amd phenom ii x4 955好还是Intel i3 好?

热门DIY配件产品: |
& AMD 羿龙II X2 550(盒)与Intel 酷睿i3 3220(盒)哪个好
Turbo Boost技术
Turbo Boost技术
共 28 张图片,
共 7 张图片,
优点:1,主频是比较高的 3.1
现在这个价格不如够买720 710合算.
优点:1 L3 6M L1 L2 也不低
2 3.1ZHG 绝对不低。【超频空间小】
3 AMDX2 里唯一 一个能拿得出手与E8400想比的U
4 搭配790主板能开4核【开4核基本是虚拟4核】对于开一个大型游戏性能无任何提升。
缺点:1 价格过高【肯定会降】
2 45NM 80多WW 功耗太大【与3.1ZHG成正比哈】
3 散热估计很一般
4 开4核是真的但开一个大型游戏根本没用处AMD的一种蒙骗手段而已。
总结:游戏性能于E8400 奇虎相当
开4核。是用790主板芯片虚拟4核心 对于多进程当然有很大用处,对于 开一个高配游戏 根本没用。
开100 个玩一个游戏 还是一样的。
总之 L3 6MB 不是吹的。
缺点:双核的 性能有限
优点:还可以速度干干的、呵呵CPU自带的风扇够用温度很稳定在32。主频3.3GHZ 玩战地3无压力 比AMD的四核稳定。配上B75或者H61 绝对超值 !!
缺点:不送硅脂 核显不给力
总结:性价比还是很高的 很适合大多数的主流玩家
AMD 羿龙II X2 550(
Intel 酷睿i3 3220(
产品对比 产品对比AMD羿龙955.965和英特尔酷睿i3 3220哪个好_百度知道
AMD羿龙955.965和英特尔酷睿i3 3220哪个好
性能在I3之上&nbsp://" esrc="是750好像965才500多&nbsp./zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=db2b16d52df5e0feee4d/359b033b5bb5c9ea3efa1a2fd539bf4.本人也是用的965&;以上本人自己观点不喜&nbsp://如果楼主追求高性价比的话建议/zhidao/pic/item/359b033b5bb5c9ea3efa1a2fd539bf4.3220&nbsp://d.hiphotos.jpg" />
羿龙965鲁大师得分3623,i3 3220鲁大师得分是3769
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====请选择类别====◎显示设备 触摸屏 液晶显示器 平板电视 等离子电视 投影机 电子白板 投影灯泡 投影展台 投影幕布 液晶广告机 LED显示屏 大屏幕显示墙 激光笔 视频编辑设备 视频压缩设备 其他视频设备 显示设备配件 触摸一体机 3D眼镜 多屏显示 CRT显示器 背投电视◎新科技 无人机◎DIY配件 主板 显卡 CPU 内存 硬盘 SSD固态硬盘 刻录机/光驱 机箱 电源 散热器 鼠标 键盘 键鼠套装 音箱 声卡/扩展卡 专业显卡 工业电子盘 连接线转接卡◎手机通讯 手机 蓝牙耳机(废) 蓝牙适配器 电子地图 对讲机 手机充电器 手机电池 充电器/数据线 手机耳机 手机其他配件 无线通信 电话机 网络电话 卫星电话 车载配件 苹果配件◎照像摄影 数码相机 摄像机 镜头 存储卡 读卡器 相机包 摄影箱 闪光灯/手柄 滤镜 遮光罩 镜头盖 三脚架/云台 充电器 电池 单反手柄 数码伴侣 摄影周边 DV摄像带 拍立得 数码后背 胶片胶卷 双筒望远镜 单筒望远镜 天文望远镜 激光测距仪 红外夜视仪 显微镜◎整机 笔记本 台式机 上网本 工作站 瘦客户机 准系统 工控设备 小型机 电脑终端机 一体电脑 平板电脑◎时尚数码 MP5播放器 MP3 MP4 录音笔 耳机 耳机放大器 麦克风 音频线材 数码周边产品 多媒体硬盘 U盘 移动硬盘 数码相框 电子词典 点读机 电子书 掌上电脑 摄像头 移动电源 掌上数字电视 计算器 USB Hub MID◎办公外设 书写白板 身份证阅读器 激光打印机 喷墨打印机 