you tube清删除cookie的方法是能播放吗

Creating You Tube video clips | LinkedIn
Have something to say? Join LinkedIn for free to participate in the conversation.When you join, you can comment and post your own discussions.Creating You Tube video clipsI developed three short You Tube videos recently. What fun! In one, I discuss memoir, life review, and my new book Songs of the Inner Life. In the other two, I discuss A New Wrinkle, our musical revue on aging and share snippets from some of its songs. I plan to make a few more clips soon--it seems to be an easy, enjoyable way to introduce myself and my work in positive aging. They are posted on the Sage's Play website and you can take a look at them there if you like.&Songs of the Inner Life: The Healing Power of Memoir and Life Review A New Wrinkle: Let's shift the paradigm on aging The Silver Tsunami-- a song from A New Wrinkle Watch a video: Gaea Yudron and Craig Comstock talk about...Are you sure you want to leave this group? CancelYou Tube 下載軟體-You Tube Downloader
Dr. computer
You Tube 應該是目前電腦族耳熟能詳的網路影音服務網站,大家應該都有上過You
You Tube Downloader --- You Tube
2. 進入下載網頁後,點擊網頁中的"Download Now"。(如下圖紅色框框)
3. 安裝:雙擊下載完成後的檔案進行安裝。(如下圖紅色框框)
4. 勾除安裝"Install Searchme Toolbar"。完成安裝後回於桌面自動產生捷徑圖示。(如下圖紅色框框步驟)
5. 開始使用 : 雙擊於桌面上的程式捷徑圖示來執行本程式。
6. 複製影片網址 : 在你想要複製的影片上按滑鼠"右鍵">>點選"複製連結網址"。(如下圖紅色框框步驟)
7. 複製並儲存影片 :& 將複製的網址列貼上&&單擊 & OK & , 完成影片的複製 。
8. 開啟以存儲完成的影片 : 因為影片的格式是 .flv ,目前我們使用KM Player來開啟影片檔。
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