’s not ready to fully let you go… even though she won’t necessarily take you back. In her eyes, you still “belong” to her in a sense.
One word of warning: do not abuse this fact and deliberately try to make her jealous. You are in no position to be playing games. She clearly has the upper hand and you’re not emotionally ready to handle the consequences of losing.
Instead, just take comfort in knowing that the window opportunity to win her back is still open (if you play your cards right, that is)…
Sign #3: She attempts to makes you jealous by mentioning other guys
Just like with the last sign, this too is a dead giveaway that she still wants you. If she didn’t then she wouldn’t be going through the trouble to get a reaction out of you. She’d move on with her life without caring what you think of her (or any of her newfound “friends”).
However, many men seem to consider this a warning of worse to come. Don’t fall into this trap, and above all, don’t attempt to “get even”. Instead, keep your cool about the situation. It will only make her try harder to get you to react. And that’s exactly what you’re looking for if you want to win her back.
Sign #4: She gets furious when you blow her off
Are you starting to see a pattern here? Even a reaction such as anger should keep your hopes alive. It’s indifference that should cause you panic. But again, do not abuse this fact - it will come back to bite you in the…
Whenever you make plans (to call, meet, etc.) - keep them. If you don’t, sooner than later the tables will turn and it will be she that’s blowing you off. And if you need some space and can’t be in contact with her, politely tell her next time you see her. Don’t ignore her altogether.
Sign #5: She constantly calls, texts, or Emails “just to see how you’re doing”
It’s natural for your ex girlfriend to be concerned about your well-being after a breakup. But there’s a fine line between concern and downright desire to keep you in her daily life.
You see, if she was truly over you she wouldn’t feel the need to keep you so close… even if she considers you her best friend. Instead, she’d go looking elsewhere to fill the void this breakup has left her with.
However, you must tread softly with this sign and act accordingly. I know it’s nice to hear her voice on a daily basis but the last thing you want to do is go from being a temporary ex-boyfriend to a permanent friend. Keep a healthy distance in this situation.
Sign #6: She avoids tying up “loose ends”
For example, she keeps all of her belongings at your place and constantly puts off getting them back. Likewise, she stops by ever so often to pick up a few things at a time (even though she could have gotten them all in one trip).
Do you know why she does this? She’s not ready to let you go. By keeping her stuff in your possession and getting them a little a time, she has the perfect excuse to meet you on a regular basis.
So there they are: 6 signs she’s still interested, or better yet, 6 signs you can win her back. And again, if your ex is showing even one… rest assured that the window of opportunity to be with her again is still wide open. All you need to do is handle the situation with tact and you should be well on your way to saving your relationship.
And if you need more help in this matter,
to read a special report that gives you a deceptively simple (yet highly effective) plan to .
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