一体机 复合复印机 一体化速印机 绘图仪 传真机 扫描仪 热升华打印机 条码打印机 针式打印机 标签打印机 票据打印机 证卡打印机 行式打印机 程控交换机 集团电话 电话会议 装订机 碎纸机 收款机 条码/读卡设备 点钞机 考勤门禁 晒图机 光盘拷贝机 中控系统 电子讲台 切纸机 调度机 视频会议 呼叫中心 录音系统 防盗报警 安防监控 光标阅卷机 光盘打印机 叠图机 刻字机 雕刻机 覆膜机 冷裱机 塑封机 销毁设备◎DIY扩展配件 硬盘盒/底座 电视盒 视频采集卡 鼠标垫 手写板 其他装机配件 多媒体遥控器◎笔记本配件 笔记本光驱 笔记本电池 笔记本电源 笔记本包 笔记本周边◎办公耗材 墨水 墨盒 硒鼓 墨粉 色带 连供系统 热升华耗材 光盘片 打印纸◎网络设备 下载器 负载均衡 应用防火墙 无线上网卡 无线网卡 无线AP 无线局域网 路由器 交换机 防火墙 VPN设备 网络摄像机 UPS ADSL XDSL 网卡 集线器 转换器 收发器 网络模块 频宽管理器 多用户卡 打印服务器 VoIP网关 物理安全隔离 入侵检测防御 防毒/邮件过滤 网络延长设备 MODEM 天馈系统 电力线设备 上网行为管理◎服务器存储 功能服务器 服务器 服务器CPU 服务器内存 服务器硬盘 服务器主板 服务器电源 服务器网卡 服务器其他配件 SAN网络存储 NAS网络存储 IP网络存储 磁盘阵列 阵列卡 磁带机 磁带库 KVM切换器 矩阵切换器 工控主板 小型机配件◎高清设备 高清播放器 视频线材 机顶盒◎游戏机 掌上游戏机 游戏机 手柄 方向盘 游戏光枪 游戏摇杆 屏幕贴膜 游戏机包/盒 游戏机套 游戏机耳机 游戏机电池 游戏机充电器 游戏机线材 游戏机散热器 游戏周边 游戏机软件 烧录卡 跳舞毯 航模 车模 航模配件◎机房布线 测试仪 综合布线设备 电缆/双绞线 光纤设备 光纤线缆 精密空调 网络机柜 电源分配器 防雷产品 防静电地板 光端机 无线安全◎家电 除湿/干衣机 影碟机 普通电视 冰柜 冷藏柜 家庭影院 迷你音响 点歌系统◎厨卫家电 抽油烟机 排气换气扇 微波炉 多士炉 电磁炉 电火锅 电蒸锅 电烧烤炉 豆浆机 洗碗机 料理/榨汁机 食品加工机 果蔬解毒机 冷热箱 消毒柜/洗碗机 电热水器 燃气热水器 中央热水器 太阳能热水器 浴霸◎小家电 电风扇 冷风扇 吸尘器 空气净化器 电吹风 剃/脱毛器 美发器 复读机 收录/音机 电子钟表 护眼台灯 手电筒 电子灭蚊器 节能灯 电源插座 吸顶灯◎音频设备 AV音箱 HIFI音箱 音响功放 CD机 音频解码器 专业调音台 监听音箱 扩音系统 音频周边◎个人护理 血压计 体温计 助听器 计步器/脂肪检测仪 电动牙刷 健康秤/厨房秤 血糖仪 按摩椅 按摩器 跑步机 健身器◎软件类 操作系统 杀毒软件 图像处理 3D/辅助设计 办公软件 行业办公软件 财务管理软件 开发工具软件 网络开发软件 实用工具软件 排版软件 翻译软件 通讯软件 多媒体软件 数据库软件 网管及备份软件 邮件服务器软件 双机容错与集群◎汽车报价 汽车
Intel酷睿 i3 550(散)和AMD羿龙四核 9650(散)&细节对比 (共19次投票)
Intel酷睿 i3 550(散)和AMD羿龙四核 9650(散)参数对比 产品型号名称相同参数,本行底色为橘色参考价格:参考价格:
&&Copyright &
PCPOP, All Rights Reserved 泡泡网 版权所有AMD Phenom II N870 vs Intel Core i3-520
Mini Review
AMD Phenom II N870 advantages
3DNow! instructions are avaialable on this microprocessor. While the 3DNow! technology may improve performance of certain old games, it is now obsolete, and it is no longer used in modern programs.
