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> empires&allies怎么玩 E&A玩法问题
empires&allies怎么玩 E&A玩法问题
作者:AH桑 来源:网络发布时间:日 11:25:27点击:823
  Empires & Allies是一款经典移植到手游平台的军事战略游戏,玩家可以在游戏中体验到各种现代化的武器,如坦克、无人机、直升机等大型武器,并且进行世界战争,将世界从邪恶恐怖组织全球革命军的魔爪中拯救出来捍卫你的领土不受其他国家攻击。与此同时,玩家还可以加入联盟强化防御并增强攻击作战单位。通过不断的发展和扩大,甚至可以征服世界。近期玩家们关于Empires & Allies怎么玩有很多的疑问,下面小编就来为大家一一解答。
  问1:Empires & Allies的游戏方式是Cityville + 战斗吗?
  答:从第一印象来说,E&A的确很像CV,接触一段时间之后明显感觉跟CV的区别还是很大的。首先道路在E&A里面完全作为摆设,没有任何的实际意义,而CV里面建设道路是玩家收租开店的前提。E&A里面没有CV里面那些满地图跑的居民。E&A里面任何建筑想要建成只需要三步。由此看来Empires & Allies游戏重心跟建设的关系非常小,只有那些不参与PVP世界大战的玩家,才会去经营建设。
  问2:Empires & Allies能否超越Cityville?
  以上就是小编为大家带来的Empires & Allies玩法问答,对你有帮助吗?更多精彩,尽在巴士手游!
 ICP:皖B2- 皖公网安备05
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Buy Space Empires V
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Buy Space Empires IV and V Pack
Includes 2 items:
Space Empires IV Deluxe, Space Empires V
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About This Game
Space Empires V is the latest edition in the Space Empires series. This new chapter completely updates the UI and takes the player into a real-time rendered 3D universe. Watch space battles played out in glorious detail and realistic effects. Expand, Explore, Exploit, and Exterminate in a huge living breathing galaxy. New features abound with political alliances between multiple empires, a top-down ship design system, a hexagonal movement grid, and many more. Due to player demand, the game is completely 'moddable' and even adds a scriptable AI system to the mix. Space Empires V boldly takes the next step in the genre of space strategy
24 bit 3D real-time rendered graphics.
Detailed Tactical Combat (and a combat simulator to test your designs!).
New vehicle types and sizes: Ships, Bases, Freighters, Fighters, Mines, Satellites, Troops, Drones, and Weapons Platforms.
Ability to completely design and customize all of your vehicles.
Large Galaxy: 100 solar systems with 15 planets each.
Huge Technology Tree: Thousands of tech levels with hundreds of components and facilities.
Completely customizable game graphics: Create your own planets, stars, vehicles, etc.
Completely customizable AI players: Create your own AI players with unique traits, styles, and speech.
14 unique races to play or customize (or just create your own!)
Randomly generated map for every game (or load an existing map).
Complete game customization allowed by players (&mods&).
System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements: Pentium 500MHz or better class machine, Windows XP, 64 megabytes RAM or better,
or better screen resolution, 16 bit color display or better, DirectX 7.0 (or better), A video card with 3D acceleration, 500 megs hard drive space, A sound card capable of supporting MP3 and DirectSound playback. Sound card must be DirectX 7.0 (or better) compatible.
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21.4 hrs on record
I bought this game just to leave this review. I may not have much on Steam, at the post of this review. However I have a CD copy and I have spent at least 7000 hours in this over the span of 8 years. There has never been a game to match this one's scale. It does have a steep learning curve, however it's completely rewarding once you master the games interface.Here is a guide listed to get the game to run on modern Windows. Also, one should also pick up Balance Mod. For better AI, and well. Balance to the game.There are other reviews that are much better, with a much better description than this one. However this game is amazing in scope.
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88.4 hrs on record
Most amazing 4x strategy game I have ever played! It just sucks that its unfinished, there are tons of bugs, and that it takes forever to do anything after turn 35.
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244.1 hrs on record
Yeah... You can spawn a Black Hole on an opponent's homeworld and build Dyson Spheres. 'Nuff said 10/10.
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61.7 hrs on record
Run's amazing, 50+ FPS on Windows 8 go to SE5 folder/data/HUDSettings and edit Width and Height. When you run SE5, click Setup and change Display Drive to your graphics cards, Video mode to Windowed, Video memory usage to Safe. (Graphics and Background left on H)).Nvidia Settings for SE5 executable Manage 3D settings, Program Settings:Maximum pre-rendered frames: 1Power management mode: Prefer Maximum PerformanceTriple buffering: OnVertical sync: OnDunno how much of the above is necissary or if it actually did anything, but the above is what I cobbled together from over the interwebs to get good fps.AND DO NOT FORGET TO D/L BALANCE MOD!Also, toss in some shipsets and spice it up.
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70.0 hrs on record
This game is best played with a mod (eg. Balance mod). The game is designed to be easily moddable, ie. all techs/facilities/components etc. are in text files. Different mods really increase the reply value eg. the tech tree is different in each mod.You design every class of ship your race uses in game so there are no generic ships. AI is a bit weak, though some mods improve upon it. Against human opponents this game really shows its depth. To play by web see
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Title: Space Empires V
Release Date: 16 Oct, 2006
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Share:& & &Empires & Allies
  Empires & Allies是一款全新的军事战略游戏,游戏中玩家可以体验到各种现代化的武器,如坦克、无人机、直升机等大型武器,并且进行世界战争,将世界从邪恶恐怖组织全球革命军的魔爪中拯救出来捍卫你的领土不受其他国家攻击。通过不断的发展和扩大,进而可以征服世界。玩家还可以加入联盟强化防御并增强攻击作战单位。
empiresallies是已有4年历史的旧金山公司Zynga在6月1日放出的第一款hardcore的Social Game,这款游戏在类似City Ville的基础上,增加了副本的概念,同时并未改变轻松的游...
Empires Allies是一款经典移植到手游平台的军事战略游戏,玩家可以在游戏中体验到各种现代化的武器,如坦克、无人机、直升机等大型武器,并且进行世界战争,...
 ICP:皖B2- 皖公网安备05
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