
请你给《中国日报》写一份稿件,谈谈目前各大城市由于汽车保有量的不断增长,造成交通堵塞,交通事故直线上升,城市空气质量下降等多个问题,并提出你个人的解决问题的办法(如绿色出行,拼车等),希望市民能共同努力,创造一个良好的生活环境。要求: 1: 不要逐字逐句翻译。2:语句要连贯通顺。3:字数在120左右。
Cars do really bring convenience. Distance is no longer a big problem for journey with the invention.
As the government encourages the Automobile industry, the number of cars in most cities has been increasing for several years. According to a data from the police, in Shanghai nearly every three persons own a car. As a result, traffic jam has become a severe problem in those major cities, especially when people are on the way to or back from work. This has directly and strongly affected people’s daily life and work. Meanwhile, the traffic accidents have caught people’s eyes. And what is even worse, along with the accidents come the pollution and noise. Actually, living in a green way is practical. Either taking a bus or subway or carpooling is a good way to reduce the number of cars on the road. Besides, cycling can replace driving if our house is not so far from where we work. It may take a bit longer but saves energy, avoids traffic jam and improves our health. If possible, we can even walk. In one word, solutions are more than problems. City is a place where people gather. To solve a problem can never depend on one person. However difficult the problem may be, it will certainly become easy when we build a shared vision.Powered by


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