Intel Core i3-520 advantages
Pictureis notavailable
The CPU performs 56% faster when running single-threaded tasks.
Multi-threaded performance of the Core i3-520 is better.
In memory-intensive applications, the processor has 23% higher performance.
SSSE3, SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 instructions are enabled on this CPU.
Besides 2 CPU cores, the i3-520 includes HD (Nehalem) Graphics Processing Unit. This graphics is not powerful enough to play latest games at full resolution, but it can be used for casual gaming and 3D apps.
N870 vs i3-520 performance comparison
The charts in the section below show relative performance of Phenom II N870 and Core i3-520 microprocessors in a few different kinds of tasks. The results in the charts are based on a number of benchmarks, that you can view in the "Benchmarks" tab. As such, the shown results may differ from results, that you may receive in individual tests. We also averaged the numbers for task type specific benchmarks and all-around performance benchmarks, and displayed them in the 'Overall performance' chart.
Single-threaded performance
Higher is better
Multi-threaded performance
Higher is better
Memory-intensive applications
Higher is better
Overall performance
Higher is better
& - AMD Phenom II N870 & & & - Intel Core i3-520
Complete list of benchmarks, that demonstrate difference in performance between AMD Phenom II N870 and Intel i3-520 in various types of programs, can be seen in the "Benchmarks" tab.
Pros and Cons summary
Phenom II N870&Core i3-520
General recommendations: None
General recommendations: Faster in all application types, Supports SSE4.1 / SSE4.2 instructions, Comes with HD (Nehalem) GPU
Drawbacks: Not as fast in general, Lacks some instructions, No integrated GPU
Drawbacks: None
Similar processors
Phenom II N870&Core i3-520
Similar processors use the same socket and architecture as N870 and i3-520, however their performance and other specs are slightly different.
More comparisonsCompare AMD Phenom II N870 with...
Other Core i3 CPU:
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Intel Core i3-2125
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Intel Core i3-3115C
Intel Core i3-3210
Intel Core i3-3220T
Intel Core i3-3220
Intel Core i3-3225
Intel Core i3-3240T
Intel Core i3-3240
Intel Core i3-3245
Intel Core i3-3250T
Intel Core i3-3250
Intel Core i3-4130T
Intel Core i3-4130
Intel Core i3-4150T
Intel Core i3-4150
Intel Core i3-4160T
Intel Core i3-4160
Intel Core i3-4170T
Intel Core i3-4170
Intel Core i3-4330TE
Intel Core i3-4330T
Intel Core i3-4330
Intel Core i3-4340TE
Intel Core i3-4340
Intel Core i3-4350T
Intel Core i3-4350
Intel Core i3-4360T
Intel Core i3-4360
Intel Core i3-4370T
Intel Core i3-4370
Intel Core i3-530
Intel Core i3-540
Intel Core i3-550
Intel Core i3-560
Compare Intel Core i3-520 with...
Other Phenom II Triple-Core Mobile CPU:
AMD Phenom II N830
AMD Phenom II N850
AMD Phenom II P820
AMD Phenom II P840
AMD Phenom II P860
Note: To see differences with any CPU, type in
any combination of the following into the "Any CPU" field: manufacturer name,
full or partial family name, model number, part number, core name,
socket name, operating frequency, bus speed (must have FSB suffix),
and the last level cache. Here are some valid searches:
& i5-3570K
& Intel Celeron 2 GHz
& Pentium 4 800FSB
& AMD 3.3GHz 8MB
Please visit
pages for more detailed specifications of both microprocessors.
&AMD Phenom II N870Intel Core i3-520
&Engineering sample
Market segmentMobileDesktop
Basic details
Model numberN870i3-520
CPU part numberHMN870DCR32GMCMAB
Introduction dateJanuary 4, 2011 (estimated)
CPU features
Core nameChamplainClarkdale
Platform nameDanube&
Technology (micron)0.0450.032
Data width (bits)64
Frequency (MHz)23002800
Bus speed (MHz)1800 (HT/QPI)&
Clock Multiplier11.5&
L1 cache192 KB (code) / 192 KB (data)64 KB (code) / 64 KB (data)
L2 cache (KB)1536512
L3 cache (KB)&4096
TDP (Watt)35&
Instruction set extensions
AMD64 / EM64T 64-bit technology+
SSSE3 / Supplemental SSE3-+
Supported technologies
PowerNow! / Enhanced SpeedStep+
Virus Protection / Execute Disable bit+
Integrated Graphics
GPU TypeNoneHD (Nehalem)
Integrated Memory Controller(s)
The number of controllers1
Memory channels2
Supported memoryDDR3-1333, DDR3L-1066DDR3
Rows with different specifications or features are highlighted.
For detailed specifications of "AMD Phenom II N870" or "Intel Core i3-520" parts please click on the links in the table header.
System setup
Below is a complete set of AMD Phenom II N870 and Intel Core i3-520 benchmarks from our CPU benchmark database.
The former processor was tested on Dell 0THJX5 motherboard with 2 GB dual-channel DDR3-1333 memory, and Integrated Radeon Mobility HD MHz core).
The latter processor was tested on ASUS P7P55D motherboard, that had 2 GB dual-channel Corsair TR3X3G1600C9 DDR3 memory, and Powercolor 24PRO256M DDR2 (ATI Radeon HD2400) graphics.
All tests were performed at default frequency and voltage, using manufacturer's stock fan/heatsink. None of the components were overclocked. Motherboard BIOS options were left at default settings.
The results of all benchmarks are broken into four categories: multi-threaded, single-threaded, memory intensive and graphics / gaming.
Phenom II N870 vs Intel Core i3-520 single-threaded benchmarks
Single-threaded benchmarks run on a single CPU core, and do not depend
on such features as the number of cores, or Hyper-Threading
technology. Additionally, they do not utilize on-chip caches,
dedicated to other cores.
& AMD Phenom II N870 & & &
& Intel Core i3-520
3DMark03 CPU score benchmark
Uses DirectX software vertex shader to run Wings of Fury and Trolls'
Lair games, and calculates a 3DMark03 CPU score based on averaged
number of frames per second, achieved by the CPU/GPU combination.
CINEBENCH R10 CPU score (1 core) benchmark
Measures performance of a single-core rendering of a photo-realistic
3D image using CINEMA 4D software engine.
FLAC encoding - single process benchmark
Reports the number of songs, converted by a single CPU core from WAV to
FLAC format using the best possible compression.
H.264 video encoding - single process benchmark
Measures the number of frames, converted by one CPU thread from MPEG2
format to H.264 format using high quality settings.
LAME MP3 encoding - single process benchmark
Reports the number of MP3 songs, encoded by one CPU core per one minute.
& AMD Phenom II N870 & & &
& Intel Core i3-520
PCMark2002 CPU score benchmark
Measures integer and floating-point performance of a single CPU core
by running 6 different algorithms, and calculates a weighted score
based on the results.
Super PI (1M) benchmark
Measures time, required to calculate the first 1 million digits
after the decimal point in the number Pi.
XVid video encoding - single process benchmark
Reports how many frames per second can be transcoded by a single CPU core from MPEG2 to XVid (MPEG4) format, utilizing single-pass conversion method.
Phenom II N870 vs Intel Core i3-520 multi-threaded benchmarks
Multi-threaded benchmarks utilize all CPU cores and other on-chip
resources (on-chip caches, internal buffers, etc). Intel's
Hyper-Threading feature also helps to improve multi-threading
& AMD Phenom II N870 & & &
& Intel Core i3-520
Apache web server - dynamic pages benchmark
Shows an average number of dynamic HTML pages served per second by
local instance of Apache 1.3.41 web server. The test has much greater
error margin than other tests.
Apache web server - static pages benchmark
Shows an average number of very simple static HTML pages served per
second by local Apache 1.3.41 web server. The test has much greater
error margin than other tests.
Blowfish encryption benchmark
Reports encryption speed of pre-defined 32KB text block. The data is
encrypted using Blowfish algorithm.
CINEBENCH R10 CPU score benchmark
Measures performance of multi-core rendering of a photo-realistic 3D
image using CINEMA 4D software engine.
CINEBENCH R10 render time (seconds) benchmark
Measures time taken to render a photo-realistic 3D image using CINEMA
4D software engine.
& AMD Phenom II N870 & & &
& Intel Core i3-520
CrystalMark ALU benchmark
Runs Fibonacci, Napierian, Eratosthenes and QuickSort integer
performance tests on all CPU cores, and reports the sum of results.
CrystalMark FPU benchmark
Executes MikoFPU, RandMeanSS, FFT and Mandelbrot FPU-dependent tests
using all CPU cores, and reports the sum of results.
Euler3D benchmark
Solves specific computational fluid dynamics problem, and
reports a CFD cycle frequency in Hertz.
FLAC encoding - multiple processes benchmark
Reports the number of songs, converted from WAV to FLAC
format by all CPU cores using the best possible compression.
Fritz Chess Benchmark benchmark
Measures CPU speed by evaluating chess board positions using
Deep Fritz 12 engine.
& AMD Phenom II N870 & & &
& Intel Core i3-520
H.264 video encoding - multiple processes benchmark
Measures the number of frames, converted by all logical processors
from MPEG2 format to H.264 format using single-pass method and high quality settings.
H.264 video encoding - multithreaded benchmark
Measures the number of frames, converted by all logical processors
from MPEG2 format to H.264 format using multi-threading system calls,
dual-pass method and high quality settings.
LAME MP3 encoding - multiple processes benchmark
Reports the number of MP3 songs, encoded by all CPU cores per one minute.
MySQL 5.0.27 - selecting data benchmark
Shows the number of SQL requests per second served by MySQL server
v5.0.27, running on the same computer. This test does not scale beyond
6 CPU cores.
Sandra Dhrystone (MIPS) benchmark
Runs Dhrystone test on all cores, and reports estimated integer
performance in MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second).
& AMD Phenom II N870 & & &
& Intel Core i3-520
Sandra MultiMedia Floating Point (it/s) benchmark
Sandra MultiMedia Integer (it/s) benchmark
Sandra Whetstone (MFLOPS) benchmark
Runs Whetstone test on all cores, and reports estimated floating-point
performance in MFLOPS (Millions of Floating-Point Operations Per Second).
Sandra Whetstone SSE2 (MFLOPS) benchmark
Runs SSE2-enabled Whetstone test on all cores, and reports estimated
floating-point performance in MFLOPS (Millions of Floating-Point
Operations Per Second).
XVid video encoding - multiple processes benchmark
Reports how many frames per second can be transcoded by all CPU cores
from MPEG2 to XVid (MPEG4) format, utilizing single-pass conversion
& AMD Phenom II N870 & & &
& Intel Core i3-520
wPrime v1.55 (32M) benchmark
wPrime benchmark measures time taken to calculate square roots of
numbers from 1 to .
Phenom II N870 vs Intel Core i3-520 graphics benchmarks
Graphics benchmarks depend on the type of integrated or discrete
graphics adapter, and to less extent on the processor performance.
Because these benchmarks are synthetic, they may not truly represent
gaming performance. However, they still can be used to estimate whether
one processor will perform faster or slower than another CPU
in games and other 3D tasks.
Important! The processors were tested using different types of graphics adapters, that may not be suitable for comparison.
& AMD Phenom II N870 & & &
& Intel Core i3-520
3DMark03 game score benchmark
Measures graphics and 3D game performance of discrete and integrated
GPUs using 4 different game simulations, that have varying level of
DirectX support from version 7 to version 9.
3DMark2001 score benchmark
Runs a series of game simulations and feature tests to measure graphics
and 3D game performance of discrete and integrated GPUs. It utilizes a
single CPU core, and it is compatible with DirectX 8 and later APIs.
CINEBENCH R10 OpenGL score benchmark
Phenom II N870 vs Intel Core i3-520 memory performance
Memory-intensive tests or programs move large amounts of data to/from
memory, and they depend more on memory throughput and the size of
on-chip caches, rather than on CPU integer/FP/SIMD performance.
& AMD Phenom II N870 & & &
& Intel Core i3-520
7Zip compressing/decompressing speed (1 thread) benchmark
CrystalMark Memory benchmark
Evaluates Read, Write, Read/Write and Cache memory bandwidth score.
The final result is the sum of measured results.
PCMark2002 Memory score benchmark
Measures performance of read, write and modify operations in main
system and video memory.
WinRAR compressing/decompressing speed benchmark
The table below compares two random CPUID records for AMD Phenom II N870 and Intel Core i3-520
microprocessors, that were submitted to our CPUID database.
Please note that different steppings of Intel processors, identified
by S-spec numbers or CPUID,
may have slightly different features. For
that reason
the comparison table below only applies to CPUs with
specific S-Spec number / CPUID.
CPU FamilyPhenom II Triple-Core MobileCore i3
Model / Processor NumberN870i3-520
Frequency2005 MHz2808 MHz
CWID version0.4
Part number (supplied)HMN870DCR32GMCMAB
Part number (guessed)HMN870DCR32GMCMAB
S-Spec / Stepping CodeNADIC AD 1039EPMQ2T9
General information
Processor name (BIOS)AMD Phenom(tm) II N870 Triple-Core ProcessorGenuine Intel(R) CPU
Logical processors34
Processor typeOriginal OEM Processor
Core steppingBL-C3&
CPUID signature100F5320651
Family16 (010h) 6 (06h)
Model 5 (05h)37 (025h)
Stepping 3 (03h) 1 (01h)
SocketS1g3 / S1g4&
TLB/Cache details&64-byte Prefetching
Data TLB0: 2-MB or 4-MB pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries
Data TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
Instruction TLB: 2-MB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 7 entries
Instruction TLB: 4-KB pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
Shared 2nd-level TLB: 4 KB pages, 4-way set associative, 512 entries
L1 data: Associativity2-way set associative8-way set associative
L1 data: Comments&Direct-mapped
L1 data: Line size64 bytes
L1 data: Lines per tag1&
L1 data: Size3 x 64 KB2 x 32 KB
L1 instruction: Associativity2-way set associative4-way set associative
L1 instruction: Comments&Direct-mapped
L1 instruction: Line size64 bytes
L1 instruction: Lines per tag1&
L1 instruction: Size3 x 64 KB2 x 32 KB
L2: Associativity16-way set associative8-way set associative
L2: Comments&Non-inclusive|Direct-mapped
L2: Line size64 bytes
L2: Lines per tag1&
L2: Size3 x 512 KB2 x 256 KB
L3: Associativity&16-way set associative
L3: Comments&Inclusive|Direct-mapped|Shared between all cores
L3: Line size&64 bytes
L3: Size&4 MB
Instruction set extensions
AMD extensions to MMX+-
Extensions to 3DNow!+-
Additional instructions
Advanced Bit manipulation+-
SKINIT/STGI support+-
Major features
64-bit / Intel 64+
Enhanced SpeedStep-+
Hyper-Threading Technology-+
Intel Virtualization-+
NX bit/XD-bit+
On-chip Floating Point Unit+
PowerNow! / Cool'n'Quiet+-
Secure Virtual Machine (Virtualization)+-
Other features
1 GB large page support+-
100MHz multiplier control+-
128-bit SSE instructions+-
36-bit page-size extensions+
64-bit debug store-+
Advanced programmable interrupt controller+
CPL qualified debug store-+
Core multi-processing legacy mode+-
Debug store-+
Debugging extensions+
Digital Thermal Sensor capability-+
Extended APIC space+-
FXSAVE/FXRSTOR optimizations+-
Hardware P-state control+-
Hardware thermal control+-
Instruction based sampling+-
LAHF/SAHF support in 64-bit mode+
LBR virtualization+-
LOCK MOV CR0 means MOV CR8+-
Machine check architecture+
Machine check exception+
Memory-type range registers+
Misaligned SSE mode+-
Model-specific registers+
Nested page tables+-
OS visible workaround+-
Page attribute table+
Page global extension+
Page-size extensions (4MB pages)+
Pending break enable-+
Perfmon and Debug capability-+
Physical address extensions+
Process context identifiers-+
SVM lock+-
Software thermal control+-
Support for NRIP save+-
TSC rate is ensured to be invariant across all states+
Temperature sensor+-
Thermal monitor-+
Thermal monitor 2-+
Thermal monitor and software controlled clock facilities-+
Time stamp counter+
Virtual 8086-mode enhancements+
Watchdog timer support+-
xTPR Update Control-+
+ - feature is supported
- - feature is not supported
Features, not supported by all processors in the table, are not displayed
Please post all comments on the
(c) Copyright 2003 - 2010 Gennadiy Shvets


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